Pneumonia without temperature symptoms

Pneumonia: symptoms without fever. Symptoms of Hidden Pneumonia

High temperature is a classic sign of the inflammatory process in the lungs. It signals a serious illness such as pneumonia. Symptoms without fever are rarely taken for its manifestation. It's a pity. After all, they indicate the latent course of the disease.

pneumonia symptoms without fever

Main reasons

Symptoms of latent pneumonia are intense sweating and weakness. Even in the case of minimal loads. What do these signs mean? They signal a weakened immunity. After all, the body does not give a normal response to the inflammatory process. That is why, even in the case of severe lung damage, the body temperature rises slightly, and sometimes remains at a normal level.

At the same time, high sweating and weakness speak of the strongest poisoning. Malicious bacteria are not restrained by immune cells and spread a lot of toxic substances. The excretory system simply does not have time to get rid of them. As a result, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted. And this leads to an even greater oppression of immunity. In the end, the body completely ceases to resist infection.

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Remember, pneumonia without temperature is a sign of impaired immunity. Such a patient needs prompt medical assistance. Because without it, the patient can die.

Symptoms of pneumonia with a cough

The situation is typical for a patient who has had a long cold. The patient's condition improved significantly. The doctor does not observe wheezing in the lungs. There was only a small cough. For example, after a strong bronchitis such a residual phenomenon is considered the norm. However, only if it lasts no more than 2 weeks.

symptoms of latent pneumonia

When is there reason to suspect that pneumonia develops in the body? Symptoms without fever, but with the presence of a cough should be alarmed in the following cases:

  • the presence of general weakness;
  • duration of cough more than 2 weeks;
  • decreased appetite;
  • expectoration of a large amount of sputum or, on the contrary, minimal;
  • shortness of breath, chest at this time asymmetrically expanding;
  • painful discomfort in the lower ribs;
  • strong heat and profuse sweating at any load.

These are the most common signs. These are very serious, characterizing such a disease as pneumonia, symptoms. Temperature of 37 C, and sometimes normal, in combination with the above signs may indicate a latent form of pulmonary tuberculosis.

That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

Hidden pneumonia without coughing

Unfortunately, such a disease is characterized by different forms of manifestation. Is there pneumonia without fever and cough? Symptoms (signs of a hidden ailment) indicate a complete inactivity of the body before an insidious disease.

pneumonia symptoms temperature 37

The following persons are subject to this form of manifestation of the disease:

  • patients with alcoholism;
  • persons who do not have a permanent place of residence;
  • HIV-infected;
  • aged people;
  • weakened children;
  • patients who have a different form of depression of the immune system.

In addition, symptoms of latent pneumonia without a cough can be observed in people who have a busy schedule. Such people, most of whom are office employees, spend a working day in a room depleted of oxygen. In this case, they are often delayed after a day's work. They do not pay attention to malaises of moderate and mild severity. Thus, most of the infections are carried on the legs.

Against the background of the weakening of immunity they develop pneumonia. Symptoms without fever and cough greatly complicate the possibility of correct diagnosis of the disease. But the whole danger lies in the fact that a good standard of living and nutrition gives the body the power to suppress the pathogen independently. At the same time, the connective tissue forms on the site of the former inflammation. As a result, the lungs lose their ability to gas exchange. The patient develops a respiratory failure.

Pneumonia in children

Breasts and newborns are most susceptible to the latent course of pneumonia. This is due to low respiratory activity in the absence of physical exertion. In children, stagnation of fluid in the pleural cavity is observed. In this regard, hard breathing is accepted as the norm of physiology. Meanwhile, pneumonia develops without temperature in children.

is pneumonia without fever and cough symptoms symptoms?

Symptoms of childhood pneumonia are of this nature:

  • the duration of sleep increases;
  • the regime of wakefulness and rest;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • there is a flabbiness of the skin;
  • there are causeless vagaries;
  • there is a violation of breathing;
  • increased sweating;
  • nasolabial triangle turns pale and acquires a bluish tinge.

Undress the baby and carefully look at the chest during breathing. Hidden pneumonia is indicated by uneven movement in this area. One side may lag far behind the other when inhaled.

Possible reasons

Physicians identify several factors that can provoke pneumonia.

Inflammation of the lungs without temperature, causes:

  • Weakened immunity, which does not repel the ailment.
  • Complications after a viral infection.
  • Adapting the body to an antibiotic or antibacterial drug of a certain action.
  • Intracellular pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasma).
symptoms of pneumonia without temperature folk remedies

Correctly diagnose the ailment is capable only of the doctor. After listening to the lungs of a small patient, he can suspect a serious illness. Finally, to make sure of the diagnosis, X-rays can be used. In addition, the baby will be assigned a blood test. This study will determine the causative agent of the disease.

Caution - pneumonia!

In the case of the above described symptoms, the only true solution will be a referral to the therapist. It is recommended to reduce psychological and physical stress. If you suspect pneumonia, symptoms (without temperature) fully indicate it, do not yourself do the following things yourself.

  1. Take medication. Some bacterial infections react to drugs by abrupt reproduction and growth.
  2. Warm the chest. Gorchichniki, banks will only contribute to the spread of infection.
  3. Take antitussive drugs. Blocking the reflex, drugs lead to stagnation of phlegm in the lungs.
  4. To visit baths, saunas. A high temperature will trigger the spread of infection in the lower ways.
  5. To use antipyretic, anesthetizing medicines. Such drugs negatively affect the immune system.
lung inflammation without fever

Home methods

After you discuss with your doctor the symptoms of pneumonia without fever, folk remedies are allowed to be connected as additional fighting measures. Initially, it must be said that no home methods can not defeat this disease on their own.

It is recommended (only after discussion with the doctor) to introduce into the diet: garlic, onion, propolis, honey, elderberry, raspberry, hips. Of course, provided there is no allergy to these products.

Adult patients should stop smoking. The diet should be enriched with carbohydrates, proteins. It is advisable to eat foods containing a large number of vitamins A, B, C.

The patient should drink plenty of clean water. The room should be constantly well ventilated. It is useful to use an air humidifier.

pneumonia without fever in children with symptoms of childhood pneumonia


Never ignore the signals that your body gives you. In fact even about the latent form of a pneumonia he necessarily signals the strongest weakness and the raised sweating. Remember, inflammation of the lungs without temperature is the situation in which an attentive attitude towards health (one's own or loved ones) can save a life.

Pneumonia without temperature

pneumonia without temperature

Hidden pneumonia is characterized by inflammation of a certain proportion of lung tissue, in particular, does not give any indicative symptoms, including fever, chest pain or cough. This is pneumonia without temperature. More often such pathology happens in people with weakened immunity, which was provoked by constant treatment with antibiotics not for the doctor's prescription.

Pneumonia without cough and fever

Consider the main causes of uncharacteristic pneumonia:

  • reception of many different antibiotics in large quantities;
  • absence of coughing is observed in case of taking strong antitussive drugs;
  • antipyretic drugs in the early stages of the disease;
  • addiction to a certain type of medication;
  • violation of the natural process of sputum discharge.

Pneumonia without temperature - symptoms

Patients with latent pneumonia have a pale complexion, as well as red spots on the face. The disease is also accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • breathing is frequent, while the patient feels a constant shortage of air, which can lead to a greater degree of dyspnea;
  • general weakness of the body and rapid fatigue;
  • difficulty in fully inhaling and exhaling, whistling can be heard;
  • pain in the chest during strong turns on the sides;
  • the movement of the lungs during respiration is observed only on one side, that is, either on the right or on the left.

The final and accurate diagnosis can be made only by a doctor, having previously sent the patient to X-ray.

What is the temperature with pneumonia?

Temperature is one of the most important and significant symptoms of pneumonia. As a rule, the body temperature fluctuates around 38 degrees. Accompanied by an unpleasant chill, sweating in a dream and fever. There are cases when the temperature does not rise above 37 degrees, while the patient feels weak. The temperature after and during pneumonia can last about two days with a fluctuation of one degree. Indicators above 39 degrees are considered high and severe, in which case urgent hospitalization and treatment is needed. If the temperature is low, it is allowed at home to take antipyretics, drink plenty of liquid and wipe with vodka. Do not sweat in hot clothes, it is better to dress in something easier and lower the temperature of the body with room air.

Pneumonia without temperature - treatment

Treatment is accompanied by the intake of antibiotics, just like any other inflammatory diseases of the body. But this does not mean that self-medication with any drugs from the pharmacy is allowed. Direct treatment should be done only by a doctor. Few people manage with home remedies as folk medicine. After all, everyone knows that pneumonia is a very serious infectious disease and you do not need to joke with it. The doctor prescribes treatment only after a complete preliminary examination and passing the X-ray. If you have all the signs of pneumonia without temperature, then in this case it is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication.

pneumonia without temperature symptomsIncluding, you can not take hot baths, baths and saunas.

With this diagnosis, a visit to the phthisiatrician is necessary to prevent the decomposition of the lungs with prolonged illness. If at the time of not going to the doctor and assuming that malaise and easy fatigue is from work, then everything can end in a fatal outcome. Therefore at the first suspicious signs it is better to address to the doctor. Do not take antibiotics without the instructions of the treating doctor, because this form of the disease is more than serious compared to pneumonia, accompanied by fever and chills.

Features of the course of pneumonia without temperature

Pneumonia without temperature and special clinical manifestations is characterized by the presence of pathological changes inflammatory character in the lung without an organism response to these changes in the form of hyperthermia, cough and pain in the thoracic cell. This disease occurs in people with reduced immunity or in other cases considered below.

The problem of pneumonia without temperature

Causes of inflammation in the lungs

The source of the pathological process that caused pneumonia is infection.The nature of the course of pneumonia depends entirely on which causative agent is at the heart of the disease, on the presence or absence of concomitant pathology, prior treatment.This is to a greater extent and forms the answer to the frequent question: is there pneumonia without temperature? The asymptomatic course of the disease is more common in severe or weakened patients. For example, in patients after cavitary operations, with the presence of an oncologic process, and also with chemo- or radiotherapy, the presence of HIV infection.

But nevertheless, in most cases pneumonia without temperature occurs with uncontrolled intake of antibacterial drugs. The intake of the latter leads to the destruction of its own microflora in the intestines, which causes the growth of bacteria (which are classified as opportunistic and pathogenic), dysbiosis. The consequence of this is bowel dysfunction, including decreased immunity. Because it is the structural components of the intestine that form the majority of cells of the immune response and antibodies.

Uncontrolled use of drugs - the cause of pneumoniaIn this case, pneumonia without a rise in temperature can occur at any age, which is due to the development of the same conditionally pathogenic microflora. The most severe form of pneumonia occurs in children, because parents, despite the presence of complaints about poor do not change the child's life regimen, continuing to drive them to the garden or school, and this leads to a significant worsening of the condition. And if the process of active inflammation stops on its own, it gradually goes into a chronic stage, causing bronchitis of varying degrees of activity or asthma.

Doctors distinguish the following factors, leading to the emergence of this pathology:

  • uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs;
  • application of antipyretics at any temperature increase;
  • Earned tolerance to a certain group of drugs throughout life;
  • self-administration of potent antitussive drugs;
  • lack of a full-fledged cough reflex.

Therefore, it is necessary to limit the independent reception of not only antibiotics, but also any other medications without consulting a doctor. And if you have a prolonged cold or a usual cough, do not run to the pharmacy, but to the doctor for advice and the appointment of the right treatment or, if necessary, examination, which will help to avoid inflammation lungs.

The course of asymptomatic pneumonia

Weakness in pneumoniaRegardless of the form of pneumonia, its symptoms are:
  • general weakness;
  • apathy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the appearance and buildup of dyspnea.

The temperature rise can also be, but either short-term, or up to 3, -3, º, which does not attract attention and does not cause the assumption of active inflammation.

A single sign is always a cough. His character can be different: from the superficial and dry to rare and with phlegm. Sometimes, coughing can cause chest pain on the side of the inflammation and may be accompanied by sudden shortness of breath. This is due to the difficulty of escaping sputum from the bronchial tree, which can be very dangerous in view of the possibility of both life-threatening complications and a complete disruption of respiratory ways.

In addition, the symptom of pneumonia is the clinic of respiratory failure in the absence of a temperature reaction, this may be the first stage of pulmonary edema.

Symptomatic in this pathology - very meager, but still it is:

Loss of appetite for pneumonia
  • the pallor of the skin is noted;
  • there is shortness of breath, increasing over time (complaints of a lack of air, increasing with any physical exertion);
  • the inability to take a deep breath or exhale (thus there is a cough);
  • pain in the chest with breathing or physical exertion, up to simple body twists;
  • marked general weakness and decreased physical activity;
  • specific manifestations of the disease (change in the auscultatory and percussion picture, examination in this area is the prerogative of the doctor).

In any case, the interpretation of all the symptoms and the appointment of other examinations, the exact diagnosis and recommendations for treatment are only available to a specialist.

Hypostatic pneumonia

The course of pneumonia with a minimum of complaints and symptoms is called hypostatic. This situation is due to the presence of constant blood stagnation in a small circle of circulation. This stasis provides the transition of the liquid part of the blood through the vessel wall into the alveoli and bronchi, which is the cause of the pulmonary edema. This, in turn, facilitates the penetration of bacteria into the lung tissue itself. Against the background of pronounced permeability of lung tissue, weakening of the body's defenses and the presence of the opportunistic flora there is a process of inflammation at the local level, which later progresses in severe pneumonia.

Shortness of breath as a symptom of pneumoniaSuspect pneumonia under these conditions is difficult. This is explained by the absence of any specific symptomatology. But it should be borne in mind that any diseases accompanied by forced long-term bed rest may be complicated by pneumonia. And the underlying disease can hide the symptoms of pneumonia, which is the reason for the neglect of the condition. A significant symptom of the appearance of a pulmonary problem is a cough. Its appearance should always serve as an excuse for additional examination of the chest organs. This will help not miss the onset of the inflammatory process in the lungs and avoid severe and sometimes fatal complications, the most dangerous of which can be lung abscesses and pleural empyema.

Pneumonia can occur without clinical manifestations, it is easily confused with a cold or SARS. But if there is shortness of breath, increasing with any physical exertion, cough with impaired sputum discharge, chest pain when coughing and clinical changes in the form auscultatory attenuation of breathing from the patient side and percussion manifestations of pleural complications, this should be an unambiguous indication to complex treatment and survey. It is better to conduct it in a multidisciplinary hospital.

The most serious is pathology in infants. With pneumonia, the inflammatory process can take place without any signs. The kid, unlike adults, has no opportunity to complain and talk about problems, and parents are not always in a hurry to turn to the doctor. In this case, you need to pay attention to any deviations in the state of the child.


Methods of treatment

Treatment is carried out only when the doctor determines the diagnosis, after agreeing a clinical and radiological picture.

Therapy is based on the intake of antibacterial drugs, the purpose of which is according to the results of sputum culture on the sensitivity to antibiotics.

Self-administration of medications not only makes diagnosis difficult, but also complicates the treatment process, since bacteria can form immunity to the drugs taken. It is necessary to be aware of the seriousness of the situation. Pneumonia is not a cold, it itself will not pass without a trace, and its independent treatment will lead to the formation of chronic pathology, and this at best. The causative agent of pneumonia can have a specific nature (tubercle bacillus). And in this case, self-medication only aggravates the situation and lengthens the period of treatment.


Sometimes the process of diagnosing a tuberculosis lesion lasts for several months, with no signs of active inflammation. And the beginning of treatment without setting a diagnosis, in relation to this situation, can have very serious consequences, including disability and death.

Inflammation of the lungs: symptoms (without temperature). What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

Unfortunately, pneumonia occurs quite often. Respiratory organs are very sensitive to all kinds of infections, bacteria and fungi. Many people often ask the question: "What are the symptoms of pneumonia?" Is it necessary to have a high temperature? Many diseases are latent in nature. Often in a latent form and inflammation of the lungs. Symptoms without temperature significantly complicate the diagnosis.

Pneumonia. Symptoms without fever


Pneumonia is a serious disease of the respiratory system, which affects the lung tissue. This condition can provoke streptococci, staphylococci, other bacteria, chlamydia, legionella, some fungi (eg, candida), influenza viruses, herpes. Infection "settles" is not in the nasopharynx, but falls below, causing inflammation in the lungs. The products of the vital activity of pathogens, which are inherently toxins, poison the body. Special harm is done to the central nervous system, the heart and blood flow organs. Pathogens penetrate the body by airborne droplets. Often, the disease can cause bacteria that inhabit the upper respiratory tract.


What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

In general, pneumonia develops on the background of a weakening of immunity and respiratory diseases. With significant supercooling, the defenses of the body weaken, and harmful microbes penetrate into the lung tissue without much difficulty. In addition, fatigue, improper nutrition, lack of essential vitamins and minerals, stress and strong emotional outbursts also contribute to the development of a disease such as inflammation lungs. Symptoms (without fever or with a significant increase in it), cough should alert the patient. The danger of a latent course of the disease lies in the fact that there is a great risk of all kinds of complications (damage to the central nervous system and the cerebral cortex, decrease in the level of red blood cells in blood) and so on. The mildly flowing disease is not paid special attention, it is not difficult to confuse it with other similar ailments.

Types of pneumonia

Pneumonia can develop as an independent disease (primary), and as a complication after the transferred infectious diseases (secondary). Depending on which area of ​​the lung is affected, the following types are distinguished: focal, segmental, lobar, draining, total pneumonia. In the first type, a small area of ​​the lung tissue becomes inflamed. Segmental affects several segments, and the share can spread even to the whole organ. With drain inflammation, small areas merge into one large one. Total pneumonia affects all of the lungs. If the inflammation is present in one lobe, then they say one-sided pneumonia. But if the disease touched both, then bilateral inflammation of the lungs is diagnosed. Symptoms (without temperature and cough, including) can be used to judge the development of SARS. By type of pathogen, the following types can be distinguished: bacterial, parasitic, viral, fungal inflammation of the lungs.

Classic Symptoms of Pneumonia

signs of pneumonia symptoms

The most common is pneumonia as a complication in acute respiratory infections. As an independent disease in infections, it is not so widespread. What are the first symptoms of pneumonia? Cough, which has a permanent character, and over time it becomes stiff, with phlegm. The body temperature is significantly increased, the person is shivering. Paracetamol often does not have any effect. It becomes hard to breathe, an attempt to take a deep breath provokes a fit of coughing. It is worth paying attention to the bluish shade of the skin around the mouth and wings of the nose. If the catarrhal disease does not pass in a week, or the symptoms worsen, the doctor may also suspect pneumonia. Knowing which symptoms of pneumonia most often occur will help in time to consult a doctor. After all, this disease is extremely dangerous, especially in young children.

Pneumonia. Symptoms without fever

Unfortunately, it is widely believed that pneumonia is a disease in which a high fever is required. Her absence misleads people, they do not even suspect that a disease such as pneumonia is already developing. Symptoms without temperature characterize atypical pneumonia. General lethargy, fatigue, headache, nausea - all these signs a person often closes his eyes. In addition, it is possible to suspect pneumonia if breathing becomes severe, there is pain in the chest, dyspnea appears. A cough that does not go away for a long time should be alerted. All this is the main feature. Inflammation of the lungs (the symptoms are often contradictory) requires a complete examination for confirmation of the diagnosis, including X-ray and blood tests to determine level of leukocytes.

The first symptoms of pneumonia

Pneumonia in children

And how does pneumonia develop in children? The disease has its own characteristics. Inflammation of the lungs in infants has the following symptoms: lethargy, anxiety, poor sleep and appetite. Atypical pneumonia is characterized by the fact that the child constantly wants to sleep, he literally falls asleep on the go. He will not perform the usual actions for him, he does not want to play if the inflammation of the lungs develops. Symptoms (without temperature) also include increased sweating, pain in different parts of the body. Children become more capricious during the period of the disease. If there is a suspicion of the usual inflammation of the lungs, Komarovsky's symptoms are as follows: a prolonged cough, high body temperature does not go away after 3-4 days. You can conduct a small test. If more muscle participates in breathing, it is given as it were with difficulty, then the development of pneumonia is possible. To make a diagnosis, you should consult a pediatrician. Obligatory is a blood test, which will determine the level of leukocytes.

Inflammation of the lungs in infants. Symptoms


If an appropriate diagnosis is made, therapy should be started immediately. Atypical pneumonia is well treated with antibiotics, which are selected depending on the type of pathogen. On average, the duration of treatment is approximately 10 days. In addition, the doctor prescribes special cough preparations. They contribute to the dilution of phlegm. Incorrectly selected medications (if the patient decided to prescribe themselves) will only intensify the coughing attacks and make it tough. If there is a high fever, then you can take antipyretic medications alone. Over the course of the illness, a generous warm drink is recommended. If the patient's age is less than 60 years, and there are no accompanying diseases, then therapy can be carried out at home. Indications for hospitalization are the risk of complications, severe form of the disease, age over 60 years. In addition to antibiotic therapy, a specialist can prescribe respiratory gymnastics, vitamin preparations, massage and exercise therapy.

Inflammation of the lungs, symptoms. Komarovsky

Actions that can not be performed with pneumonia

If all signs are found (inflammation of the lungs symptoms are sufficiently characteristic) of this disease, then it is important to remember and what to do absolutely not. First of all, you should not take antibiotics yourself. Only in the case of a complete clinical picture with an established type of pathogen the specialist prescribes the necessary preparations. You can not warm up your chest. A sauna, a sauna and hot tubs are strictly forbidden. Cough medicine is also prescribed only by a doctor. If the body temperature does not exceed the value of 3, ° C, then do not take antipyretic drugs. It is necessary to give the body the opportunity to fight pneumonia on its own. Large physical exertion, lack of bed rest will only exacerbate the course of the disease. Even if hospitalization is not needed, it is not worth bearing the disease on your feet.

Inflammation of the lungs in animals

Inflammation of the lungs in cats. Symptoms

Pneumonia often occurs in animals. It is very important to know that such a condition is a direct threat to the life of the pet. Inflammation of the lungs in cats has symptoms similar to those seen in humans. First of all, a cough develops. In addition, the animal loses its activity, refuses to eat. What symptoms of pneumonia can be observed yet? One of them is high temperature. To confirm the diagnosis, an X-ray examination is performed. Inflammation of the lungs in dogs has the same symptoms. However, often four-legged friends retain their usual activity and lead a seemingly ordinary way of life. When the condition is stable, when the animal is active and has a normal appetite, the therapy is carried out at home. If the cat or dog is passive, badly eats, then before the normalization of the state of treatment occurs in the hospital. Everything, as at people. Sometimes our friends have smaller and critical condition, which requires ventilation. As in the case of humans, treatment of cats and dogs can not do without the use of antibacterial drugs. Additionally, physiotherapy, which helps to separate sputum, is also shown. If the therapy is carried out at home, it is worth paying attention to weather conditions. Unusual walks in wet, rainy weather. It is important to complete the course of taking antibiotics according to the recommendations of the veterinarian.

Symptoms of pneumonia. Can pneumonia start without a fever?



Pneumonia without fever can manifest itself as weakness, shortness of breath when walking, dizziness, chest pain.

You can watch your breathing process. Undress on the waist, stand in front of the mirror and take a few deep breaths. Hold your breath. Exhale sharply. If you have latent pneumonia without temperature, then you will notice that one side of the chest is behind. It moves more slowly and the amplitude of its movements is limited. Can pneumonia flow without temperature? Yes, it is, if it is a latent form of the disease. Its detection and diagnosis requires a huge medical experience and knowledge of the main symptoms. Implications are the fact that pneumonia without temperature is most often not detected and when listening to the surface of the lungs. Experienced doctor with complaints of the patient for a prolonged cough will necessarily use percussion techniques and hear dull sound over the focus of inflammation. This can serve as a signal for the appointment of an X-ray examination of the lungs. What to do to patients who suspect that they have pneumonia without temperature, but the doctor persistently refuses them in additional methods of examination? What to do to those patients who have pneumonia without temperature? They need to take responsibility for their health and defend their rights before an inexperienced doctor.

First of all, insist on giving you a general blood test. If you have pneumonia with no temperature, then a blood test will show it. Most likely, the results of the tests will be a sharp increase in ESR and leukocytosis.

You also have the right to undergo a fluorographic examination without prescribing a doctor. But remember that this is not a completely harmless procedure for your health. So do not abuse it for every incomprehensible cough case.

Another tip. If you doubt the competence of your attending physician, then you have the opportunity to declare the appointment of a medical expert commission. To do this, you must write an application addressed to the head of the therapeutic service of the clinic, where you are observed. In the statement, indicate that you suspect that you have latent pneumonia without fever, and your doctor does not fully examine you.

Sometimes this is enough to get you started properly and properly.

Tatyana Kovtun (Balymova)

can. I had an arecative pneumonia




Maybe not only to start, but also to develop. The main symptom is a cough. Dry, without expectoration, seizures, to myositis.
Health to you!

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