Strong cough with pregnancy consequences

Cough during pregnancy - consequences

cough with pregnancy consequences

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to protect yourself from various diseases during pregnancy. Coughing is no exception. And as soon as he begins to torment the pregnant woman, there are fears and doubts about whether the cough is harmful to early or late pregnancy, how can it affect the course of pregnancy and what can it do? treat. We will try to understand and answer all these questions.

Effect of cough on pregnancy

A severe cough during pregnancy not only causes discomfort, but also carries with it possible negative consequences for the child. The danger of coughing is that during an attack, the tone of the uterus increases. This, in turn, leads to violations of the blood supply to the fetus and its intrauterine hypoxia.

Such undesirable consequences of coughing during pregnancy, besides the existing danger of its viral background, simply "scream" that it must be fought and started as soon as possible.

How can you cough?

Cough treatment during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that not all medicines are applicable. Some drugs are not allowed to pregnant women due to penetration through the fetoplacental filter directly to the fetus. Other medications are not recommended because they have been little studied in terms of influencing the maternal and children's body.

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However, there are some approved medications that can be treated at some time during pregnancy. For example, to treat dry cough in any trimester, you can take such antitussive drugs as Sinekod, syrup Bonhikum, Elixir. In the second and third trimester, you can take Stopoutsin.

Wet cough can be treated with licorice root syrup, Mucaltin, Tussin, Gedelix, Bromhexin, Pectusin, Prospan and others. With caution in the first trimester, you need to treat Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Flavamed, Ambroben.

Extremely contraindicated following drugs: ATSTS, Ascoril ekschomorant, Ascoril, Pertussin, Travisil, Dzhoset.

In any case, even in the absence of contraindications for pregnancy, you must first agree on the use of certain medications with your doctor. You can not help coughing, hoping that he will go by himself. The coughing will go into such a form, which will require more serious treatment, unsafe for the baby. And increased attacks can cause uterine bleeding.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is highly desirable to treat cough with folk remedies, since in this period it is undesirable to take any medications.

Folk remedies for cough during pregnancy:
  1. Rinse - they need to be done every 2 hours. Gargle can be gilled with onion or beetroot infusion, diluted with warm water, warm infusions of St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula and eucalyptus.
  2. Inhalation is the safest method of treatmentWhat is dangerous cough during pregnancycough during pregnancy. Equally effective are modern inhalers and a traditional option with a pan and a towel. You can breathe the steam from the potatoes or brew all the same herbs or drip into the boiling water essential oil.
  3. Warm drink - hot milk with honey, soda and butter. Milk can be diluted with Borjomi - this makes it very easy to cough. Tea with lemon and honey will do. At the beginning of the disease, even with a dry cough, tea from chamomile, sage, plantain, lime-colored is very good.
  4. Compresses - apply a leaf of cabbage, smeared with honey for the whole night.
  5. Warm - warm pajamas and socks are simply irreplaceable at night, and in the afternoon, going for a walk, do not forget about a scarf or a sweater with a high throat.
  6. Homeopathy - before treatment with such a means, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Strong cough during pregnancy

severe cough during pregnancyOne of the most common signs of colds is a cough. Especially often this symptom is observed in women who are in an "interesting" position, since They are more exposed to pathogens due to reduced immunity.

Meanwhile, during pregnancy, a large number of traditional medicines are banned, so future mothers do not know how to cure a cough and ease their condition. In this article, we will tell you how to get rid of a strong cough during pregnancy, and how much this condition can be dangerous.

What is dangerous for a severe cough during pregnancy?

Ignore a severe cough during pregnancy is not possible, because its consequences can be deplorable. During an attack, the pressure in the peritoneum significantly increases, which, in turn, can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus.

That is why a strong cough is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy, when any intense attack can cause a beginning miscarriage. This is especially true for those girls and women who have this difficult period with complications. In the second half of pregnancy, this condition can also have an extremely adverse effect on the health of the expectant mother and provoke premature birth.

In addition, any viruses and bacteria that can cause diseases accompanied by a cough, if available placental insufficiency can penetrate to the fetus, therefore it is necessary to start treatment of such ailments as possible rather.

How to treat a severe cough during pregnancy?

It is impossible to engage in self-medication under such circumstances. When the first signs of the disease appear, the pregnant woman should go to the doctor's office, who will carry out the necessary diagnostics, determine the true cause of the disease and appoint the appropriate treatment.

Taking cough medicine, especially in the first half of pregnancy, is also not recommended.

severe coughing during pregnancyAn ideal method of treatment for expectant mothers are inhalations with the help of a nebulizer. In its reservoir you can add saline, mineral water or a decoction of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile, sage, thyme or St. John's wort. If you can not do without medication, a qualified doctor will tell you which of them will not harm the unborn baby.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a strong cough is usually treated with drug syrups, such as Gedelix, Dr. Mom or Bronchipret. Although at a later date the list of acceptable medicines is significantly expanded, it is also highly discouraged to take them without prescribing a doctor.

Danger of coughing in pregnancy: effects and consequences

Of course, cough affects pregnancy is very negative. He not only delivers discomfort to a future mother and a baby who has not yet been born, but, as a rule, testifies to the presence of a pregnant foci of the disease in the body.

Than a cough is dangerous during pregnancy

Pulsed forced exhalation is a symptom of a number of diseases, including those caused by a viral infection. Cough during pregnancy affects not only the condition of a woman, but also the development of the fetus. The obvious harm from the pregnant inflammatory processes in the body:

  • Danger of coughing during pregnancyThe attack of the reflex act is dangerous because it can cause the development of the pathology of the fetus in the endocrine, central nervous system and other vices.
  • In the absence of proper therapy, the disease can give complications in the form of pneumonia or bronchitis. Treatment of these ailments requires the use of potent medicines, including antibiotics, which is extremely dangerous for the fetus.
  • The use of some antitussive drugs in the future may adversely affect the level of lactation.
  • Cough during pregnancy affects blood pressure.
  • Among the negative factors accompanying the constant exhausting seizures can be attributed: increased toxicosis, painful sensations.
  • Affects the reflex act and the emotional imbalance, caused by fears for the welfare of bearing.

Cough during pregnancy - possible consequences

Consequences of coughingAlso, cough affects directly the course of pregnancy. Abrupt movement of the diaphragm causes a strong tension of the abdominal muscles, which can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. As a result - in the placenta blood circulation is disrupted, the fetus is not fully supplied with blood, and, consequently, with oxygen and necessary substances. There is an oxygen starvation or intrauterine hypoxia - a dangerous condition for a woman and a fetus.

To bring the uterus to an increased tone can also be repeated vomiting, caused by a prolonged exhausting attack of strong reflex action. Hypertonus in the first trimester is fraught with spontaneous interruption of gestation, and at later terms - premature birth.

The result of the effect of coughing can become uterine bleeding, which is associated with premature detachment of the placenta. It should be emphasized that a very strong, debilitating, dry reflex act leads to negative consequences, which has been observed for a long time. In pregnancy, the danger of coughing can not be overemphasized, so it is so important for the future mother to take care at this time.

Avoid the adverse course of pregnancy and complications during childbirth will help timely treatment to the doctor.

Cough in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy: the more dangerous and how to treat

Cough in the 2nd trimesterThe second trimester is considered the quietest period of pregnancy. However, its course can cloud the cough. The emergence of this unpleasant symptom of many diseases should be a reason for reasonable concern and immediate treatment in the hospital. The consequences of untimely or independent treatment can have a very negative impact on the health of the mother and child.

Causes of cough danger during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The appearance of cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is a signal about the onset of the course of various diseases and the impact of pathological factors that exert additional stress on the immunity of a pregnant woman and cause irreparable harm to the health of the fetus and future mother:

  • Cough in the 2nd trimesterInfections of the respiratory and nasopharyngeal organs.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pertussis.
  • Corey.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Nervous stress.
  • Allergies.
  • Gastric disorders.
  • Smoking.

Cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester can be dry, wet, permanent, short-term. He is quite a dangerous self-provocateur of various pathologies in women waiting for a child.

Cough at the 14th week of pregnancy

Cough at the 14th week of pregnancyStrong paroxysmal cough at the 14-15th week of wearing a fetus threatens to increase the tone of the uterus, which is a strong provoking factor in the occurrence of her spasms. This phenomenon has a very negative impact on the health of a pregnant woman and can result in miscarriage.

Spasms lead to impaired blood supply to the fetus, the impossibility of sufficient supply of nutrients. This is fraught with pathological changes in the endocrine system of the future baby, as well as the inferior development of its internal organs, the laying of which is not yet completed.

Cough at 16 weeks gestation

Cough during pregnancyCompletion of the formation of the placenta, acting as a protective barrier against various negative factors, occurs by week 16. The danger of a reflex act is that as a result of the delay of various infections that cause it, fetoplacental insufficiency, which makes it difficult to supply oxygen and nutrients to the future the kid.

During this period, the nervous system of the fetus develops actively, its bone tissue - and they suffer in the first place. Also, from lack of nutrition, a child risks being born prematurely or having a reduced weight.

Cough in the 18th week of pregnancy

Strong attacks of cough during this period can provoke an increase in arterial and intra-abdominal pressure. Women begin to feel the baby's first movements. In a complex, such factors are extremely uncomfortable for expectant mothers. They can cause premature termination of pregnancy.

At week 18, eggs are formed for girls. A strong jerky reflex act and a cold can cause irreparable damage, threatening infertility in the future.

Cough in the 20th week of pregnancy

Danger of cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimesterOn the 6th month of wearing a child, reflex attacks can cause strong strains of the uterine muscles and subsequent spontaneous bleeding. Especially women at risk of having placenta previa, and also its location is too low.

From 20 to 27 weeks, the fetus is already quite active and developed so that the uterus begins to prepare for childbirth, contracting and relaxing. Prolonged cough during pregnancy can intensify and intensify such "fights causing a threat of termination of pregnancy.

How to treat a cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

Because of the decrease in immunity during pregnancy, a woman in the position should never be pulled with a cough treatment. Determine what causes it, whether it represents a danger to the fetus, only a doctor can.

The main rule of treatment of pregnant women in the second trimester is the safety of the future child. There are two goals in the doctor's actions.

  • Relief of the symptom.
  • Creating conditions for the complete elimination of the cause that caused it.

If the reflex act is due to a cold or infection, then in no case should you take antiviral medications and antibiotics on your own, thinking that they are harmless.

Cough in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy - treatmentOn the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, doctors recommend treating this ailment with the help of traditional medicine. If non-traditional methods do not bring relief, then the doctor prescribes drugs containing herbs. They do not cause pathologies in the unborn child, but they are still medicines, so they can not be taken uncontrollably.

The most effective and safe methods of treatment are those that directly affect the throat, moisturizing the mucous membrane and facilitating sputum evacuation:

  • Inhalations.
  • Compresses.
  • Rinses.

In severe attacks, doctors recommend wearing a special bandage, which is an excellent way to reduce the threat of pregnancy disruption. Only an immediate appeal to a specialist and cough treatment under his strict control will be able to bring effective results without harming the future child.

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