We treat neuroses at home using folk methods

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Neurosis is not a disease, but a nervous breakdown, which is healed at home. If you carry out medication, then attention should be focused on drugs that are not addictive, preferably without contraindications and side effects. Treatment of neuroses at home can be done with folk medicine, which we will discuss below.

  • Symptoms of Neuroses
  • Medical treatment of neuroses in adults
  • Careful, Corvalol!
  • Medications for the treatment of neuroses
  • Vitamin preparations for the treatment of neuroses
  • Treatment of neuroses without drugs
  • Valerian officinalis
  • Motherwort five-lobed; motherwort
  • Treatment of other plants with neuroses
  • Stimulating plants
  • Treatment of folk neuroses in adults
  • Beetroot juice and honey
  • Treatment of neuroses in children
  • Variants of soothing children's fees
  • Folk remedies
Related articles:
  • Neurosis of the stomach: symptoms and treatment
  • How to treat neurosis yourself
  • Soothing means for depression and neurosis - list
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  • Coma in the throat of nerves
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Symptoms of Neuroses

The main signs of manifestations of neuroses in a person can be several factors:

  • increased sensitivity to bright light, loud music;
  • excessive touchiness;
  • tearfulness;
  • decreased memory;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • obsession with the irritating factor, etc.

Medical treatment of neuroses in adults

Careful, Corvalol!

The most popular use in adults is using Corvalol because of its cheapness. But this anti-stress medicine is not harmless.

  1. Threatens the development of infants during breastfeeding, and during intrauterine stay.
  2. Phenobarbital, in the composition of corvalol, can cause dependence.
  3. With prolonged use or increased dosage, probably accumulation of bromine, leading to inhibition of the central nervous system (daytime sleepiness, delayed reactions, visual and speech disorders).
  4. Taking Corvalolum reduces the effect of some contraceptive drugs.

Analogues: valocordin, corvaltab.

To self-treatment of neurosis at home was successful, drugs should be chosen not at their price, but in composition and action.

Medications for the treatment of neuroses

Persen and Persen-forte

Tablets and capsules with plant components: an extract of valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. Do not become addictive.


  1. Good at initial and easy neuroses.
  2. Reduces anxiety and anxiety, tension, irritability.
  3. It lowers nervous excitability, causes a deep healthy sleep, improves mood.
  4. Eliminates spasms and pains of the intestines of a nervous nature.
  5. It is possible to take medication for children from three years old, pregnant, breast-feeding mothers.

Attention!Admission funds for more than two months without interruptions can cause constipation.


This substance is an amino acid that participates in the signal processes of the human brain and spinal cord. By inhibiting the transmission of nerve impulses in the spinal cord, eliminates the increased muscle tone.


  1. Regulates brain metabolic processes.
  2. Protects the nervous system, reducing its overexcitation, from a strong emotional tension. Thus, it prevents fatigue, aggressiveness, anxiety, promotes social adaptation.
  3. A sufficient amount of glycine in the body increases brain activity and mental capacity for work, accelerates the period of falling asleep and transition to a phase of deep sleep.
  4. Prevents or reduces age and climacteric vegetative-vascular disorders.
  5. Prevents the effect of toxins, including alcohol, on CNS depression.
  6. The drug works well for chronic alcoholism and drinking binge, reducing the state of depression and depression. Replenishes in the body a lack of glycine, destroyed by alcohol and the effects of certain drugs.
  7. Effective with neurosis after surgery, prolonged drug treatment, various intoxications, the recovery period after strokes and cerebral circulatory disorders, dysfunctions of the nervous system in infections.

There are no contraindications. The drug is compatible with many sleeping pills, sedatives, antidepressants.

Analogue: Glysided


Moderate tranquilizer. Not addictive. You can take a course or periodically, as a sedative. Does not affect the coordination of movements, attention, does not cause drowsiness. You can take it in the afternoon.


Eliminates or reduces anxiety, anxiety, fear. Normalizes sleep, but does not have a sleeping pills.

  • removes irritability, mental stress, nervous heart pain;
  • exhibits antioxidant properties, especially under stresses;
  • helps fight against nicotine addiction;
  • improves well-being in the premenstrual and climacteric period.

There are no contraindications and side effects.

A similar action of the drug: atarax, gidazepam, phenazepam.

Vitamin preparations for the treatment of neuroses

To treat neuroses it is necessary to take vitamin preparations, which also effectively affect the nervous system of a person. These drugs include vitamins B, E, F, iron, magnesium. It is recommended to increase the amount of consumed foods that contain the maximum amount of these vitamins.

Treatment of neuroses without drugs

If you do not know how to treat neurosis at home and what folk remedies really help, then use the help of herbs, which we will talk about. Herbal treatment has a remarkable effect on the nervous system and the general state of the human body.

Attention!You can not take both medicinal and phytopreparation of a similar action. Such a combination can depress the central nervous system, leading to inhibition of nerve impulses.

Valerian and Leonurus are perhaps the most effective plants, really helping with neuroses. In home treatment, herbs can not be dispensed with.

Valerian officinalis

Queen of the plant world in the treatment of nervous disorders and the regulation of cardiac activity. The action of the plant on the nervous and cardiovascular system is so rich that only complex preparations can be compared with valerian root:

  • removes painful neuroses of the heart. Acting soothingly on the central nervous system, eliminates the feeling of anxiety, anxiety, despair, depression. Returns a calm, deep sleep;
  • spasmolytic, mild choleretic action, stimulation of the pancreas soothes neurosis of the stomach and intestines, reducing pain, promoting digestion;
  • excessive nervous excitement, emotional overstrain with manifestations of hysteria, obsessive thoughts and phobias, nervous and physical overwork, hypochondria, epilepsy, migraines - disorders with which the valerian root copes;
  • lowers the pressure. Successfully heals at home the initial stages of angina and hypertension;
  • significantly helps with climacteric neuroses. Normalizes the work of the heart in pregnant women, eliminates toxicosis.

Preparation and use

2.5 tablespoons of chopped valerian roots, filled with a glass of boiling water, insist for about an hour. Take 2-3 tablespoons in 30 minutes. after eating, three times a day.

Attention!An overdose of a homemade infusion or a medicinal preparation of a valerian root may lead to a depressed state, drowsiness, inhibition of digestive processes, headaches, and irregular heartbeat.

Motherwort five-lobed; motherwort

Close to the action of valerian, and with cardiovascular neuroses, even more effective. The plant slows down the heartbeat, increasing the amplitude of the heartbeats. Adjusts the monthly cycle. It has a calming effect during menopause. He is able to cure men's neuroses associated with prostatic hypertrophy, effectively in the obsessive-compulsive state neurosis. Relieves nervously mental disorders, insomnia, emotional stress. It is used for stenocardia, myocarditis, high blood pressure.

Cooking, eating

A tablespoon of infusion (two tablespoons of raw material, filled with a glass of boiling water) are taken three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Attention!Motherwort significantly lowers blood pressure. Hypotonics should not be taken. Prolonged reception can lead to a heartbeat.

Treatment of other plants with neuroses

  • Baikal skullcap is used in cases of increased heart rate, myocarditis, nervous convulsions, cardiovascular neuroses;
  • cones of hops stimulate appetite, improve digestion. Eliminate nervous exhaustion and insomnia, providing a soothing effect.

Attention!Excess of the permissible norm of drugs of hops leads to poisoning: nausea with vomiting, headaches and in the abdominal area, weakness, fatigue.

Artemisia vulgaris

Calms and acts like a light sleeping pill. Eliminates the spasms of the digestive tract, normalizing its function with sluggish activity. Applicable for insomnia, nervous tension, violation of the monthly cycle.


It alleviates neuroses associated with chronic alcoholism, climacteric disorders, CNS pathology. It is part of the combined natural preparation Passit (Pas-sit), consisting of extracts of passionflower, valerian, St. John's wort, hawthorn, cones of hops.

Melissa officinalis, common oregano, sweet-smelling jelly, marjoram garden will have a soothing and relaxing effect. Improve digestion by removing nerve spasms of the stomach and intestines. Normalize the heart rate and activate the cerebral circulation, while improving sleep, eliminating migraines.

Attention!Oregano is contraindicated in pregnancy, in order to avoid miscarriage.

Cooking, eating

Prepare and take these soothing herbs the same way: for one hundred grams of infusion (10 minutes insist. in 300 ml of boiling water 3 tablespoons of raw materials) take three times a day.

Stimulating plants

Neurosis due to nervous or physical exhaustion, should be treated with stimulating herbs.

Echinacea purpurea, Eleutherococcus spiny, Rhodiola rosea

  1. Stimulate and strengthen the CNS after nervous exhaustion, protracted, infectious diseases, operations. Restore brain activity after mental overwork. Accelerate the recovery.
  2. Activates the immune and metabolic processes.
  3. Strengthen attention, improve memory, accelerate thought processes, sharpen vision and hearing, due to activation of cerebral circulation.
  4. Eliminate irritation, insomnia, fatigue.

Attention!Eleuterococcus is contraindicated in the period of hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction, acute infections.

Treatment of folk neuroses in adults

From the nervous exhaustion will help get rid of the bathroom with the root of Angelica medicinal. For this, two good handfuls of dry raw materials are boiled in three liters of water over a low heat for 15 minutes. Insist an hour, filter into a filled bathroom. Accept 3 weeks every other day.

Beetroot juice and honey

A third of the glass of beet juice is mixed with an equal amount of honey. Put in a cool place for 3 hours. Eat for a day in three doses in 30 minutes. before meals. Helps with nervousness and constant irritation.

In periods of nervous tension and insomnia, dissolve the juice of half a lemon with a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water. Drink for three meals during the day.

Treatment of neuroses in children

With normal mental and physical development in children, medication is very rarely prescribed. Preparations for the treatment of neuroses in children: Persen, valeriana. They soothe excessive excitement and too active motor skills.

In the absence of serious behavioral abnormalities, the drugs can be in the form of herbal teas, syrups and baths, improving sleep, eliminating overexcitement and tearfulness.

Soothing baths consist of herbal compositions:

  • roots of wild rose and juniper;
  • chamomile, mint, string;
  • bark of white willow and sage;
  • flowers of calendula, valerian root;
  • chamomile, pine buds.

Preparation, use

The charges for each bath are mixed in equal proportions. A handful of ready-made raw materials is slowly cooked in three liters of water for half an hour, after which, after filtering, add to the filled bathtub, which the child takes 15 minutes a day later.

Variants of soothing children's fees

Collections should be periodically changed, then they will have a particularly noticeable effect, supplemented by water procedures.

  1. Fennel fruits, valerian roots, chamomile, thyme, motherwort.
  2. Extract of lime color, chamomile, hops, lemon balm.
  3. Roots of valerian, thyme, motherwort, oregano, hawthorn fruit.
  4. Valerian, stevia, St. John's wort, thyme, motherwort, linden, mint, hawthorn, chamomile, dog rose.

Cooking, eating

For each collection, chamomile, St. John's wort, hawthorn, rosehip are taken in two parts, all other plants one by one. An incomplete tablespoon of dry composition is insisted in a glass of boiling water for an hour, filtered. Give the baby a teaspoon, four times a day between meals.

Folk remedies

When the child is capricious, restlessly asleep, hardly wakes up in the morning, he should put an aspen branch under the mattress, and under the pillow, wrapped in a towel valerian root.

With extreme activity and anxiety, it is possible to apply to the temples and crown crown, mashed seeds wrapped in gauze, poppy seeds.

If the baby has bedwetting, then before going to bed in bed, he should give him a thin slice of bread, smeared with a small amount of butter, sprinkled with salt. Trouble ceases.