Vegeto vascular dystonia in adolescents: causes, symptoms and treatment

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From this article you will learn: the causes and main symptoms of vegetative vascular dystonia in adolescents. Methods of diagnosis and treatment, how to prevent VSD.

content of the article:

  • Causes
  • The main symptoms of the pathology diagnosis

Treatment of vascular dystonia( or, in other words, autonomic dysfunction) in adolescents is not a disease, it is - the state of the body in which there is poor circulation.

vascular dystonia - a syndrome that is a combination of symptoms occurring in the body changes or pathological processes, which often is the result of chronic stress. The basis of this syndrome is a violation of the regulation of the vascular tone of the autonomic nervous system.

The most frequent symptoms of VSD: pain in the heart, a feeling of lack of air, high fatigue, irritability. This painful condition is very common in adolescents.

It is believed that adolescence in girls begins at 10-12 years and lasts until 15-16 years. In boys, this age begins at 12-14 years and lasts until 17-18 years. These are the average indicators of adolescence. At this time, puberty occurs, which is accompanied by accelerated physical and psychosocial development.

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The course of this pathology in adolescents has some peculiarities. Such adolescents badly tolerate the situation associated with exams, sports competitions. They are scattered, often prone to hysteria and neurasthenia are indecisive, they have reduced storage, preservation and reproduction of the stored, fatigue.

IRR teenagers often is chronic, but there are crises - aggravation, accompanied by a depressive state, an increase in pressure, pain, headache.

In adolescents, this pathology often passes itself as it grows up. There is only one danger - this is an increased pressure, which in the future can contribute to the emergence of other pathologies. Moreover, sometimes the consequences of VSD lead to the development of hypertension by the age of 30-35.

You can completely get rid of the VSD.To do this, carefully monitor the adolescent, so as not to miss the slightest manifestations of this syndrome. When they occur, you should start playing sports, and also keep a diet for the purpose of preventing hypertension.

The problem of vegetative dystonia can be dealt with by such specialists as therapists, neurologists, cardiologists. The diagnosis of the VSD is difficult, since it has many signs that can be in other diseases, which requires the doctor to exclude them.


This syndrome does not occur by itself, but develops as a result of prolonged exposure to various negative factors, such as:

  • hormonal changes the body,
  • stresses on the basis of the relationship,
  • bad habits,
  • excessive load at school,
  • enough sedentarylife,
  • suffered in the recent past severe diseases.

Most of the teenagers are subject to emotional stress, contributing to the emergence of VSD.They become more vulnerable, they can easily fall under the negative influence of others. All this can lead to the emergence of autonomic dysfunction. If a teenager's muscle growth rate exceeds the growth rate of the peripheral nervous system - it can also cause the appearance of this painful syndrome.

The reasons for the emergence of VSD in girls and boys may differ. Since women are more emotional, the autonomic dysfunction, they may arise from excessive feelings of judgments of others, of a conflict with friends, the public opinion. Also, menstruation can promote the manifestation of associated with vegetative dysfunction of nervous disorders.

Rapid sexual maturation in young men can lead to inadequate power loads, which negatively affect the heart. In addition, many young men start smoking and drinking earlier, try drugs - all this also contributes to the development of autonomic dysfunction.

You can not discount the hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of ailment. If the parents have cardiovascular disorders, then this can be passed on to the adolescent. In this case, parents from the earliest childhood should carefully monitor the state of his health, promote physical development, tempering.

The main symptoms of the pathology of

Often adolescents complain that their health has worsened, namely:

  • has a pain in the heart;
  • pulse became more frequent;
  • a heaviness appeared in the chest;
  • difficult to breathe, torments dyspnea;
  • heart rate changes, there is no stability;
  • headache;
  • darkens in the eyes;
  • there are constipation or diarrhea;
  • there is a urge to vomit;
  • was affected by urination.

With VSD, there are acute attacks, but it can have a more calm chronic course. The acute course manifests itself in the form of a vegetative-vascular crisis, which is also called a panic attack. This condition accompanies a panic mood, hysterics, the onset of an acute attack of anxiety, which is extremely difficult for a teenager to tolerate. The chronic form can proceed almost imperceptibly, and in the acute form of this syndrome the patient suffers from severe painful symptoms.

VSD can be caused by a natural restructuring of the body during adolescence and not related to any painful processes. In adolescents, the pressure rises to normal adult figures, and the pulse rate again decreases to the level of an adult. This, too, can contribute to the emergence of autonomic dysfunction.

But there are times when therapy is necessary. They are followed by the following manifestations of the VSD:

  • suddenly the temperature rises;
  • abundantly allocated sweat;
  • face turns red or turns pale;
  • the teenager becomes emotionally unstable.


For the diagnosis, the following examinations are prescribed:

  1. blood test for determination of hormones;
  2. ultrasound of the brain vessels;
  3. ECG;
  4. Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
  5. thyroid ultrasound;
  6. specialist advice.
Methods for diagnosing vegetovascular dystonia in adolescents

These examinations help to exclude other pathologies with similar symptoms. Only a doctor can diagnose autonomic dysfunction based on the examination, the results of the examinations and analyzes.

Treatment of

VSD can be cured completely, although some doctors disagree with this. The main thing is to realize that nothing terrible will happen. Since there are various manifestations of this syndrome in vegetative dysfunction, several specialists of a narrow profile are engaged in diagnosis and treatment.

When the diagnosis of the VSD is established, it is the psychotherapist who can cure vegetative dysfunction without the use of medications to get rid of it for good.

However, there are cases when drug therapy is necessary. Therapy can be medicamentous and non-medicamentous.

Drug therapy is carried out in severe current VSD.For this, the following is prescribed:

  1. Neurometabolic stimulants( nootropics), which improve the blood circulation and nutrition of the brain, resulting in improved memory, thinking, perception, speech. These include drugs such as Piracetam, Cavinton, Pantogam. Prescribe also vitamins and minerals.
  2. If necessary, prescribe antidepressants;tranquilizers, which have a calming effect on the central nervous system, and neuroleptics in small amounts, designed to treat mental disorders. The use of these drugs is allowed only for the purpose of a psychoneurologist. Long-term drug treatment of adolescents is prohibited, so that they do not become addicted to drugs.
Neurometabolic stimulants

Non-pharmacological treatment may include:

  • with stress - the use before bedtime of sedative herbal tea on the basis of lemon balm, motherwort, valerian, thyme, hawthorn;
  • psychotherapy;
  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • exercises in therapeutic gymnastics.

Often the manifestations of the VSD as a teenager grows up independently. If the symptoms do not pass with age, then with a timely therapy, the prognosis is favorable. Most adolescents recover completely.

The duration of treatment depends on how timely it is started. The duration of the course of therapy is determined by the doctor, depending on the severity of signs of autonomic dysfunction in adolescents. The duration of active treatment with medication is no more than six months.