Find out what excretions are considered normal in women

Every day a girl in her underwear can observe the discharge. Such a process is normal - it's female physiology. However, leucorrhoea may be a signal that an infection or inflammation has appeared in the body, in which case they will have a characteristic shade and smell. This article will help to understand what are normal discharges in women, and what they say about the disease.

  • What discharge is considered normal in women
  • What do normal leucorrhea look like?
  • Norm and deviation: causes of changes in whiteness
  • The causes of leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor
  • Abnormal discharge in women
  • Pathology and color of mucus
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What discharge is considered normal in women

In a healthy woman, the physiology is arranged so that it will regularly appear white whites - this is the color of normal secretions. As a rule, they do not smell, but slightly sour, this is a normal odor of discharge. They consist of lactobacilli, since there is a slightly acidic environment in the vagina. Its main task is to destroy infections, and also create favorable conditions for conception and bearing of the baby. In addition, they provide the vagina and external labia lips with the necessary lubricant.

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Obviously, mucous membranes are normal. They have a positive effect on women's health and protect the microflora from infections. There are several signs that a woman can independently determine that her secretions are not pathological and this is a normal physiological process:

  • different shade depending on the cycle period (white, cream, yellowish and transparent);
  • practically do not have a smell;
  • the consistency varies from liquid to viscous;
  • The daily amount can be different, but the norm of excretions is not more than a tea spoon;
  • before critical days, after intimacy and during sexual arousal, the amount of mucus increases at times.

Important!What color is normal discharge? Depending on the period of the menstrual cycle, the shade can vary from white, almost transparent, to light cream.

What do normal leucorrhea look like?

Normally, women begin to appear on the discharge as soon as they reach puberty. This is due to the formation of a normal hormonal background. Throughout the menstrual cycle, the amount and color of the discharge is constantly changing, as the norm of the hormone estrogen changes in the blood. If you consider a normal female cycle, an average of 28 days, then a woman will observe in her body such changes:

  • 1-12 days after the end of menstruation - this is the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Appear in a small amount of leucorrhoea. They are homogeneous, but sometimes there may be small white lumps. Their color may be white or yellowish, and an acidic smell is felt;
  • Day 13-15 is the middle of the cycle where ovulation occurs. During this period, there are more abundant viscous secretions. Their shade may be beige, white or yellowish;
  • 16-20 day is the end of the cycle. The amount of mucus decreases, in consistency and they resemble liquid jelly. Their color can be white, transparent or slightly yellow. Appears brown leucorrhoea, which indicates the onset of menstruation, this is normal discharge before menstruation.

Norm and deviation: causes of changes in whiteness

White discharge in women, this is normal. Under the influence of the hormonal background, the character of whites changes. However, such a process does not indicate any violation of health. There are many reasons that affect the female hormonal background, which naturally affects the mucous secretions:

  • the onset of sexual activity or the change of partner. At this moment, the microflora of the vagina changes, which provokes changes in the number and color;
  • period during intimacy and after. This process is due to the fact that excitation provokes the flow of blood to the vessels of the genital organs, because of which mucus forms on the walls of the vagina. It is a natural lubricant that makes the sexual act for both partners painless and pleasant;
  • regular intake of hormonal contraceptives. Medicines do not allow the onset of ovulation, which is why the amount of lubricant is significantly reduced. This condition can be observed after delivery and during lactation;
  • during pregnancy. For 9 months, the woman's pelvis is abundantly supplied with blood, which provokes the formation of mucus. In late pregnancy, immediately before childbirth, there is a large amount of secretions;
  • after the birth period. Over the course of a month, a woman will observe abundant bloody leucorrhoeas reminiscent of menstruation. This is a normal natural process, as mucus, necrotic cells of the uterus and blood come out.

The causes of leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor

As a rule, physiological secretions are those that do not smell. However, a woman should not feel pain in the lower abdomen, burning and swelling. An acidic odor is a sign of candidiasis or thrush. This pathology is often enough, it is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, so a woman feels uncomfortable. The reasons for the appearance of thrush are quite a lot:

  • hormonal changes;
  • pregnancy;
  • transferred stress;
  • physical fatigue;
  • non-observance of the rule of intimate hygiene;
  • underwear made of synthetic material;
  • damage to the mucous walls of the vagina during intense sex;
  • strongly spicy food;
  • allergic reaction;
  • course of antibiotics;
  • climate change.

The milkwoman must be treated only under the supervision of a gynecologist. Self-medication can worsen a woman's condition and disrupt the microflora of the vagina.

Abnormal discharge in women

Independently to establish the diagnosis on color of vydeleny it is practically impossible. As a rule, many gynecological diseases, by the nature of the flow between themselves are very similar. At the first changes in health, a woman should consult a doctor. Only laboratory tests will help to establish an accurate diagnosis. Disturbing signals, symbolizing the disease, are such signs:

  • white discharge, cheesy consistency;
  • a large number (the norm of excretions per day 1 hour. spoon);
  • whites change color to green, brown or yellow;
  • there is an unpleasant smell, fish or rot;
  • feeling the drying of the external genitalia;
  • redness of the labia;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by burning and itching of the genitals;
  • painful urination.

Pathology and color of mucus

Any gynecological disease affects the shade of whites. However, it is only the gynecologist who can establish the diagnosis, after receiving the results of the analysis. For the diagnosis take a swab from the vagina and send it to a laboratory study. Often the color of the mucous substance may indicate a certain female disease:

  • Chlamydia, provokes abundant foaming discharge of white hue;
  • bacterial vaginosis or gardennelosis, is characterized by gray, abundant substances with the smell of fish;
  • excess white blood cells give the belts a green tint;
  • inflammation of the appendages, forms dense green or yellow substances;
  • Trichomoniasis produces fluid white leucorrhoea;
  • candidiasis, causes abundant white mucus.

Daily discharge in women is normal. Each girl is important to listen to personal intimate health. At the first unpleasant symptoms it is important to consult a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe tests, based on the results obtained, will establish an accurate diagnosis and select an individual treatment regimen.

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