Medical treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis) is a chronic disease of dermatological origin, caused by a disturbance in the work of the sebaceous glands. Most often occurs in adolescents and by the age of 25 the disease completely passes. But 10% of people suffer from this ailment all their life. In some cases, it may occur in older men. At home, you can carry out various methods, but we will talk about the most effective, medicamentous treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp, which includes the use of various drugs.

  • Causes and symptoms of the disease
  • Greater seborrheic dermatitis
  • Dry seborrheic dermatitis
  • Treatment with medicines
  • Drugs are inexpensive, but effective
  • Mycosorrhal
  • Ointments
  • Not hormonal preparations
  • Hormonal ointments
  • Sulfuric ointment
  • Treatment with antibiotics
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Causes and symptoms of the disease

The causes of seborrhea are not fully understood. Most often, the ailment causes:

  • increased content of sex hormones in the blood of adolescents;
  • genetic predisposition - seborrheic dermatitis refers to family ailments;
  • androgens affect the work of the sebaceous glands. In women suffering from seborrhea, progesterone is produced in large amounts in the body. And estrogen is produced in insufficient quantities;
  • Seborrhea can develop against a background of certain mental illnesses.

In children, the disease can develop due to a lack of sex hormones.

Important!If seborrhea appeared suddenly in men - it can signal a testicular tumor.

Greater seborrheic dermatitis

The skin becomes oily, glossy, the pores are dilated. Skin fat can resemble fat or paste in consistency. Often there is dandruff, hair quickly zhirneyut.

When the form is started, the ducts are clogged with sebum, there is a profuse acne, a purulent rash.

Dry seborrheic dermatitis

Skin fat is produced little, the skin is very dry. The upper layers of the skin crack and peel.

Often on the head there are reddish-pink spots (seboroids). Appears small dandruff, there is a constant tightening of the skin. The disease is often accompanied by itching, which manifests itself after the use of cold water. Hair - dry, brittle, tips have a heterogeneous structure.

With dry seborrhea, the danger of multiplying in the skin of pathogenic microbes is great. Which will lead to a very strong itch and profuse dandruff.

Important!With mixed seborrheic dermatitis, symptoms of both seborrhea can manifest simultaneously.

Treatment with medicines

Seborrhea can be not only an independent disease, but also accompany some other ailments. Therefore, to establish an accurate diagnosis you need to visit a dermatologist, gynecologist (andrologist), neuropathologist and endocrinologist.

To eliminate the main causes of the disease, the following means of drug therapy are used:

  • medicines, restoring functions of the nervous vegetative system - diazepam, pantocrine;
  • vitamin complexes containing vitamin A, E, D and B;
  • pastilles with zinc;
  • hormonal ointments and tablets;
  • drugs that correct the immune system - imunofan;
  • probiotics - linex.

Also prescribed medications that have an antifungal effect.

Ketonazole is a powerful fungistatic and fungicidal drug. Effectively fights with fungus, improves the work of the sebaceous glands. The scalp becomes healthier, the structure of the hair strengthens. Bifonazole has similar properties.

  1. In oily seborrhea for 30 days, it is necessary to rub a solution of sodium thiosulfate or salicylic acid into the skin.
  2. A good mixture of naphthalan oil helps.
  3. Antihistamines (clemastine, chloropyramine) reduce itching and inflammation.

Important!Seborrhea does not apply to cosmetic problems. Therefore, it is necessary to use medicines for treatment.

Drugs are inexpensive, but effective

Of inexpensive drugs, but no less effective, you can use a paste of sulsen, which helps get rid of fatty seborrheic dermatitis. A small amount of the drug should be applied to the skin once a week. After a lapse of half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Important!With disease in the active phase, it is better to use a 2% drug. The course is designed for 2 months. For preventive purposes, 1% paste is sufficient.

Budget variants of shampoos for combating seborrhea are the free-tar and sebuton. These funds are made on the basis of medical tar. They relieve inflammation, reduce skin peeling.

Sebiprox shampoo contains cyclopeoxy. Destroys fungal head injuries no worse than drugs with ketoconazole. But it's much cheaper.


The most effective shampoo for treating all kinds of seborrheic dermatitis. The illness passes the completion of the full course of treatment. Refers to the average price category. It is released without a prescription, but consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

Shampoo is a remedy, contains ketoconazole. To treat seborrhea, it should be used every 3 days for a month. For preventive purposes, it is sufficient to use shampoo every 14 days.

It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. According to consumers, has the best combination of quality indicators and cost.


Means for external treatment of seborrheic dermatitis are hormonal and non-hormonal.

Not hormonal preparations

Used to treat children, fit pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The most popular means:

  • lamizil - antifungal ointment, relieves inflammation, exfoliates dead cells;
  • beponen (pantoderm, panthenol) - promotes skin regeneration, suitable for infants;
  • rendevit - softens the skin, eliminates itching, improves the protective abilities of the skin, prevents them from keratinizing;
  • see - contains vitamin A, starts the regeneration process;
  • solcoseryl is the best remedy for wound healing.

Hormonal ointments

Appointed at the advanced stages of seborrhea. The treatment is short, controlled by a physician.

  1. Gidrokortizovannaya ointment is the oldest drug for treating seborrhea. Eliminates even severe and neglected inflammation.
  2. Celidoderm and acryderm are means based on glucocorticosteroids. Eliminate the itching, relieve inflammation.
  3. To treat children older than 2 years, flucinar is used.

Sulfuric ointment

This drug must be rubbed into the skin of the entire head for 8 days. The next day, a break takes place in the treatment.

  1. Then boiled water should be washed with a medical shampoo.
  2. Next, you need to make a solution of boric acid - in 150 ml dilute 10 ml of the drug.
  3. The medicine should be rubbed into the skin and put on the cap.
  4. The procedure is carried out from 11 to 13 days of treatment.

The course should be repeated after a one-week break.

For women suffering from seborrhea, a gynecologist selects hormonal contraceptives. Beklomethasone is prescribed for the treatment of severe forms of seborrhea.

Treatment with antibiotics

If seborrhea is accompanied by bacterial infections. Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of the tetracycline group (metacyclin) are prescribed. Treatment begins with a shock dose, which gradually decreases.

Seborrhea is not an easy, completely unexplored disease. For preventive purposes, you should spend more time outdoors and have a rest. Equally important and proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude fried and spicy food, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Normalize the work of the intestines will help foods high in fiber.

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