Arthritis and arthrosis: what's the difference? symptoms and treatment


  • 1Arthritis and arthrosis: what's the difference, treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, symptoms
    • 1.1What is arthritis?
    • 1.2What is arthrosis?
    • 1.3Symptoms of Arthrosis and Arthritis: Differences
    • 1.4Differential diagnosis of arthritis and arthritis
    • 1.5Differences in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis
  • 2Osteoarthritis and arthritis, what is the difference, symptoms and treatment of joint diseases
    • 2.1What is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis?
    • 2.2Which doctor treats arthritis and arthritis
    • 2.3Methods of treatment and prevention of joint diseases
  • 3Arthritis and arthrosis what is the difference than to treat
    • 3.1Specificity, Difference, and Causes
    • 3.2Symptomatic of joint diseases
    • 3.3Similar and distinctive facts
    • 3.4Therapeutic tactics
    • 3.5Arthritis - treatment
    • 3.6Osteoarthritis - treatment
    • 3.7Folk remedies against arthritis and arthrosis
    • 3.8Prevention
  • 4Arthritis and arthrosis: what is the difference, what is different, treatment with folk remedies
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Signs of arthrosis
    • 4.2Signs of Arthritis
    • 4.3The cause of the disease: the difference between diseases
    • 4.4Lesion of joints
    • 4.5Symptoms: the difference between arthritis and arthrosis
    • 4.6Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis
  • 5Arthritis and arthrosis: what's the difference, what's worse?
    • 5.1What is rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, polyarthrosis, rheumatism?
    • 5.2What is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis?
    • 5.3The first signs and symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis
    • 5.4Arthritis and arthrosis: what is worse, worse?
    • 5.5Arthritis and arthrosis: diagnosis
    • 5.6Which doctor treats arthritis and joint arthrosis?

Arthritis and arthrosis: what's the difference, treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, symptoms

Arthritis and arthrosis are the names of two different joint diseases. They differ among themselves the causes of development, peculiarities of pathological changes occurring in the joints, symptoms and treatment.

What is arthritis? What is arthrosis? Symptoms of Arthrosis and Arthritis: Differences Differential Diagnosis of Arthrosis and Arthritis Differences in the Treatment of Arthritis and Arthrosis

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints, which, more often than not, is a manifestation of more extensive and serious pathological changes in the body, for example, autoimmune or infectious processes or metabolic violations. Less often arthritis occurs as a result of injuries, in such cases the injured joint is inflamed, while others remain intact.

In addition, reactive arthritis, arising as a complication of infectious diseases: intestinal infections, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, influenza and other viral infections.

Inflammatory changes in arthritis primarily affect the synovial membrane (develops synovitis) and synovial fluid.

The amount of the latter increases, which explains the swelling of the inflamed joints.

The cartilaginous tissue lining the articular surfaces of the bones also suffers - on it erosive defects that bare the bone are gradually formed.

What is arthrosis?

Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory disease, the pathological changes in the joint with it are caused by the dystrophy of the cartilages covering the articular surfaces of the bones.Although it is often the long-term inflammatory process contributes to the thinning and damage to the cartilaginous tissue.

Arthrosis develops mainly in the elderly, which is associated with age-related cartilage wear and osteoporosis, which is reflected negatively on the condition of the entire musculoskeletal system.

However, the disease can occur at a young age, for example, athletes, workers in professions, associated with the impact on the joints of excessive loads, in obese people.

All manifestations of arthrosis, which disturb patients, develop due to thinning and dystrophic changes in cartilage, their inability to fully perform the amortization function, exposure and friction about each other the bones forming the joint, the growth of bone tissue (such growths are called osteophytes), reducing the amount of synovial fluid that should wash the joint surface.

Symptoms of Arthrosis and Arthritis: Differences

Arthritis and arthrosis can develop in any joint, but in most cases, a certain pattern is observed in the localization of the pathological process for each of these diseases:

  • Arthrosis most often affects the large joints of the legs(hip, knee, ankle), less often the joints at the bases of the toes and the distal joints of the fingers. In addition, arthrosis can develop in the intervertebral articulations. All these joints experience the greatest loads throughout life, which explains the frequent occurrence of destructive processes in them.
  • For arthritis, on the contrary, the "volatility" of joint damage is characteristic. Today the wrist is inflamed, tomorrow knee, etc. In addition, several asymmetric joints can immediately become inflamed, which is not typical for arthrosis.

In addition to the localization of the pathological process, arthrosis and arthritis have serious differences in symptoms:

  • Arthritis is characterized by pain in the joint, arising mainly at rest and at night.In the morning, such patients, as a rule, feel a marked stiffness in the hands and feet. After the development of the affected joints, pain and stiffness are reduced.With arthrosis, pain, on the contrary, increases with movement, and after rest almost completely disappears.
  • The appearance of the affected joints differs. With arthritis, they increase in size (swell), blush, become hot to the touch. With arthrosis at the initial stages of development of the disease, the affected joint looks perfectly normal, in then its deformation is possible due to the growth of osteophytes and the modification of bones that are articulated in the joint. Another feature of arthrosis is a crunch in the affected joint, with arthritis it is not observed.

It is also worth noting that in arthritis patients notice a significant deterioration in health, weight loss, a periodic increase in body temperature and the appearance of other symptoms of the underlying disease. Patients with arthrosis are concerned only with a poorly working and very painful joint.

Differential diagnosis of arthritis and arthritis

To make an accurate diagnosis (arthrosis or arthritis in a patient) and to appoint the right treatment, doctors send the patient for a checkup, which usually includes:

Differences in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis

Since arthrosis and arthritis have different causes and mechanisms of development, the approach to their treatment is fundamentally different.

When arthritis doctors are important to identify the cause of inflammation of the joint and, if possible, eliminate it.All medical measures are directed to this.

So, with arthritis of infectious nature, patients are prescribed antibiotics. If the inflammation of the joint is caused by an autoimmune process, hormones and cytotoxic agents.

When gout is used specific drugs that affect the formation of uric acid, etc.

With arthrosis, the main goals of treatment are the restoration of cartilaginous tissue and the return of mobility to the joint.Therefore, patients are prescribed chondroprotectors, hyaluronic acid, physiotherapy and manual therapy sessions, courses of therapeutic physical training.

For anesthesia and with arthrosis, and with arthritis use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inside and outwardly (in the form of ointments).

With inflammation of the joints, these drugs not only well anesthetize, but also contribute to reducing signs of inflammation (puffiness, stiffness, redness, etc.).

And with arthrosis and arthritis, both conservative therapy and surgical treatment (minimally invasive surgery, joint replacement) - all depends on the degree of disruption of the function of the affected joint and financial possibilities patient.

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Osteoarthritis and arthritis, what is the difference, symptoms and treatment of joint diseases

Medical workers, of course, know how these diseases differ, as a result of which the joints are affected. The townsfolk often confuse these diagnoses.

Not every patient who has one of the problems in the anamnesis understands what causes arthrosis and arthritis, what is the difference between them. However, for ailments with similar characteristics, completely different causes lead.

Symptoms, treatment of diseases, as a rule, are also not the same.

What is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis?

Only an ignorant person will say that arthrosis with arthritis is senile "gifts threatening health. Problems with joints - a common phenomenon among all segments of the population, can affect even babies.

The finger, a brush, a knee which hurt can get sick. Disturb sometimes crunch in the joint, its deformation. Here, perhaps, all the similarity of the symptoms of these diseases.

Before talking about the difference between arthritis and arthrosis, one must deal with each ailment separately.

So, arthrosis and arthritis, what is the difference? Progressive lesions of the joints, because of which the cartilaginous layer breaks down and bone tissue deforms, is called osteoarthrosis.

Arthrosis does not spare anyone: according to statistics, the disease to some extent attacks 80% of all the inhabitants of the world over 60 years. It also affects young people who "torture" themselves physically, so it is also called the illness of violinists and athletes.

The disease does not have an inflammatory condition, its causes are:

  1. operations on the joints;
  2. metabolic disease;
  3. dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  4. obesity.

Arthritis is a collective name for the pathology of the joints of an exclusively inflammatory etiology. Provoke excessive stress on the joints, for example, athletes or masseurs, obesity, hypothermia, malnutrition, alcoholism, drug addiction. The causes of the disease are diverse:

  • heredity;
  • dysplasia of the hip joints;
  • congenital dislocation of the hip;
  • gout;
  • hormonal failures;
  • problems of the nervous system;
  • simple lack of vitamins.

Often in a terrible disease, gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, dysentery, influenza, acute childhood infections are to blame. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis can be chronic tonsillitis.

Bacteria, viruses or fungus, getting inside the body, usually do not show activity at first, being in a "hibernation".

Affect joints only after a malfunction of immunity, which instead of defending its "master attacks it, destroying healthy cells.

Many find it difficult to understand how arthrosis and arthritis manifest themselves, what is the difference between them. Definitely hard to say, because the difference is very arbitrary.

Very often, these diseases accompany each other, go together.

The bright degenerative joint changes inherent in arthrosis will not have time to appear, as the inflammatory process joins them, and symptoms of chronic arthritis arise, and vice versa.

Which doctor treats arthritis and arthritis

For the treatment of joint pain there are special doctors - arthrologists. Doctors will tell exactly what is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis.

Until quite recently they could only boast of some clinics in Moscow. The fight against these diseases involved rheumatologists, orthopedists, surgeons, even therapists.

The situation has changed, but even now, arthrologists are not in every state polyclinic.

Methods of treatment and prevention of joint diseases

Therapy includes etiotropic drugs that affect the cause of the disease. Infectious arthritis is treated with antibiotics, autoimmune - with steroid hormones. Symptomatic treatment is indicated.

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Often combine all dosage forms of active substances: for example, the same non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug is prescribed in the form of tablets, ointments, injections.

In addition to drug treatment, a sanatorium with exercise therapy is effective.

If conservative therapy does not help, surgery is called for to fight joint diseases - sometimes they are prescribed as symptomatic treatment.

Severe cases require replacement of the affected joint with an artificial prosthesis. Like any other chronic disease, arthrosis and arthritis are completely incurable.

the task of the attending physician is to stretch remission.

In the treatment there is a fundamental difference in arthrosis from arthritis of the knee joint, so you can not play doctor, prescribing medicine! The drugs of this group are deceivers: by reducing pain, they inspire the patient with a false sense of recovery, while the disease acquires a severe stage. For their detection, a thorough diagnosis is carried out - X-rays, examination, collection of anamnesis, laboratory tests.

A careful attitude to health will help you put a barrier between your body and these ailments. Prevention of arthritis and arthrosis:

  1. Cure to the end of all infectious diseases, do not allow even a sluggish manifestation of chronic diseases.
  2. Regardless of age, start exercising. Easy running, fast walking, swimming, gymnastics will normalize weight, will lead muscles in a tonus.
  3. Diet. Refuse fat, add fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, cartilage, gelatin.
  4. Replace spirits with plain water (up to 3 liters), vitamins, calcium.
  5. Protect joints from hypothermia.
  6. Wear comfortable shoes.

Do not give up, beforehand recognizing your impotence with osteochondrosis, arthritis / arthrosis, to declare war on all your ailments, the video will help.

His path was chosen by Vladimir Sokolinsky, the author of a unique method of restoring joints with the help of natural remedies. Having cured himself, he will help to say "no" to your health problems.

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Arthritis and arthrosis what is the difference than to treat

Arthritis and arthrosis are two pathologies affecting the musculoskeletal system, namely the joints.

The etiology and pathogenesis of these diseases differ, but the end result is the same: joint damage (cartilage tissue, meniscus, intra-articular structure and tendon-muscle corset) with inflammation of soft tissues, violation of anatomical structure and physiological destruction.

Separately, these pathologies represent: arthritis is an inflammatory process involving a certain group of enzymes, the purpose of destruction of which is the connective tissue of the joints.

Osteoarthritis - destruction of articulations, that is, irreversible phenomena with complete or partial deformation of all articular components with restriction of organ biomechanics.

In the elimination of pathology data plus the performance of proper prevention, one must know everything about arthritis and arthrosis in what is the difference than to treat.

Specificity, Difference, and Causes

The difference between arthritis and arthrosis is as follows: arthritis can be eliminated medically, and arthrosis medication plus surgically and only after elimination of the main cause as concomitant diseases, metabolic disorders or injury.

Inflammation of the joint or arthritis can occur after a mechanical injury, a long walk or a vertical load.

The process involves any joint (upper and lower extremities plus all the joints that make up the chest and spinal column) with a single or twin lesion.

Inflammation attracts not only the articular components, but all layers of surrounding tissues, this fact depends on the depth of the lesion. With qualitative treatment, the inflammation is eliminated, and the cartilage tissue is gradually restored.

Destructive pathology of joints or arthrosis can be stopped only after treatment of the underlying disease or correction of the metabolism or hormonal composition.

The disease consists in partial or complete abrasion of the cartilaginous plate. Often bone is covered with osteophytes, which create unbearable pain when moving.

Further, the joint loses biomechanical ability, it is often due to the patient's fault - he tries to spare the patient joint, which quickly undergoes ankylosing.

It is this fact that explains the difference between arthrosis and arthritis: in case of arthritis, the joint ability returns (if only the anatomical structure of the organ of motion was not disturbed because of an accident or an infectious-inflammatory disease), and with arthrosis Physiological ability to move is restored partially at the first degree of defeat, and at the started stage - only surgically.

Causes leading to the development of arthritis and arthrosis:

  1. Arthritis is caused: mechanical injuries (bruises, bumps, open and closed fractures with or without involvement of microbial infection), constant physical activity (running, walking, jumping, lifting weights) and physico-chemical factors (a sharp temperature difference with supercooling or overheating joints). Allergies and poisonings are also included in the group of causes that cause the disease. In childhood, arthritis is the result of avitaminosis and decreased immunity, as well as frequent injuries in the joints of the lower extremities.
  2. Arthrosis has a wide range of causes, namely: hereditary connective tissue diseases, elevated background of allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, rheumatic component, metabolic disorder substances, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, chronic liver and kidney diseases, as well as changes in the hormonal composition of female and male hormones (estrogen and androgen). Sarcoma or carcinoma are some of the malignant tumors that lead to a destructive process in the bone tissue and cartilage plates. Intoxication of the body with poisons or increased radiation is an obvious mechanism for the development of arthrosis.

Symptomatic of joint diseases

Clinical symptoms: what is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis

Arthritis Osteoarthritis
Inflammation of the joint with its local redness + edematous increase in size. Inflammatory processes extend not only to the articular area, but also to the surrounding soft tissues with a violation of the anatomical design of the joints.
Pain syndrome: throbbing pain when walking and at rest. Pain has a diverse character: pulsating, sharp and aching. Partially subsides with a certain pose.
Temporary restriction of movement (complete or partial immobilization). Constant restriction in movement. Plus: sparing or facilitating positions are characteristic. At the last stage of the disease the joint is completely paralyzed (it is impossible to unbend, bend and rotate the joint).
Increased temperature above the affected joint. The temperature above the joint is normal (3, degrees). When destroying with the involvement of infection or infringement of nerves, the body temperature rises to 37-38 degrees, especially at night.
Irradiating pain in neighboring organs and systems, depending on localization Characterized by the irradiation of pain.
With microbial infection, an elevated body temperature of 38-39 degrees is observed. Infectious agents rarely join.
The weather change does not affect the sick body. The joints react to weather conditions.
The patient has one joint pain. With arthrosis, several joints or the whole system of the motor system can be hurt.

To the question: "Arthritis and arthrosis what is the difference in the fingers? There is a reliable answer: a weakening of the grip fingers, a decrease in their sensitivity and unbearable pain during exercise, not passing after a night recreation. Treatment is only medicamentous.

The difference between arthrosis and arthritis of the knee joint is as follows: with arthritis, the pathology after the course of treatment according to the therapeutic scheme is eliminated, and biomechanics of the joint after rehabilitation is restored. With arthrosis, depending on the extent of the lesion, the biomechanical is subject to partial restoration only after surgery with correction of the joint structure.

These pathologies affect all joints, including the joints of the toes. Arthritis and arthrosis what is the difference in toes from fingers? Fingers on the lower extremities undergo the same changes as on the hands: inflammation, swelling and pain.

With arthrosis, joints are subjected to destruction and deformation. The anatomical shape changes, and during movement a sharp or aching pain is felt. It is difficult to attack, after a long walk, the pain does not stop.

It calms down only after the injection of Analgin or Baralgina.

Similar and distinctive facts

Similarities of joint pathologies:

  1. Source of pathology (joints).
  2. Symptomatology with a clinical picture.
  3. Diagnostic studies.
  4. Preventive actions.
  5. Rehabilitation period.
  6. Medical therapy, exercise therapy and physiotherapy.
  7. Forecast.

Distinguishing factors:

Arthritis Osteoarthritis
Has acute and chronic course. Chronic degenerative nature.
One joint hurts. The joints are afflicted by couples or systemically.
The painful syndrome completely passes after medical therapy and rehabilitation. Pain will always be present, it will subside only with a certain position of the body and the administration of strong analgesics.
Both adults and children are ill. Pathology is characteristic of people of advanced age or patients with chronic diseases, taking place with hormonal disorder or with a change in metabolism.
Pathology is more common in the ankle and elbow joints. Affect all joints, at the same time.
Is a separate disease. Is a consequence or complication of chronic concomitant diseases.
Temporary restriction of movement. Constant restriction of joint biomechanics.
The disease has a certain etiology - trauma or stress. Seldom is an intoxication or an allergy of the body. Age changes or chronic diseases.
Rehabilitation is short without exacerbations. Rehabilitation is long with exacerbations.

Patients often ask themselves: arthritis and arthrosis which doctor heals? With such pathologies, you need to contact a traumatologist, a rheumatologist (if a pathology of rheumatoid nature) or a surgeon.

Before consultation, these doctors need to be examined by a doctor in a polyclinic at the place of residence, laboratory tests (general and biochemical) to make an x-ray in three projections, an MRI plus a computer tomography.

Further, take the direction for further consultation by specialists in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Therapeutic tactics

Having discovered some symptoms or having an already established diagnosis, all patients are looking for information: "Arthritis and arthrosis treatment with medical drugs." This is the correct tactic, but treatment should be prescribed only by the attending physician and under his sensitive supervision.

Arthritis - treatment

Therapeutic tactics begins after a thorough instrumental and laboratory examination. It depends on the form and stage of the pathology, therefore the treatment technique is chosen individually, namely:

  1. drugs that relieve painful cider: Analgin, Baralgin, down medication of the drug group, depending on the intensity of pain;
  2. non-steroid preparations: Diclofenac, Dicloberl, Ibuprofen, Movalis, Voltaren;
  3. prescribe drugs of the group COX1 or COOG2 (nonselective inhibitors of enzymes);
  4. antispasmodics: No-Spa, Spasmalgon.
  5. muscle relaxants: Papaverin;
  6. chondroprotectors: chondrolon, chondroxide, chondroitin + glucosamine;
  7. vitamins: B12, B1, B6, A, D, PP;
  8. antioxidants: vitamin C;
  9. drugs that increase immunity: Interferon Alpha;
  10. desensibilizants: Tavegil, Suprastin, Dimedrol;
  11. massage and exercise therapy.
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Decreased physical exertion, exclusion from the diet of excessive intake of salt and pepper, fried food and fatty foods, as well as alcohol and tobacco - are integral components of therapeutic therapy. When diabetes - strictly follow the diet and take medications that regulate the level of sugar.

What is the effectiveness of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 in the treatment of arthritis? Thiamine softens the pain by lowering nervous excitability.

Pyridoxine - stimulates sphingolipids of nerve fibers, plus increases the level of metabolism of the osteoarticular system, improving the metabolism of amino acid components.

Cyanocobalamin: acts on the brain neurons, improves the production of red blood cells.

Osteoarthritis - treatment

To this scheme of therapeutic therapy of arthritis, several items are added, namely:

  • potent analgesics for the removal of pain syndrome;
  • corticosteroids: Kenalog, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone + Dexamethasone;
  • Novocain blockades;
  • intra-articular injections of drugs, restoring cartilaginous tissue;

Surgical operation is the optimal treatment option. First, this method of treatment eliminates the destructive components of the joint, artificially builds up the substance replacing the cartilage.

Secondly, the endoprosthesis of the patient joint is performed. The rehabilitation period after the operation depends on the volume of the postoperative zone and the individual physiological abilities of the organism.

In both pathologies, local treatment with ointments + gels based on pain relievers, hormones and chondroprotectors is recommended. No need to ask yourself the question "arthritis and arthrosis in what is the difference than to treat ointments" - these drugs are prescribed for both diseases.

Folk remedies against arthritis and arthrosis

Only some joint has become inflamed, as everyone begins to search for information: arthritis and arthrosis, what is the difference between treatment with folk remedies.

Arthritis or arthrosis allows you to include in the therapeutic treatment of some folk remedies. But! These healing substances are used only in parallel with complex therapy.

They are able to eliminate pain and reduce inflammation. Folk medicine is powerless to completely eradicate the disease.

  1. Tincture of propolis: 50gr of propolis dissolve in 100ml of vodka, insist for a week. Tincture rub the sick joints 3-5 times a day. The course of treatment until complete recovery.
  2. Garlic tincture: 5 heads of large garlic to pass through a meat grinder, add a spoon of honey and 50 ml of pure alcohol. Infuse for 10 days. Rinse the sore spots 2 times a day. After grinding, put a muffle on top, leaving for an hour.
  3. Caucasian hellebore: one spoonful of hellebore powder + a spoon of bee honey + a spoonful of mustard powder and melted lard. Stir thoroughly and leave in a warm and dark place for 10 days. Then use as an ointment.
  4. Birch buds: 200g of dry powder of birch buds are poured, l steep boiling water, we insist day. It is recommended to drink 50 ml once or twice a day before meals.
  5. Tincture of burdock root: the crushed root is poured with a liter of vodka, the month insists. This tincture is wiped with joints.


Preventive measures are directed towards the preservation of the cartilaginous layer plus the functionality of the joint throughout life. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • Consider a nutritious diet, excluding fried foods, fatty + peppery, as well as salted, alcoholic + nicotine.
  • Use natural chondroprotectors in the form of jelly and jelly.
  • Constantly to be surveyed.
  • Do not allow great physical activity.
  • Be attentive, excluding injury to the joints.
  • Do morning exercises, jogging, swimming.
  • Every day perform exercises for the joints of the limbs.
  • Constantly drink vitamins.
  • In prophylactic purposes, take once every six months chondroprotectors, preparations of calcium, potassium plus other minerals.
  • After stretching joints or mechanical trauma, consult a doctor.

Osteoarthritis and arthritis are related diseases, so everyone needs to know what is arthritis and arthrosis in what is the difference than to treat.

Both pathologies are not amenable to complete cure, especially arthrosis, which lead to immobilization of the joints. But, timely treatment will help to eliminate disability and live a full life.

And it must be remembered that folk remedies are not basic medicines, but auxiliary ones, which have their advantages after complex treatment.

A source:

Arthritis and arthrosis: what is the difference, what is different, treatment with folk remedies

In modern times, arthritis and arthrosis are the leaders among the main diseases.

Often, these two concepts are confused because of the similarity of terms and the same pathology of the joints, but these are completely different diseases.

To understand the difference between arthritis and arthrosis and how to treat them, it is worth considering their symptoms and features in more detail.

Signs of arthrosis

This disease is also referred to as deforming osteoarthritis, which is a chronic degenerative disease that flows undulating. The main feature is that the cartilage tissues of the joints are affected.

With the age in the human body, the supply of blood and nutrients to the bone tissues decreases, which causes the development of arthrosis of the joints of the hands, hands, and feet. Unlike arthritis, this type of disease is considered irreversible.

  1. As the diagnosis shows, when the joints are affected, the cartilages do not cope with the loads that they are on, resulting in cartilage tissue being destroyed more quickly than they manage to recover. Cartilaginous interlayers between the bones, which ensure a normal sliding of the joint surface, also do not cope with their functions, begin to break down. In this case, the patient experiences severe pain during movement.
  2. This disease in one form or another occurs in all people over 60 years, regardless of gender. Thus, arthrosis of the hip, knee, shoulder and other joint can be called an age-related disease, during which the cartilage tissues are actively destroyed. In this case, usually a single joint is affected, most often a large one, which is to be treated.

Signs of Arthritis

With this disease of brushes, arms, legs, the diagnosis reveals an inflammatory process in one or more joints.

The main differences between arthritis and arthrosis are that in the first case, inflammation of the hip, knee, shoulder and other affected joint is detected.

  • The disease is accompanied by swelling of the joints, redness of the skin, general and local body temperature increases, motor activity decreases. The cause of the appearance of arthritis can be any factor - from allergic reaction, infectious diseases, metabolic disorders to the nervous system and injury.
  • Inflammation can spread both to one joint and to a larger area. Most often the patient feels pains of a volatile nature, they jump from one joint to another. In this case, the surface of the hip, knee, shoulder and other joint is not disturbed.
  • Arthritis can be diagnosed in people of any age, but it is especially often detected in women aged 35 to 50 years. According to statistics, this disease affects every fifth person.

In other words, osteoarthritis manifests itself in the form of destruction of cartilaginous tissues, and arthritis is accompanied by an inflammatory process. It is these symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis that are the main ones that distinguish, what kind of folk remedies will be treated.

The cause of the disease: the difference between diseases

Arthrosis is primary and secondary.

The primary form of the disease develops, as a rule, without an obvious reason. The disease makes itself felt at an older age and usually affects the surface of the shoulder, hip, knee joint, that is, symmetrical articular joints.

The secondary form of arthrosis often appears after the transfer of a serious disease. Also, the disease can develop if there is a genetic predisposition.

Violation of the shoulder, hip, knee and other joint occurs with excessive weight, heavy physical exertion, past joint injuries, endocrinological diseases.

Inflammatory process with arthritis can appear for various reasons. Such a disease can also be primary and secondary.

  1. The primary form is found in rheumatoid arthritis, spondylosis, Still's disease, gout, pseudogout, children's rheumatoid arthritis, and also septic, caused by all sorts of microorganisms.
  2. The secondary form of arthritis also develops on the background of other diseases. These include psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, reactive arthropathy, borreliosis, hemochromatosis and so on.

Lesion of joints

Arthrosis usually affects the big toes, as well as large joints, resulting in the development of osteoarthrosis of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine.

Less often the disease extends to the ankles, cartilage tissues of hands and hands. With a few exceptions, small limb joints suffer.

Symptoms: the difference between arthritis and arthrosis

Arthritis and arthrosis of the knee, hip, shoulder joint are accompanied by severe pain. However, the pain in these diseases is different.

In particular, arthrosis pain occurs usually during movement, with heavy load or after a long walk. She has a aching long character.

  • At the initial stage of the disease, it may not be strong, so often people do not pay attention to unpleasant sensations until a diagnosis is performed.
  • The second stage of the disease is accompanied by pain at low loads.
  • The third stage is neglected, so pain can arise even in a state of rest. After the patient changes his position to more comfortable, the soreness subsides.

As for the arthritis of the hands, hands, knee, hip, shoulder joint, with this kind of disease the pains are acute, and they do not disappear. Especially often the pain syndrome makes itself felt in the night period of time, closer to the morning.

Stiffness in the morning is a sign of arthritis, with arthrosis such a symptom is not observed. Meanwhile, with arthrosis changes in the joints, a distinct crunch is heard.

Crunching with arthrosis of the hip, knee, shoulder joint is observed when the cartilage layers break and the bones rub against each other. The stronger the crunch, the higher the stage of arthrosis.

During arthrosis, mobility decreases only in the area of ​​the hands, the affected knee, hip, shoulder joint. In arthritis, the patient feels stiffness of movements throughout the body.

With arthrosis, the surface of the joints changes externally, but the swelling does not appear.

In addition to the inflammatory process, arthritis has the following symptoms:

  • The body temperature rises;
  • Diagnosis shows the presence of psoriasis;
  • Inflammation of the eyes;
  • Chills or excessive sweating;
  • Weakness;
  • Unpleasant discharge from the genitals.
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Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis

Different methods of therapy are used here. In particular, the treatment of arthritis of the hands, hands, feet is necessary by blocking the inflammatory process and normalizing the immune system. With arthrosis, the main task is to restore the damaged cartilage of the joints and improve blood circulation.

Treatment of arthrosis is performed by an orthopedic trauma specialist, while for arthritis several doctors of different specializations are responsible, depending on the underlying causes of the disease.

To get rid of the symptoms of arthritis, the patient is prescribed a special therapeutic diet. In this case, the patient must refrain from alcohol and excessive physical exertion.

The main treatment is the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, it is necessary to treat the joints with the help of physiotherapy procedures and do therapeutic exercises for the hands, feet, brushes.

Treatment of arthrosis involves the use of anti-inflammatory, hormonal and analgesic drugs. In a severe case, when the joints are completely destroyed, the doctor prescribes surgical operation in the form of endoprosthetics or joint replacement.

  1. As an additional method, it is recommended to treat affected joints with folk remedies. To alleviate the symptoms of arthrosis, used rubbing, compress, decoction and all sorts of tinctures on herbs. Especially warming compresses are effective in the period of exacerbation.
  2. No less effective for arthrosis of hands, hands, feet, treatment with ice. To do this, one glass of snow should be mixed with one tablespoon of salt. The resulting mixture rubbed the lesion for seven minutes.
  3. Infusions of pine needles, chamomile and aloe are beneficial to cartilaginous tissue, restore damage and stop inflammation. They are used to treat arthrosis and arthritis of hands, hands, feet. They will help improve the patient's condition, relieve the pain and fatigue of a bath with coniferous decoction.

In the treatment of folk remedies, it is important to consult a doctor to avoid the development of complications.

A source:

Arthritis and arthrosis: what's the difference, what's worse?

From this article you will find out what is arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases associated with joints. How to treat them, and to what doctor to address.

Rheumatism is one of the most famous diseases of modern society. This disease can affect almost all internal organs and joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthrosis, polyarthritis - what is it, the first signs and how are they different? Answers to this question are searched in this article.

What is rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, polyarthrosis, rheumatism?

When a person is diagnosed with rheumatism, he first does not understand what it is. Why this disease is progressing and what sorts of variants it has. Let's take a closer look.

Rheumatoid arthritis - inflammation of the peripheral joints:

  • Fingers
  • The wrist
  • Loktei
  • Lap
  • The Foot

Both parts of the body are affected. The joints are destroyed, there is a persistent inflammation of the synovial tissue of the joint. As a result, bone erosion occurs and deformation occurs. Inflammation can spread to the heart, lungs and nervous system.

Rheumatoid arthrosis

Rheumatoid arthrosis is a change in articulations of such joints:

  1. Ankles
  2. Footsteps
  3. Knee joints
  4. Hip Joints

When the disease progresses, osteoarthritis is formed, in which motor functional abilities are disrupted. With this disease, cartilage, bones and soft tissues are affected. These irreversible phenomena lead to the strongest deformations.

Rheumatoid polyarthritis - affects such joints:

  • Brushes
  • Stop
  • Wrists
  • The elbow
  • Knee

Also affected by internal organs, muscles in the field of brushes. The disease develops according to the type of symmetry, if changes occur in the joints of the fingers, then on both hands and so on. Such a disease is one of the most disabling. Women are diagnosed more often than men.


Rheumatoid polyarthrosisDegenerative degeneration of the joint. There is its slow destruction. Leads to partial or complete immobility. Such joints are affected:

  1. Upper and lower limbs
  2. Fingers
  3. Lap
  4. Loktei

The disease manifests itself a severe pain, which is difficult to cope without medications.

This disease is dangerous because the destruction does not make itself felt for a long time.

There is no swelling, redness of the skin, a change in the temperature regime, but the disease can already progress in the body.

Rheumatism - inflammation of connective tissue in the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Such joints are affected:

  • Knee
  • The ulna
  • Ankle

The defeat of the heart in this disease is called:

  1. Revmopancarditis is a complete heart attack.
  2. Rheumomycarditis is a change in the myocardium.
  3. Rheumatic carditis is a change in the tissues of the heart.

It should be noted that rheumatism can also be localized in other internal organs and systems:

  • On the skin - erythema, hemorrhage, pallor of the covers.
  • Inside the walls of small blood vessels - mental disorders, violations in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, muscle weakness.
  • Respiratory organs - shortness of breath, cough.
  • The eye is a retinal lesion, a decrease or total loss of vision.
  • Organs of the digestive tract - liver, kidneys and other organs of the digestive tract.

Rheumatism is a terrible disease that needs to be treated in a timely manner. If this is not done, then it can lead to complications and even deplorable situations.

What is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis?

The difference between arthritis and arthrosis

Patients with arthritis and arthrosis complain of discomfort in the joints, limited mobility in the painful area. But between these two diseases there are distinctive differences. What are they?

Here are the changes that occur with arthritis:

  1. The disease affects the synovial membrane and fluid, the joint capsule.
  2. The temperature rises.
  3. There is redness in the area of ​​inflammation.
  4. Paired pain - simultaneously in two similar joints.

Degradation of the joint does not occur, because the internal structure due to the disease does not change. There is inflammation of the cartilaginous tissue, which provokes an infection, trauma or a disturbed metabolic process.

Physiological processes with arthrosis:

  • There are internal changes in the joint.
  • Cartilage tissue worn. This happens with age. Synovial fluid is not restored, which means there is no cartilage supply. It is thinner, not getting recharge.
  • There is no inflammation. The patient's temperature regime is normal.
  • There are no swelling and redness.
  • There is no paired pain. As a rule, only one worn joint suffers.

For more details, see the differences in the main features in the table:

Differences in arthritis from arthrosis

With arthritis and arthrosis, it becomes unpleasant for a person to perform simple actions. Slopes, bending of the knees, lifting of the shins - all this is accompanied by severe pain. It's even hard for a person to just sit on a chair or go down the stairs.

The first signs and symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis

Despite the fact that arthritis and arthrosis are different diseases, they have common symptoms and signs. It is on these conditions that you need to pay attention to the doctor at the first "bells". The first signs of arthritis and arthrosis:

  • Discomfort when walking
  • Painful sensations in the inflamed area
  • Limitation of the mobility of the problem area

Both these diseases disrupt the habitual course of human life. He can not climb the stairs, at the end of a day's work, it is difficult even for him to move around.

After sleep, you need to "diverge" so that you can simply move. A person suffering from arthritis or arthrosis can not just get up in the morning and go.

It takes time to get used to the pain and then you can start moving.

Arthritis and arthrosis: what is worse, worse?

Both of these diseases are unpleasant and cause a lot of pain and hassle. But what is worse and worse - arthritis or arthrosis?

  1. Arthritis is an inflammatory process.It can be cured and prevent undesirable consequences. But it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, until the erosion of stiff tissue and other complications begin.
  2. Osteoarthritis- this age changes inside the joint. Cartilage wears out and thins. The synovial fluid that feeds the tissue is not restored. All these are irreversible consequences.

Arthrosis usually affects people in old age. This disease is much worse, it is painful. But you can alleviate the patient's condition a little. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Arthritis and arthrosis: diagnosis

Diagnosis of these diseases includes different procedures and activities. First the doctor examines the patient and asks questions about the transferred infectious diseases and serious injuries. Then the extent of the disease is estimated.

Diagnosis of arthritis includes such procedures:

  • A blood test for the amount of uric acid and for the presence of antibodies to group A streptococcus.
  • Ultrasound examination of the joint.
  • Radiography.
  • CT scan.
  • Arthroscopy.

All these procedures help to get the clinical picture of the disease in full.

Diagnosis of arthrosis consists of activities that take place in several stages:

  1. Evaluation of joint mobility by visual means. The doctor asks to make a person several movements. In the region of the joint, ossified areas are visible.
  2. The doctor diagnoses visually how much joint is restricted in movement, whether there is a crunch when the position changes.At this stage of the disease, the muscles in the area of ​​the painful joint are atrophied. Roentgen helps to see bone growths.
  3. At this stage, a pronounced joint deformation is seen visually and in the X-ray photograph.

Also the doctor can prescribe an analysis of the synovial fluid. It helps to see if there is inflammation or not. A histology of synovia is performed. With arthrosis and arthritis, when evaluating blood levels, special attention is paid to the parameters of ESR.

Which doctor treats arthritis and joint arthrosis?

Doctor diagnoses arthritis or arthrosis

When the first symptoms of arthritis or arthrosis appear, you should immediately contact a doctor.

If this happens for the first time, then it's worth to make an appointment with the therapist.

This general practitioner will assess the patient's condition, prescribe general blood and urine tests, and then send it to the specialized specialists.

Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis of the joints are performed by such doctors:

  • Rheumatologist
  • Traumatologist-orthopedist

Early diagnosis and treatment will help avoid complications and return to normal. In the case of arthrosis - this will ease the condition and avoid the progression of the disease and the appearance of irreversible changes that can lead to disability.

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