How many days does angina last?
3 to 7 days
Armen Aratunyan
Bernie Mack died on Day 3
Vladimir Tsukanov
Watching what, and then all my life
Angina usually begins suddenly. The patient feels some malaise, heaviness in the head, pain when swallowing, dryness and sore throat. It seems to him that his throat is narrowed. Hence the name "angina" arose, which means "to compress, to constrain" in Latin. The temperature rises. Local changes in the throat are expressed depending on the degree of damage or redness of the tonsils, or the appearance of a purulent deposit on their surface (catarrhal and follicular angina).
Usually the disease lasts 7-8 days and ends with recovery. However, another outcome is possible, especially if the patient turned to the doctor too late, did not comply with his prescriptions or was treated with his own means. One of the most frequent and severe complications of angina is the near-amygdala ulcer, called the paratonsillar abscess. Such an abscess occurs usually 2-3 days after the manifestations of the disease have completely disappeared. The patient suddenly sharply increases the temperature (to 39-40), there are strong (in the expression of patients, tearing) pain in the throat, not associated with swallowing. This causes him to give up food and drink. The patient with difficulty opens his mouth, his neck swells due to inflammation of the lymph nodes. Complication is very dangerous. In advanced cases, narrowing the lumen of the pharynx as a result of an increase in the abscess can lead to difficulty and even cessation of breathing. Strict compliance with the prescription of a doctor with angina is a prerequisite for prompt cessation and in most cases helps to avoid the development of complications. More attention should be paid to the patient's nutrition. Food should be varied, rich in vitamins. Recommended broths, liquid porridge, steam cutlets, kissels, plentiful drink (milk with Borjomi, tea with lemon).
Alexey XXX
If you do not heal, it can take a very long time. With vigorous treatment and a positive approach during treatment, recovery is possible on the third day. Rinsing with a solution of furacilin every half an hour is very effective in treating, on the first day after rinsing, you can swallow without pain.
How to relieve the pain in the throat with sore throat??? Help...
Olga Sinitsina
With angina, the basis of antibiotic treatment: Cefalexin, Ampicillin, Rocefinum, Sumamed, Extensillin, Rulid, Clacid, Cefamezin, Siflox, Lendacin. To reduce possible allergic reactions, antiallergic drugs (suprastin, tavegil) can be prescribed.
To ease pain-aerosol dioxygen (4 times a day) and pharyngosept (3-5 tablets a day). And also for anesthesia apply: Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ketonal, Panadol.
For hygienic purposes, rinses are given by decoctions of sage, chamomile, also sodium bicarbonate, furacillin.
On the neck, in the area of the lymph nodes, warm compresses are applied. (if there is no temperature!!! )
It is necessary to drink abundantly (up to 3 liters a day), including fruit drinks, mineral waters, tea with lemon and raspberries, warm milk.
Variants of compresses and solutions for inhalation with angina:
1. Shredded potatoes mixed with vinegar and wrapped in cloth, put on the neck with more in the throat.
2. Potatoes, cooked in a uniform, knead, adding vegetable oil and iodine, wrapped in a soft cloth and applied to the throat and chest for the night.
3. In boiling water (250 ml) add 10 drops of menthol oil, stir and add 5 drops of tea tree oil. Use a solution for inhalation for 5 minutes.
4. In boiling water (half-liter) add 15 drops of lemon and 5 drops of sea-buckthorn oil, stir. Pour a teaspoon of soda and start inhalation.
5. Mix 1/2 cup of lemon juice, 11/2 cup of cranberry juice, 2 glasses of beet juice, add 250 g of honey and 250 ml of vodka, take a tablespoon three times a day.
** Playing the Tundra **
What to do? If you get a sore throat, try to gargle more often. For rinsing, seawater is suitable, which will be successfully replaced with a% solution of sodium chloride. Not bad is also soda rinse (half a spoonful of baking soda for a glass of warm water), rinse a solution of furatsilina, infusion of calendula, chamomile or sage (you can make a mixture of 1: 1: 1). During treatment of tonsillitis avoid spicy food, drink plenty of juices (especially useful is mango juice). It is best to take liquid food: liquid cereals and soups.
Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends for the treatment of sore throat gargle with a mixture of beetroot juice and vinegar (a tablespoon of vinegar per glass of juice). Another useful rinse: Kalanchoe juice, diluted with boiled water in the following proportions:.
Angina is almost never sick with hardened people, so that for its prevention you need to visit more fresh air, play sports every day at least half an hour and not too wrapped up at home or at home. street.
Valentina Davydova
gargle more often, with an aqueous solution of calendula ...
Alyona Yakovleva
Warm water.. half a teaspoon of soda.. three drops of iodine... mix and rinse every half an hour.
Lugol in the pharmacy is sold.. a penny worth.. smear.. although not very pleasant.
A plentiful warm drink... but not hot.
Angina is a very serious thing! The doctor is necessary.
It gives great complications.
Marina Yurchenko
At a high temperature, you can take an antipyretic medicine: koldreks, fervex, panadol, efferalgan or nurofen. Preference should be given to those medicines that are available in the form of powders or effervescent tablets. They are easier to swallow. You can apply and antipyretic candles - efferalgan or cefekon N. All these drugs will simultaneously reduce the sore throat and lower the temperature.
rinse your throat more often (calendula, solution of soda with water).
if you need to relieve the throat for a while, then you can take in your mouth some kind of suction pills.
All the happiness!
more often drink tea with lemon. there is still a tato preporat. spray Neongin. helps very well and quickly.
Zoya Magloy
Try to download the site MASSAGE FOR ALL user Prayer for Russia. There you will find very useful recommendations for you.
Mr. Hok
I always use crystal deodorant from 100% alunite of tiande company.
For a throat I have a separate copy) I rinse it in water and then rinse with this water. The pain goes away within 2-5 minutes! I have not found anything yet.
anna neshataeva
tonzipret and then tonsil
Anna Protova
And I'm very good help with the resorption tablets. Appointed Tonsilotren and its effect I liked. Soothes the sore throat, the pain of swallowing passes for two days.
How to relieve the pain in the throat with angina, it is impossible to swallow to eat and drink
Said Shams
Rinse your throat with a solution of yoksa, you can not sweet. Abundant drink, drink warm broths hot can not and from the pain you can take a spray of lidocaine with a nozzle sold in a pharmacy and sprinkle, it will be a little quieter and still need to suck on tablets. gramidine and falimint gramidin is an antibiotic and falimint has a weak anesthetic property only apply all this if you do not have allergies to either of these drugs
Maria Dyakonova
the pain is removed when the inflammation subsides. rinse with something. I always pissed off a solution of yoksa. drink milk with honey. Well, if it works out
From angina you need to be treated with antibiotics.
It shows an abundant warm drink (juices, fruit drinks, tea), gargle with a solution of furacilin, decoctions of lek. herbs (calendula, chamomile)
Try rinse with salt, you can sea without additives, and you can and usual!
Sergey Borovikov
bioparox fucking helps! even the strongest sore throat after 2 days as a hand removed. besides this is not a nasty spray, but such a "cigarette smoke" is tasteless
Dissolve pinicin.. That's right, but do not shred.. the best remedy for sore throats.. passes very quickly. .
Irina Lazareva
Go to LOR - let him look at the abscess. Ochchchen unpleasant thing! Yes, and prescribe drugs better than the therapist. Get right!
Natashen ^ ka
Better psyllium, medicine for angina probably no! But the plantain should not be dried, but FRESHED LEAF. (In winter with this problem, unfortunately). But I will write the recipe anyway, just in case, Plantain rubbed through a grater, for example, and in a small amount of water to cook (about a glass of water). Strain from the excess, the infusion is thick, like nectar. And this broth to drink, it is to drink, and not to rinse. On day 3 times: morning, lunch and evening. One day of such procedures heals the strongest sore throat! Once I had such an ailment as a sore throat. I was tormented for 2 weeks, no longer what I could not breathe. But this cure cured me for 1 day. Good luck, get well!
Xenia Smetanka
to collect tablets ...
Alfiya Rakhimova
Rinse the throat with a solution of salt + a little iodine. Pain removes. But tasteless ...
Marina Kravchenko
Tonzilotrene always makes me feel better. Already on the second day the pain during swallowing passes, you can normally eat. Good tablets.
How and how to gargle with angina
In medicine, angina is a common infectious disease, accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils (pharyngeal, palatine, lingual, tubal). Usually, during examination, the doctor ascertains the severity of the inflammation and prescribes antibiotics, since with angina without them it is not necessary (Sumamed, Amoxiclav, etc.). But even with ARVI in order to avoid complications, rinsing of the throat with various antiseptic solutions is shown.
Cold, flu, sore throat brings very unpleasant sensations to the patient:
- sore throat
- difficulty swallowing
- strained breathing
- temperature
- general weakness
- the increase and soreness of the cervical lymph nodes
If you have a sore throat, it indicates that bacteria are present in the nasopharynx, which, with regular rinsing, partially die and gradually rinsed with plaque. Recovery, therefore, occurs much faster, and the treatment becomes more effective. This, it would seem, is the simplest and safest method of treatment, nevertheless is necessary if you have a strong sore throat. Than to gargle with a sore throat? Scientists have proved that if every day gargle with even simple water, it increases the body's resistance to respiratory diseases. And with angina, rinse solutions are enhanced by the action of herbs and antiseptics, which increases the therapeutic effect.
How to gargle properly with angina
When rinsing, the head should be thrown back, with the tongue maximally pushing forward so that the solution passes as deep as possible into the pharynx.
- The rinse solution should be warm, since cold water will only worsen the condition, and hot water can cause burns and unnecessary pain and stress for the patient.
- To improve the irrigation of the tonsils, so that the root of the tongue does not interfere with the passage of the solution, you can pronounce the sound N.
- An important condition for proper rinsing is the time of the procedure, at least 30 seconds is necessary for each rinse, so that the liquid can thoroughly rinse the larynx.
- In order not to swallow the solution, it is important to be able to control breathing.
- Rinse with angina is preferably 6-10 times a day.
Than to gargle with an angina
1. Gargling with throat with salt, iodine and soda is the most affordable, easy way. In a glass of boiled water, dissolve 5 drops of iodine, 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda. This is an old, proven, most popular way. If there is no allergic reaction to iodine - this is the most reliable and effective way to a speedy recovery.
2. Rinse with angina strong tea. To do this, brew strong, unpackaged, better green tea, add 1 teaspoon of salt, cool and rinse your throat with this solution.
3. Rinsing with a solution of potassium permanganate. Warning - this method requires careful dissolution of the manganese pellets in order to avoid serious burns to the oral cavity. This solution dries the mucous and after the procedure it is necessary after 20 minutes to lubricate the throat with 1 teaspoon of sea-buckthorn or other vegetable oil.
4. Rinse with sore throat infusion of garlic. Brew 2 cloves of garlic with one glass of boiling water, allow to infuse the solution for an hour.
5. Gargle with apple cider vinegar. To prepare the solution, you need one teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar and a glass of boiled water. (How to make apple cider vinegar at home)
6. Rinse throat with sore beet juice. Beet juice is a very powerful remedy, relieving swelling, inflammation and pain of the affected throat. This is a simple home remedy, the beetroot is always in the house of every landlady. To prepare the solution, 20 ml is needed. apple cider vinegar and a glass of beet juice. This can be done as follows: 1 beet, grate on a fine grater and add apple cider vinegar (per 1 glass of grated mass, 1 tablespoon of homemade 6% apple cider vinegar). Then wait 4 hours, squeeze the juice, and rinse with this solution throat every 3 hours.
7. Rinse with a decoction of blueberries. You need half a glass of dried blueberries. Boil berries in 2 glasses of water for half an hour. Blueberries are rich in tannins, which helps to quickly remove inflammation.
8. Rinse with sore throat lemon juice. To facilitate swallowing and relieve pain, you can use fresh lemon juice in a 2/3 ratio with boiled water.
9. Rinse with herbal preparations. If there are no allergic reactions to herbs, then you can make infusion of eucalyptus, calendula and chamomile, another option - wormwood, calendula, plantain, another option - sage, mallow flowers and elderberry. To do this, one tablespoon of one of the charges brewed a glass of boiling water, cool, filter and rinse your throat. You can rinse with pure infusion of chamomile.
10. Rinse with ready-made medicinal solutions or sprays: such asChlorophyllipt(price 100 rubles, spray 210 rubles),Furacilin(tablets price 30-40 rubles.), solutionLugolya(price 10 rubles, a spray of 90 rubles),Iodinol(price 15 rubles.),Miramistine(the price is 150-260 rubles). If the rinse aid is in the form of a solution, it should be diluted with boiled water in the proportions, according to the instructions. You can also use Octenisept (230-370 rubles), it should be diluted with water 1/5, or ampoules 1% Dioxydin solution (200 rubles 10 ampoules), one ampoule diluted in 100 ml of water. See the full list of throat scuffs.
11. Gargling with probiotics. Recent researches of scientists prove that in the fight against inflammatory diseases of the nose and throat - sinusitis, sinusitis, angina, an important role is played by bacteria in the mucosa of the nasopharynx, which are able to suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, to complement the treatment, as well as in the prevention of recurrences of sore throat and tonsillitis, you can gargle with such means as Narine (fermented milk concentrate 150 rubles), Normoflorin (liquid 160-200), Trilact (1000 rubles), containing lactobacilli (cf. list of probiotics). At the same time, the balance of the microflora of the oral cavity is normalized, conditions are created for the natural suppression of the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, and the process of recovery is accelerated.