Conjunctivitis: causes, types, symptoms and treatment

Conjunctivitis is defined as an inflammatory process in the mucosa of the eye. Mucous, and she is a conjunctival shell of the eye, lining the eyeball itself and the inner( posterior) surface of the eyelids from the outside.


Causes and types

cause of the conjunctivitis may serve manyfactors. This disease is polyethic( multiple) nature. The following species of conjunctivitis are distinguished:

  • bacterial( exposure to bacterial flora - rods: staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, gonococcus, diphtheria);
  • viral( exposure to herpes, adenovirus, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis)
  • chlamydia( trachoma);
  • allergic and autoimmune( action of drugs, pollinosis, tuberculosis-allergic).
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The nature of the course of the painful process in the conjunctiva can be acute and chronic.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms that occur in all types of conjunctivitis include objective symptoms and subjective feelings and complaints of the patient.

The first thing that can be distinguished is a burning sensation in the eye, a feeling of itching and sometimes an unbearable desire to scratch the inner corner of the eye( eye gap).The patient also indicates a fear of light and a feeling of contamination of the eye, as if there is something there is an alien.

Objectively, one can observe the symptoms of lacrimation, flushing( redness) of the eyelid conjunctiva( also may be its swelling, then the conjunctiva of the "velvety" and its luster is lost), the eye gap narrowed. The eyeball on the periphery is pink( redness).

Acute conjunctivitis of infectious origin

It is the most frequent pathology of all bacterial forms of conjunctivitis. Usually caused by streptococcus and staphylococcus. As a rule, both eyes are inflamed consecutively one after another. There is a secretion from the eye - pus, which when dried, glues the eyelashes. What is characteristic after a dream. Many patients note that before the onset of the disease, they were subjected to overheating, cooling, water procedures in dirty water, were in contact with dust or started to develop a cold.

Conjunctiva of eyelids and eyes can be bright red and irritated.

Conjunctivitis pneumococcal

It is observed mainly in weakened patients, children and the elderly. It is characterized by the injection of vessels of the sclera( hemorrhages in the form of points in the conjunctiva), puffiness of the eyelids and whitish-gray film.

Conjunctivitis epidemic Koch-Weeks acute

Very contagious. Can be transferred from the patient to a healthy person through a towel, hands, clothes. The onset of the illness is sudden. Sharply swollen eyelids, the conjunctiva of the eye and the eyelids are red. Often the patient experiences malaise, a runny nose, pain in the head, body temperature is increased. Separated from the eyes at the beginning is scant, but then becomes purulent and plentiful. The disease lasts from 5 to 7 days. The sick person should not contact healthy persons and use common household items.

Conjunctivitis gonococcal, or gonoblennoreya

Called by the gonococcal rod. It occurs in children, adults and newborns.

Infant infants can become infected during labor if the mother is ill with gonorrhea( when the fetus passes through the birth canals during natural childbirth), and through various care items. The first signs of gonoblenaire, after childbirth, appear on the second and third day - this is a pronounced edema of the eyelids, the conjunctiva is sharply red and there is a copious discharge from the eyes of the bloody color, i.e., as the color of meat slops. After about three to four days, with a decrease in the swelling of the eyelids, the discharge from the eye slits becomes purulent. Which, when dried, glue together eyelids and eyelashes.

The course of gonoblennorei can be complicated by the ulcer of the cornea and, as a result, the formation of a thorn. If the ulcer causes perforation of the cornea, the infection penetrates into the deeper parts of the eye and develops blindness. Fortunately, this kind of complications are extremely rare now.

In adults, gonoblennorea causes an increase in body temperature, affects the joints, as well as the organs of the cardiovascular system. By the way it is in adult patients, gonococcal conjunctivitis and often gives such complications.

Diphtheria conjunctivitis

Now it is very rare due to the regime of antidiphtheria vaccination. Conjunctivitis caused by diphtheria bacillus causes an increase and soreness of the lymph nodes, high body temperature and pronounced intoxication of the body. The main symptom or symptom is the appearance of gray raids in the form of a film on the conjunctiva of the eye and eyelids. When they are removed, soreness is felt and bleeding appears. After one or one and a half weeks, the discharge from the eye becomes purulent in nature, and the conjunctival sites that are affected are replaced with scar tissue within 2 weeks. Often there are spikes between the inner part of the eyelids and the eyeball itself.

Herpetic conjunctivitis

It is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Often it proceeds unilaterally and for a long time. Clinically, there are 3 forms of herpetic conjunctivitis:

  • catarrhal( here the conjunctiva is slightly inflamed),
  • is follicular( the formation of vesicles along the edge of the eyelids, separable in nature - mucous or mucopurulent),
  • follicular-ulcer( formed on the cornea of ​​erosion,in the corneal ulcer).

Treatment of

Infectious conjunctivitis acute .Purpose of antimicrobial agents: Albucid 30%( sulfacil sodium, sulfonamide drugs), solutions of antibiotics, furatsillina 1: 5000, boric acid 2-4%, solution of collargolum 3%.On the first day of the disease, drops are dripped every hour, by 3 - 4 days - every 4 hours. Strictly contraindicated is the imposition of a bandage on the affected eye due to the likely stagnation of the discharge from the eye. Prevention of infectious conjunctivitis, in acute form, consists in personal hygiene.

In the treatment of gonoblennorrhea ( gonococcal conjunctivitis), sulfonamide drugs and broad-spectrum antibiotics are used, both inward and intramuscularly. The eyes are washed with a pink( weak) solution of potassium permanganate( potassium permanganate) and the sulfacyl-sodium is instilled in 30% of the solution. On the night of the lower eyelid ointment is poured( tetracycline eye 1%).Treatment is completed with complete clinical recovery and with bacteriological confirmation. The prognosis is favorable with proper and timely treatment.

All neonates are prevented from gonoblenorei immediately after birth. This is a three-fold instillation of a 30% solution of albucid in both eyes.

In the treatment of diphtheria conjunctivitis , the patient is placed in a hospital - an infectious disease department where antiphlogistic serum and antimicrobials are used: sulfonamides, antibiotics in solution and on an ointment basis topically.

Treatment of viral conjunctivitis is performed by antiviral agents( interferon, oxolin in solution and as an ointment), fortified vitamin preparations and immunotherapy( gamma globulin).

With allergic and medicinal conjunctivitis abolish allergenic preparations, prescribe desensitizing and antihistamines inwards, locally - glucocorticosteroids in the form of drops and ointments.

PS: With any self-treatment, you need to consult an oculist!

Source : this article was previously published by me on the website, now it is moved here.

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