Osteochondrosis: how to identify and identify?


  • 1How to identify osteochondrosis by symptoms
    • 1.1The main signs of the disease
    • 1.2In the cervical part
    • 1.3In the thoracic department
    • 1.4In the lumbar region
    • 1.5Correct diagnosis of the disease
  • 2Problems with the spine. How to identify and recognize osteochondrosis
    • 2.1What is osteochondrosis, and how does it happen?
    • 2.2In addition to these main reasons, the disease can provoke:
    • 2.3In the risk group, people with high chances to earn osteochondrosis include:
    • 2.4How to recognize the presence of osteochondrosis?
    • 2.5Chest osteochondrosis can be recognized by the following symptoms:
    • 2.6Cervical osteochondrosis can be recognized by the following symptoms:
    • 2.7Lumbar osteochondrosis can be recognized by the following symptoms:
    • 2.8Examination of the spine:
    • 2.9Consequences of osteochondrosis
  • 3Diagnosis of osteochondrosis - how to identify the disease
    • 3.1Development and manifestation of pathology
    • 3.2Diagnosis of osteochondrosis
    • 3.3Visual Diagnostics
    • 3.4Radiography
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.5Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    • 3.6Computed Tomography (CT)
    • 3.7Differential diagnostics
    • 3.8Treatment
    • 3.9Prevention
  • 4Features of manifestation of cervical osteochondrosis
    • 4.1Causes of cervical osteochondrosis
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3Diagnostics
    • 4.4What causes cervical osteochondrosis?
    • 4.5Treatment
    • 4.6How to prevent cervical osteochondrosis?

How to identify osteochondrosis by symptoms

The human spine consists of strong bone segments, a cylindrical shape of disks connected together by a cartilaginous tissue, and also bone arcs and processes forming together with longitudinal joints a strong and flexible frame supporting the muscles and allowing movement.

Strength and endurance of the spine, laid down by nature, is calculated for more than a hundred years.

However, because of the wrong way of life, as well as circumstances that do not depend on a person - the chemical composition of water, weather conditions, ecology in the area of ​​residence, by the age of 50-60 years, many are beginning to notice back pain, characteristic of degenerative-dystrophic changes in disks. This phenomenon can be localized in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region and is called osteochondrosis.

The problem is that such a disease as osteochondrosis develops slowly, sometimes the symptoms are mild, but the damaged cartilage tissue is practically not recoverable.

Not paying attention to secondary symptoms, or not identifying them with osteochondrosis, the patient does not address doctor, and only pain syndrome, lumbar lumbar spine or neuralgia force to resort to medical assistance.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in addition to taking medication involves a partial change in lifestyle, eating habits, and sports.

It is much easier to prevent the disease or start its treatment in the early stages, when the destructive process in the disks can not only be stopped, but also restored to minor damage.

And of course, like every treatment begins with the formulation of the correct diagnosis. So how to identify osteochondrosis in the early stages? Indicate symptoms can be characteristic symptoms.

The main signs of the disease

The first signs of osteochondrosis are poorly expressed and not always expressed by pain, in the back, localized in that department, which is prone to disease.

You can feel unpleasant sensations when turning the torso or neck, numbness of the skin or a feeling of creepy and slight tingling in the back.

Sometimes there are swelling in the joints of the extremities, neuralgia, disorders of the work of organs associated with the location in the spine spinal cord, which carries innervation of internal organs, as well as problems of the cardiovascular system with infringement of vertebral arteries.

The acute phase of osteochondrosis is characterized by inflammatory processes in the soft tissues, accompanied by pain, as well as radicular syndrome.

With exacerbations, each movement can cause pain, and inflamed tissues, squeezing the nerve roots and vessels, provoke all the new symptoms, complicating the situation.

Since the definition of osteochondrosis on the totality of symptoms at an early stage is the key to successful treatment, we will consider the main features depending on the department in which the disease is localized.

In the cervical part

The cervical spine contains, in addition to a certain segment of the spinal cord - the vertebral artery that extends from the aorta and the stitched spine around the collarbone.

With the development of cervical osteochondrosis in the narrowest part of the spine, enlarged bone tissue, disc protrusions, intervertebral hernias, can squeeze the nerve roots and arteries.

When squeezing the nerve roots of the cervical spine, leaving in pairs from the spinal cord, the following symptoms occur:

  • Pain of the cervical spine, giving in the nape, collarbone in the organs of the thoracic department.
  • Pain that surrounds the forearm, shoulder blade and finger of the hand.
  • Spasms in the lungs, cough.
  • Pain and sensation of a coma in the throat.
  • Toothache, tinnitus when opening the mouth.

It is much more dangerous to infringe the artery that carries out blood supply to the brain, in this case the following symptoms appear:

  • Dizziness.
  • Arterial pressure.
  • Tinnitus.
  • Disturbances in sleep, memory.
  • Depression, neurasthenia.
  • Changes in vision.
  • Temperature.
  • Intracranial pressure.
  • Vomiting, loss of balance.

With prolonged compression of the artery, in order to avoid hypoxia of the brain, collateral blood flow may develop - the replacement of the main blood vessels by secondary ones, which expand to the required volume.

Such changes are irreversible and affect the whole work of the cardiovascular system.

Otherwise, the brain does not get enough oxygen and its cells die, depending on the area the brain in which hypoxia occurs, a person can lose sight, speech, memory, hearing, ability move.

In the thoracic department

The thoracic department is inactive, for this reason, osteochondrosis does not often affect this segment of the spine, or spreads to it in the defeat of the cervical or lumbar region.

Symptoms of the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region are associated with neuralgia and for a long time are not associated with the disease of the musculoskeletal system.

The patient can suffer from heart, liver, lung, stomach - depending on which organ provides the nerve root affected by osteochondrosis of the thoracic region.

In the lumbar region

The greatest burden falls on the lumbar spine, so people whose work is related to physical labor or sports, as well as in women after pregnancy and severe childbirth, there is often an osteochondrosis of exactly this segment.

The first signs of changes in the cartilaginous tissue of the discs of the lumbar region can be called pain when turning the body, as well as lumbago in the back with the body tilted forward or lifting the weight.

Often, bone tissue begins to compensate for the lack of cartilaginous and forms along the edges of the vertebrae outgrowths - osteophytes, which not only maintain the distance between vertebrae, but also fix it mobility.


This condition is called spondylosis, and it manifests itself as an inability to bend, to straighten especially after a dream, a feeling of a stake in the back. Progressive spondylosis of the lumbar spine can infringe on nerves, blood vessels, provoking internal diseases, dysfunction of the genitourinary system.


When the sciatic nerve is infringed, the patient may feel numbness or pain in one limb, to clap a foot when walking. With progressing, osteochondrosis extends to the thoracic department.

Correct diagnosis of the disease

For any of the above-described manifestations of osteochondrosis, you should seek medical advice from a neuropathologist or surgeon vertebrologist. The doctor conducts the diagnosis according to the following scheme:

  • The doctor listens to the patient's complaints, while clarifying some important points, and makes notes in the card.
  • Conduct a patient examination, in which the doctor determines whether there are visible changes in the spine, for example, scoliosis, hyperkiphosis, lordosis, as well as the degree of mobility of the joints. Upon examination, the doctor can check the sensitivity of the skin or extremities with acupuncture, and also guided by the sensations of the patient during a manual examination to determine the inflammation of the soft tissues.
  • Blood and urine tests are necessary in order to exclude other possible diseases with similar symptoms, and even if the doctor fully confident in the diagnosis of osteochondrosis, the delivery of tests is mandatory, because against the background of the underlying disease can develop accompanying.
  • Radiography allows you to see the changes in the bone tissue of the vertebrae in the picture, and also visually determine if the height of the disc is equal between them, since the cartilaginous tissue on the x-ray is not visible.
  • On a computer tomography the doctor can see a hernia or protrusion of the disc - his protrusion, and also To determine how dangerous such a pathology is, depending on its location relative to the spinal cord and its appendages.
  • When diagnosing cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis, dopplerography of the vessels is additionally prescribed to determine the degree of vessel dilatation, the tone of their walls, and also the blood flow strength.

Based on the testimony of the above examinations, the doctor can diagnose and prescribe a treatment. Timely diagnosis simplifies treatment.

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A source: https://sustavlechit.ru/simptomy/kak-opredelit-osteohondroz.html

Problems with the spine. How to identify and recognize osteochondrosis

A hundred years ago people recognized such a disease as osteochondrosis only at a deeply advanced age, today this diagnosis is even put on by a 20-year-old.

Statistics are inexorable - about 90% of our compatriots suffer from chronic diseases of the spine, in particular, osteochondrosis, which violates the activities of other systems of our body and deprives the life of ordinary joys, and turns it literally into a one-minute struggle with pain.

So what are these problems with the spine, what causes osteochondrosis and how to live with it?


1. What is osteochondrosis, and how does it happen?
2. Who and why is sick with osteochondrosis?
3. How to recognize the presence of osteochondrosis?
4. Examination of the spine
5. Consequences of osteochondrosis

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What is osteochondrosis, and how does it happen?

Osteochondrosis, according to medical terminology, is a complex of dystrophic disorders occurring in articular cartilage, which, among other things, is able to infect the intervertebral discs (cartilaginous structures that provide the spine with mobility and flexibility).

As a result of the disease, the intervertebral disc gradually compacts and loses its elastic properties. As a consequence, a significant decrease in the distance between the vertebrae, and clamping, infringement of the nerve roots and vessels that drain from the spinal cord.

This causes quite a lot of pain, and in a place where the neurovascular bundle is clamped, begins to appear edema, which further nests the nerve and intensifies the pain.

Depending on where the disease manifests, they share the osteochondrosis of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is terrible in that the pathological process, one way or another, involves muscles and internal organs. The fact is that infringement disturbs the blood supply and the connection of organs and tissues with the central nervous system.

For example, with osteochondrosis of the cervical region, a person often has frequent headaches, dizziness, not uncommon, and visual disturbances or tinnitus.

People with osteochondrosis of the thoracic region experience shortness of breath and cardiac dysfunction.

With osteochondrosis of the lumbar region - the digestive organs, kidneys suffer, and often the potency decreases.

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The most affected people with osteochondrosis are those with metabolic disorders, or there are hormonal and vascular deviations.


The fact is that such diseases disrupt the nutrition of intervertebral discs, and it is this reason that explains the fact that the disease "is younger it affects very young.

If you do not treat problems with the spine, the thickened edges of the intervertebral disc will limits of the spine, and constantly injure the spinal cord of the neurovascular endings. As a result, the intervertebral hernia.

One of the main causes of osteochondrosis is incorrect and excessive strain on the spine.

Over time, changes in cartilage will occur in places of excessive pressure.

And the more these changes, the more difficult the lesions of the intervertebral disks, the greater the pain, and the more irretrievable consequences.

In addition to these main reasons, the disease can provoke:

  • • Any trauma to the spine (fractures, bruises).
  • • Weakening of the back muscles.
  • • Curvature of the spine and stoop.
  • • Heavy loads, lifting weights.
  • • Frequent and prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position.
  • • Lack of calcium, phosphorus, and other metabolic disorders.
  • • Lack of vitamins and microelements (zinc, manganese, magnesium, vitamins F and D).
  • • Genetic predisposition (heredity).
  • • Lifestyle, in particular, lack of mobility.
  • • Flat feet.
  • • Unbalanced work of muscles along the spine caused by improper habitual postures, wearing bags on the shoulder, sleeping on soft mattresses and pillows and other reasons.
  • • Negative effects of ecology.
  • • Overcooling, frequent freezing.
  • • Stressful situations, nervous overexertion.
  • • Overload of the spine because of uncomfortable shoes, wearing high heels, and also during pregnancy.

An active lifestyle is necessary for the normal operation of absolutely any body system. The spine is required from birth, but overloading is undeniably harmful, especially for the spinal column.

Lifting weights, jumping, falling and similar effects exert maximum load on the intervertebral discs and then there are problems with the spine. Because of this, cartilaginous disks are constantly injured, and thus neither cartilaginous, nor nervous tissues, practically can not be restored.

When the intervertebral disc collapses, it no longer absorbs and gradually the spine loses its ability to bend. Osteochondrosis of the intervertebral disc in 95% of cases is the cause of lumbosacral radiculitis.

In the risk group, people with high chances to earn osteochondrosis include:

  • • People who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The constant sitting has a vertical static load on the spine.
  • • People lifting weights. This group of risk includes power gymnasts, weightlifters, loaders, builders.
  • • People who are overweight. Excess weight overloads joints, including intervertebral and complicates the maintenance of balance.
  • • People suffering from scoliosis.

However paradoxical it may sound, the cause of osteochondrosis may be even a bad mood.

Eternally dissatisfied with themselves and others, life, work and other circumstances, automatically assume a defensive posture: a drooping head, hunched shoulders. Incorrect posture with time becomes a habit and deforms the skeleton - the first step to osteochondrosis.

Thoracic osteochondrosisis diagnosed much less often than other types of disease. The thoracic spine, as a rule, is inactive, is relatively stable due to a fairly rigid fixation by the ribs.

However, people suffering from scoliosis, who do not follow the posture, are hunched up and risk getting this particular form of osteochondrosis. The disease provokes unnatural bends of the spine.

In addition, the disease can provoke a bad turn of the body, a sharp movement, trauma.

In the cervical spinepass the blood vessels responsible for feeding the brain. This is the main danger of cervical osteochondrosis, its result - insufficient blood supply to the head organs, impaired blood circulation of the brain.

Lumbar osteochondrosisappears mainly as a result of back injuries and a sedentary lifestyle.

This disease is accompanied by serious physical suffering, and complications can be very dangerous to health.

A typical mistake of triggering a disease and untimely contact with a doctor is justification of the first symptoms, the fact that constantly draws back, a certain "deposition of salts but remember: this disease does not exist in principle, its no.

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How to recognize the presence of osteochondrosis?

In 80% of cases, the reasonback painis just an osteochondrosis. Complicated herniated disc disease givespain in the limbs, internal organs, head.

Is the most common, osteochondrosis of the lumbar, causespainful sensationsdirectly in the lower back, as well as the pelvic girdle.

The cause of cervical osteochondrosis ispain of the head, shoulder girdle, thoracic-pain in the internal organs of man.


Osteochondrosis quite often gives sensationsheart problems, when in reality there is a nuzzled nerve. "Osteochondrosis" pain is often accompanied byoverstrain of muscles and their numbness.


In cases of squeezed blood vessels that feed the brain,headacheaccompanied bydizziness, noise in the ears, double vision, nausea and vomiting.

Sometimes these feelings are confused with low blood pressure and do not pay attention to them until it's too late.

Chest osteochondrosis can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • • Severe pain in the spine, at the level of the scapula.
  • • Pain on deep exhalation and inspiration.
  • • Prolonged, boring, pressing pain in the region of the heart.
  • • Painful sensations when lifting the right or left arm.
  • • Difficulty when the body is tilted.
  • • Sensation of "goosebumps" or numbness of individual skin areas.

the risk of breast osteochondrosis lies in its ability to "mask" for other ailments, it is difficult to recognize immediately.

A person can be diagnosed with angina pectoris, respiratory diseases, and even pneumonia, for many years To treat inconclusively from non-existent diseases, until the real cause of the bad state of health.

To distinguish between intercostal neuralgia from a heart attack, it is possible by the characteristic pain sensations: the first one has a sharp pointed sharp stitch, which can be shown with a finger. In the case of a heart attack, the pain is dull, pressing, spilled, not concentrated in one particular place.

Headache in the parietal-temporal region and occiput is a characteristic symptom of cervical osteochondrosis.

Such pain is especially disturbing in the mornings and is amplified by movements of cervical vertebrae.

In addition to headaches, noise in the head, dizziness, spots in front of the eyes can be painful in the shoulders and arms.

Cervical osteochondrosis can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • • Dizziness, loss of consciousness.
  • • Fluctuating blood pressure.
  • • Tinnitus, hearing impairment.
  • • Impairment of vision.
  • • Tooth decay.
  • • Changes in the voice (hoarseness, weakness, etc.).
  • • Snoring. It is a sign of chronic neck strain.
  • • Violation of the sensitivity of the skin and muscles of the hands, neck, face.

Lumbar osteochondrosis can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • • Stress of the back muscles, constant.
  • • Constantly pulls the waist. Aching, dull pain in the lower back, at times giving in the leg, mostly arising from physical effort.
  • • Significant increase in pain during movement, attempts to unbend your back, move.
  • • Violation of sweating.
  • • Constant chilliness of the legs.
  • • Tingling and creeping in the legs.
  • • Phlebeurysm.
  • • In men, there is a violation of sexual function.
  • • In women - malfunctions of the menstrual cycle.

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Examination of the spine:

The diagnosis is established in stages. In the process of questioning the doctor finds out the presence of genetic predisposition, anomalies of vertebral development, the existence of injuries.

Next, the doctor examines the posture, assesses the volume of movements, conducts a feeling, tapping the spine, studying muscle strength.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor may prescribe a further, deeper examination:

  • • X-ray will allow to assess the condition of the vertebrae, make preliminary conclusions about the condition of the bone canals and intervertebral discs, see pronounced deviations.
  • • Computer tomography will reveal ruptures of the contours of the disc, deformation of the cerebral cortex, infringement of nerve roots in a specific intervertebral disc.
  • • Using MRI, magnetic resonance imaging, you get more accurate, visual results of the problematic parts of the spine. Assign it in difficult cases.
  • • If there is a need to study in detail the blood supply to the brain, to investigate cerebral blood flow, appoint ultrasound dopplerography (UZDG).

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Consequences of osteochondrosis

As a result of neglected forms of osteochondrosis, lack of treatment or proper treatment, such the most serious diseases like protrusion of the intervertebral disc, hernia of the spine, intervertebral hernia, radiculitis.

The consequence of ignoring chest osteochondrosis may be intercostal neuralgia - irritation, squeezing of the intercostal nerves, accompanied by constant severe pain.

Lumbar osteochondrosis can develop into such a disease as sciatica, or simply speaking, an inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

This disease is accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region, giving up in the leg so much that there is numbness in it, a loss of sensation of its presence.

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A source: http://ladyvenus.ru/articles/zdorove-i-dolgoletie/fizicheskoe-zdorove/problemy-s-pozvonochnikom-kak-vyyavit-i-raspoznat-

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis - how to identify the disease

At the basis of the development of degenerative-dystrophic spine disease, associated with the destruction of the structure of intervertebral discs, there is a disruption of tissue nutrition. Diagnosis of osteochondrosis without special studies is difficult, because the pathology has too nonspecific signs.

Development and manifestation of pathology

Osteochondrosis is not difficult to confuse with another disease with similar expressions of pathology. Degenerative processes in the spine can develop under the influence of the following points:

  • obesity;
  • spine trauma;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • defects of posture;
  • supercooling;
  • genetic predisposition.

The effect of provoking factors leads to muscle spasm, narrowing of the canal of the vertebral arteries and disruption of the nutrition of the intervertebral discs. Insufficient blood supply leads to atrophy of the spinal tissues, changes in their shape and anatomical position, development of degenerative processes.

In the future, osteochondrosis leads to the formation of intervertebral hernias, growth of bone processes (deforming spondylosis), circulatory disorders in the brain.

The latter most often occurs with cervical osteochondrosis.


In this case, the patient complains of headaches, violation of the sensitivity of the limbs, paresthesia, muscle atony, muscle hypotrophy, back pain, irradiating to other parts of the body.


All of the above characteristics are not evidence of a degenerative process and can occur in a variety of other diseases. Therefore, the diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the spine should be performed using a variety of techniques.

The availability of data that allows, how to identify osteochondrosis, and evaluate its degree, is not a basis for excluding other diagnoses. Exclude the presence of concomitant pathology can only be after the relevant studies.

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis

In modern medical institutions, differential diagnostics of osteochondrosis is performed through the following types of examination: visual examination, radiography, MRI and CT.

Sometimes, the answer to the question of how to determine the osteochondrosis of the cervical region, you can get if there is a recurring toothache. Typically, the pain occurs after a prolonged stay of the patient in one position.

Visual Diagnostics

Establish a preliminary diagnosis and determine the direction of the examination allows visual inspection and questioning of the patient.

In the history of patients suffering from osteochondrosis, usually there is a sedentary lifestyle, work related to computers or driving a car, hypothermia.

As a rule, patients note the gradual nature of the development of pain.

Diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis is based on the presence of headaches and difficulties when turning or tilting the head. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic part is manifested by a violation of the function of the upper limbs and pains between the scapulae.

In the lumbar form of the disease, patients complain of back pain, inability to bend, lumbago (lumbago).

In the definition of lumbar osteochondrosis, visual diagnosis usually reveals some flattening of the back in the lumbar region.

In addition to the above, the examination pays attention to the tone and uniformity of skeletal muscle development, the preservation of tendon reflexes, the presence of scoliosis, the degree of mobility of the joints. Preliminary diagnosis of neglected osteochondrosis can be based on the revealed violations.


Diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis using an X-ray is done on the basis of the posterior and lateral projection of the image.

At early stages of the development of the disease, such signs of the disease as pathological mobility of the bodies of the affected vertebrae in functional investigation, subluxation of Kovacs are revealed.

The diagnosis of "lumbar osteochondrosis" is made with an asymmetric decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs, resulting from changes in their structure.


In neglected cases, the pictures manage to consider an increase in the area of ​​the caudal zones of the superior vertebra and subarachnoid sclerosis.


At this point, the patient usually has complaints that the chest hurts, hands do not move well.

As a result of the disease, fibrosis of the discs develops, which manifests itself with complete immobility of the affected segment of the spine. It can be detected using functional radiography.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Determine cervical osteochondrosis or its other varieties can be done by performing magnetic resonance imaging.

MRI is extremely informative, conducted without the use of ionizing radiation and has virtually no contraindications.

The duration of the procedure is 40-45 minutes.

With the help of MRI, a specialist is given the opportunity to carefully examine the area of ​​pathology, to establish the presence of changes in soft tissues, identify all possible directions of protrusion of the disc, assess the condition of the spinal cord, radicular holes and canals of vertebral arteries.

A feature that fundamentally distinguishes MRI from ordinary radiography is that the magnetic resonance the study allows you to make "slices" of the affected area, and also with high accuracy determine the localization of the site pathology. This makes it possible to use MRI as the main diagnostic method in preparation for surgical intervention.

Computed Tomography (CT)

Another method of diagnosing osteochondrosis, a computer one, is somewhat inferior to MRI in informativeness, but it considerably exceeds radiography in this indicator.

Similar to the magnetic resonance version of the survey, CT allows you to take layered photographs, assess the state of the structures of the spine, lying at a given depth.

Computer research is based on X-ray radiation, which makes it potentially dangerous. A positive feature of CT is a short study time and a smaller cost compared to an MRI.

Differential diagnostics

Speaking about how to recognize osteochondrosis, we can not fail to mention the diseases with which differential diagnosis is carried out. The list of major diseases, similar to osteochondrosis, includes:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • intermittent claudication;
  • neuritis;
  • dystrophy;
  • wrong fusion of bone structures after trauma;
  • gastritis.


At the current level of development of medical science, it is almost impossible to completely cure osteochondrosis.

A definite result is achieved by prescribing the patient with anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents, chondroprotektorov, antiplatelet agents and vasodilators, allowing to expand peripheral vessels and improve blood supply affected area.

Together with drug treatment, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy - muscle electrical stimulation, electrophoresis, mud baths, appliques and so on. Some methods of traditional medicine can be used - tincture of radish and ginger-garlic ointment.

Of great importance is therapeutic exercise. Patients are advised to regularly perform a specially selected for them exercise, allowing to restore the broken blood supply to the spine and remove the existing muscle spasm.


In order not to ask questions about how to determine cervical or lumbar osteochondrosis in elderly people, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the prevention of this disease. Among the preventive measures include the correct organization of work and rest, physical activity, exercise, abandonment of an excessively soft bed.

In addition, it is recommended to abandon the products that are sources of large amounts of fat.

Their use leads to an increase in the level of cholesterol above normal values ​​and the formation of cholesterol plaques on the inner wall of the vessels.

In this case, the blood flow in the vertebral artery is disturbed, which becomes the main factor in the onset of degenerative processes.

A source: https://MoyOrtoped.ru/diagnostika/diagnostika-osteohondroza-kak-opredelit-zabolevanie

Features of manifestation of cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a widespread phenomenon. According to statistics, this disorder accounts for up to 80% of cases of back problems.

And yet, in traditional Eastern philosophy, it is not for nothing that the neck is called the intermediary, which connects the mind and flesh. Osteochondrosis and other diseases of the cervical region (trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.)

) lead to a worsening of cerebral circulation.

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis

There are several main causes of cervical osteochondrosis. Avoid some of these phenomena is quite within the power of the man himself:

  1. So, to osteochondrosis lead work at the computer and driving the car in anatomically incorrect poses (slouching, too close to the monitor, etc.), and without observing interruptions, which is recommended by any sanitary standards.
  2. In addition, the causes of osteochondrosis in the cervical region are malnutrition and sedentary lifestyle, which weakens all muscles.
  3. There are risk factors that can be eliminated only with the help of drug therapy, for example, hormonal disorders, rheumatism, failure in metabolic processes.
  4. Also, osteochondrosis can be caused by trauma, hypothermia and even hereditary predisposition.

In any case, the setting of such a diagnosis, the identification and elimination of the causes of the disease and its treatment are in the competence of a neurologist or vertebrologist.


All kinds of osteochondrosis are accompanied by painful sensations. The difference lies in their localization. The signs of cervical osteochondrosis are as follows:

  1. Pain aching in the neck, sometimes there are pains in the form of a lumbago, they are reflected in the back of the head or the area of ​​the shoulder blades, can hurt your hands. At the slightest effort, including sneezing, painful sensations intensify.
  2. The neck muscles are tense, and in severe cases, pain can occur when touching.
  3. Sensation of swelling of the tongue, sometimes it seems that he is numb.
  4. In the neck, shoulder girdle, hands can feel tingling.
  5. In addition, with osteochondrosis of the cervical region, muscle weakness may occur.

These are the main symptoms of osteochondrosis. But in general, the signs can be very diverse, the specific manifestations of the disease depend on the degree of nerve root damage, and this in turn causes the severity of the condition as a whole.

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As a rule, if there is cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms manifest themselves in a complex: the pain is combined with the restriction of mobility of this department. And these signs can develop very slowly, sometimes it takes years.

But it also happens that the disease occurs suddenly under the influence of 1 or several factors provoking it.

Pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be manifested in different ways. This also applies to their intensity. Sometimes they are so excruciating that a person can practically lose efficiency for a few days or even weeks.

How does osteochondrosis appear on the part of the effect on the blood vessels? One of the characteristic symptoms are unequal indicators of blood pressure on the left and right hands - this occurs as a result of muscle spasm.


Only a doctor can determine cervical osteochondrosis. Various methods are used for this:

  1. The most common option is X-ray diagnosis. This research is done in direct and lateral projections, and sometimes even the patient's pictures are taken in a position with an open mouth. This helps to accurately determine the decrease in the height of the intervertebral disc, the narrowing of the hole between the bases of the cervical vertebrae, the presence of degenerative bone proliferation.
  2. In modern conditions, diagnosed osteochondrosis and with the use of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. The images obtained in this way allow to determine the location of pathological changes with high accuracy. This method differs from X-ray diffraction in that it allows to determine the presence of a protrusion or even a hernia of the disc.

Nevertheless, the X-ray remains the main diagnostic method. How to determine cervical osteochondrosis with the help of this study: for this you need to consider the pictures for checking the curvature of the cervical region. Normally, the arch of the spine should be turned convex forward.

Vertebrae should have a normal shape, and the distance between them should be approximately the same. Signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine on the x-ray can be seen in the form of flattening of the arch and straightening of this department in the early stages.

At a later stage, the convexity of the arc is replaced by a concave position.

Manifestations of osteochondrosis with its further development on the x-ray will be seen even better, as the bone tissue grows: the posterior and anterior osteophytes of the vertebral bodies are formed. But the gap between adjacent bodies begins to narrow. Arthroscopic changes can also be seen, which manifest themselves in the unevenness of the contour.


This phenomenon is due to spasm of the cervical musculature. Physicians call it an antalgic pose: this term will be used in the conclusion following the results of radiography or tomography.


Recognize osteochondrosis on the basis of only a clinical picture is impossible.

Because similar symptoms occur in other diseases, including the digestive or cardiovascular system.

Therefore, differential diagnostics is carried out, which helps to identify other pathologies. This is done using:

  • Ultrasound;
  • endoscopic examination of the stomach;
  • ECG;
  • electroencephalography, etc.

What causes cervical osteochondrosis?

While serious pains are not present, many people concern this disease too lightly, not understanding, to what the osteochondrosis of a cervical department can result.

In fact, the neck is the most important part of the overall blood supply system of the body, because large arteries pass through it (carotid and vertebral).

But that's not all.

In the neck is a network of lymph nodes, through it pass the spinal cord and nerve roots, which are responsible for the reflex connection with the hands, heart and respiratory organs.

If there is any failure, it will affect the state of the body as a whole. Headaches, sleep disturbances and even prolonged insomnia are only a part of these consequences.

But there are more serious pathologies.

Due to the violation of blood supply, dehydration, cartilaginous discs, performing the functions of shock absorbers, protecting vertebrae, thinner, with the approaching edges of the vertebrae, there may be a pinching of the nerve roots, which causes very strong pain. The mobility of the neck may be lost, every movement is accompanied by pain.


People suffering from this disease want to know whether cervical osteochondrosis can be cured in principle.

It is not necessary to feed illusions: if the process of exhaustion of cartilage tissue has already begun, if osteophytes have appeared, this not those pathologies that can be removed with the help of medication or physiotherapy, or even surgical methods.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis should be aimed at reducing pain in the neck, shoulder joint, upper limbs. It is very important to restore the mobility of the joint, and to strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle.

If osteochondrosis is supplemented with a syndrome of the vertebral artery, then prevention of vestibular disorders and restoration of coordination of movements is carried out. It is important to reduce muscle hypertension.

To treat an osteochondrosis of a neck it is necessary in a complex. T. e. not just eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also try to remove the very reason.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis in severe cases - this is the most urgent issue, since many consult a doctor only in such situations.

As a rule, pain is eliminated with the help of analgesics and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


In the most severe cases, treatment is performed in a hospital setting, and analgesics are injected directly into the spinal cord. Such injections are called cerebrospinal blockages.


It is clear that such an injection can only be done by an experienced specialist. And in fact, the blockade is not a full-fledged method of treatment, it is rather an ambulance. The medicine can not repair the erased discs.

And in the future, for treatment use orthopedic methods of rehabilitation, physiotherapy, massage (but only outside the stage of exacerbation) and medications, including muscle relaxants for relaxation muscles.

In addition, it is important to follow certain rules so that there is no deterioration. For example, exercises in physiotherapy are performed in a special orthosis or cotton-gauze collar to prevent microtraumas of nerve endings and create relative peace for the cervical region.

The attending physician must necessarily be assigned a set of exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles in the problem area.

It is especially important to achieve relaxation of the muscles most involved in the pathological process.

This deltoid and trapezius muscles, which often with this disease are in a state of hypertonia.

Self-massage, which improves blood circulation and normalizes metabolic processes, helps well at the initial stages of the disease. Do it every day.


To do this, sit on a chair in a comfortable position, press the 4 fingers of the palm to the problem area and stroke them with the back surface of the neck in a direction from top to bottom. This movement is repeated 3-4 times. Then, by the same principle, but more intensively, the neck is massaged with the thumbs.


Pinches knead muscles of a neck, all over again from the right side, then left. The massage ends with light pattings.

How to prevent cervical osteochondrosis?

It should be noted that it will be much easier to prevent the disease than to fight it later.

Especially since it is unlikely to cure it completely, except that its development can be slowed down.

But for the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, doctors give useful advice that should be taken advantage of.

  1. First, you need to try to reduce the burden on the cervical vertebrae. To do this, you need to properly equip your workplace, especially if you have to work hard at your computer. It is equally important to arrange a place for rest, take care of a comfortable bed with a good mattress and pillows. If a person spends a lot of time behind the wheel, then you need to adjust the position of the head restraint correctly.
  2. Secondly, when working in the same pose from time to time you need to take breaks. So, every hour is recommended to get up from behind the computer and do light gymnastics. If there is no such possibility, you can just walk around the room. With sedentary work, you need to take a rest from time to time: spin your back, lower your head, and relax your hands, putting them on your knees. In this position, you need to sit just a couple of minutes.
  3. Thirdly, the appearance of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be prevented if periodically self-massage is done. You can use different methods. Suitable and hydromassage. It is enough, taking a shower, to direct a sufficiently strong jet of water on the cervical vertebrae and so to massage them literally 2-3 minutes.

To prevent osteochondrosis of the body, you need to ensure that there is no hypothermia. In cold and wet weather, you can not leave the house without a scarf and headdress.

And, of course, do not sit in drafts. At the same time, you need to adjust your habits. You can not hold the handset to your ear with your shoulder to release your hands.

It is better to buy headphones - this will prevent tension and uneven load on the muscles.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/osteohondroz/shejnogo-otdela-priznaki-lechenie.html

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