Stomach cough

Stomach cough

Stomach coughCough is traditionally considered a symptom of colds or respiratory pathologies. But it can appear for other reasons. So, often a cough without a cold and redness of the throat indicates problems of the digestive system. In such cases, in addition to gastric cough, the patient has increased fatigue, weakness, a feeling of malaise.

Cough with gastrointestinal diseases

With gastrointestinal diseases, cough may occur, it is debilitating and causes a lot of discomfort to the patient. Such a symptom may manifest various diseases of the digestive system: infection, parasite damage, dysbacteriosis, gastroesophageal reflux and others.

The appearance of a cough for various infections that affect the digestive organs is caused by the defeat of the respiratory system, in particular bronchi and trachea. When esophageal disease occurs, the operation of the sphincter of the stomach fails, as a result of which part of the food, together with gastric juice, can return to the esophagus. This leads to irritation of the mucosa of the esophagus, heartburn and unpleasant sensations in the throat causing a cough. Dysbacteriosis and helminthic invasions lead to disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, which causes a cough.

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Stomach cough: causes

One of the most common causes of gastric cough is gastroesophageal reflux. To this pathology, people with an increased acidity of the stomach are more likely. With malnutrition in such cases, the mucosa can gradually become thinner and damaged, which leads to the pellet contents of the stomach in the esophagus.

Cough with reflux is unproductive, it is often accompanied by pain in the throat due to damage to the mucosa. In addition to cough, the symptoms of this disease are: heartburn, belching with unpleasant taste, perspiration in the throat. Often, reflux disease is taken for a sore throat with similar symptoms. A characteristic feature of reflux is the emergence of an insistent cough almost immediately after eating.

Also, gastritis or ulcer may be the cause of gastric cough. Gastritis with increased secretion, as a rule, is also accompanied by a periodic throwing of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus, but it does not happen immediately after eating, but after about an hour and a half. The doctor can diagnose after a complex of examinations and laboratory tests. Treatment is primarily aimed at reducing acidity. Among other things, patients with this disease prescribed a strict diet, which excludes fatty, spicy, acidic food. In the absence of treatment, gastritis can develop into an ulcer.

In some cases, gastric cough may be caused by intestinal flu. It is accompanied by a mild cough that does not go away from the usual means. The treatment of such pathologies is prescribed by a doctor and is aimed at fighting infection.

Stomach cough: symptoms

Symptoms of gastric cough depends on what exactly causes it. The main difference between this cough and cold caused by colds is that it is not possible to cope with it with conventional means. In addition, with gastric cough often observed symptoms, typical for diseases of the digestive system. These include: digestive disorders, heartburn, belching, abdominal pain and so on. Often the appearance of gastric cough is associated with eating. For example, it can occur immediately after eating or after a while, while at other times in no way manifest. It is only the doctor who can determine exactly what caused the appearance of the cough.

Stomach cough: treatment

Cough can cause a lot of discomfort to the patient, although he is not an independent disease. Gastric cough can cause respiratory distress and lead to various complications, so it must be treated.

Cough with gastrointestinal diseases

How to treat a stomach cough?

Treatment of gastric cough should be complex. First of all, it is aimed at eliminating the cause of this symptom, drugs for cough suppression can also be prescribed. If the reason lies in the diseases of the intestine, for example, with dysbiosis, then funds are prescribed that restore the intestinal microflora, as well as antitussive drugs. It is desirable that the treatment is determined by a qualified doctor after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures. This will help to get rid of the disease faster and prevent the development of complications.

Self-administration of medications can lead to aggravation of the situation. Thus, antitussive syrups contain sugar, which, if improperly treated, can cause an even more intense multiplication of pathogenic bacteria in the stomach and intestines.

Treatment of gastric cough with folk remedies

In the treatment of gastric cough, folk remedies can also be used, but this must also be previously agreed with a specialist.

Cope with a cough that occurs with gastritis, you can use a tool made from honey, lemon and olive oil. To do this, mix 250 grams of honey, 2 large spoons of lemon juice and 500 ml of oil. The mixture is placed in a glass bowl and placed in a refrigerator. You need to drink it one spoon before eating.

Also, with gastric cough, you can prepare a remedy that is based on the mummy. Approximately half a gram should be added to the milk and drunk on an empty stomach twice a day. Instead of milk, you can use natural honey.

Help in the treatment of gastric cough decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, such as licorice, chamomile, plantain, sage and others. They soothe the walls of the stomach and eliminate cough. These herbs can also be used for inhalations.

Stomach cough

Stomach coughFew know that gastric diseases and cough are closely related to each other. This symptom is most often attributed to a cold, flu or ARVI. However, it often occurs without symptoms accompanying these diseases. Cough, not accompanied by a runny nose, general fatigue and weakness, as well as fever, may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In itself, the concept of "gastric cough" is not correct, because this symptom develops for various reasons.

Cough with reflux esophagitis

Reflux esophagitis or gastroesophageal reflux is a disease that is associated with a disruption in the work of not only the stomach but also the esophagus. They are most often affected by people with high acidity. Acid-containing, salty and sharp foods irritate the mucous membrane, which leads to its gradual damage. As a result of this, a pellet is placed in the stomach in the esophagus.

Cough GERB (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is usually unproductive, accompanied by pain in the area larynx, which patients unknowingly write off to the sore throat, as well as belching, which has a sour unpleasant smack. However, it is impossible to accurately answer the question of what cough is caused by reflux. After all, during an attack from the larynx, a lot of air often leaves, which is accompanied by a belching, so a person may think that his sputum goes away.

Gastroesophageal reflux can be acute and chronic. At the first main symptom is paroxysmal and clogged. It occurs almost immediately after a meal and does not go away for long. With a chronic disease, this symptom persists man constantly. It occurs only after taking acute or acidic foods, accompanied by eructations and passes quite quickly. Most patients also note that cough with esophagitis often passes with chest pain and heartburn.

Cough with reflux, whose treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, is diagnosed by laboratory and clinical studies. The most accurate way to determine this disease is endoscopy. It helps to determine the degree of damage to the esophagus, as well as the presence of tumors and mucus in it. During endoscopy, it is also possible to take a biopsy necessary for histological studies.

The esophagus provoking a gastric cough is treated in many ways. If gastroesophageal reflux has occurred as a result of the ingress of chemical strong substances into it, the stomach of the patient is washed. After that, he is prescribed appropriate medication.

Causes of gastric coughInflamed as a result of taking acute or acid food, the esophagus, a gastric cough in which also has a paroxysmal character, is treated with a strict diet. Food for a cough that develops at this stage of the disease is contraindicated to the patient for three days. His condition during this period is maintained with the help of intravenously administered glucose. After that, light bouillons, soups, cereals, white bread and fruits with a low acid content are gradually introduced into the diet. In addition to diet, the patient is prescribed drugs that restore acid-base balance and relieve inflammation. Cough gastric in this case is not treated as a symptom, it passes after eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

Gastric cough: ulcer and gastritis

With gastritis, gastric juice enters the esophagus. This is also due to increased acidity. This irritates the mucosa of the esophagus, which is located receptors responsible for coughing. With gastritis, it does not appear immediately after a meal, but after about half an hour - an hour. During this time, the stomach has time to digest some of the food and juice enters the esophagus.

Gastritis is diagnosed laboratory and clinically. In advanced cases (with exacerbation of a chronic disease), the patient is prescribed gastroscopy. With the help of this study, the presence or absence of a serious inflammation is detected.

Heartburn and cough accompanying gastritis, are treated in a complex. The main emphasis in this case is to reduce the level of acidity. The patient is also prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. In gastritis, which is accompanied by this symptom, a strict diet is indicated, which excludes the intake of fried, fatty, spicy and acidic foods. If the disease is not detected and treated in a timely manner, it can develop into an ulcer.

The peptic ulcer is characterized by damage to the gastric mucosa and the appearance of defective formations on it. When the ulcer exacerbates in the patient, in addition to heartburn and pain in the back or chest area, it is often observed shortness of breath and cough.

Stomach coughWhen these symptoms occur, you should immediately visit a specialist in gastroenterology. An experienced doctor will determine the cause of the cough and how to deal with it. If the cause is gastric ulcer, which is diagnosed with a gastroscopy, the patient is prescribed a course of strong antibiotics, as well as drugs that neutralize acidity organism. Surgical intervention is extremely rare. During treatment and for at least six months the patient must follow a strict diet and regularly check stomach, cough in this case occurs immediately after the normalization of the acidity of the body and a separate treatment is not requires.

Cough intestinal

Stomach coughIntestinal flu, which flares up at least several times a year, is often accompanied by this symptom. The intestinal symptom is light, often unproductive, but very disturbing to the patient, who also has signs such as indigestion and vomiting. With rotavirus or gastric flu, which is sown by means of analysis, patients are allocated funds from dehydration, as well as the normalization of the stomach, antiviral or antibiotics (depending on the result analyzes). Before treating gastric cough with rotavirus, you should know that the cause of its occurrence are bacteria, so the drugs should be taken to destroy them.

In order to avoid the occurrence of a gastric symptom and the diseases that are its cause, you should eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and observe personal hygiene. Regular visits to the polyclinic for preventive purposes will not be superfluous.

Gastric cough: diagnosis, treatment

Stomach coughThe vast majority of people with asthma have such a side effect as gastric cough. It occurs, usually after eating. This is the so-called reflux disease (GERD). Before starting treatment for gastric cough, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of its occurrence.

Treatment of gastric cough: symptoms of illness

One of the first signs of GERD is a constant heartburn after eating. In a similar clinical picture, gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus due to deterioration of the muscles (sphincter). The acid content of the stomach begins to corrode the mucous membranes of the lower and upper respiratory tract. Irritated receptors provoke an involuntary reflex act, the so-called gastric cough.

Treatment of gastric cough: diagnosis

When you contact a specialist, you will definitely be assigned diagnostic procedures aimed at identifying the problem. The main ones are:

  • X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Intra-esophageal diurnal pH monitoring.
  • Esophagogastroscopy with histological examination of the biopsy and chromoscopy.
Treatment of gastric coughX-ray of the gastrointestinal tract provides an opportunity to obtain a preliminary result about damage to the cardioesophageal zone. This method allows you to see the process of passing the contrast fluid from the stomach to the esophagus. With its help it is possible to diagnose peptic ulcer, strictures, tumor formations in the esophagus.

The method of daily (24-hour) pH-metry of the esophagus is the most effective for detecting gastroesophageal casting is. It allows you to make an estimate of the duration of the time, frequency and severity of reflux. To see the impact on him of various factors (body position, condition after eating, medication).

One method in the diagnosis of GERD for the appointment of treatment for gastric cough is endoscopy of the esophagus. With its help, it is possible to confirm or deny the diagnosis of GERD, to assess its severity, to establish whether there are complications. Endoscopy of the esophagus provides an opportunity to control the healing process of the mucosa of the esophagus.

Asking yourself how to treat a cough from the stomach and whether you need to do it at all, you need to know about some rules. Following it allows you to ease the patient's condition:

  • Take food in small portions.
  • Sleep on a low pillow (this reduces pressure on the area of ​​the forehead).
  • Abandon food before bedtime (last reception for 4-5 hours).
  • Watch your weight (excess weight increases intra-abdominal pressure).
  • Limit the use of coffee, alcohol, chocolate, fatty foods.
  • It is advisable to give up smoking.
  • Wear a spacious clothing, not pressing on the stomach area.

Medication for coughing stomach

Stomach coughAfter carrying out the diagnosis the doctor, as a rule, prescribes therapy with medicines. This is a certain group of drugs, prescribed for the treatment of gastric cough. Prokinetics contribute to an increase in the tone of the lower esophagus sphincter. The active substance of this group is dompiridone (motilium, motilac). Antacids neutralize excessive acidity (almagel). Antisecretory drugs suppress the process of formation of acidity (omeprazole, famotidine).

Usually the duration of drug therapy depends on the severity of the disease. The average duration of treatment takes from a month to two. In particularly severe cases, therapy can take more than two months and include a combination of all three drug groups.

Symptom of which diseases is cough

cough as a symptom of diseaseEveryone knows that cough is a symptom of colds and flu. It is for this reason that many people make a big mistake - at the first signs of the emerging bronchospasm begin to be treated with antiviral drugs. However, they do not take into account that there are other diseases, cough in which is a typical symptom.

Such confused and dangerous treatment very often leads to the emergence of various complications and the transition of ailments to a more difficult stage. But this can all be avoided if you visit a doctor on time to perform the diagnosis.

What diseases are coughing?

There are a lot of variants explaining the occurrence of bronchospasm. After a sharp spastic exhalations are a reflex act of the body's defense system and appear to clean it from various stimuli.

Diseases accompanied by a cough may occur:

  • In the respiratory system.
  • In heart.
  • In the nasopharynx.
  • In the gastrointestinal tract.
  • In the nervous and endocrine systems.

Visiting a doctor because it is important that a specialist knows: how and with what diseases cough manifests itself. After all, an unpleasant symptom is not always the same. He can be:

  • Dry.
  • Wet.
  • Strong.
  • Painful.
  • Hoarse.
  • Barking.
  • Growing up.
  • Convulsive.
  • Rude.
  • The jerky, etc.

Coryza, cough - cold symptoms

In ARVI, bronchospasm are one of the main symptoms. They do not appear immediately, but a few days after the body temperature rises. Very often the sharp spastic exhalations caused by a cold are accompanied by:

  • Appearance of discharge from the nose or its stuffiness.
  • Chihanem.
  • Pain in the throat.

Stomach cough: symptoms

gastric coughReflex spasms of the respiratory tract arise due to pathological processes occurring in the digestive tract. Cough with gastric diseases can be caused not only by infectious diseases (adeno- and enteroviruses). Very often an unpleasant symptom arises because of:
  • Presence of parasites.
  • Foreign body contamination.
  • Manifestations of gastroesophageal disease.

Cough with gastrointestinal diseases caused by viral infections is not typical. However, it can develop along with a violation of breathing. There will also be symptoms such as:

  • Vomiting.
  • Nausea.
  • Pain.
  • Diarrhea.

Cough in diseases of the stomach is caused by malfunctions in the operation of the muscle ring, by means of which the ingestion of food from the esophagus is regulated. As a result of this anomaly mucous begins to irritate with gastric juice.

If an unpleasant symptom caused gastroesophageal reflux disease, cough will be accompanied by:

  • Heartburn.
  • Breathing with whistles.
  • A throat swelling.
  • During sleep, there may be an apnea.

An unpleasant sign of this disease is also described as:

  • Exhausting.
  • Dry.
  • Very strong.
  • Aggravated after eating.

Cough with the disease of the stomach and intestines is not the main symptom in the event that it is caused by worms or dysbiosis. An unpleasant sign arises against the background of general malfunctions in the functioning of the immune system.

Coughing on nerves: symptoms

Often, bronchospasm arise due to stress, as well as various psychosomatic disorders. Neurological cough (symptoms) differs from another type of sharp spastic exhalations, it is similar to barking a dog or screaming a goose. It can be described as:

  • Loud.
  • Voiced.
  • Cutting.

Its characteristic symptom is that during sleep it completely disappears.

Cough with thyroid disease

Often, bronchospasm can be observed and with various disruptions in the endocrine system. Headache and heart pain, cough - with thyroid symptoms are typical enough. They testify to its increase and violations in the work.

Cough in case of thyroid gland disease will not necessarily be a harbinger of hormonal failures. Often with him appears:

  • A feeling of squeezing in the neck.
  • Difficult swallowing.
  • Attacks of suffocation.

Venereal diseases - cough, as a symptom

Bronchospasm can indicate the course of ailments transmitted sexually. For example, such a terrible disease as HIV, characterized by the emergence of sharp spastic exhalations. Also he is accompanied by:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Weight loss.

Respiratory spasms of the respiratory tract with pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia may differ. They depend on its shape and stage. Viral pneumonia is characterized by the appearance of:

  • PneumoniaDry bronchospasm.
  • Muscular and headache.
  • Weaknesses.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Strong fatigue.

The bacterial form has slightly different symptoms. For her typical appearance:

  • Sweating.
  • Wet respiratory reflex spasms.
  • Heat.
  • Shortness of breath.

Sometimes there is atypical pneumonia (without a cough), the symptoms in this case may be completely absent. This greatly complicates the diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment.

Bronchial cough: symptoms

Sharp spastic exhalations are the main sign of bronchitis. However, in 5-10% of patients, bronchospasm in the acute form of the disease is not observed at all. This can occur at the very beginning of the disease or when the bronchioles are affected.

Bronchitis (without coughing) symptoms:

  • Chryps.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Increased temperature.
  • General malaise.

Cough with liver disease

Coughing attacks with liver diseaseBronchospasm can occur with cirrhosis. They are not a typical symptom of this disease. However, they often appear due to weakening of the body's protective functions and easy penetration of respiratory infections, which cause reflex respiratory tract spasms.

Respiratory spasms of the respiratory tract with tracheitis: symptoms

Bronchospasm is one of the main symptoms of this disease. They have a dry character and are manifested:

  • In the morning and at night.
  • On inhalation.
  • With crying and laughter.
  • When the ambient temperature changes.

During attacks, the patient can feel a sore pain in the throat and chest.

Bronchospasm with pharyngitis: symptoms

Distinctive signs of the disease are dry spastic exhalations. They are rather painful and characterized by the presence of:

  • Itching in the throat.
  • Feelings of persecution.
  • Presence of a foreign body.

Often seizures intensify at night, not allowing to sleep. As the disease progresses, an unpleasant phenomenon can turn into a wet form.

cough and pharyngitis

Given the large number of different options and causes that can cause bronchospasm, a visit to the doctor is a prerequisite for effective treatment. To successfully combat an unpleasant phenomenon, one must know why a cough appeared, a symptom of which diseases should be removed. After all, full recovery is possible only in the case when not only the signs of the disease are uprooted, but also the processes in the body that cause them are terminated. That is why only a specialist will be able to correctly determine the scheme of treatment, contribute to a quick and effective disposal of the disease.

Because of stomach problems, can there be a cough?


Super Light

minimum probability


Well, yes, vomiting, for example

Vlad Tarasov

Persecution can be, but to cough with phlegm X3?

Serg Havr


The probability of this is EXTREMELY MALA!

tanya mosquito

a cough can be due to a heart problem ...

Natalia Koroleva

do Raskopiyu stomach and light cough can be caused by a foreign body. worms. and diseases of the esophagus causes a lot of desirable to be examined as quickly as possible

Margarita Gurova

if there is heartburn, then there may be a cough, because acid is thrown into the bronchi and irritation causes a cough

Elena Kochegarova

if you have an esophagus, then yes. this happens with esophagitis.

enfant du soleil

from problems with the stomach of coughing can not be. cough is a defensive reaction of the body occurs when finding foreign particles, food, mucus or detachable from the lungs that are given to the trachea. for lungs there is a fluorography. there is still such that drugs for the treatment of digestive tract diseases can cause an allergic reaction that provokes an asthma attack if there is one.

How to treat a stomach cough? And how to get rid of a sore throat?



Searing in the throat - lemon helps or a warm drink with citric acid. Itself so treated the throat. And for a strong cough I can advise such a recipe: tincture of propolis, honey and butter in the proportion 1, stirred and taken inside.


Dessert spoon of honey in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening... I was told that I did not try it myself ...


the same it is necessary to think up-a gastric cough, itself or who has prompted?


You probably meant perspiration in the throat if you think that the stomach is to blame, there is an eructation, bitterness in the mouth. That it is necessary to lower the acidity of the stomach better losse 1t. in the day-course and motillium. -course. And to the gastroenterologist.

Tip 1: How to treat residual cough

methods of treatment of residual cough

The cause of the residual cough may be due to inadequate treatment or interruption of the main therapy. To the aid can come the folk medicine, inhalation and massage.

You will need

  1. - eucalyptus,
  2. - Ledum,
  3. - plantain,
  4. - mother and stepmother,
  5. - Yarrow,
  6. - a sequence,
  7. - essential oils of fir, eucalyptus, cedar, sage, pine and lavender,
  8. - potatoes,
  9. - soda,
  10. - Pork interior fat,
  11. - Badger fat,
  12. - black radish,
  13. - honey,
  14. - fir cones.


  1. Residual cough is excruciating because it does not pass for a long time and torments its owner for a month or more. If you have completed a full course of treatment with traditional cough medicines, and the problem remains, you should resort to traditional medicine. Fortunately, there are many effective recipes for the treatment of a prolonged residual cough.
  2. It is necessary to fight with sputum complexly, which means that the problem will have to be solved both outside and inside. Continue to do inhalations with saline and cough remedy, which you prescribed by a doctor, for example, "Lazolvanom" or "Berodual." Alternate such procedures with inhalations prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. At their carrying out it is possible to use eucalyptus, mother-and-stepmother, a ledum, a plantain, a yarrow and a turn. If your inhaler does not provide the use of herbal decoctions, breathe over the kettle by adding essential oil of fir, eucalyptus, cedar, sage, pine or lavender to the water.
  3. In the treatment of cough, physiotherapeutic procedures are shown, but if you do not have the opportunity to go for warming, you can successfully treat at home, using the most common potatoes. Boil several potato tubers in a uniform, place them on a dense fabric and mash with a fork, forming two cakes. Add a little soda to the potatoes. Someone from home should help you and lay out the cloth with flat cakes between the shoulder blades. Turn over on your back and cover yourself with a blanket. Lie in bed until the potatoes cool down completely. Do the procedure 1-2 times a day.
  4. A warming compress should be done on the chest as well as feet. For this, you can use pork interior fat or badger fat. Spread fat or fat on your chest and feet, wrap it with wax paper and wrap it around with something warm. It is recommended not to remove such a compress during the whole night.
  5. Recipe for cough treatment, time-tested, black radish with honey. Cut off the top of the radish, make a groove in the vegetable and fill it with honey. Appear in a day juice take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. Coping with the residual cough will help the fir cones. 2 tbsp. l. chopped fir cones put in a thermos from the evening and pour 2 cups of boiling water. In the morning, the composition must be filtered, add honey and drink all the infusion during the day.
  6. Combine this cough treatment with a massage. To do this, you will also need an assistant. Take the horizontal position face down, placing a small pillow under the pelvis. This is necessary in order for the upper half of the body to be in an inclined position. Let now someone from the home knocks you on the back, in the area of ​​the bronchi, moving from the waist up. Such a massage will promote a better sputum discharge. Do not forget to soften the nasopharyngeal mucosa: rinse it with a solution of sea water and bury the sea buckthorn or sterile vaseline oil.

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