June 26 - International Day Against Drug Abuse

Day of struggle against a narcomania has the status "international".It was established in 1987 on the initiative of the UN General Assembly and timed to the date - June 26.The International Day Against Drug Addiction also includes the fight against illicit drug trafficking. Its main goal is to attract the entire world community to the release of stumbled people from the abuse of substances that are of narcotic origin.

Day - June 26 was marked by a special date on the recommendations of the International Conference on Combating the Abuse of Drugs and Drugs, as well as their illicit trafficking. The conference adopted a global plan of action to resist drug dependence. Read: Drug addiction as a social problem of the XXI century.

Why was the day appointed to fight drug addiction?

In the already distant 1998, a special session was held at the UN General Assembly, with the goal of significantly reducing the spread of drug abuse by 2008.The UN released figures of drug users around the world of 185 million people. This figure shows that as many as three percent of all people on the globe, and in the age range of 15 to 30 years - all 12% - regularly take narcotic substances. It should be noted that these are official figures, which are always somewhat understated.

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Every day, the consequences of dependence on drugs become more threatening in terms of demographics. Drug addiction takes possession of under-age adolescents and children, women, whose vocation is to become mothers.

Specialists in drug treatment are concerned about the fact that just a few years ago the average age of drug addicts was 15-17 years, and now it has declined to 13-14 years. Over the past ten years, the number of women who abuse psychotropic and narcotic drugs has increased 7-fold.

Addiction is a plague of the 20th and early 21st century. More and more people are fleeing from their problems and stressful stress towards drugs. This "escape" turns into a hit in the cage. And the success in the treatment of drug addiction is only one-fifth. Often there are relapses of the disease, the treatment must be renewed again. But here too much depends on the worldview of the sick person himself - the drug addict.

Memorable date - June 26, 2015, we again remind that it is necessary to unite worldwide in the fight against drug addiction in order to preserve the health and personality of every healthy person and provide understanding and assistance to the patient.

Combating drug addiction in Russia

In Russia, drug control has been working hard for six years. The task of the Federal Service for Controlling the Traffic of Narcotic Substances and Psychotropic Means includes the disclosure of crimes and the conduct of measures to combat drug addiction, and the prevention of public narcotization. Especially on this day, in Russia, there are various recreational and sporting events, meetings with schoolchildren, students, teachers and parents under the slogan "NO-DRUGS!"

Drug addiction has always been a shameless and very profitable business. And this is not surprising. The soulless and unhealthy demand of a narcotic commodity, gives birth to a criminal offer. Drug dealers do not know pity or compassion. Trade in narcotic drugs is concentrated in countries of Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. The world's supplier of heroin is Afghanistan.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the level of crime in the sphere of drugs has increased not only in Russia, but also in the countries of its near abroad. This led to a nine-fold increase in the turnover of psychotropic drugs and narcotic substances over the past 10 years. It is believed that about 4.5 million of our fellow citizens use drugs daily, of which 2 million are youth and children from 11 to 24 years old. Some experts believe that in Russia there are ten million people suffering from drug dependence, and a quarter of all crimes in Russia are related to drug addiction.

on June 26 is intended for conducting preventive actions against the use and spread of drug addiction among young people.

The main problem of modern society

The world community considers drug addiction to be the most serious problem of modern life. And, although for Russia drug addiction is a recent phenomenon, it quickly spread after the fall of the Iron Curtain.

Methods and methods of combating drug abuse include the dissemination of negative information about drugs, the harmfulness of drug dependence, the methods, directions and measures for its treatment and prevention. It is very important to save the younger generation from this narcotic infection. After all, young people are most likely to be affected by this disease.

Our offspring is our future! Continuation of humanity. A drug addiction erases a person's personality and hurts his health. The addict loses the moral and moral qualities of the person, peace of mind, health, close people, good and reliable friends, work skills, profession, work. Gradually, for the sake of the drug's dose, one can go on stealing, robbery, extortion and other crimes. And this is an irreversible process, if the dependent does not abandon drugs and will not embark on the path of true!

There is another trouble, that the former drug addict who has been treated and rehabilitated will always be drawn to drugs. It is a fact. You must always be on the alert! Not to succumb to a bad mood, a decline in strength, pessimism, because all this can create a relapse in the illness of a former drug addict.

The International Day against Drug Abuse is designed to solve the problem of drug addiction all over the world. When we are together, we have a positive energy that will guide the flow of our world life into a positive, happy and creative channel.