Possible consequences after concussion of the brain

The brain is an organ that can be extremely limited in the skull. Normally, it remains immobile, but with a strong snatch, a head blow against a solid object is sharply shifted and returns to its original place. At this point, a sharp shift of the massive hemispheres relative to the brainstem occurs, which is rather thin and, moreover, is fixed by the roots of the cranial nerves to the base of the skull. In addition, there is a short-term increase in the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), located in the ventricles of the brain and the intershell space.

  • Consequences of trauma
  • Light concussion
  • Consequences in children
  • Neuroses
  • Post-traumatic episode
  • Complications
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Concussion of the brain does not lead to pronounced anatomical, structural changes in the brain. It is rather a functional change, a violation of physiological processes, metabolism in neurons. However, concussion leads to impaired brain function. The consequences of concussion are very serious and dangerous for health. What can happen, we will consider in more detail.

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Consequences of trauma

In order to understand what can lead to head trauma, namely a concussion, consider all the symptoms characteristic of the disease:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness, disorientation in space;
  • inconsistent breathing;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • loss of memory for a short period (up to 24 hours);
  • tinnitus.

The consequences may be weak and pass quickly, but with severe trauma they persist for a long time. With a mild disorder of the brain, the patient has a headache, a bad mood, resulting in a disturbed emotional background.

Light concussion

The patient can panic, he has a syndrome of fear, photophobia. He reacts distinctly to the weather, sleeps badly, loses his appetite. Also, the immune system suffers, the patient's body is prone to infectious diseases. The hearing, smell is broken. Some people who have suffered a head injury can not stand the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. There is a decrease in concentration of attention, efficiency.

Consequences in children

The child has a concussion of the brain more often than in an adult. Excessive activity, falling during games, cycling, collision with solid objects - the causes of injury. Sometimes the consequences may not be serious, but leave a mark on the whole life in the form of irritability, vulnerability, tearfulness, etc. Such children often fall into depression, cry, sleep badly, suffer severe changes in weather phenomena.

The consequences of mild degree usually go without complications in a short time. Complications of moderate and severe manifestations in the daily life of the child. The concentration of attention, memory, perseverance decreases, which affects school performance. With such violations manifested neuroses, insomnia, aggression, anxiety, fears.

More serious consequences of concussion in infants. In the infant, an injury can occur as a result of a severe head injury about the crib, falling out of it. Since babies can not speak, and therefore describe their problems too, it is necessary to follow the behavior of the baby.

He is crying, which does not stop. In the course are the limbs, the child begins to swing them intensively. Vomiting may open, he becomes irritable, sometimes it is difficult to calm him. At an early age, body temperature can rise, sweat may be released. If the fontanel of the baby is not overgrown, there is a possibility of its swelling.

Important! After head trauma, especially in infants, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.


As a result of a concussion of the brain, neurotic disorder may occur. Even a slight concussion can lead to impairment of the functions of the nervous system:

  • the patient is worried, shy away from any rustle, even from his own thoughts;
  • sleep disappears or, on the contrary, there is a strong drowsiness;
  • concentration of attention, memory, vision is disturbed;
  • prolonged headaches.

Such phenomena are called neuroses. As a result of their occurrence, it is difficult for a person to communicate with friends and colleagues. This manifests itself in the form of depression, stress or sudden fury, despondency, feelings of inferiority. If you do not treat complications, then there may be psychoses.

Important! Psychosis is a more serious failure in the nervous system. The patient may have hallucinations, he raves at night, literally goes crazy. In old age, such consequences can lead to Alzheimer's disease, dementia. And these manifestations can be observed a few years after the trauma of the head.

Post-traumatic episode

The above consequences are short-term disorders. But complications can be observed after a few months, or even years. Basically they are manifested in the form of nervous disorders. Symptoms that occur after a certain period of time are called remote consequences.

These include the post-traumatic episyndrome. After a trauma to the skull, his symptoms usually do not appear for a long time. Even a doctor sometimes does not pay attention to them, which means they do not receive timely treatment. The most difficult and dangerous results can be epileptic seizures. Especially when they arise suddenly, anywhere. The epileptic suffers greatly from headaches, sleep disorders, and responds to the weather. A person who has received such consequences feels a mental trauma, feels incomplete. Any mental or physical work causes great anguish.


If the patient was not provided with timely assistance immediately or within a few days, the results of the injury can be the most serious and dangerous, sometimes with a threat to life. Complications that occur in cases of severe brain damage:

  1. Post-traumatic encephalopathy is a chronic disease that occurs after 2 concussions and subsequent. Particular symptoms are impaired coordination of movement, poor possession of the limbs. The patient badly raises his legs, which makes it seem that he is dragging himself, shuffling his feet. Speech sometimes disappears, in some cases becomes lingering. This phenomenon is often observed in boxers with constant blows to the head.
  2. Vascular pathology - spasms, enlargement, constriction, poor blood circulation leads to permanent severe headaches, which continue for a long time.
  3. Postcommentation disorder - the patient often loses consciousness, cramps all over the body, pulsates in the head. Complemented by a violation of coordination of movements, sleep, neuroses.
  4. After 3 concussions, as a result of periodic head injuries, seizures, epilepsy, paranoid phenomena appear.

Important! Unfortunately, these complications often do not heal completely, which means that a person becomes not fit for a full life. Any walk for him becomes torture, he does not feel himself rested.

Complications can occur after a concussion that has been carried on the legs, that is, when there was no severe bruise or impact on the head, and the consequences manifested after some time. Such a condition is very dangerous, since timely medical assistance was not provided, the symptoms grew stronger every day.

After hitting the head, you need to see a doctor and get a checkup to identify all the negative signs that have occurred with the brain substance. Otherwise, no one has dangerous consequences. If a bruise on the soft tissues of the arm or leg is visible, then the treatment can be easily prescribed. The brain is closed from the naked eye, only medical workers can determine what happened to it after the injury.

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