Anti-Corruption Action Plan - 2018

In order to ensure good work in an organization, institution or enterprise, it is necessary to develop and implement certain standards and procedures aimed at combating corruption, namely: the anti-corruption policy in the institution;the order of notification of facts of treatment in order to induce employees of the organization to commit corruption offenses and a comprehensive plan for the implementation of anti-corruption measures, or - anti-corruption measures for the next period of 2017.

In this article, for example, we will analyze the order approving the work plan, its sample model, the execution of the plan, its analysis and the execution of the set of measures introduced into it. At the end of the year an analytical report is prepared on the plan, the strict standard form of which is not provided.

In accordance with the presidential decree on the national strategy of Russia and the national plan in the Russian Federation, anti-corruption plans and programs are developed both in the state executive bodies of the region( ministries, administration) and municipal entities( districts, rural settlements).Work plans need to be created and approved in all organizations: in education( school, technical school, schools, etc.), preschool institutions( kindergarten), in court, prosecutor's office, etc. Meetings of anticorruption commissions are organized, reports on the implementation of this work are written.

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Sample Sample Plan and Rules for Compiling

  • List of Anti-Corruption Measures
  • Recommendations
    • Theme of Anti-Corruption Counteraction
  • Sample Layout Plan and Rules for Compiling

    You can download docx version here. .. The document is approved by an elementary order of the head of the organization for the main types of activities, respectively, the original plan-program is attached to the order. If it is necessary to make changes to the activities, changes are made to the plan and are also formalized by the order "On making changes".The procedure is similar and standard.

    The plan can be drawn up for a period of one to three years: for 2017, or 2017, 2018 and 2019.


    Director( head) of the state budget institution "NAME"

    ____________ Initials, Name

    __________________________ 2017

    Action plan for combating corruption in the( state)( state, budget, autonomous) institution, organization, enterprise

    "NAME OF INSTITUTION"for 2017( 2018, 2019) year

    Under this header a table of 5 columns is placed: No. п / п, Action, Deadline, Responsible persons for execution, Performance note.

    The second column of the table is filled with the following content by line:

    1. Carrying out measures to prevent corruption in the institution, including:

    - intensification of work to create a negative attitude towards corruption among employees, publicize every established fact of corruption in the institution;

    - formation of a negative attitude of employees to donating gifts in connection with the performance of their official duties;

    - prevention of behavior by employees, which can be perceived by others as a promise or offer to give a bribe or as an agreement to accept a bribe or as a request for bribery.

    1. Carrying out of checks on the received notices on the facts of the reference to the employees of the institution with a view to inciting them to commit corrupt offenses and sending inspection materials to the prosecutor's offices and other federal state bodies.
    2. Ensuring the work of the helpline for citizens to address corruption-related facts.
    3. Analysis of appeals of citizens and legal entities in order to identify information about the facts of corruption by the employees of the institution and inappropriate consideration of appeals.
    4. Organization of the provision of public services on a "one-stop shop" principle.
    5. Implementation of a set of organizational explanatory and other measures to combat corruption( holding a seminar, technical training, individual consultations).
    6. Familiarization of newly-admitted employees with anti-corruption legislation and local acts of the institution.
    7. Regular monitoring of compliance with internal procedures.
    8. Realization of regular control of accounting data, availability and reliability of primary accounting documents.
    9. Collaboration with law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, other state bodies and organizations.
    10. Collecting and summarizing information contained in television, radio programs and publications in the media about corruption factors.
    11. Introduction to the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Volgograd Region information on the identified corruption offenses in the activities of the institution's employees and the measures taken to eliminate them.
    12. Introduction to the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Volgograd Region reports on the work to prevent corruption and measures to improve this work for generalization and analysis.
    13. Analysis of the application of anti-corruption policy and, if necessary, its revision.

    At the bottom of the document, indicate the position of the person responsible for the prevention of corruption and other offenses.

    List of anti-corruption measures

    An indicative list of anti-corruption measures that can be envisaged in the plan is given in Table 1 of the Methodological Recommendations of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

    We will analyze and consider the blocks of activities depending on their direction:

    1. Normative provision, consolidation of standards of conduct and declaration of intent:
    2. Development and adoption of a code of ethics and professional conduct of employees of the organization.
    3. Development and implementation of the conflict of interest clause, declaration of conflict of interest.
    4. Development and adoption of rules governing the exchange of business gifts and business hospitality signs.
    5. Joining the Anti-Corruption Charter of Russian Business.
    6. Introduction to the agreements related to the economic activities of the organization, standard anti-corruption clause.
    7. Introduction of anti-corruption provisions in workers' employment contracts.

    Development and introduction of special anti-corruption procedures:

    • Introduction of the procedure for informing employees of the employer about incidents of inciting them to commit corruption violations and the procedure for considering such communications, including the creation of accessible channels for the transfer of designated information( feedback mechanisms, helplines, etc.).
    • Introduction of the procedure for informing the employer about information about cases of corruption offenses committed by other employees, counterparties of the organization or other persons that have become known to the employee and the procedure for considering such communications, including the creation of accessible channels for the transfer of designated information( feedback mechanisms, telephone hotlines, etc.).).
    • Introduction of the procedure for informing employers of an employer about the occurrence of a conflict of interests and the procedure for resolving an identified conflict of interest.
    • Introduction of procedures for the protection of employees who reported corruption offenses in the activities of the organization against formal and informal sanctions.
    • Annual filing of the declaration of conflict of interest.
    • Carry out periodic assessment of corruption risks in order to identify the areas of activity of the organization most exposed to such risks and develop appropriate anti-corruption measures.
    1. Training and informing employees:
    • Annual familiarization of employees against signature with regulatory documents that regulate the prevention and combating of corruption in the organization.
    • Carrying out training activities on prevention and combating corruption.
    • Organization of individual counseling of employees on the application( compliance) of anti-corruption standards and procedures.
    1. Ensuring the compliance of the internal control and audit system of the organization with the requirements of the organization's anti-corruption policy:
    • Carry out regular monitoring of compliance with internal procedures.
    • Realization of regular control of accounting data, availability and reliability of primary accounting documents.
    • Realization of regular monitoring of economic feasibility of expenditures in areas with high corruption risk: exchange of business gifts, hospitality, charitable donations, remuneration to external consultants.
    1. Involvement of experts:
    • Periodic external audit.
    • Involvement of external independent experts in the conduct of economic activities of the organization and the organization of anti-corruption measures.
    1. Evaluation of results of conducted anti-corruption work and dissemination of report materials:
    • Carry out regular evaluation of anti-corruption work results.
    • Preparation and distribution of reports on the work carried out and results achieved in the field of combating corruption.

    As an integral part or appendix to the anti-corruption policy, the organization approves a plan for implementing anti-corruption measures. When drafting such a plan, it is recommended that for each event, the deadline for the meeting and the responsible performer be specified.

    Recommendations of

    In addition to the activities listed in the list, the plan should provide:

    1. ensuring the work of the helpline for citizens to apply for corruption-related facts( the work of the hotline should be informed to citizens by posting an advertisement on the information stand on the official website of the institution);
    2. conducting quarterly analysis of appeals of citizens and legal entities received by the institution in order to reveal information about the facts of corruption on the part of the institution's employees and inappropriate consideration of appeals;
    3. training activities on the prevention and combating of workers' corruption;
    4. familiarize themselves with the signature of new employees with regulatory documents that regulate the prevention and counteracting of corruption in the institution;
    5. technical training, familiarization of employees against painting with changes in the legislation regulating the issues of preventing and combating corruption;
    6. provide the Committee for Social Protection with annual reports on the work to prevent corruption and measures to improve this work in the institution.

    The topic of combating corruption and combating it

    Here is the information material and a complete package of documents on the basics of anti-corruption for any organization, institution or enterprise.

    Samples of orders, documents, regulations, as well as pictures, videos, drawings, cartoons and films.

    Your attention is offered to anti-corruption policy, the fundamentals of anti-corruption, action plans, situations of conflict and interests and their prevention and settlement, and much more. Read more. ..