Psychosomatics cough dry

Psychogenic cough

Psychogenic coughUsually, the appearance of a cough is regarded as a sign of any disease of the respiratory tract or lungs. However, it can be caused not only by the infection that has been picked up, but also by psychosomatic disorder. According to external manifestations, psychogenic cough differs little from a cough caused by the pathology of the respiratory system, it also brings discomfort, creates inconvenience and adversely affects the overall condition rights. The peculiarity of it is that it does not respond to treatment and does not decrease from taking special drugs. In such cases, it is necessary to pay attention to other signs of the disease, this will help to establish a diagnosis. Help in this can also appeal to a specialist.

Who is susceptible to psychogenic cough?

Most susceptible to psychogenic cough people experiencing regular significant physical and moral overload, as well as too emotional.

This type of cough is more common in children and adolescents, as they are more emotional and more reactive to psychological stress. In adults, a cough that is psychogenic in nature often becomes one of the consequences of the hyperventilation syndrome.

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Causes of cough

The beginning of a psychogenic cough is usually a difficult situation in the psychoemotional sense. These include:

  • too tense atmosphere in family life or in the workplace;
  • the need to engage in unpleasant activities, for example, speak to a large number of people;
  • strong stress associated with exams, quarrels with loved ones, loneliness and other negative circumstances;
  • also such a cough can occur in diseases of other people, as a reflective reflex.

Signs of psychogenic cough

Psychogenic cough has its own specific signs, it is dry, loud, can resemble a goose cry or a loud dog barking. In addition, exacerbations are observed in adverse situations, and with distraction, the symptoms disappear completely. Cough psychogenic nature can not be cured, so it can drag on for several months, and sometimes years. It should also be noted that this disease usually does not lead to a violation of appetite and sleep. At inspection it is possible to note absence of pathological changes from the lungs. Often, the diagnosis of the disease is complicated by previous long-term erroneous treatment of various active preparations, which can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the respiratory system. system.

Diagnosis often reveals the symptoms of various disorders of the psyche: a tendency to hysterics, a loss of voice, ticks of a psychogenic nature, and others.

Treatment of psychogenic cough

Treatment of cough psychogenic nature is to create a calm psychological environment, eliminate stress and discomfort situations. It is necessary to protect the patient from fatigue and excessive overload, this will help the rational regime of the day, in which the loads alternate with periods of rest. At the beginning of an attack, you should try to distract a person, for example, by an interesting book or film.

When establishing the diagnosis of "psychogenic cough" it is desirable to conduct a course of psychotherapy, during which the patient is guided to understand the causes of his illness. In addition, it is desirable to teach him the techniques of slow breathing, relaxation and relaxation. For children and adolescents, a tight wrapping of the chest tissue can be used for a period of 1-2 days, as a distraction therapy shock shock electric current to the forearm area. In extreme cases, use tranquilizers and other medications.

Nervous cough: symptoms

Nervous coughWhen a person is healthy, he does not think about how his thoughts can affect the overall condition. But at the moment when the disease comes, there is a logical question: "Does the state of mind affect the course of the disease?" The answer to It is quite simple: "Of course, yes!" Moreover, psychological reasons can be the basis for the development of many diseases. Nervous coughing is a confirmation. In the medical language, this phenomenon is called psychosomatics.

Nervous cough: the reasons for its development

Nervous coughIf the appearance of an involuntary action of the usual type requires the exposure of pathogens (bacteria, infections, viruses, etc.) to the organism, then this factor is absent. To self-hypnosis, psychogenic cough also has nothing to do. The reason for its development is considered psychosomatic. That is, the defensive reaction of the body to the onset of an undesirable situation for a person. A vivid example of this can be a child's refusal to go to school on a certain day (did not learn the lessons, there will be a test paper). At the kid on a background of a stressful condition temperature can sharply rise, there is a reflex act and other signs characteristic for a psychosomatic.

Coughing on nerves: symptoms

The main symptom of an involuntary act is the rapid (paroxysmal) appearance of a neurological cough that immediately disappears immediately after removal of the irritating factor. There is another type of disease. In this case, there is no paroxysmal development of the disease, but a prolonged one. An involuntary act can be fixed for several weeks and even months, years. There may be a nervous tic. The sound of the neurotic cough act is very sonorous. Sputum is completely absent. The main symptom is the presence of reflex actions in the absence of any prerequisites for this, that is, analyzes show that the person is absolutely healthy. Also a sign of a nervous cough is his absence during deep sleep. This is because the person is completely relaxed, that is, there is no negative impact on the psyche.

Nervous cough: treatment

Treatment of a nervous coughHow can a reflex act be treated if the cause of its occurrence lies in a psychological disorder? Of course, calming drugs and herbal collections containing motherwort, peppermint, etc. But this only helps if the involuntary action is of a paroxysmal nature. What if a nervous cough accompanies a person for several months? Here we are talking not just about a nervous breakdown or the impact of an upcoming event (for example, taking a session or going to unpleasant people). In such a situation, the help of a qualified psychologist is needed, since the person himself may not understand the causes of the disorder. In addition to visiting a doctor, you need to undergo special relaxation therapy. Well proven baths with sea salt and aromatic oils, massages. It is advisable to go for a walk before going to bed, the duration of which should not be less than 15-20 minutes.

Psychogenic cough: the features of the development of the process

Sometimes the cause of coughing are not viruses and bacteria, but the development of psychosomatic disorders in the body. Psychogenic cough is very difficult to distinguish from normal, it also causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, but it does not respond to treatment at all. You can identify it if you take a good look at the symptoms and features of the manifestation.

Features of a cough

/Particularly susceptible to the development of psychogenic cough people who have an excessive amount of mental and physical activity on their bodies. Also emotionally sensitive adults and children suffer from this disorder. Specialists point to such reasons for the development of this state of the human body:
  • unfavorable situation - tensions at work or in the family;
  • stress arising from the implementation of unacceptable activities - public speaking, communication with unpleasant people;
  • stressful situations - exams, conflicts;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • reflex to coughing a person from a close environment.

This cough is one of the types of vocal tics, when obtrusive muscle contractions are carried out.

Manifestations of the disease

If we talk about psychogenic cough in children, then they appear from the age of 3 years, more often this process is observed in 4-8 years of age. In this case, the cough is characterized as dry, persistent, intrusive. It does not change for a long time, disturbing the child again and again.The main distinguishing feature of psychogenic cough that can be distinguished from other types of this reflex is that it is observed only in the daytime, at night it does not happen.As a rule, it intensifies in the evening, its aggravation occurs in the autumn and winter seasons.

Psychogenic cough is never accompanied by other symptoms that could indicate the development of respiratory diseases. Reduction of coughing is noted with a quick conversation of a person, reading poetry, singing. It is important to know that this process never produces sputum, this feature is also an important characteristic of psychogenic cough. In addition, the manifestation of the reflex is never amplified by physical exertion, which is unusual for respiratory diseases.

Many children have such a process every year, after which time passes. Usually by the age of 18, children outgrow, and psychogenic coughing does not bother them.

How to treat

Determine that a person develops a cough associated with psychosomatic disorders is not easy. This diagnosis can be made by specialists after a thorough examination of the whole organism, in which no pathologies are found.

To restore the child to normal life, it is important to create favorable conditions for recovery. This refers to a comfortable psychological stay of the child in the family, kindergarten or school. At the time, parents are recommended to forget that their child is constantly coughing, do not focus on this, especially - to scold and punish children for it. If a child curses for coughing, his manifestations can only intensify. The main thing - to carefully monitor his behavior, to understand and find the cause of such a state.

An important role in the elimination of this problem is given to rationalizing the regime of the day: the child must sleep both during the day and at night, more walk on the street, spend a little time at the computer or TV or at all to exclude such useless pastime. Moderate physical exertion will be useful: exercise therapy or visiting sports sections.

It is important to revise the diet of a child or an adult, to exclude the need for products containing caffeine - tea, coffee, cocoa, more eating foods rich in magnesium - green vegetables, nuts.

Sometimes the problem can be solved with the help of psychotherapy, however, this method of treatment is mostly used mainly for adults. With them, psychologists conduct sessions of individual, behavioral, family psychotherapy. In the treatment of psychogenic cough in adults, it is recommended to use methods of relaxation, meditation, speech therapy. In the treatment of children and adolescents, distracting therapy can be used - electric shocks to the forearm, breathing through the mouth, holding the button between the lips. In more serious cases, the appointment of tranquilizers becomes inevitable.

Treatment of psychogenic cough

Virtually all people are prone to the stereotype that cough is a symptom of colds. Accordingly, its treatment begins with various tablets and syrups that affect the reflex act itself. And when several weeks pass, or even months and the symptom does not disappear, "heavy artillery" comes into play in the form of antibiotics and hormonal preparations. But it happens that there are no improvements, since the treatment of the disease was chosen incorrectly. Such prolonged mistaken therapy can lead to numerous complications in the work of the respiratory system and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the clinical picture is greatly complicated and makes it difficult to establish the correct diagnosis.

Cough can have a different etiology, so before treatment it should be consulted to the doctor to make a correct diagnosis. Only a doctor can determine the symptom of what an ailment is a reflex act. One of the most difficult to diagnose is a psychogenic cough. It is difficult to determine it without the intervention of a specialist.

Signs of psychogenic cough:

  • The psychogenic reflex act is dry, "barking." Can be very loud.
  • Absence of absolutely all other signs of catarrhal diseases.
  • There are no disorders from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • No problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • At carrying out of researches there are no pathological disturbances of organs of respiratory system.
  • The somatic causes of the central nervous system are excluded.
  • Outbreaks of psychogenic cough are observed during a period of heightened emotional excitability.
  • At moments of calm, there is no reflex action.
  • Presence in the anamnesis of mental disorders.

Treatment of psychogenic cough - referral to a specialist

Do not try to determine your type of cough yourself. It is best to undergo a complete examination to exclude the somatic causes of coughing. If possible, contact the clinic with a high professional level of specialists. After receiving the conclusion of doctors that your reflex act is not a consequence of colds or problems with internal organs, you need to contact a specialist in psychosomatics. These are doctors such as neuropathologist, neurologist, psychologist. They must determine what the problem is. After the diagnosis, only specialists of this profile should prescribe the treatment of psychogenic cough. They can also give recommendations on behavior in everyday life. This is necessary for complex therapy and, subsequently, complete disposal of the psychological problem that interferes with full-fledged life.

Methods of cough treatment with psychosomatics

Psychogenic cough does not lend itself to drug therapy. It can only be used as an auxiliary. Basically, these are sedatives. You can also use different collections of herbs, the same spectrum of action. With regular admission, they in the complex help to remove unnecessary excitation of the nervous system, which, accordingly, removes the psychogenic symptom.

The most effective way to treat psychogenic cough is to get rid of irritating factors. It is best to change the situation. Perhaps, go to a sanatorium or a resort.

It is necessary to devote as much time as possible to full rest. Favorably affects relaxation in nature. Very well relieves the tension of the nervous system by riding, or simply communicating with these wonderful animals.

Psychological corrective therapy is very important in the treatment of psychogenic cough. It can be both individual and family. Especially if the cause of the patient's discomfort is the unfavorable situation in the family. The key value of this therapy is the person's understanding of the causes of this problem.

A good result in the complex treatment of a psychogenic act is relaxation and a technique of slow calming respiration. As an act of distraction in the area of ​​the forearm, electric shocks can be used.

In especially severe cases, the doctor can prescribe tranquilizers and antidepressants in the treatment of psychogenic reflex action. Use them with great caution and only at prescribed dosages.

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