Dry cough at night in a child

Causes of a child's night cough and methods of dealing with it

Perhaps, many parents know the feeling of excitement and anxiety caused by attacks of a night dry cough in the child. Some mothers in a panic, not knowing how to help their baby, begin to give him antibiotics, but these rash actions only aggravating his condition. Night cough in a child can occur for many reasons, knowing which, you can alleviate his condition and avoid dangerous consequences after taking certain medications.

Why does the condition worsen at night?

The emergence of cough in a child at night, experts explain that in a recumbent calm position The mucus produced in the nasopharynx during the period of a cold is not possible to resolve. Thus, mucus, completely clogging the nasal passages, often becomes the cause of reflex night cough in children. Exactly this process occurs in the lungs: sputum can not normally be removed to the surface of the respiratory tract, causing a suffocating coughing attack.

At night, a cool air, unusual for a baby, can provoke a cough, so it is advisable to avoid sudden changes in air temperature in the room where the child sleeps. In addition, that cold air has an irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the larynx, it can cause a cold disease.

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Such a process most often occurs in the autumn-winter period. It is for this reason that a child's cough can manifest only at night.

Probably, many parents noticed that their child coughs not so much, as at night. This circumstance is explained by the fact that when lying down, it is not so easy to clear the throat, so the baby has to cough more intensively to overcome the coughing attack.

Causes of night coughing attacks

If the child is disturbed by a cough at night for several days, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the reasons for this condition

Causes of cough in children at night can be many, but most often this phenomenon is caused by the development of the following diseases:

  • viral infection;
  • sinusitis and rhinitis in chronic form cause bouts of dry, debilitating cough;
  • with pharyngitis, as a result of the constant presence of feelings of perspiration and tingling in the throat;
  • whooping cough;
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • adenoiditis.

The identification of the causes of a night cough in a child will allow for proper treatment, which makes it possible to avoid the development of many complications that are dangerous for the health and even the lives of children. If such a phenomenon occurs at night during several days, parents should contact the pediatrician.

How to make sleep calm?

For a baby it is important that a medical examination be conducted as early as possible. If a specialist causes a suffocating night cough as a viral infection, the parents themselves are able to alleviate the condition of their child. For this it is sufficient to take the following measures:
  1. Before going to bed give a warm drink - milk or herbal tea. Drinking will moisturize and soften the mucous membranes, as well as increase the production of sputum.
  2. Reduce the temperature of the air in the house. To do this is necessary in the heating season, because at this time in almost all apartments the air becomes dry and suffocating, causing coughing attacks.
  3. In the case when an allergy has joined the virus infection, the use of antihistamines will help improve the baby's sleep.
  4. The use of antihistamines, inhalation and rubbing of the breast is contraindicated in breast infants under 6 months of age. Therefore, to prevent stagnation of mucus in the nose and lungs, you should try to change the position of the baby more frequently during a night's sleep.

If after treatment of a night cough in a child prescribed by a pediatrician, there are no improvements, parents should turn to to the pulmonologist for the purpose of carrying out the research - taking the blood, bronchoscopy, x-ray analysis and applying other modern methods diagnostics.


Dry cough at night: what if a dry cough in a child at night?

When stimulating the receptors of the tracheobronchial tree, a person may have coughing attacks. Cough can be dry or wet, that is, with sputum discharge. With some diseases, such coughing appears much more often at night than in the daytime, this is due to the fact that mucus drains more strongly in the back wall of the pharynx and irritates it. Also, sputum, which is in the lungs, in the prone position is less effectively absorbed, due to poor blood supply to the lungs at night. However, if a person suffers from a dry cough at night, this indicates serious disturbances in the respiratory system. So, bronchial asthma or whooping cough may appear, cough after suffering pertussis can be troubling for many months. Do you want to sleep dry cough at night? What if the dry cough in a child at night or in an adult? Answers to these questions will be read in this article.

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Why does dry cough occur at night?

1. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe coughing attacks, most often at night. Given that the muscles of the diaphragm are constantly straining, the patient may experience pain in the chest and in the abdomen.

2. A disease like pertussis is accompanied by a strong, convulsive dry cough at night. First it manifests itself in the form of an ordinary cold, but it can not be treated with the usual means, for example, mustard plasters, inhalations, and is strengthened over time. Most often, attacks of dry cough occur at night, can be accompanied by vomiting.

3. Sometimes severe attacks can occur with respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract, that is, the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx. Diseases are accompanied by a dry "barking" cough. If the disease is properly treated, then cough recedes after 3 days, in the absence of treatment, complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia may appear.

Other causes of dry cough at night

Dry cough at night can accompany a sharp form of bronchitis. The disease occurs as a result of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, other symptoms, such as a runny nose, a sore throat, hoarseness, an increase in temperature, may also appear. First a dry cough develops, severe attacks are more often observed at night, after a few days passes into a wet cough. the duration of the disease is from 5 to 15 days.

A dry cough that appears only at night can also indicate an incorrect angle inclination of the pillow, or allergies to feather ticks that are contained in natural fillers pillows.

What if the baby coughs dry at night?

With some diseases, dry cough in children at night appears much more often than in the daytime, this is due to the fact that mucus drains more intensively on the back wall of the pharynx and irritates it. Also, sputum, which is in the lungs, in the prone position is less effectively absorbed, due to poor blood supply to the lungs at night. However, if a child suffers from cough only at night, then this indicates serious irregularities in the respiratory system. So, bronchial asthma or whooping cough may appear, cough after suffering pertussis can be troubling for many months.

1. In children, bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe attacks of cough, most often at night. Given that the muscles of the diaphragm are constantly straining, the patient may experience pain in the chest and in the abdomen.

2. Pertussis is accompanied by a strong, convulsive cough. First it manifests itself in the form of an ordinary cold, but it can not be treated with the usual means, for example, mustard plasters, inhalations, and is strengthened over time. Most often attacks come at night, can be accompanied by vomiting.

3. Sometimes severe attacks can occur with respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract, that is, the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx. Diseases are accompanied by a dry "barking" cough. If the disease is properly treated, then cough recedes after 3 days, in the absence of treatment, complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia may appear.

4. A dry cough in a child at night can appear due to over-dried and warm air in the room. In order not to open windows for the night, because of this the child can catch a cold, you can use specially bought humidifier, or put in the middle of the room a large basin of cold water or spread out on wet batteries towels.

5. A dry cough that appears only at night can also indicate an incorrect angle inclination of the pillow, or allergies to feather ticks that are contained in natural fillers pillows.


Causes of dry, wet, nocturnal or morning cough in children

Cough is an alarming symptom for parents, most often it is a symptom of a cold, but in some situations it can accompany another disease. Note that in the child's body everything is interconnected. Cough occurs when rapid receptors are irritated, which react to chemical and mechanical effects. If a child coughs up to one year, it is normal.

When the baby is completely healthy, he can cough up to 20 times a day, so he clears from the mucus that accumulated in the area of ​​the bronchi, trachea, larynx. Most of all it can accumulate at night, because the child sleeps motionless, in the morning it coughs much more actively.

Causes of different types of cough in a child

Most often, cough is caused by infectious diseases that affect the respiratory system, also appears due to bacteria, viruses Note that coughing is just a symptom of a disease, it says that the child has problems with health.

In some situations, cough signals about heart, stomach, and parasite damage. Especially if it is chronic and persistent. Also, cough at different times of the day is often triggered by an allergic reaction, bronchial asthma, experiences, emotions, inflammation in the nose, throat, if adenoids have increased.

If a child has a cough suddenly, it can say that he inhales the foreign body in the area of ​​the bronchi, trachea, in this situation, you need to call an ambulance. In some babies, a coughing attack can provoke cigarette smoke, hot, dry air.

The main characteristics of a child's cough

1. Cough can last several weeks, months, sometimes years. One can distinguish an acute form, prolonged, disturbing the child for more than a month, chronic more than 3 months.

2. The cough can be mild, in some situations it can be vomiting, it can reach vomiting, and there may be a hemorrhage in the eye area.

3. The doctor pays attention when the child coughs most - in the morning, at night, in the afternoon.

4. Cough can be dry, wet. If dry, it appears due to the fact that the receptors are irritated, sputum departs badly, is viscous. Wet appears due to the fact that a lot of sputum is accumulated, the child can clear his throat, bullet can be heard in the respiratory system.

5. The type of sputum is also taken into account, its production takes place due to tracheal, bronchial cells. If the baby is healthy, sputum will not stand out, only when he inhales a large amount of dust, smoke, the ligament begins to strain.

6. In a child, a cough can be paroxysmal, which is characteristic of whooping cough, and is also periodic in nature with bronchitis, if the vocal cords are inflamed the cough is hoarse, when the larynx is affected it is barking.

7. Are there any additional signs - high body temperature, pulmonary rales, intoxication.

The danger of different types of cough for a child

It is important in time to turn to the pediatrician if the cough started suddenly and does not go away for a long time. Especially dangerous is a cough that is accompanied by wheezing, as well as nocturnal coughing when the sputum turns green, has blood. The doctor needs to be called on the house at a cough with a high temperature.

How does the child cough?

It is important to know everything about this symptom. Medications are used only if the cough is dry, when the child is ill with pharyngitis, laryngitis. If the child's cough is wet and he feels well, he can clear his throat without problems, this indicates that the sputum is normally removed, special treatment in this situation is not necessary.

Note that cough can be a protective mechanism in the child's body, it cleans the respiratory system when a lot of mucus accumulates. It is necessary to treat it with the help of medicines only when it does not allow the child to fully live.

Causes of the main types of cough in the child

In ARVI most often inflamed nasopharynx, so there is pharyngitis, can also inflame the larynx, it speaks of laryngitis, false croup. First you can notice that coughing strongly dry sputum is not completely separated, after, depending on disease, he becomes barking, if the child has pharyngitis, laryngitis or wet with bronchitis, pneumonia.

Wet cough is rare, when it immediately appears, most often it goes dry. In cases of bronchitis, wet wheezing is observed, it is important to exclude pneumonia, which is very dangerous for the child and start treating it as early as possible.

Cough of a spastic nature occurs with bronchial asthma, in young children with obstructive bronchitis, bronchiolitis. Such a cough is unproductive, intrusive, with a whistle.

If the cough lasts a long time in adolescence or school, you can say that the child has tracheitis, tracheobronchitis of viral origin. With these diseases, coughing is very painful, the mucus is dense, it resembles whooping cough.

When a child's cough is often repeated, it speaks of bronchial asthma. First cough develops with respiratory infection, after it can gradually become moist, lasts more than two weeks. With obstructive bronchitis cough spastic, with time it becomes wet, the body temperature rises.

In cases of chronic pathological diseases of the respiratory tract, cough is constantly wet, especially exacerbated in the morning, the child rises and must clear his throat. If a child has cystic fibrosis, a persistent cough, a sputum with it is viscous, an obstructive process in the bronchi may develop, with this disease, problems with the digestive system occur.

Thus, a child's cough can be different - wet, dry, show up at night or in the morning, it is important to monitor all the symptoms, they indicate the disease. With any cough, it is important for the child to be examined so that it does not become complicated and does not develop into a severe chronic form. Most often children in the aftermath for life have bronchial asthma.


Dry barking cough in the child

Barking dry cough in a child without fever

Cough occurs in response to any stimulus of the mucosal receptors in the bronchi. It can be a foreign body, dust particles. Quite often coughing in children is a normal physiological phenomenon.

If the child has a dry and barking cough and there is no temperature, then there may be several reasons:

  • foreign object;
  • infection;
  • allergic reaction;
  • dry air;
  • nervous disorders.

In children under five years, the lumen in the larynx is narrower than in older children, therefore, if there is swelling, breathing difficulties may occur.

With a congenital malformation of the vocal cords and larynx cough appears immediately after birth.

The ingress of foreign matter causes a sharp and painful cough. In this case, you need to call the doctor immediately.

A serious symptom will be frequent coughing attacks that prevent a child from sleeping or accompanied by vomiting.

In winter, when the air is dry in many children, irritation of the mucosa occurs and a dry cough begins. Let the child drink more often and use an air humidifier.

Dry barking cough in a child with a fever

One of the causes of dry barking cough with fever in children up to one year is a false croup. Cough occurs suddenly, accompanied by a hoarse voice, wheezing. This is a very dangerous disease for young children, since they have a very narrow lumen in the larynx. When there is swelling, the baby begins to suffocate. There may be blueing in the nasolabial triangle. It is by no means to be treated independently. It is urgent to call an ambulance.

The cause of this condition can be laryngitis. This is an inflammation of the vocal cords due to a bacterial or viral infection. There is pain when swallowing, as well as a runny nose.

If the child has parainfluenza or adenovirus infection, then barking cough appears due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. The overall condition of the baby is greatly impaired. The body temperature rises to 40 ° C and is accompanied by a muscle and headache.

Diphtheria and whooping cough today are not common. But they are also characterized by similar symptoms.

Dry barking cough in the baby at night

Attacks dry barking cough often occur at night. The sleeping baby suddenly starts to choke, crying and looks frightened. The first thing is to calm the child, and then call the doctor for first aid. These can be symptoms of false croup or pharyngitis in severe form.

Perhaps, this is a manifestation of allergy, bronchial asthma, pertussis, pneumonia, or other diseases of the respiratory system.

Treatment of dry barking cough in children

To determine the correct and effective treatment of dry barking cough in a child, it is first necessary to establish the cause of the disease state.

If there is pharyngitis, then drugs are prescribed that reduce the sensitivity of the larynx to irritation and have antibacterial properties. For example, spray Ingalipt. At night prescribed antitussive drugs, such as Mukaltin or Kodelak.

For the treatment of bronchitis or tracheitis, the doctor will prescribe mucolic drugs. These include Bromgeksin, Lazolval, Ambrobene.

Allergy is eliminated by antihistamines.

To treat whooping cough, antibiotics, antitussives and antibacterial drugs are used.

How to relieve dry barking cough in a child

To relieve the dry barking cough in a baby, use the recipes of traditional medicine.

Give the baby warm milk with the addition of a small amount of baking soda.

Juice of black radish helps with sugar or honey.

Drink the child with a decoction of rose hips or oats, cranberry and Kalinovi mors.

Spread with a badger oil or camphor oil.

Often ventilate and moisten the room.

Carry out steam inhalations with the addition of medicinal herbs and soda. A very effective means for this is the nebulizer.

Make warm baths for feet and hands.

Dry cough in a child than cure?

Treatment of dry cough is very important not to delay, as this leads to the development of dangerous diseases. Use drugs that suppress the cough reflex. You can apply them for more than five days. Then they help lollipops from cough with extracts of oils and medicinal herbs. It is possible to be treated with nursing fees No. 1 and No. 3. Carry rubbing, put compresses and mustard plasters. When the baby's condition improves spend more time outdoors, but try to avoid contact with other people.


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