Fungal angina - causes and symptoms in children and adults, diagnosis, therapy and prevention

Causes of fungal angina

The human body is inhabited by a variety of bacteria, fungi and microbes. They perfectly co-exist with each other, without harming the carrier under normal conditions. If the activity of the microflora is disturbed, the pathogen microorganisms multiply. One of these microbes is the causative agent of pharyngicemia. Fungal angina is an infectious disease that occurs when the mucous larynx is affected by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida in symbiosis with other pathological cocci.

Active multiplication of fungal microorganisms begins on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx. The causes of candidal sore throat are the following:

  • formation of immunity in newborns, children under 5 years;
  • disorders in the endocrine system( diabetes mellitus);
  • chronic immunodeficiency;
  • long-term use of chemotherapeutic, antibacterial agents, as well as steroids and immunosuppressants;
  • chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, oral cavity;
  • malnutrition due to an unbalanced diet;
  • bad habits( smoking, alcohol).
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Symptoms of fungal angina

Pharyngomycosis often begins asymptomatic or with signs that are not clearly pronounced. Fungal infection of the throat is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • general malaise;
  • increase and soreness of the lymph nodes behind the ears, on the throat;
  • appearance of whitish or yellow coating on tonsils or oral mucosa( spots, spots);
  • a sore throat;
  • pains to swallow solid food;
  • bad breath;
  • change in taste;
  • appearance of subfebrile temperature.

In children

Fungal angina in young children and infants is often observed. This is due to the fact that up to 5 years, the formation of immune forces of the body, which easily gives in to infections. Bacteria that do not harm an adult will affect the mucous membranes of an infant or baby 2-5 years of age. Fungal tonsillitis in children causes the same yeast-like microorganisms of the genus Candida.

To determine the presence of fungal disease in a child can be by visual inspection, observation of the behavior of the baby:

  • On the mucous gums, cheeks and tongue appears whitish or yellow-gray coating, which is easily removed with a cotton swab with an antiseptic.
  • The child becomes irritable, refuses to eat because of sore throat.
  • Sleep may break, a small temperature may appear.

Breastfed children show particular irritability and capriciousness, refuse to mix or breast milk. In rare cases, a fungal infection can be transmitted to a nursing mother. Such situations are difficult to treat due to the constant recurrent infection. Symptoms of fungal infection in this case are pain in the nipple, redness of the skin and itching around them. For this reason, it is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin the appropriate treatment for the mother and baby.


Measures to identify the causes of angina in children and adults are in the conduct of diagnostic studies. Their description is presented in the table:

Diagnosis method for sore throat

method for sore throat


Visual examination of throat condition

Bacteriological seeding

Using a smear from the pharynx, the presence or absence of a fungus is determined

Blood test

Determination of the inflammatory process in the body


Taking biomaterial from the pharynx for clarificationdiagnosis

Skin tests

Detection of fungal pathogen

Treatment of fungal sore

Therapy of candidiasis infection of the throat andThe oral cavity depends on the cause of the disease. Drugs are prescribed by a doctor! Treatment consists of the following methods:

  1. Taking medications.
  2. Use of medicines for irrigation and treatment of the throat and mucous membranes.
  3. Vitaminotherapy.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures( ultraviolet irradiation of the sky and throat).
  5. Correction of power supply, liquid consumption 1-2 l / d.
  6. Compliance with bed rest.

It is important to follow dietary advice when treating a disease. These include:

  • Eliminate food containing sugar from food. It provokes the growth of fungal microorganisms.
  • Discard caffeine, food with soy content, with additives and preservatives.
  • Drink cereals, fish, vegetables, sour-milk products, fruits, especially with vitamin C.


If laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of a fungal infection in the mouth and throat, medical treatment should be started immediately. It involves the use of the following drug groups:

  • antifungal( Nystatin);
  • antiseptics for internal use( Miramistin, Geksoral) and treatment of the affected mucous( Iodinol, Levorin);
  • antipyretic( Nurofen, Ibuprofen for children, Aspirin, Paracetamol for adults);
  • immunostimulants( Ribomunal, Lycopid);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

Complicated form requires the use of strong medications. Their brief characteristics are given in the table:

Name of antifungal preparation

Characteristics of

Dosage of


prevents further fungal infection of

by 100 or 200 mg 1-2 r.a day before the symptoms are eliminated


is used in severe forms of angina

intravenously according to 0.25-0.3 mg / kg body weight


is used in HIV patients and for other types of

immunodeficiency in adults - 1 r / d50-400 mg, children - 3-12 mg

If candidal angina is caused by an overdose of antibiotics or hormonal drugs, you should adjust the treatment or choose an analogue of the drugs. In some cases, it may be necessary to completely discontinue the agent that caused the fungal infection. Surgical treatment is used only if the conservative therapy is ineffective or when it recurs.


Treatment of fungal tonsillitis by rinsing is effective not only with the use of pharmacy products( Chlorhexidine, Furacilin), but also with the help of folk methods. It is necessary to remember that rinsing the area affected by the fungal infection should be 5-7 times a day, the liquid should be at room temperature, and after the procedure one should abstain from eating about 30 minutes. An excellent natural antiseptic is garlic. It can be used alone( capsules, compress, infusion) or in combination with other components.

With sore throat, rinse with apple cider vinegar, soda, salt and their mixed use. A glass of boiled water should be put 1 tbsp.l.vinegar or 1 tsp.soda and salt. The alkaline nature of the latter is fatal to fungal microorganisms. Suppress the infection will help the application of tea tree oil at the rate of 3 drops per glass of water. Compresses are shown only in the absence of temperature, using vodka - only for adults.

Traditional medicine offers a number of means for gargling with candidiasis angina. These include:

  • an infusion of propolis, aloe or kalanchoe helps destroy fungal pathogens( the infusion should be diluted with water to a pleasant taste);
  • lemon juice, mixed with honey in equal proportions( on a tablespoon) per glass of water, helps obezizrazhivaniyu throat with angina caused by fungal infection;
  • decoction of calendula( 1 tbsp per glass of boiling water) will soften the mucosa and heal microcracks;
  • decoction of herbal extract from chamomile, St. John's wort, string, pine buds and horsetail will relieve inflammation( all herbs are taken in equal parts, a tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with 200 ml of water, it is infused 2 hours).


Preventing fungal infection of the oral mucosa can be prevented. They are aimed at strengthening the body's immune defenses. To achieve positive results of treatment, it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions of specialists( immunologist, infectious disease specialist).In addition to general methods for the prevention of fungal diseases of the oral cavity, you should try to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid hypothermia.

Preventative measures of fungal infection of the throat should be complex. The main ones are:

  1. Isolation of the patient from the surrounding.
  2. Compliance with bed rest, personal hygiene( the patient should have a separate dish, towel, toothbrush).
  3. Balanced diet and drinking regimen. When fungal infection of the throat is recommended to eat foods rich in proteins and vitamins. For a day you should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water.
  4. Timely diagnosis and treatment of chronic foci of inflammation( sinusitis, caries).
  5. Strengthening immunity with pharmacy. They can be probiotics, vitamin complexes, bacterial immunomodulators( Bronchomunal), immunostimulants( Timalin, Interferon, Likopid).
  6. Hardening. It can be carried out only after effective treatment. Use douche, contrast shower, swimming, wiping.


The incidence of pharyngomycosis( fungal infection of the oral cavity) has recently increased dramatically. This is due to the weakening of the immune forces of the body due to poor ecology, stress, chronic fatigue, long or wrong antibacterial therapy. The disease is well treatable under condition of correct diagnosis, timely prescription of appropriate medications. Additionally, rinses, means for strengthening immunity are used. Knowing preventive measures will help to avoid an unpleasant illness.