What exercises can not be done with scoliosis?


  • 1Scoliosis and bodybuilding. How to train properly?
    • 1.1Scoliosis and bodybuilding: the theoretical side of the question
    • 1.2Afterword
  • 2What can not be done with scoliosis?
    • 2.1When are restrictions necessary?
    • 2.2What can you do in scoliosis?
    • 2.3General Contraindications
  • 3Exercises for scoliosis: contraindications, physical education
    • 3.1Contraindications
    • 3.2Combination with sports
    • 3.3Complex of physiotherapy exercises for scoliosis
    • 3.4With S-scoliosis
    • 3.5In kyphoscoliosis
    • 3.6Warm up
    • 3.7Lie down on the back
    • 3.8Lying on belly
    • 3.9Lying on the side
    • 3.10Total in moderation
  • 4Simulators for the treatment of scoliosis - benefit or harm
    • 4.1Correction of scoliosis with the help of simulators
    • 4.2What exercises should I choose for scoliosis?
    • 4.3General rules of training on simulators
    • 4.4Types of simulators for scoliosis
  • 5Fitness: scoliosis exercises

Scoliosis and bodybuilding. How to train properly?

Good afternoon, happy hour, are glad to see you here!

Today we will continue the series of articles entitled "Corner of the patient" and get acquainted in detail with the topic "Scoliosis and bodybuilding".

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After reading, you will definitely know how to properly build your training process with this disease and not to harm your most valuable asset - health, when working with weights in the gym hall.

So, please sit down, we begin.

Scoliosis and bodybuilding: the theoretical side of the question

As I said, we recently opened a series of notes from the series "Corner of the patient in particular, here are the last of them: [Varicosis and fitness], [Sight and bodybuilding].

So, we discovered it not accidentally, because practically all visitors to the gym / fitness halls have some or other health problems.

In this I was convinced (and I am convinced) when analyzing the questionnaires for the preparation of personal training programs, and also through letters from readers through the feedback form.

In this connection, when there are deviations in health, questions become increasingly urgent correct organization of the training, because we do not go to the hall to harm ourselves with weights, but for improvement of health. We also need sports longevity, and not quick results and making for the rest of our lives.

Scoliosis - one of the most common pathologies of the spine, and it is almost everyone10resident of Russia.

Of course, there are scoliosis among the visitors of the gym, and therefore it is extremely important to understand how to correctly conduct your training and work with weights taking into account this spinal deviation.

In this we also need to understand the text further, start with ...

What is scoliosis?

In the most philistine and understandable sense, this is the lateral (lateral) deviation / curvature of the spine from its straight vertical line.


When viewed from the side, the spine shows a moderate rounding in the upper back and a strengthening of the lumbar lordosis (curvature inward) in the lower back.


A person without scoliosis has a straight vertebral column, a scoliosis is curved (and in different ways).

To understand what is at stake, compare the two extreme images (clickable).

The spine is a complex structure consisting of several departments with a certain set of vertebrae. It involves the entire mobile life activity of a person and his health, any deviations (problems with the spine) make adjustments to the quality of life.

The curvature can be in the lower / upper back - lumbar / cervical lordosis, in the upper chest - thoracic kyphosis or go from the upper to the lower part of the spine (thoracolumbar). In some cases, there is a double curve - the S-form.

The most active period of development of scoliosis is the age of puberty - with9before18years.

During this period, the back muscles are weak and unformed, and therefore the probability of acquiring a curvature of the spine is extremely high.

If a teenager in this period decided to go to the gym and immediately began to tear "off the bat" (take weight, work with complex exercises), then such a load can aggravate the situation and further strengthen scoliosis.

Therefore, it is extremely important in the adolescent period to start work on the back gradually, with special reinforcing exercises (more about them in the corresponding subchapter).

What are the causes of scoliosis?

The main ones are:

  • congenital scoliosis - caused by bone pathology at birth. In the womb of the mother, the fetus is in the form of a ballet from the very beginning of development, and hence the lateral curvature of the spine.
  • neuromuscular - the result of abnormal problems (neuromuscular diseases) in the muscle-nerve bundle;
  • degenerative - is the result of a bone injury (operations on the back), their disease and thinning, is most common in adults;
  • idiopathic - does not have a specific reason, it is believed that in the majority, is inherited, is most common in children;
  • Long and different in length legs;
  • household - wrong sitting at the PC / desk, carrying objects / bags.

Actually, in theory this is all that we need to know minimum, now let's talk about ...

Diagnosis of scoliosis: Is the hall contraindicated to me?

Many come to the hall, when they already cuddle :), i.e. will be injured, stretched or bad dorsal diagnosis, implying surgical intervention and a full "no canting" regime life.

Agree, who would like, for example, in30years to feel and, most importantly, in fact, be a wreck? I am sure - to no one.


Of course, we will not consider the extreme cases now, but let's take for the purity of the experiment a group of people who have a certain curvature of the spine, and they have decided or are already going to the hall.


Let's determine how to properly load the back, what exercises should be avoided, and what to adhere to.

If you come to the orthopedist, and he shows you the curvature of the spine, then you can with a large proportion probability that he will strictly forbid heavy lifting and any spinal work with iron in the hall.

On the one hand, the specialist will be right, because in theory only the direct spinal column is able to withstand significant compressive pressure due to some exercises, for example, such as squats.

Any type of scoliosis means the vulnerability of the relevant site and the imposition of an increased burden on it.

The consequences of incorrectly selected exercises or "hammering" on the advice of an orthopedist / sports doctor can be:

  • pinching of nerve endings;
  • persistent blunt / acute pain in the back;
  • hernia of intervertebral discs / displacement of vertebrae.

If you look at the problem of curvature on the other hand, then, judging by medical statistics, the hall, and more precisely work with weights and power exercises, is contraindicated to all people who have scoliosis, and this more1million Russians.

The author of these lines sees not so categorical approach to a scoliosis and bodybuilding, it can be called SMART - clever, and consists in adhering to the following rules.

How to properly train and work with scales in scoliosis?

First of all, you need to decide on exercises that can not be performed with any kind of scoliosis, such as:

  • deadlift into full amplitude;
  • dead-end thrust of sumo in full amplitude;
  • traction on straight legs (Romanian);
  • squats with a barbell on the shoulders / chest;
  • army bench press;
  • exercises on the lower part of the body, which adversely affect the lower back - lunges, bending leg lying.

Agree, it is rather unusual to see attacks and bending of legs lying on the list of avoidable exercises? However, they (together with sit-ups) can cause back pain and create increased pressure on the vertebrae.

Therefore, try not to include these exercises in your training program.

Now let's figure out what is useful for the spine in conditions of scoliosis training.

The most important thing we can do to help the back in this situation is to try to create a strong muscular corset around the spine. You can achieve this by including the following exercises in your training program:

  • pulling on the crossbar / in the gravitron;
  • traction of the upper / lower blocks to the chest and waist;
  • straight leg / knee lifts in the vise;
  • push-ups on parallel bars;
  • exercise bar;
  • exercise vacuum;
  • hyperextension / inverse hyperextension;
  • exercise good morning;
  • exercise boat.

The main features that these exercises have are:

  • formation of your own muscular supportive corset;
  • no compressive load;
  • tensile effect;
  • stretching the vertebrae (traction) - increasing the height of m / n discs and increasing the total length of the spine;
  • dynamic participation of all major parts of the spine.

In addition to these exercises, there are simple home complexes that will help remove back pain and relieve the spine, here are some of them (clickable).

Basic principles of training back muscles in scoliosis

If you know that you have scoliosis, then in the gym with spinal work, follow these tips:

  • exclude work with large weights, maximum projectile weight =50-60%body weight;
  • stretch the spine after each approach, incl. using yoga postures (cat / dog and tp);
  • Abandon the exercise, if at performance it causes discomfort in the back;
  • do only the thrust in the power frame, excluding the lower part of the amplitude;
  • at the beginning of each workout, do hyperextension;
  • be sure to include in the back training in addition to the power rods (rod / dumbbell in the slope) pulling on the bar or the pull of the upper block;
  • make sure that both sides of the back / spine receive an equal amount of load, and for this Do one-sided exercises - dumbbell pull in the slope, alternate cable pull from the bottom block;
  • at the end of the workout, perform a conventional hang / stretch on the crossbar;
  • follow the technique of performing exercises (especially the position of the back), looking at yourself from the side in the mirror;
  • use special belts, bandages for fixing the back / spine;
  • To remove muscle spasms and relax the spinal muscles, use Kuznetsov's applicator and its analogs.
You will be interested in:Surgery on the spine to remove a hernia: consequences

Now you know how to correctly build your training process while curving the spine, and what you need to pay the most attention. Actually, this was the latest information, which I would like to share, let's sum up.


Scoliosis and bodybuilding - that's the topic we have revealed today. Have opened? I think yes. We continue to continue the notes from the section "Corner patient good, the area is extensive and the sores are enough :).

On this one, thank you for your attention and see you soon!

PS.and you have scoliosis? which grade?

PPS.Attention! 24.05the possibility of sending questionnaires for the compilation of a personal training and nutrition program became available. I will be glad to work together with you!

With respect and gratitude, Protasov Dmitry.

A source: http://ferrum-body.ru/skolioz-i-bodibilding.html

What can not be done with scoliosis?

In scoliosis, not only does the angle of the lateral inclination of the spine change, but also the position of some internal organs. The patient's posture varies, pain in the back area increases, the load on the legs increases, and normal life becomes almost impossible.

To return the spine physiologically the right shape (or as close as possible to this), it is necessary to strengthen the muscular corset of the back. However, for this not all exercises are suitable.

Some of them exert too much pressure on the structure of the spine, others unevenly distribute the load.

Under the prohibition in the employment of physical therapy and sports fall:

  • Gymnastics, acrobaticsand any workouts on the flexibility of the spine. Most of the movements are asymmetrical and sharp, and this is categorically contraindicated in scoliosis.
  • Torso rotation. All technically complex corners of the trunk along the axis of the spinal column are forbidden.
  • Power trainingin the gym. Any exercises with dumbbells and a bar repeatedly increase the load on the spine.
  • Jumping. Such movements significantly affect the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, increasing the load on them.
  • Run. It is prohibited to run not all people with scoliosis, with initial degrees of curvature (up to the third), provided they do not progress, easy running is allowed.
  • Flip Flops. In the presence of curvature, performing somersaults increases the risk of injury to the spine many times, so they are absolutely contraindicated.
  • Team Sports(football, basketball, hockey, rugby, etc.), as well as skates, snowboard, tennis, badminton. This is due to the uneven load on the vertebral column, sharp movements and a high probability of injuries.

When are restrictions necessary?

Restrictions of activity should be introduced in the event that the curvature of the spine reaches more than 10 degrees.

If there are minor deviations from the norm that fit into the category of the first degree of scoliosis, then after preliminary conversation with the doctor, most likely you can return to a habitual way of life and to be engaged in liked sports.

Each case of scoliosis is individual, it is necessary to take into account the degree of the disease, its features, complexity and dynamics of pathology development. Rapidly progressing scoliosis requires an earlier introduction of limitations. Consultation of a specialist will help to solve all your questions.

What can you do in scoliosis?

Sports and individual elements of physical education that fall into the stop list can be dealt with in case if:

  1. They are executed in a modified form. For example, somersaults and exercises on one leg are carried out in water, and stretching the spine is made with the support: fitbola (large elastic ball), curled towels or special roller.
  2. They are made for a short period of time, provided a small deviation from the norm. In this case, you can carefully engage in football, basketball, easy running, skating, badminton.
  3. They are recommended by the coach for exercise therapy and they are carried out under his supervision. The truth before, it is desirable to be convinced of high qualification of this expert, therefore as for example exercises with an asymmetric position of a body and yoga asanas are the main in many professional methods of spine restoration, but their incorrect execution can lead to negative consequences.

A reasonable question arises: what can you do with scoliosis? Definitely you can swim, run on skis, ride a bicycle, pull up on the bar (with 1 and 2 degrees of scoliosis), and the rest only after consulting a doctor.

General Contraindications

Some daily activities also adversely affect the spine. It is worth highlighting the two most important points that should be avoided for people with scoliosis:

  1. Prolonged fixed position of the body. The pose should be changed at least once every 20 minutes (it does not matter whether you are sitting or standing), especially if the body experiences discomfort.
  2. Wearing a bag, bag, case in one hand. Preference should be given to the backpack (to put it on the shoulders) or evenly distribute the load in two bags to carry them in both hands.

It will also be useful to get acquainted with the basic rules of scoliosis prevention, which can be found here, at the end of the article. This will in most cases avoid further disease progression!

A source: https://yourspine.ru/chto-nelzya-delat-pri-skolioze.html

Exercises for scoliosis: contraindications, physical education

Physiotherapy is prescribed for almost any disease of the musculoskeletal system in general and the spine in particular, as it is aimed at strengthening the muscular corset of the back. Scoliosis is by no means an exception. Exercises for scoliosis are suitable for both the therapy of this disease, and for the treatment of this, and regardless of its degree.


Exercises to correct scoliosis are used for any degree of the disease: from 1 to 4, however, It is important to remember that the gymnastics complex can not be assigned to oneself independently, let alone prescribe it for children.

Physical exercises are appointed individually by the attending physician depending on the degree and varieties of scoliosis (with thoracic, right-sided, left-sided, kyphosis - it is kyphoscoliosis - different treatment).

It is dangerous enough to choose your own exercises at home without consulting a doctor.

Scoliosis can carry dangerous consequences for the body.

Exercises for back in scoliosis, not agreed with the doctor, can not only not do good, but also cause harm - so they can not be done simply for reasons of one's own will.

Even a specially prescribed gymnastics can cause pain or discomfort - that's why it's important that you immediately contact your doctor about this, you can not continue training without consulting.

Scoliosis does not tolerate irresponsibility. From incorrect exercises, the disease can only worsen: an incorrect intensity of muscle stretching or movements of the spine provoke the progression of the disease and the transition to a higher degree (from 1 to 2 or even 3).


That's why you need to know exactly what exercises are worth doing, and which ones are not suitable for this disease.


Also it is worth remembering that, against structural and organic changes, corrective physical education will not help and this problem will not be eliminated in this way.

Treatment at home can be done only with scoliosis 1 degree (for 2 and 3 consultation is necessary), and you can perform symmetrical basic exercises.

Combination with sports

The development of scoliosis in humans prevents the use of various sports that must strengthen the muscles of the back. This is especially recommended for children in the active period of growth and for people in the early stages of the disease, in order to prevent the development of the disease further.

Swimming, massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy exercises - all this helps to develop a muscular corset, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, securely fix the spine and develop a posture, which, in turn, helps to prevent injury to internal bodies.

It is good to combine the treatment of scoliosis not only with sports, but also with techniques for correcting posture.

However, it is important to remember that not every sport is suitable for this disease. Prohibited:

  • outdoor games;
  • running (especially at 3 and 4 degrees);
  • acrobatics;
  • dance Sport;
  • all kinds of weightlifting;
  • somersaults;
  • squats on one leg;
  • turns.

Complex of physiotherapy exercises for scoliosis

Exercises for the back in scoliosis are selected, taking into account the specific nature of the disease.

With thoracic scoliosis and the curvature of the lumbar spine, it is required to develop the muscles of this region, which will compensate for the distortion and stabilize the spine.

At a scoliosis of 1 degree various symmetrical exercises and various kinds of sports, except for forbidden above are possible.


At a scoliosis of 2 degrees the complex of exercises is directed not only on strengthening stability of a backbone, but also on that to develop muscles and to correct deformation.


With the 3 degree of scoliosis, the technique is not only to eliminate or maximize the deformation, but also to improve the overall physical indications of the patient. This is a complex complex of general strengthening and corrective exercises.

Scoliosis is asymmetric. There are curvatures in the right and left sides.

With left-sided scoliosis gymnastics is aimed at maintaining balance and improving balance, and, therefore, perform asymmetric exercises with a slant to the right. Accordingly, with right-handed it is necessary to do the same, but with a deviation to the left.

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Exercises for scoliosis in children are more simple than in adults, and are also based on a comprehensive approach.

With S-scoliosis

Exercises for scoliosis of the thoracic spine are performed to strengthen the latissimus muscle of the back.

Treatment of the thoracic spine with scoliosis 1, 2 and 3 degrees passes in two directions: static and dynamic.

Dynamic treatment of scoliosis of the thoracic region implies the development of the muscular system. The static treatment of the thoracic region is the osteoarticular system of the spine.

Scoliosis of the thoracic area is treated with the following exercises:

  1. In the treatment of scoliosis of the thoracic region: to clasp hands behind the head in the lock and sit down. Turn the shoulders first to the left, then to the right side so that the legs do not move. Good for children.
  2. In order to fully improve the problem of scoliosis of the thoracic spine: lie on your stomach on the bench so that its edge is near the belt. Put your hands behind your head. Bend up to 90 degrees, unbend and again bounce. Do until the moment when there is fatigue.
  3. Do pull-ups.
  4. Scoliosis is well treated by stretching: to do this for as long as possible to hang on the crossbar.

In kyphoscoliosis

Kifoscoliosis is the same scoliosis, but this problem combines both stoop and lateral curvature of the spine, and therefore a special set of exercises has been created for it.

For children, apart from the usual gymnastics, stretching is also envisaged.

Against such a scoliosis, the doctor himself prescribes the optimal number of exercises and treatment in the form of such procedures.

After the doctor follows the exercises, they can be done at home if kifoskolioz 1, 2 and 3 degrees.

Kifoskolioz and 1, and 2 degrees are useless to treat with force loads, so you will have to give up training in the gym. On the contrary, it can only worsen the general condition of the patient.

Kifoskolioz 1, 2 and 3 degrees are treated with the help of swimming, which helps to strengthen the muscles.

This gym is great for children and is a good complex with other exercises against scoliosis.

Such treatment is desirable to be carried out at the doctor's recommendation at higher stages. Swimming can replace corset, but it is better not to refuse massage.


Kifoskolioz means wearing special corsets to correct posture. This method is part of the treatment complex, starting with the 2nd degree. For the period of physical education this product is removed, and then put on again.


Kifoskolioz 3 degrees can not be cured at home: gymnastics prevents the further development of the disease, but do it only according to the prescription and supervision of the doctor.

Treatment of physical education takes place in two stages, which are a complex complex: first a massage that helps warm up the muscles, and afterwards - warm-up and gymnastics.

Warm up

All the exercises for the treatment of scoliosis start with a warm-up, so as not to over-strain the body.

It is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  1. All exercises are performed with the most equal back and fixed posture. You can adjust everything near the wall.
  2. Hands along the trunk, circular motions shoulders.
  3. Slopes forward.
  4. Squats (on two legs, symmetrically).

Lie down on the back

The following movements should be performed, lying on the back:

  1. Bicycle is an effective exercise in scoliosis. Lie on your back and move your legs as if you are riding an invisible inverted bicycle. The foot should be as close to the floor as possible in its lower position.
  2. Another classic exercise in scoliosis is scissors. Cross-leg motion.
  3. Another exercise in scoliosis: lift your legs and spread them to the sides, hold it for a while and lower it to the floor.
  4. Stretching the body into a string is perfect for both children and adults.

Lying on belly

The following movements should be performed, lying on your stomach:

  1. Scissors - an exercise in scoliosis, which can be performed on the abdomen. The same flies legs, only with each movement must raise the hips, so as to maximize the muscles of the back.
  2. Swimming is an exercise for scoliosis for children and adults. Imitation of brace, 40 seconds and a break. So 3 approaches.
  3. One of the most difficult exercises for scoliosis is holding: maximally raise your legs and keep them as much as possible.

Lying on the side

The following movements need to be carried out, lying on one side:

  1. The complex of exercises in scoliosis is rich in scissors: swinging legs, but in a horizontal plane.
  2. Under the feet (ankle joints) a pillow is placed. We lift our legs, hold them as long as possible, and return them to their original position again. Do it slowly.

Total in moderation

Exercises for scoliosis are unusually useful in this disease, since not only represent treatment, but also serve to prevent scoliosis of the thoracic and lumbar spine, as well as kyphosis (kyphoscoliosis).

What exercises need to be done and can be performed at home, and which ones should be left only in memory, the doctor will help to understand. In no case should you prescribe scoliosis treatment for yourself or for children yourself.

A source: http://pozvonochnikok.ru/sport/uprazhneniya-pri-skolioze/

Simulators for the treatment of scoliosis - benefit or harm

Physiotherapy is considered an indispensable way to treat scoliosis. At the same time, a number of higher requirements are applied to the exercises, the main ones being:

  • Asymmetry and various effects on certain muscle groups
  • Not chaotic, but organized breathing
  • Absence of forceful exercises

This is the standard treatment regimen, with which most orthopedic doctors agree.

However, there is another method that contradicts the requirement of inadmissibility of loads - power, using simulators.

And many people say that they helped train the scoliosis. And if there are facts, even if they contradict the opinion of experts, they need to be considered.

Correction of scoliosis with the help of simulators

Correction of scoliosis, as the coaches say, occurs

  • Under the influence of deadlift
  • Use of weights and dumbbells
  • Tensions (stretching) on ​​the crossbar

However, the coach is not a doctor and can not foresee all possible consequences.

Therefore, at the beginning it is worthwhile to warn all those who have a scoliotic back change (especially severe):

You after all, no one was able to forcefully go there, and all simulators usually have certificates of their quality and safety.

Coaching assurances that "here are the best in the world of simulators, which have cured hundreds of people can be a usual advertising ploy. Unfortunately, sport is the same business, and any section seeks to attract as many customers as possible.

What exercises should I choose for scoliosis?

Therefore, take the most necessary steps for your safety:

Choose exercises of a neutral nature, in which there will be no vertical compression, and at the same time, stretching, which is dangerous in scoliosis of the third-fourth degree:

  • Exercise Bikes
  • Treadmill
  • Pushups
  • The swing of the press, and so on.

These exercises:

  • Exactly safe
  • Will have a healing effect
  • Strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals

Use special simulators for scoliosis, in which one-sided stretching can be done

You can also use free weight training machines. They are very suitable for selective muscle training, when more muscle is trained from the concavity of curvature. This can be achieved with the help of:

  • Adjusting the distance between racks
  • Support asymmetric belt

To simulators with own weight (the main effort is created by weight of the person) approach selectively:

  • use them at first at a small angle, gradually increasing it
  • When there is pain in the back and worsening of well-being, it is worth noting

: Straightening of the back in scoliosis

Which simulators are doubtful

Personally, I doubt such a security rule:

The maximum load weight for scoliosis should not be more than half the body weight.

It can be and "rolls" for the world champion in bodybuilding among disabled people, but for a person with a weight of about 80 kg, with scoliosis of the third degree, only come to the hall - is not that too much?
I think 10 - 15 kg (and maybe less) for such a patient is enough.

Power simulators for curvature treatment are a controversial method and remain in question, although by itself a gradual increase in the load increases the strength of the muscular corset, which certainly positively affects the scoliosis.

But at the same time it is necessary:

  • determine the dosage and consistency of these exercises
  • turn them into corrective
  • take into account all possible contraindications

But if you firmly decided that you can not do without force, then remember this rule:

General rules of training on simulators

  1. Increasing the load should be gradual: if you are dealing with goods: start with three (for women) and five (for men) kilograms, a week add another kg: Do not look with envy at neighbors who add several "pancakes" at once - most likely they have scoliosis is not present
  2. Push-up and lifting weights should occur smoothly, without jerks
  3. The appearance of pain is a signal to reduce the effort and intensity of the exercises
  4. While performing the exercise, watch the position of the back: it should be even
  5. All pull-ups and push-ups are performed with the correct breathing according to the method of Katharina Schroth: we exhale at the effort
  6. Before the session, warm up and prepare the back muscles with the help of - gymnastics, massage, thermal procedures, manual therapy

Types of simulators for scoliosis

Cardiovascular equipment

These include:

  • Exercise Bikes
  • Steppers
  • Treadmills

They are preferred:

  • with neglected scoliosis
  • in old age
  • for patients with cardiovascular patients

Recently, an elliptical simulator is very popular, which combines both a treadmill and a stepper at the same time. He has a number of advantages, in comparison with the usual treadmill:

  • The elliptical trajectory of walking leads to synchronous movements of all the elements of the body, which is beneficial for the muscles of the arms and legs, shoulders, back, chest, hips and buttocks
  • The movement of the pedals along the ellipse leads to the fact that the legs are always in a half-bent state, and this relieves the load from the ankle and knee joints. There is a feeling that you are running through the air
  • Movement on the simulator is carried out both forward and backward
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Strength Trainers

In any gym there are such simulators:


  • This lever - on the opposite side of which there are loads
  • Exercises are performed sitting and standing
  • There is a footrest, connected with loads by means of a rack
  • Thanks to the counterweight, training the muscles of the back and limbs is to overcome resistance

Training apparatus Twist

  • This bench with several pillars
  • On it it is possible to do pulling forward movements. This is the preparation for more complex exercises for straightening muscles of the spine - hyperextension
  • The device is used to treat thoracolumbar scoliosis

Types of exercises on power simulators for chest scoliosis:

  • Thrust for the head
  • Thrust to breast
  • Thrust of horizontal block
  • Pull-ups

Health and successful training!

: About training in the gym

(2, 0of 5)

A source: https://ZaSpiny.ru/skolioz/trenazheri.html

Fitness: scoliosis exercises

Today, problems with the spine, one way or another, are almost all, and most often the common scoliosis develops in school. Scoliosis is the lateral curvature of the spinal column.

Scoliosis can be a symptom of a disease (for example, a number of diseases of the nervous system, lung diseases, etc.).

), an independent disease (scoliotic disease) and normal condition of the spine.

It is generally accepted that scoliosis develops very often with a low level of physical culture.

The treatment of scoliosis is a long process, which depends on the degree of the ailment (several of them) and the age of the person.

Since the spine is held only by strong muscles and ligaments, and the muscles and ligaments become strong only as a result of a prolonged and intense physical work, to combat progressive scoliosis, a significant increase in the level of physical activity is needed - i.e. It is extremely important to perform various exercises with scoliosis. Loads when playing sports depend on the severity of the disease - the curvature of the spine has three degrees. If you are a passive lifestyle, most of the time, it's best to do aqua aerobics or swimming: in water, the backbone load is minimal and only the muscles work. It is also useful to walk at an average pace (for example, on a treadmill).

But from active dance aerobics, step or, for example, tennis, it is better to refuse, because. should avoid sudden movements (especially sharp changes in the position of the body).

In the gym under the supervision of an experienced instructor it is desirable to choose a set of exercises for scoliosis - in most cases, a complex of strength exercises with an emphasis on the muscles of the back (exercises for the back with scoliosis).
Ideally, performing exercises for the back with scoliosis, you need to train on an individual program, because often on the one side of the vertebral column, the muscles are overstrained, and on the other - unnecessarily relaxed.

At least, the first time of training is best combined with a massage.
And, of course, you need to constantly monitor your posture - to sit and walk straight.

Before embarking on fitness training

With scoliosis it is good to perform almost any exercises to "stretch" the spine (in a prone position, standing). Having mastered the correct technique of performance, such exercises should be performed as often as possible, better several times a day ..

The most simple exercises for scoliosis:

- Starting position: kneeling and arms. Slowly round, then arch your back.

- Starting position: standing near the wall. Within a minute you need to press your head, shoulder blades, shoulders, waist and reach for the wall, buttocks, legs.

Special course of therapeutic physical training

Duration: 30 to 60 minutes (30 min. 2 times a day). 1. Ip: lying on my stomach, hands behind my head or stretched forward.


Raise the shoulder girdle and straight arms as much as possible above the support and hold the position until the first signs of fatigue (at least 5 minutes). Breathing is free.


Record the time by stopwatch, repeat after rest 2-4 times. After a week or two constantly add time to hold the pose.

2. Ip: lying on his back, hands behind his head.

Raise the straight legs above the support surface at an angle of 45 *, hold the pose with free breathing until tired. Breathing is free.

Record the time by stopwatch, repeat after rest 2-4 times. After a week or two constantly add time to hold the pose.

As the body is trained in the program, you should enterasymmetric exercises in scoliosis:

3. I.p. standing. One hand rests sideways, corresponding to the apex of the thoracic curvature, the second arm is raised upwards. Inflection through the supporting arm. 4.

The same exercise, but with an inclination towards the opposite lumbar curvature (the corresponding leg is supported on a stand 1-2 cm). 5. Exercise on

1, performed lying on its side, opposite to the top of the thoracic curvature. Under the vertex of the lumbar curvature, a roller is inserted.

It should be noted that with lateral scoliosis, more and more common, the emphasis should be on asymmetric compensatory exercises.

Exercises for scoliosis for the thoracic spine

1. Starting position: sitting on a chair with a strong back. Put your hands on the back of your head and bend back so that the spine is pressed against the upper edge of the chair back, while the thoracic spine also curves, especially the part that is pressed against the back chair.

Bend back and lean forward 3-4 times. Option. Starting position: sit on the edge of the chair so that the upper part of the thoracic spine rests on the upper edge of the back of the chair. Bend back and lean forward the same way as in the previous case.


Breath: when you bend back, inhale; when leaning forward, exhale. This facilitates movement and trains the lungs. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times. 2. Starting position: lie on your back on a flat place, under the back in the thoracic spine area, put a roller.


It should be quite rigid, about 10 cm in diameter. For this purpose, a towel wrapped on a rolling pin will work well. Put your hands behind your head and lie on the roller.

Bend, then lift the upper part of the trunk to develop different areas of the thoracic department of the spine, you should move the cushion along the spine and repeat the exercise for 3-4 times.

Breathing: when bending backwards, inhale, when exhaling the upper part of the body, exhale. 3. Starting position: sitting or lying down. Wrap the bottom part of the chest with a towel or a piece of cloth. Hand in hand for loose ends Take a deep breath.

At exhalation maximally pull the matter down, thus contributing to complete exhalation. Again, inhale, loosening the tension of the towel. Exercise repeat 5-10 times. Purpose: to improve the mobility of ribs of the chest and promote the development of deep breathing.

4. Starting position: sitting or standing on a solid foundation, while keeping the legs slightly apart. Straighten your arms over your head, wrapping your left wrist with your right.

Lean as much as possible to the left and pull a little right arm, while the right side feels the stiffness of the lateral muscles of the chest. Then change the position of the hands. Bend to the right and pull the left hand.

Repeat the exercise 5-10 times in each direction.

Training recommendations for fitness training

Exercises for scoliosis with weights can be performed only after sufficient warm-up and provided that you have mastered the correct technique of performing the training movements.


It is necessary to exclude all exercises that, at least to some extent, load the spine in an upright position or lead to its curvature during exercise.


If the exercises cause disc displacement or pain during or after a load, they should be excluded from the exercise. training program completely and until you strengthen all nearby muscle and ligament structures with other exercises.

For rectifiers of the spine (exercises for the back with scoliosis):

- Carry forward inclines with dumbbells in your hands and straightened legs, to a point where it does not cause pain. The number of repetitions must be at least 25, the number of approaches is 2-3.

Gradually (every subsequent week) you can reduce the number of repetitions by 2-3, increasing the burden of very little, say, 1 kilogram.

- You can also perform hyperextensions, but, again, with an amplitude that does not cause painful sensations. Do two sets of 25-30 repetitions.

- Having performed hyperextension, you can from the position when the legs and torso are on a straight line, turn the torso to the right and left, keeping the static tension of the spinal muscles straighteners. Do two sets of 25-30 repetitions.

For leg muscles exercises with scoliosis:

- In the bench press machine, perform movements in full amplitude, with a minimum weight that would not give pain during and after the load. The pelvis should not be torn from the seat, slow (!) Build-up of weights.

- Therapeutic massage is an excellent means of affecting the musculature, but only on the musculature working. Then massage improves the nutrition of muscles, increases their strength and contractility.

A source: http://dyakonov.ru/?p=4145

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