Foods that purify the liver

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Human health largely depends on how effectively the body evacuates toxic substances. Diet for cleaning the liver helps to improve the quality of life and avoid the development of dangerous complications. Pollution of the environment, toxic body care products, household chemicals, factory food - all this seriously pollutes our body.

The liver is exposed to toxins around the clock. It also has a negative impact on viruses, parasites, heavy metals. This body has a unique property for self-recovery. It is proved that when almost ninety percent of the liver is removed, practically its full recovery is possible.

For the removal of toxic substances from the body is responsible for the liver. It suppresses harmful substances that are produced inside the body, and also come from the outside. In general, this body performs irreplaceable vital functions. So, the liver develops the bile secret, by means of which food digestion takes place, accumulates nutrients.

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How to understand that our liver needs to be cleaned? Identify the violations will help the following symptoms: bloating, constipation, jaundice, hypertension, fatigue, sweating, dark urine, depressive condition. Even such a powerful and strong body needs unloading and rest. Improve this condition with the help of products that purify the liver.

You will feel the results in a few weeks. Diet for liver cleansing should be applied after consultation with a doctor and conducting a survey. In this article we will talk in detail about what products clean the liver, as well as learn the principles of proper nutrition, which will help maintain the health of this important body.

General principles of

The fact that the liver needs to be cleaned, says such symptoms:

  • brown spots on the body;
  • chronic drowsiness and fatigue;
  • bad breath;
  • convulsions;
  • digestive problems;
  • depression.

A properly designed diet will help reduce the strain on the body, but at the same time provide the body with enough nutrients for proper functioning. All products for the purification of the liver professionals are divided into those that are cleaned naturally, and indirectly.

The first category includes garlic, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, lemon, beetroot. Indirectly cleanses the liver of prunes, blackberries, raspberries, plums, orange, melon, artichoke.

Diet for cleaning the liver will help you feel better after a couple of weeks.

. You will be able to clean the liver with the help of simple recommendations of specialists: do not overeat, portions should be small, keep a record of the energy value of the dishes you eat. It is better to completely abandon the salt. Without fail you will have to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. To fill the lack of vitamins in the diet should be introduced a sufficient number of vegetables, fruits, berries.

Now let's take a closer look at the products useful for cleansing the liver:

What can I eat when my liver hurts?
  • garlic. This product activates hepatic enzymes, with which you can quickly get rid of accumulated toxins;
  • in orange, lemon and grapefruit contains ascorbic acid, which helps maintain liver function;
  • beets and carrots contain flavonoids that improve metabolic processes;
  • green tea is known for the presence of antioxidants, which are responsible for the evacuation of harmful substances from the body;
  • in the composition of spinach, celery, broccoli includes chlorophylls, which purify blood and neutralize heavy metals;
  • olive oil contains fats for detoxifying the body;
  • whole grain products enhance metabolic processes;
  • fresh fruits and berries accelerate the evacuation of carcinogens;
  • avocado helps the liver produce glutathione - a substance that the liver needs to neutralize toxins. Experts say that regular use of this product significantly improves the liver;
  • apples contain chemicals that purify the digestive tract;
  • walnuts contain arginine - an amino acid that neutralizes ammonia. Experts recommend thoroughly chew nuts.

It is also worth highlighting those products that adversely affect the functioning of the liver, such as tobacco and alcohol, caffeine, animal proteins, sweets and pickles.

Seasoning dishes with olive oil

6 steps to cleansing the liver

Let's talk about simple advice of experienced specialists who will help clean the liver.


It is extremely important to remove toxic products from your diet. This includes factory food and fast food. Such products contain hydrogenated fats, refined sugar, nitrates, nitrites. Chemicals that make up fast food products increase their shelf life, retain their aesthetic appearance and suppress the reproduction of bacteria. But at the same time they can cause the development of dangerous diseases.

Separately it is necessary to say about proteins of animal origin. During the cleaning of the liver, it is recommended to include in the diet the meat of domestic animals, but it is absolutely worth abandoning the meat of animals grown on large farms. Usually in such places feeds with antibiotics and hormones are used. To cleanse the liver will have to abandon the sausage products.

Important! Factory snacks, nuts and chips are best replaced with nuts, carrots, fruit or home-made bars from muesli.


In this section we will talk about the importance of consuming fresh vegetable juices. Interesting is the fact that juices are more easily absorbed by the body than raw vegetables. As a basis for fresh you can use white, colored or Brussels sprouts.

You can supplement it with carrots, cucumbers, beets, and greens. Fresh parsley and mint will give the juice a pleasant taste. A good effect is provided by a combination of orange, carrot and ginger. Vegetable juices are easily and quickly absorbed by our body.


An important role in the cleansing of the liver is played by potassium-containing products:

  • sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are considered one of the most potassium-rich foods. In addition, sweet potato contains beta-carotene, fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, iron. The natural sugars in the product do not cause sharp jumps in the body's glucose, but slowly enter the bloodstream through the liver;
  • tomatoes. Potassium is largely concentrated in tomato sauces, pastes and purees, but of course, it's about natural products, not factory products;
  • beet tops. For comparison, in sweet potato per 100 grams of product, 337 mg of potassium, and in this product - 762 mg;
  • legumes are rich not only in potassium, but also in protein, fiber and vitamin C;
  • molasses. A total of two teaspoons of syrup contains ten percent of daily potassium. Patoku can be added to various dishes instead of sugar;
  • bananas also contain a large amount of potassium and contribute to the removal of harmful substances from the body.

The treacle contains a large amount of potassium and helps to remove harmful substances from the body


It is proved that you can detoxify the body using coffee enemas. Natural coffee is first absorbed by the walls of the intestine, and then enters the liver. The procedure stimulates the liver and gallbladder and makes the secret secretion of the bile secret more active.

For the enema at home, you need to mix two tablespoons of coffee with three glasses of distilled water. In this case, it is worth considering that you need high-quality ground grain. Then the coffee is brought to a boil and is boiled for fifteen minutes. The medium is allowed to cool, after which it is filtered off. It is important to hold the coffee drink in the intestine for fifteen minutes.

See also:
Nutrition for liver cyst
Nutrition for liver hepatosis + approximate menu


Specialists also recommend using traditional recipes. Let's talk about the most effective recipes:

  • milk thistle. This unique plant, which helps to remove from the body heavy metals, alcohol, substances that pollute the environment, as well as contained in synthetic drugs. Often the milk thistle is used by cancer patients after chemotherapy or radiotherapy, since the plant helps to reduce the negative impact of chemicals. The composition of milk thistle includes silymarin - a substance that strengthens the liver at the cellular level and improves regeneration processes;
  • turmeric is known for its strongest anti-inflammatory properties. It supports the work of the liver and improves metabolism;
  • dandelion. The plant, and especially the root part, contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Dandelion has a diuretic effect, which accelerates the evacuation of harmful substances from the body.


Finally, we note the importance of eating the liver of animals, poultry and fish. It is better to give preference to the by-product from veal, beef, chicken, pollock and cod. The liver is rich in vitamins and trace elements. If you do not like this product, then alternatively you can use beef liver-based tablets.

Specialists recommend to use chicken or beef liver

Dietetic detox menu

Consider an approximate menu for the day:

  • Breakfast .You can eat cottage cheese, buckwheat, and green tea. Also in the morning oatmeal porridge and boiled fish are useful.
  • Lunch .As a snack, you can cook a casserole from cabbage or a baked apple.
  • Lunch .Vegetarian soup or cream soup. On the second you can boil or churn vegetables with meat. Drink better compote of dried fruits.
  • Snack .Fresh apple.
  • Dinner .Buckwheat porridge with a protein omelet or boiled fish with stewed cabbage.
  • Late Dinner .Two hours before going to bed, you can drink kefir.

It is proved that beet helps to accelerate the detoxification of the body. Consider proven recipes based on this product:

  • beet salad. Large beets grate, add a little olive oil and lemon juice. At one time it is enough to eat two tablespoons. The entire portion of the prepared salad should be consumed per day. The course of treatment is one week;
  • beet kvass. To make a drink, take three medium-sized beets, rinse thoroughly under running water, clean and cut into cubes. Beetroot must be folded into a three-liter jar, and then fill with two tablespoons of wheat flour and a half kilogram of sugar. The can is covered with a lid and left for a few days in a dark place. After 48 hours, seven hundred grams of raisins, one hundred grams of water and one kilogram of sugar should be added to the jar. Now the product must be insisted for another seven days, while the contents of the jar should be stirred every day. Kvass must be filtered before use. Take a drink three times a day before eating. After the course, you need to take a break for three months, then continue to continue treatment;
  • beet juice. The first days drink juice from beets( 1), cucumber( 1) and carrots( 4).In the next two days, apple-beet juice is drunk. Take one serving of beetroot and four servings of apple. Treatment lasts four days.

So, our liver is tweaked to the effect of harmful substances that come from outside. It is entrusted with a huge role in the functioning of the body, which is why from time to time it needs to be unloaded and assisted. But what foods will help clear the liver?

We examined the best of them: citrus, garlic, avocado, green tea, turmeric, walnuts, apples, milk thistle, vegetables, fruits, greens. Do not forget about the banned products: alcohol, pickles, fatty, fried, pickled, fast food. Proper nutrition should be for you not a temporary phenomenon, but a way of life and then your liver will please you with its well-coordinated work.