Cough remedy for pregnancy 1 term

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Effective cough remedies for pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful period for a woman. If it is desired, all 9 months pass in a positive mood. Pros of pregnancy is actually a lot, for example: light work at work and at home, a daily walk, sometimes even with a loved one, dreams of a future child, talking with him and so on. But along with the pluses, all 9 months are fraught with a lot of life-threatening mother and baby situations. It is a question of various diseases, which the pregnant woman carries on any term.

What are the dangerous diseases during pregnancy?

For a maturing baby, it is extremely important that nothing prevents the formation of its basic organs, especially the nervous system, intrauterine growth and development. After all during this period all cells, systems and functions of organs are laid. From the correct behavior and way of life of the mother during this period depends almost the entire life of the child. If a woman does not protect herself, she is at risk of contracting an infection, it can end badly for the fetus. For example, a disease such as rubella leads to fading of the fetus. There are also many other infectious diseases that will certainly lead to a delay in the maturation of all the systems of the organism of an unprotected baby. This applies to complex diseases. But are seasonal ailments dangerous: an ordinary cold, a cough? What are the cough suppressants for pregnancy?

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If there was a cough during pregnancy, what should I do?

By itself, a cough of obvious harm to the health and development of the fetus does not bring. But there are some nuances that can be dangerous for a woman during this period. If a dry cough appeared during pregnancy, it should be treated immediately, as the sputum is not excreted and absorbed into the blood, gradually reaching the baby. In addition, dry cough can indicate diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and so on. With this cough, you should always consult a doctor to determine the diagnosis and receive appropriate recommendations. Also dangerous can be a cough of any kind at the beginning of the term, as, trying to clear her throat, a woman can provoke a threat of miscarriage. If there is no possibility to consult a doctor right away, you need to know what means of coughing can be used during pregnancy. In this case it is very important to choose the right drug or method of treatment. After all, there are drugs that can not be used on a specific date. The most softer and safer can cure cough, if you use the recipes of traditional medicine.

Essential funds for coughing during pregnancy

If you divide cough into species, you can distinguish two main: dry (unproductive) and wet (productive). The first because of the absence of sputum discharge does not perform its basic function - protective. Most often it indicates the occurrence of the following pathologies: laryngitis, viral infections, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchial tumors. In order to translate this type of cough into a productive one with sputum, it is necessary to treat it as quickly as possible. Why such urgency? From a dry cough during pregnancy, bleeding may occur if the child's location and placenta previa are low. In the case of such a cough, the doctor may prescribe medications on herbs or with an acceptable chemical composition. It can be syrups or tablets that depress the medulla cough center in the medulla oblongata, and reduce the inflammation and sensitivity of the mucous membrane of all respiratory tract to irritants that they are attacked.

Actions of a woman with a strong cough in 1 trimester

If there are signs of ARVI at the beginning of pregnancy, and the more developed cough, you should immediately consult a doctor. This period is very important because in the first 3 months cells are actively dividing, creating organs and systems of the child's body. Let's imagine the situation from the inside: in a perfectly protected warm place inside the mother, actively during the day and night is the process of forming the legs, pens, spout, sponges, internal organs. And then only the nervous system of the baby that has begun to develop develops a threat in the form of a twitch abdomen, strong sound and tension of the muscles of the mother, as well as a walking infection through the woman's body - all this cough.

If there was a cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), you need to take a very responsible approach to his treatment, because at this time the formation processes are slowing down. In addition, the supply of nutrients and vitamins to the baby is hampered. If this condition lasts a long time, some organs may be incorrectly formed or not fully formed. This can also occur due to inadequate treatment, for example with antibiotics. Means for coughing during pregnancy at this time are selected most harmless. The main ones are:

  • Inhalation is an effective remedy for dry as well as moist cough.
  • Compresses. There are effective recipes:
    • compress with honey (spread the breast with liquid honey, cover with polyethylene and wrap it around with something warm);
    • from potatoes (boil a couple of potatoes, pokoloch them and wrapped in polyethylene and knitted flap, attach to the chest for 10 minutes);
    • compress with cabbage and honey (take a large leaf of cabbage, soak it in boiling water so that it is not cold, then anoint it with honey and sprinkle with a small pinch of salt, then put on the chest, covered with polyethylene and a warm blanket), this compress can be done for the whole night.
  • Rinse throat - most often this method is used for dry cough. Herbs from coughing during pregnancy are the best way to safely treat an ailment, so you can use infusions, decoctions, and preparations to rinse.

How to cope with a cough in the 2nd trimester?

Very often there are such medications, for which the contra-indication to use is 1 trimester of pregnancy. But already in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters they can be used. Of course, even at this stage of the child's development some drugs are a threat, but the range of cough suppressants has already expanded. Prescribes medicines, of course, a doctor. Most often, pregnant women can be used to treat those medications that are allowed to babies from birth. Cough during pregnancy (2 trimester) can be treated with such medications as "Mukaltin" Herbion "Prospan" Pektolvan "Gedelix." Of the means of traditional medicine are suitable all those that can be in the first trimester.

Cough during pregnancy, 3rd trimester

When a cough occurs at this time, the woman begins to worry very much, because the tone of the uterus can be more frequent, and consequently, the variants of premature births are possible. Of course, I would not want to infect a baby at birth when the illness came on the 9th month. Therefore, the question of fast and harmless treatment is very important, because every future mother wants to cure a cough during pregnancy. The 3 rd term is good because the range of drugs and remedies for treatment has already significantly expanded, compared with the first. During this period, you can take more of the necessary medication without harm to the fetus. Along with the use of medicines, popular means are actively used during pregnancy. Cough at this time can be treated in the following ways:

  • Reception of such medications as "Sinekod" Bronchicum "Stoptussin" Fluidite "Fluviert" Ambrobe "Sinupret" Mukaltin "Bromgexin" Pectusin "Linkas". These drugs in their composition have special chemicals that must be taken with care in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • The use of herbal preparations: licorice root syrup, althea root, "Prospan" products Pectolvan ivy "Doctor MOM" Breast elixir chest collection, dry cough medicine.

You can not use to treat the herb of thermopsis, preparations "Broncholitin" Alex plus "Glikodin" Terpinkod "Tussin plus" Kodelak "Kodterpin". Before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to consult with the doctor for the benefit / harm to the baby and not to engage in self-medication.

Products that help reduce cough

A great alternative to medicines is food, which will help in the treatment of cough. Hot milk with butter and soda for the night is actively used (1 glass: 1h. l.: 1/3 h. l. respectively). Also, many people use honey from cough during pregnancy. If it is not allergic, it can be added to tea, milk, just eat, put on a lemon and dissolve. In addition to these funds, you need to include in the diet of natural vitamins - more fruits and vegetables, then no illness will not affect you.

Which is better: dry cough or wet during pregnancy?

In any case, if you compare a dry and wet cough, the latter always indicates a process of recovery. Any cough is undesirable in such an "interesting" position. With a dry cough it is more difficult to diagnose the cause of its occurrence, so it carries more danger. Wet cough can provoke a threat of miscarriage with increased expectoration, but it is the first step to a healthy woman. All experts hasten to translate dry cough into wet, as it clearly speaks about good results of treatment.

The advantages of phytotherapy

In the treatment of cough, the herbs can be used both for oral administration, and for rubbing, inhalation, rinsing and so on. Herbs from coughing during pregnancy are the most harmless way to bring your condition back to normal. Phytotherapy can be used as an effective additional cough treatment method. After all, herbs can not replace some chemicals necessary for treatment, and if they can, in very large quantities and for a long period of time. This is not always advisable, so the advantage is given to medicines. Good help with cough broths and tinctures of thyme, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, hips, lime-colored, althea root, plantain.

Inhalation for pregnant women with cough

Inhalation can be done with a special nebulizer or in the old manner - with the help of a kettle, pans. To do this, you can use potatoes, mineral water, garlic and onions, saline, honey, herbs. But with aromatic oils you need to be careful. Very often for inhalation use eucalyptus, this method is very effective.

Will gargling help?

Some are skeptical about gargling with a cough. And in vain, because in the process of rinsing, not only the glands, but also the larynx are involved. The medicinal substance with the help of saliva is transferred below to the trachea and bronchi, they are absorbed and have a therapeutic effect. Rinse should be done between meals. To do this, you can use herbal collections, consisting of at least two of the elements listed below:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • calendula;
  • plantain;
  • eucalyptus;
  • raspberries.

In addition to herbs, you can use soda, apple cider vinegar, iodine, salt.

Cough during pregnancy (1 term) than to cure: tips

With the acquisition of a new status of a future mother, a woman begins to pay special attention to her health. However, this can not save her from colds and viral diseases. With the onset of pregnancy, the immune defense of the body decreases. This is an absolutely normal consequence of the new situation. Often, future moms complain of sore throat, fever and runny nose. This article will focus on how to treat a cough during pregnancy (1 trimester is a particularly dangerous time for the onset of this symptom). You will learn what the causes of this phenomenon may be.

Cough during pregnancy (1 trimester): what is dangerous?

Often, expectant mothers in the very beginning of pregnancy suffer from various diseases, the symptom of which is cough. It should be noted that it can be dry or wet. In the second case, the larynx is not irritated so much and there is no particularly severe discomfort.

Wet cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) can be dangerous because bacteria along with phlegm drop into the bronchi and lungs. All this can cause acute bronchitis and pneumonia. For the treatment of these pathologies, antibacterial and antimicrobial agents are used, which are categorically contraindicated at the very beginning of pregnancy. Reception of such medicines may entail defects in the development of the system and organs in the baby.

Dry cough during pregnancy (1 term) may have consequences in the form of a threat of interruption of the fetus. The thing is that with a strong irritation of the throat and coughing there is a tension of the anterior abdominal wall. This leads to an increased tone of the uterus. In particularly severe cases, this phenomenon can lead to detachment of the membranes of the fetal egg.

Why does a cough appear in pregnant women?

So, you were struck by a cough during pregnancy (1st trimester). Than to treat this symptom? To begin with it is necessary to address to the expert. Only a physician can correctly diagnose and prescribe a suitable correction. Cough during pregnancy (1st trimester) causes can have the following:

  • wrong way of life;
  • dry air in the room;
  • allergic reaction;
  • cold;
  • coryza;
  • viral and bacterial infections.

It is worth noting that in all cases, the treatment is used differently. What will help with an allergic cough, is absolutely not suitable for correcting a cold. Consider what can help to eliminate cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), than to treat the symptom in different cases.

Allergic irritation of the larynx

Do you have a cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) than treat it if the cause is an allergy? According to the rules of such correction, you need to take antihistamines. For ease of use, they are available in the form of syrups, suspensions, tablets and nasal preparations. However, future mothers are categorically contraindicated in such medications. Especially when it comes to the first weeks after conception. What to do in this case? Than to treat a cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) of an allergic type?

To begin with it is necessary to visit the profile doctor and hand over some analyzes. The allergist will easily determine what exactly this reaction has come about. Only after this the doctor can evaluate the complexity of the situation and choose the appropriate treatment. Most often prescribed drugs such as "Vibrocil "Tavegil "Finestil "Zirtek". Use them can only be recommended by a specialist after assessing all risks. Remember that you can not exceed this dosage yourself. In the absence of the effect of treatment, you should consult a doctor for additional advice.

Viral infection

If there was a cold cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), than to treat it? Drugs are very effective in this case. However, they can only be used with the permission of the doctor. Most often, doctors in the first trimester of pregnancy prescribe immunostimulating drugs of a new generation. These include: "Interferon "Viferon "Gripferon "Cycloferon" and so on. In some cases, the medicine "Arbidol "Isoprinosine" and others can be used.

Remember that the dosage should be selected individually and after assessing the risks to the fetus. Most often, doctors recommend using a preventive dose of medication.

Bacterial infection

If there was a bacterial cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) treatment should include antimicrobial therapy. However, almost all drugs in this category are contraindicated for expectant mothers at the beginning of the term. For this reason, doctors prescribe safe syrups and throat treatment.

Oral administration of liquid medicines is carried out in the prescribed dosage in compliance with all rules. This includes the medicine "Bromgexin "Doctor Mom "Herbion "Ambrobene" and so on. For local effects on bacteria, Chlorophyllipt, Lugol, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin and others are prescribed.

To use antibiotics of a wide spectrum of influence it is possible only in the second third of pregnancy. It is then that the fetus will be reliably protected by the placenta, and its organs and systems will already be formed.

Runny nose

If a woman has a mucous discharge from the nose and a dry cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), than to treat these symptoms? Often the cause of irritation of the larynx is a common cold. Especially the anxiety manifests itself when the future mother takes a horizontal position. To treat in this case it is necessary not a symptom, but its reason. Contact your otorhinolaryngologist for appointments.

Most common cold in the first trimester of pregnancy is treated by washing the nasal sinuses and instilling immunostimulating drugs. These include "Gripferon "Interferon "Derinat" and others. With nasal congestion, the spray "Nazivin "Snoop" and others can be recommended. However, they should be used very carefully, since vasoconstrictive drugs can adversely affect the baby's future.

Dry air

If you have a dry cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), treatment can be the most banal. Often the cause of irritation of the larynx is dry air in the room. At the same time, on the street, a woman feels fine and does not feel any discomfort.

Treatment is not assigned. To eliminate the symptom, simply moisten the air. You can do it with a special device or with improvised means. Arrange a container of water around the house and hang wet towels. In a few hours you will feel much better.

Application of grandmother's recipes

If there was a throat irritation and cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), than to treat? Folk remedies can provide first aid in eliminating a symptom. Here are a few proven and effective ways to cure yourself:

  • brew raspberry jam in a glass of boiling water and drink it before going to bed;
  • warm the milk to a temperature of 40 degrees and put in it two tablespoons of honey, then use the composition;
  • rinse the throat with a decoction of chamomile and sage three times a day;
  • Try to avoid cold temperatures and do not strain the vocal cords;
  • Make a warm compress of camphor oil on the outer larynx;
  • more often drink tea with several slices of lemon.

There are a great many councils for treating a cough. However, before using these or other recipes, you need to remember your situation. Do not abuse herbs. Some of them can negatively affect the health of the future baby.

Use of inhalation

What should I do if I have a cough during pregnancy (1st trimester)? Reviews of women and doctors say that an excellent assistant in the fight against the symptom is inhalation. However, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to conduct such procedures at high temperature.

Inhalations are carried out with the help of a special device or with improvised means. In the latter case, you can use boiled hot potatoes or boiling kettle. After the procedure, you must avoid stress on the vocal cords and be in a warm room.

What to do after cough treatment?

So, you cured a dry cough during pregnancy (1st trimester). The doctors say that after each illness, it is necessary to check the condition of the fetus. If the therapy had to use medicines, they could affect the development of the baby. To exclude pathology, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound. It is especially important to diagnose when a viral or bacterial disease has been transmitted, accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Some future mothers prefer not to attach importance to the disease. It is worth noting that in some cases this can lead to unexpected consequences and diagnoses.


You now know how you can cure a cough during pregnancy. Remember that the first trimester is the most dangerous for any medical manipulation and taking medications. That's why you should not self-medicate. Ask your doctor for help and get suitable appointments. Only in this case you can maximally secure your future baby from the possible consequences of the disease.

Try to protect yourself as much as possible from colds in the first weeks of bearing a baby. It is better to prevent the disease than to treat it with prohibited means. Be healthy!

Means for coughing during pregnancy

Any cold is undesirable when carrying a baby, and problems with the bronchopulmonary system in particular. After all, this can be covered completely different reasons, and some of them negatively affect both the baby and the placenta. To get rid of the disease as soon as possible, you need to know what cough remedy you can use during pregnancy.

Allowed cough remedy for pregnancy in the first trimester

At a time when the fetus is forming internal organs, cough treatment can have a bad effect on this process. That's why it's so important to seek help from a doctor, refusing self-treatment.

An effective and safe cough remedy for pregnancy is honey, provided that the mother is not allergic. It can be used in a snack for tea, and with milk. It will be good to remember childhood and to prepare radish juice with honey.

In addition to internal use, it is possible to use this beekeeping product externally. For this honey and flour are cooked warm honey cakes and superimposed on the area of ​​the bronchi. Instead, before bedtime apply honey rubbing back and chest with subsequent wrapping.

To improve the passage of mucus from the bronchi it is recommended to drink warm milk with boiled in it a fig or banana. This proven tool helps to quickly get rid of annoying cough.

Of expectorants, at this time, few are allowed - Mukaltin, althea root, Dr. Mom, Gedelix, Herbion, Doctor Tays, Bronchipret, Bronchicum, and also the drug Malavit.

Means for cough for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

With the onset of the second trimester, the placenta has already been formed, which protects the baby from external influences. But this does not mean that you can start self-medication. At this time, the same medicines are recommended as in the first trimester, but only after a full-time doctor's consultation.

In addition, warm inhalations with fir, eucalyptus, soda and sage oil are good for coughing. In order for this method to work, it will be necessary to perform inhalation at least 5 times a day, alternating with rinsing of sage grass, chamomile and soda.

Cough for pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

It is believed that the third trimester is the safest for the baby. The fetus is no longer so coughing mother, but it must be treated. Untreated cough leads to the aging of the placenta and, as a consequence, the deterioration of the baby's nutrition.

At this time for pregnant women, we accept the use of a synthetic expectorant against coughing. Most often used Ambroxol, Stoptussin and Bromhexine. It is especially important to be treated before the birth, because after the appearance of the baby a sick mother may infect a newborn, and treatment will be needed for two.

Cough syrup during pregnancy, which is better?

Cough is a frequent companion of all pregnant women. Both out of pregnancy and during pregnancy, this disease must be treated so that complications do not arise later.

Cough during pregnancy can be a kind of protective reaction, in particular, with severe irritation of the upper respiratory tract. An unpleasant cough can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction or an asthma attack. In some cases, cough is regarded as a symptom of violations of the cardiovascular system, as well as of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, before you start cough treatment, especially during pregnancy, you need to consult your doctor. If the cough is caused by a cold disease, then in this case - continue reading the article further in order to facilitate your physical condition.

Decreased immunity during pregnancy

In pregnancy, a woman's immunity is significantly reduced. This is considered an absolutely normal reaction of the body to negative factors that can attack the "pregnant" organism.

Reduction of immunity in a woman is necessary in order to avoid a possible threat of miscarriage. But, there is a twofold reaction - on the one hand, the fetus is protected, and on the other - the woman is susceptible to various kinds of infections, viruses and the negative impact of pathogenic microorganisms.

Especially dangerous period for the pregnant woman is the off-season, that is, this time is autumn-winter-spring, when there is an increased activation of colds.

How does the cough affect a pregnant woman in the first trimester?

How does cough affect a pregnant woman in the first trimester? In the first month of pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases quite rapidly. Therefore, doctors recommend to be especially attentive to their health. In the first trimester, even with the appearance of mild signs of a cold, it is necessary to take serious measures to eliminate the disease.

In a woman in the first trimester, cough is caused by stress, with cardiac, gastrointestinal, cardiac, smoking and other negative bad habits.

Important! If a woman in the first trimester smokes, this increases the likelihood of miscarriage about 10 times.

If you do not cure a cough in the first trimester of pregnancy, then this leads to severe consequences in the form of: hypertension uterus, hypoxia, placental detachment, sudden increase in pressure, abortion of pregnancy at any time pregnancy.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is important to cure a cough in time, do not waste time and think that the cough will pass by yourself!

Cough in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, coughing is just as severe in consequences as in the first trimester. In this period, the disease is quite clearly reflected in the fetus. The only thing that is the most favorable factor in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is complete protection of the fetus by the placenta. The placenta is a natural conductor during pregnancy, which is necessary to provide the fetus with oxygen, as well as a number of nutrients.

Cough negatively affects the nervous system of the baby, and can also lead to an adverse effect in the form of - a violation of the formation of bone mass.

It is mandatory to treat cough in any trimester of pregnancy.

Cough during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

Cough in the 3rd trimester no longer affects the course of pregnancy so much as in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the placenta fully protects the fetus from the negative effects of viruses, infections, bacteria, and pathogenic microorganisms.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, cough affects the active production of breast milk. A severe tearing cough can lead to such consequences as: premature exfoliation of the placenta, birth before the term.

Doctors warn that the cough at 37 weeks of pregnancy in the amniotic fluid can penetrate the infection. Therefore, it is mandatory to treat cough in the 3 trimester of pregnancy.

How to treat a cough during pregnancy?

Based on the information above, you could already understand that a cough during pregnancy should be treated in any trimester. But, in no case it is not recommended to resort to such treatments as hot baths for legs and body, mustard plasters, a trip to the bath. It is forbidden to undergo treatment with alcoholic tinctures, as well as unknown herbal remedies.

If you are concerned about a dry cough during pregnancy, you need to resort to:

  • To consult a doctor;
  • After consulting a doctor, you can start treatment with Stoptopsin-Fito syrup, Coldrex Knight, Falimint, Libexin. Important! Virtually all of these drugs are used if the threat to the mother exceeds the permissible risk for the fetus.

Treatment of a damp cough during pregnancy

Treatment of a damp cough with the drugs listed below is allowed only after consultation with a physician-therapist.

To effective treatment of colds include licorice root syrup, Bromhexin, Mukaltin, Bronchistrest, Herbion, Tussin, Gedelix, as well as herbal pectoral preparations №1, №2, №3, №4.

Important! In breast collection number 1 contains oregano, which in most clinical cases leads to profuse uterine bleeding, hypersensitivity, allergic reaction. In the breast collection under number 2 contains the root of licorice, which is not desirable for women during pregnancy.

To cough syrups, common in the pharmaceutical market, include Dr. Mom, Lynx, Prospan, and Teraflu. But, again! It is forbidden to use Teraflu in the first trimester, since no major clinical trials have been conducted.

What kind of syrup from a cough is forbidden to take during pregnancy?

When pregnant, it is forbidden to take such cough syrups as: Grippex, Kodelak, Terpinkod, Glikodin, ACTS, Bronholitin, Dzhoset, and Travisil. Do not risk your health and the health of an unborn baby when using unverified drugs. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication during pregnancy.

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