Neuritis of the auditory nerve: symptoms and treatment

Neuritis of the auditory nerve , or cochlear neuritis is an inflammatory disorder of the auditory nerve, sometimes referred to as sensorineural hearing loss, but it is not. Deafness is a broader concept. A cochlear neuritis is one of the causes of hearing loss, expressed in a decrease in the audibility of sounds.

Cochlear neuritis of the auditory nerve, can be acute, subacute and chronic. The acute form has a rapid flow with a decrease in the auditory function, which is the main symptom of the disease, a subacute and chronic form of a latent flow with a gradual decrease in hearing and periodic exacerbations. The disease can be one-sided and two-sided. Code of the disease according to ICD-10: H93.3.

Be vigilant if children develop complaints and signs of neuritis of the auditory nerve - immediately run to the pediatrician, ENT doctor, to the children's neurologist. The child may complain of earaches.

Let's talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment of cochlear neuritis, how to treat and how to cure it at home and in a polyclinic.

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cochlear neuritis usually develops in peopleelderly and senile, but also found in children and adolescents. Especially often the neuritis of the auditory nerve occurs in individuals associated by their production activity with increased noise. This applies to blacksmiths, foundry workers, musicians, etc.

The hearing in patients decreases gradually, often almost imperceptibly for them. Just one day a person notices that he does not hear the sound of the clock, quiet speech. There is a noise in the ear, which may resemble surf noise or a constant, exhausting patient, hum or ringing. Gradually, the hearing decreases more and the disease can result in complete deafness.

Cochlear neuritis may begin to progress against a backdrop of diseases:

  1. atherosclerosis;
  2. atrophy of the auditory nerve.
  3. brucellosis;
  4. influenza;
  5. hemorrhage in the inner ear;
  6. infectious diseases - typhus, malaria, meningococcal infection and others;
  7. ailments of the endocrine system;
  8. certain types of allergies;
  9. tumor of the auditory nerve;
  10. ARVI;
  11. osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebral column;
  12. otitis( acute purulent or chronic);
  13. otosclerosis, which began to progress against the background of impaired circulation of blood in the ear;
  14. cardiovascular ailments;
  15. brain injury;
  16. This condition may occur due to prolonged use of diuretics, antibiotics, as well as other groups of drugs that have contributed to intoxication of the elements of the hearing aid.

Symptoms of

Hearing loss - damage to the auditory nerve. The severity of the degree of hearing loss can be from negligible to its complete loss. Usually there is a gradual decrease with a possible transition to total deafness. Timely appeal to the ENT doctor and neurologist is an important factor in successful treatment.

Noise or ringing in the ears of a permanent nature, regardless of external stimuli. But, at full deafness of a ringing is not present.

Vertigo and nausea, a disturbance of the sense of balance, if the inflammatory process involves the pre-cochlear nerve, which carries in the brain impulses from the body of balance.

Acute earache occurs at the time of acoustic trauma, as a result of mechanical damage.

Weakness, pain in the head, pallor - can occur if the toxic neuritis is caused by acute poisoning, the patient's symptoms of general intoxication come to the fore. Nausea, dizziness may worsen.

Increased blood pressure, a symptom of flashing "flies before the eyes," if the disorders of cerebral vessels are attached.

Increased body temperature, cough, runny nose, general malaise occur when layering infections: influenza, SARS.

Neuritis of the auditory nerve is one-sided and two-sided. Hearing impairments to deafness develop on one or both ears.

Treatment of neuritis of the auditory nerve

Folk treatment

To prevent hearing loss and treatment of cochlear neuritis, it is also possible to apply home folk remedies to the main treatment prescribed by a doctor as an otolaryngologist.

The ancient clinics recommend: "The bile of one goat is good for ringing in the ears, the bile of a rabbit mixed with sugar, if buried in the ears, - returns the hearing."

If there is noise in the ears and hearing impairment, you should drink a very hot decoction of hops at 300 ml per day and pour 7-8 drops of almond oil into the ear. Pour the oil alternating: one day, pour oil into the left ear, the other into the right ear. Repeat the procedure for a month, then make a monthly break and repeat treatment.

Any dry heat - solux, hot sand, hot compresses, heated salt in a bag, etc. - is useful in treating neuritis of the auditory nerve.

Noises in the ears remove the appliqué plates from copper ( take the 2 copper coin release until 1961 and use a patch to attach it to the mastoid process and in front of the auricle).Use the application for two or three days, then take a break for several days and repeat the procedure.

It should be remembered that if it is possible to reduce the noise in the ear, then the hearing in some way can improve, as well as the general condition of the patient.

To improve hearing, eat one quarter of a day daily, using the crust together with .

One teaspoon of pure birch tar mix with a glass of warm milk. Take orally three times a day in between meals. The course of treatment is 1.5 months. Deafness after such treatment is significantly reduced or disappears altogether.

In the villages from deafness, the head is washed in the infusion of the grass geranium marsh .

For hearing loss or loss, perform the following procedure: 5 handfuls rye flour, 1 handful seeds cumin and 1 handful juniper berries powder into powder, add water and knead the dough from which bake bread. Even with hot bread, peel the crust, soak the crumb with alcohol and this composition, as hot as possible, overlay the ears. When the dough cools down, remove it, and in the ear canal, insert the rutted and almond oil soaked with a cotton wool, which should be changed daily.

In Uzbekistan and other countries of Central Asia infusions and decoctions of of white are used for weak vision, hearing loss, hair loss.

Extract Eleutherococcus liquid( drugstore) is prescribed for neuroses, physical overload, impaired vision and hearing.

Tea from the petals red roses constantly drink with hearing and vision impairment in old age.

Hearing Improvement: Exercises

Gymnastics for hearing are taken from Chinese traditional medicine.

The "heavenly drum" exercises proposed below were developed by Chinese folk medicine many hundreds of years ago. They improve the hearing of elderly and old people, as well as patients with cochlear neuritis.

  1. Both palms are pressed to the ear shells( it's easier to say: cover both ears with your hands).
  2. Drum with three middle fingers of both hands 12 times on the back of the head, with a noise in your ears, which can be compared to blows in the drum.
  3. After completing the drumming, close your ears tight again and then immediately remove the palms from them. Do this manipulation 12 times.
  4. At the conclusion of the exercises, insert both index fingers into your ears and rotate them three times forward and back as if you were cleaning your ears, then quickly remove your fingers.

This part of the exercises "heavenly drum" is performed three times.

The back of the head is the place where all "Yang" meridians are collected. Here below the place where you drum your fingers, there is a skull covering the cerebellum, which plays a big role: it strengthens and corrects the body movements and posture.

12-fold tapping in accordance with the views of traditional Chinese medicine has a refreshing effect on the brain. The effect is most palpable in the mornings, but it is recommended to perform these exercises also with severe fatigue.

Rotation of the fingers in the ears should be understood as a massage of the tympanic membrane, this also applies to the rapid opening and closing of the ear canal.

These exercises significantly improve hearing and prevent the development of many ear disorders.

Treatment with medical devices and procedures

For the treatment of cochlear neuritis of the auditory nerve, official medicine uses the following treatment methods:

  1. aeration of the auditory tubes( 12-15 purges);
  2. vitamin B: - daily 20-30 injections;
  3. vibromassage of tympanum;
  4. glutamic acid - 1 g three times a day;
  5. dimedrol - 0.05 at night;
  6. drops in the nose( sanorin, naphthyzine, etc.);
  7. in-the-ear iontophoresis with 5% novocaine or 3% potassium iodide.

Neurinoma of the auditory nerve: what is ringing in the ear

Why the ringing in the ears

The simplest cause of noise in the ears is sulfuric cork. Do not panic. Close your nose and inflate your cheeks. Did you feel the slight bumps? Go clap your ears. .. and rub them to the red. This charge can be done every day. This is useful for blood vessels. It is the violation of blood circulation that can cause a variety of sounds in the ears. If the noise in the ears does not disappear even after charging and arises every day, this is an alarming symptom.

Ringing in the ears of a healthy person does not appear, even if the neck is stuck.

But the patient has osteochondrosis easily. Most often ringing in the ears after a long sitting in an uncomfortable position. Noise in the ears is like a squeak or pulsing roar of a flying airplane? This means that an infection has entered the ear. Whistling in the ears is an occasion to measure blood pressure. Whistles in the ears and with atherosclerosis.

Source: Allega G.N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.