Cough in a child without fever

Dry cough in children without fever: causes and treatment

Dry is called a cough, not accompanied by the release of mucus or sputum. Usually, such a cough in children is very painful and violent. The tactics of treatment are determined by the causes of the pathology. Bacterial infection can be eliminated only by antibiotics, and treatment of the disease in the home is to rub the breasts and apply steam inhalations. Dry cough without temperature in children is much more difficult to cure than a common cold.

Causes of dry cough without fever in children

The causes of dry cough without temperature in children are very diverse: inflammation, allergy, smoking around, long exposure to dust. In some cases, the use of medication is meaningless, and with the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, pertussis, tracheitis and laryngitis, antibiotics are indispensable.

A cold caused by a viral infection is the most common cause of dry cough in children, usually without fever. The disease is also manifested by a sore throat or a mild irritation, which gradually becomes a cough. Gradually, the cough becomes wet, and a few days after the beginning of the treatment comes to naught.

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Influenza virus can cause a dry cough in a child. Symptoms of the disease are similar to those of a cold, but the child at the same time feels much worse. The flu begins with a dry and hoarse cough that gradually turns into a damp and productive cough.

Environmental irritants can cause a dry cough in a child who goes without temperature. Especially highly sensitive to cigarette smoke, hot or dry air, strong smells of chemicals, small children.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease occurs when gastric acid and stomach contents enter the esophagus. This is accompanied by burning, abundant salivation and even vomiting. The acid of the stomach irritates the throat and leads to the development of a dry cough in the child.

Dry children's cough - a symptom of whooping cough - a contagious bacterial infection of the respiratory system. The so-called "pertussis cough" is accompanied by a characteristic buzzing sound, lacrimation, the appearance of a bluish shade of saliva and a bulging tongue outward.

Treatment of dry cough in a child

Dry cough in children without temperature requires the use of a large amount of liquid to form sputum.

Use of medication for children under 2 years is not recommended. For older children, the drug is used to treat dry cough without a temperature "Robotussin which blocks cough reflexes, as well as a suspension of "Delsim relieving the child of anguish for 12 hours.

Home remedies for dry cough - steam inhalations with automatic moisturizing to open nasal passages and relieve irritation in the throat. The recipe for traditional medicine for dry cough: mix a spoonful of honey with the juice of one lemon and take it until it disappears. It should be given to the child as much as possible fluid to remove toxins from the child's body. Children over the age of five are allowed to suck lollipops and cough lozenges.

Prolonged cough in a child without fever

Caring mothers always worried and continues to worry the situation, when without the temperature the child has a prolonged cough. Sometimes there are no prerequisites for him, or the baby is already treated, but coughs. An unpleasant symptom can arise both independently and be a consequence of hidden processes occurring in the body.

Causes of prolonged dry cough in a child without fever

Nursing dry long cough or a rare cough in a child is always alarming, because often it is a symptom of such a formidable disease astuberculosis.And although many inhabitants are sure that it must necessarily be accompanied by a subfebrile temperature, practice is not always the case, and therefore if this condition lasts more than 2-3 weeks, consultation is necessary phthisiatrician.

Lamblias, ascarids, pinworms and other parasites,inhabiting the body, sometimes cause a dry cough, if the invasion spread throughout the body. That is why it is so important to regularly take tests and undergo preventive treatment with the whole family.

Not the last of the reasons why a prolonged dry cough in a child without a temperature can occur is residual afterwhooping cough,when the cough center is irritated and the child is suffering from a nasal cough (up to three months). If such a diagnosis was made, the doctor always warns Mom and prescribes antitussives in case of attacks.

But most often dry cough caused by ordinaryhouse dust and dry air indoors.Lungs should be cleaned independently, and therefore a cough reflex is produced. In the period of flowering plants - from the beginning of spring to late autumn, a dry cough can be triggered by an allergy to their pollen.

Prolonged wet cough in a child without fever

The reasons for a wet cough against a background of normal temperature are less than that of dry cough.

Most often it is an obstruction in the bronchi, chronic bronchitis, asthma or an infection of the ENT organs, which can take a long time.

Some allergic children react with a moist cough to the stimulus. This condition is often accompanied by an inflammatory process of the broncho-pulmonary system, and therefore requires the use of antibacterial agents.

Whatever cough the child has - dry or wet, if it continues for a long time, then parents should not guess at the coffee grounds, but should consult a pediatric doctor who will prescribe a complete examination to determine the cause and purpose of adequate treatment.

Dry cough in a child without fever

Cough, both dry and wet, can indicate the passage in the body of a child a huge number of different diseases. In some situations this symptom persists for several days, but in most cases it takes a long time, and getting rid of it can be very difficult.

In this case, if the baby has an additional body temperature, each mom is fair suspects colds and takes measures to prevent the development of complications after such ailments. If the temperature of the crumb remains within the normal range, and the cough does not stop, the parents begin to worry and do not know what to do.

In this article, we will tell you in what diseases the child can have a dry cough without temperature, and what treatment can be prescribed in different situations.

Causes of dry cough without fever in children

This unpleasant symptom in boys and girls at different ages can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. In some cases, it is with a mild cough without fever that various acute respiratory diseases begin. Often, these symptoms are also associated with a sore throat, which causes the child to try to clear his throat. Subsequently, a runny nose may join them, and in this case the nature of the cough may change.
  2. A rare dry cough in a child without temperature throughout the day may indicate pulmonary tuberculosis.
  3. Very often the cause of this phenomenon is allergy. And, contrary to the generally accepted opinion, coughing in most cases disturbs the crumb not only in time of contact with the allergen, but also much later, when no other symptoms of allergy are no longer is manifested. Under such circumstances, the diagnosis of the disease can be difficult, and even doctors for a certain time do not understand what exactly happens to the child. In severe cases, the allergy takes the form of a disease such as bronchial asthma, which can disturb the crumb throughout life.
  4. After suffering pertussis, the child often has a dry paroxysmal cough without temperature, which occurs mainly at night. With this disease in the nervous system of the crumbs, the "focus of excitement" is formed, which for a long time can provoke this unpleasant symptom.
  5. Also, the cause of dry cough in a baby at normal body temperature can be contact with volatile substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Similarly, a small object that falls into the respiratory system can manifest itself.
  6. Finally, a frequent dry cough in a child without a temperature, more like a cough, may occur in a room with an excessively low humidity. This causes the cough to dry out the mucous membranes.
What if the baby has a dry cough without fever?

Of course, if your child has a dry cough without fever, especially prolonged, you should consult a doctor.

To get rid of this unpleasant symptom, medications that depress cough reflex, however in the treatment of babies they are used extremely rarely and only for the intended purpose the doctors.

In addition, if the cause of dry cough is bronchial asthma, your child may need medicines that affect the lumen of the bronchi. Such remedies operate throughout the body and have a lot of contraindications and side effects, therefore they are also strongly discouraged from using without prior consultation with pediatrician.

To ease the condition of crumbs and accelerate its recovery, you need to provide him with a plentiful drink, as well as the optimum level of humidity in the children's room. All other procedures and procedures can be performed only under the guidance of a physician.

How to treat barking cough in a child without fever

A child's coughing is always a cause for concern for the parents, what can we say about dry, hysterical coughing. Most often they suffer from children under the age of five due to the peculiarities of the structure of the larynx. The lumen is much narrower than in adults, so any virus can cause laryngeal edema and difficulty breathing.

If the cough is episodic and does not last long, it does not cause any special fears. It can be the body's response to the ingress of dust or small particles of food into the pharynx. As a rule, such a cough passes by itself.


  • Dry prolonged or paroxysmal cough.
  • Increase in temperature.
  • Problems with vocal cords, frequent loss of voice.
  • Wheezing.
  • Night attacks of coughing, causing the child to wake up.
  • Lack of air and symptoms of suffocation.

In such cases, it is better not to hesitate and seek qualified help.Sometimes hospitalization is required, especially if the child is small enough.Folk methods and refusal of medical examination can aggravate the situation and lead to a tragic result, so it is better to treat such a cough with the support of doctors.

From this article you can learn how to treat a trachea cough.

In the video - tells about the causes and treatment of barking cough in a child without temperature:


  • Infections of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Allergic manifestations.
  • Cyst of the larynx.
  • Foreign object in the throat.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Dry air.
  • Infection with parasites.

The main rule of treatment: a cough is not a disease, but one of the symptoms of the disease, so a complete picture of what is happening is required in order to eliminate the cause and avoid consequences.

Than to treat a bronchitis and tussis at the adult, it is possible to learn or find out from the given article.

The most serious threat from this list is diphtheria and whooping cough.These infectious diseases are characterized by a complex course and a greater risk of side effects.For prevention, vaccinations are used, which must be done in infancy, and then reinforced with booster vaccination. Refusal to take vaccinations must have a weighty medical indication, and not the parent's arguments. In any case, the risk of vaccination is incomparably less than from the disease itself.

The most common cause of barking dry cough is infectious diseases, which are not always accompanied by fever and runny nose. In a number of cases, the only, but very weighty symptom is a dry paroxysmal cough.

For what reason there is a paroxysmal dry cough, it is indicated in this article.

To exclude pneumonia and bronchitis, a pediatrician usually gives directions to an X-ray examination, general blood and urine tests are also needed, which will give more complete information about possible reasons.

Special recommendations for regular air humidification. Excessively dry air can itself provoke a strong cough due to the drying out of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Buying a moisturizer or home methods to combat this phenomenon (hang wet towels on batteries, put the pelvis with water), and if necessary, and periodic lubrication of the nasal sinuses and a plentiful drink, quickly calmed the dry cough.

For what reason there is a wheezing cough in the child, you can learn from this article.

In the case of an allergic cough, in addition to standard tests, you may need a detailed test for most known allergens. The cost of such an analysis is quite high, but sometimes this is the only way to know the cause of the allergy. If you know the "culprit" of a cough and, for example, hereditary allergy or contact with a provoking factor, you can immediately start treatment.

Why there is a cough due to mucus in the nasopharynx, indicated in the article.

How to treat

First of all, you need to know the root cause, and only then start treatment. If an allergic attack is usually taken with antihistamines (in particularly severe situations, hospitalization may be necessary). The foreign object entering the throat is also a critical situation in which the count is maintained for a second. It is better to study the algorithm of actions in advance, so as not to get confused or harm the child in inept movements.

Infectious and viral diseases are better treated with mucaltic drugs, which the doctor will write out. Sometimes it is advisable to take both antiviral or immunostimulating drugs at the same time. It is equally important to provide suitable living conditions. Regular airing, plentiful drink (a favorite compote or a tasty mors from berries will be more suitable than medicinal broths) and light food contribute to the speedy recovery of not less than medicamentous preparations.

For what reason there is a coughing runny nose in the throat without fever, you can learn from this article.

The video tells about the treatment of barking cough in a child without temperature:

Good help with dry cough and steam inhalation. You can buy a special professional inhaler, the efficiency of which is several times higher, but a conventional water inhaler will do.Traditional medicine does not exclude domestic cough treatment methods, but they are usually aimed more to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

From this article you can find out for what reason the baby has a cough and runny nose, but without fever.

Bacteriological diseases must be treated with antibiotics, which you will be discharged after the conclusion of a laboratory study. Pertussis and diphtheria are the most serious of them, but fortunately, widespread vaccination has made these diseases less difficult. Sometimes hospitalization is required, especially if the child is younger. With a mild course of the disease and an adult enough, the patient can be treated at home.

In rare, fortunately, cases, the cause of a severe dry cough is congenital malformation of the development, when the newborn has periodic suffocation and shortness of breath. Treatment will be exclusively surgical methods, which have good statistics of positive results.

Opinion of Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician and author of many sensational methods of treating children in somewhat unconventional ways, Dr. Komarovsky also does not consider dry barking cough as a separate disease. At its core, every parent can fully determine the severity of the problem and further actions.

Than to treat a dry cough at the adult and what to apply thus medicines, it is specified in given article.

One should understand the main axiom: children suffer from even the most good and responsible parents. Instead of lamenting and blaming yourself for what happened, it is better to take measures in time and provide the baby with all possible conditions for a speedy recovery.

Prevention of diseases can be called the following measures:

  • Regular airing and humidification of air. The main guarantee of good health by Komarovsky's methods is precisely the constant access of fresh air to the room.
  • Absence of strong allergens in the house. It is desirable to avoid the accumulation of soft toys, down pillows of a hundred years ago, wall carpets and other sources of dust. It is not necessary to turn an apartment into an animal nursery, even wool from an innocuous guinea pig can provoke the strongest allergy.
  • Do not heat the room with heaters or clog your room. With enough cool and moisturized air, the baby will be able to breathe and cough more easily.
  • The diet should not be forced and include heavy foods for the stomach. During illness all the body forces the organism to fight the pathogens of the infection or viruses. If you overload the stomach with dense food, you can not count on a quick recovery. The child refuses to eat? This is a normal reaction, the main task is to provide a full drink.
  • Sometimes, to get rid of an allergic cough, you should also review the child's wardrobe. Usually parents try to exclude synthetic fabrics for their child, but there are exceptions: bright pictures or inserts on clothing, which can provoke such a reaction.
  • Clean and regular wet cleaningin the house is guaranteed to get rid of the spread of infection. This will also remove the dust and slightly moisten the air.

What kind of syrup can be treated dry cough in a child can be learned from this article.

On the video - about barking cough in a child without temperature tells Komarovsky:

The main rule of Dr. Komarovsky is not to experiment with your children and not create conditions for them in which to defeat the disease will be more difficult.A short walk in the fresh air will bring more benefit than a hopeless lying in bed.Moderate physical activity also does not cause harm, in the absence of high temperature, of course. Do not over-wrap and dress your child "warmly so you can achieve the opposite effect: the child will sweat and after guaranteed supercooling from the slightest breeze.

For what reason there is a cough when cutting teeth in children, is indicated in this article.

Reasonable approach to treatment of the disease, timely consultation of a specialist and laboratory tests will help to quickly find out the cause of barking dry cough in children. An integrated approach to the treatment of the disease and the creation of comfortable conditions for the child's stay guarantee the absence of problems and undesirable consequences.

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