Fainting: first aid with fainting

Syndrome is a short-term sudden loss of consciousness due to impaired circulation of the brain. Fainting is a symptom-manifestation of inadequate gas exchange in brain cells: oxygen supply and carbon dioxide removal. Prescience often includes signs: dizziness, a feeling of faintness, panic, nausea.

It is important in time to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of fainting and correctly provide emergency first aid in fainting at home. After all, we all walk under God and the universe, know how to help a neighbor, perhaps we ourselves will someday come in handy for their help.


Syncope: Symptoms, Symptoms, Causes

The main symptoms of a syncope are chest tightness, weakness, "front sight flies", numbness of the limbs, nausea, vomiting, pale skin, drop in blood pressure.

The patient suddenly "rolls up" his eyes, becomes covered with a cold sweat. His pulse weakens, his limbs become colder, a narrowing begins, and then the pupils widen. Most often this state lasts for several seconds, then gradually the patient begins to recover and react to the surrounding.

The easiest degree of syncope - lipotymia - begins with a sudden light clouding of consciousness, dizziness, ringing in the ears, yawning. Patients pale, there is a cold snap of hands and feet, drops of sweat on the face.

Syncope occurs:

  1. with severe fright, agitation, with pain,
  2. at the sight of blood or a weak heart,
  3. , women often lose consciousness during pregnancy.

Sometimes the fainting is caused by a stuffy room, overheating in the sun or in a bath, and also a quick transition from a horizontal position to a vertical one. Most often, fainting occurs in hysterical women and in weakened patients.

Syncope: first emergency care

In case of syncope it is urgent to provide the patient with the first first aid!

The patient should be immediately placed on his back( in light cases it is possible to simply sit him with his back resting on the back of a chair or armchair).It is better to put evenly and slightly raise your legs, for a greater flow of blood to your head!


It is necessary to ensure good access to oxygen( often one this leads to the cessation of fainting) - unfasten the collar or dress, dissolve the belt, open the window or window, if around the fallen person crowded onlookers - part.

On the face and chest of the patient it is necessary to sprinkle cold water, pat him with a wet towel or palm on the cheeks, give sniffs of ammonia or burnt bird feathers, grind limbs and warm the warmers.

Do not try to pour a half-bubble of ammonia on the patient or rub it with whiskey( although it is better to wipe it - the smell of ammonia will help reflexively, strongly irritating the smell receptors, bring the patient back to normal - the author's comment).Ammonia solution does not restore cerebral circulation, but stimulates the respiratory center through the nerve endings in the nasopharynx( the person makes a reflex inspiration and a large portion of oxygen enters the body with inhalation).

You can continue to keep the cotton wool with ammonia at the nose, for a couple of seconds to cover the mouth with your hand - all the inhaled air will go through the nose and the ammonia will fall into the nasal cavity( according to the author of the site, this method of "sticking the cotton wool with ammonia into the nose"breathing at all and will have to do artificial respiration to the patient, so that he does not die ).You can, at the worst, just click on the tip of the nose - the pain stimulus is also sometimes able to stimulate the restoration of consciousness. When the patient regains consciousness, he should give hot strong tea or coffee.

If the patient has already lost consciousness, you do not need to pull him or try to lift him. Consciousness will return when the normal blood supply of the brain is restored, and this requires the horizontal position of the body( the tone of the vessels is sharply reduced and if we lift the head or body, the blood will simply flow into the lower limbs and of no normal blood supply, of course, it will not work).

There is no need to try to find a pulse, because of low pressure and loss of vascular tone, the pulse wave is very weak, and you can simply not feel it. Physicians define in such cases a pulse on the neck, on the carotid artery( if you think you know where the carotid artery lies, you can try to find the pulse there).

Site author: I quote a case of first aid from the practice of

Carried out cardiopulmonary resuscitation to one man after drowning. There is no water in the lungs, there is no pulse, there is no breath. Half an hour of resuscitation, exhausted.

One woman just bit this man behind the site( right under her nose) between her nose and upper lip( grabbed the upper edge of the upper lip in the center) with the bite in the middle and hit the biologically active point! The pulse appeared, breathing recovered, the man came to himself!

We recommend to irritate the needle( at the worst - finger - pressure and vibration) point Duy-Duan - in the center between the nose and the upper lip.

Medical equipment with fainting

  1. rub the whiskey to the patient with ammonia, and also lead a wet cotton wool with ammonia in front of the nose( do not stick the cotton wool in the nose to the patient!).
  2. when the patient regains consciousness, give him strong coffee, tea or some wine;
  3. if the patient is sick with heart disease, give him 15-20 drops of Corvalol, Valocordinum or Valerian tincture;
  4. if a syncope lasts more than five minutes - the patient is given an injection of Cordiamine or Camphora to stimulate cardiac activity and increase blood pressure.

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  1. The man fainted after inhaling. The cause is stenosis of the aortic valve.

Normally, blood from the lung enters the heart, and then it is thrown into the aorta, from where it enters the brain. In the aorta there is a valve that does not allow blood to return. With age, a part of the people is constricted by the aortic valve. Blood does not enter the aorta, therefore, the blood supply to the brain is disturbed, which can cause a faint.

What to do: to solve this problem, experts insert an artificial valve.

  1. The man fainted after touching his neck. The reason is the increased sensitivity of the carotid sinus.

There is a nerve plexus on the neck, which is called the carotid sinus. With increased sensitivity of the carotid sinus, pressing on this plexus can cause a decrease in the heart rate.

Because of the slowing of the rhythm, the vessels dilate, the pressure drops sharply - this can lead to dizziness and unconsciousness.

What to do: if the sensitivity of the carotid sinus is high, you should consult your doctor and avoid touching your neck.

  1. The man fainted after taking a heavy bag in his hand. The reason is the syndrome of "stealing" of the subclavian artery.

This syndrome occurs due to the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque in the subclavian artery.

If a person strains the arm muscles, the brain commands to increase the blood flow of the hand, but this can not be done because of the narrowed artery. Then the blood begins to go from the head to the hand along the bypass, which leads to the bleeding of the brain and to fainting.

What to do: to detect atherosclerotic plaque, you need to make ultrasound of large vessels.

The main causes of fainting in a child and an adult

Protasova Alla - a physician-therapist of the SBU SBU tells about the main causes of syncope in children and adults.

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Sometimes people face such a problem that they get dark in their eyes when they suddenly stand up. In this case, often even for a couple of seconds, you may experience nausea, tinnitus, and weakness.

These sensations can be fast or last for a while, and in some cases even fainting is possible. In this video, we tried to consider all sorts of reasons why it happens, and, most importantly, whether it should be treated.

Fainting - causes and what to do: a presyncope condition of

. Source: Iligov GN Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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