Remedy for cold

What is the best remedy for a cold (preferably a spray)? Advise from personal experience, and not seeing the advertisement.


Salaam Aleikum

Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are necessary only if the inflammation is spread on the maxillary sinus (sinusitis), the frontal sinuses or the middle ear. It is allowed to drip them before bed, if the runny nose does not allow to fall asleep. But only on the washed nose, no more 3-4 times a day and no longer than 3-5 days, then go on oil drops (pinosol), folk remedies (beet, onion, aloe) or homeopathy. The drug Pinosol is contraindicated for children under 2 years old, they need an oil solution of vitamin A or vitamin E, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
Nazivin, Galazolin, Ximelin, and similar drops and aerosols of the Nazol type facilitate breathing, but they can have nosebleeds, and with prolonged frequent use they cause dependence.
Vasoconstrictive drops reduce the diameter of the blood vessels of the nasal cavity. The blood supply decreases, so the swelling of the mucous membrane and the release of mucus cease. As a result, the free space in the nasal cavity increases, nasal breathing is temporarily restored. But the cause of the common cold persists! Therefore, after the expiration of the droplets, the vessels expand again, and more than before the application of drops. Very tempting to use the drug again... But with the frequent use of drops, the vessels generally lose the ability to self-contract and remain widened continuously until they receive their dose of a vasoconstrictor. Coryza becomes chronic.

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If you use drops and aerosols for a long time, you can lose your sense of smell and taste. The mucous membrane of the nose can start to dry constantly, and this is a new problem.. .
HOWEVER, if there is pain in the ears or grooves - drops of these types are necessary and at least in the morning and evening!
And if not - with the chemistry and wash your nose with salt water, Aquamaris or sea from Dolphin.
A solution can be made by yourself. To do this, 1 / 4-1 / 3 teaspoon of table salt, preferably sea or iodized, must be dissolved in a glass of pleasantly warm water. A more concentrated salt solution (1 / 2-3 / 4-1 teaspoon per glass of water) is used if there is no discharge from the nose, but its inner shell is swollen and difficult to breathe through the nose.
Drawing water from the palm, that is, with a stream of air, is unsafe: it can get into the maxillary and other paranasal sinuses and cause their inflammation.
You can flush with a special device DOLPHIN, or a rubber canister-pear, or a syringe WITHOUT NEEDLE, which you buy at the pharmacy. Babies need to drip a few drops in each nostril from the pipette.

® "* ° •.. • ° *" Madonna "* °... .. ° *" ®

tizin, renonorm-good soft sprays, not burning mucous, there are children's and adults, the nose begins to breathe perfectly, but not for long 4-5 hours


In the afternoon I use Pinosol and I drink Caldrex - I feel fine. At night - Sanorin suspension - very nasty, but it is good to fall asleep and sleeps all night. The most important thing is to avoid getting used to vasoconstrictors, nose mucosa is then very difficult to restore.


Vibrozil helps me, and I always use Aqua-Maris water, it helps to clean and moisten and it can be even for small children.

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Ximelin... it's true that they can not sprinkle many times, but it helps

Prompt means from a rhinitis!



Garlic, onion, golden mustache, steam ingested boiled potatoes. Pairs of onions and garlic can simply be inhaled. If there is a golden mustard, then the juice is diluted, not clean. You can milk, butter. 1 tbsp soda + 1 tbsp. salt on a glass of water, do a lavage of the nose several times a day.

dmitry blohin

the onion juice is squeezed-but unpleasant ...


Freshly squeezed juice of raw beet - 2 drops per each nostril... once will be enough


Treatment of a cold
It's easiest to cure a runny nose when it's just beginning. There is even no snot, but just a headache, a forehead and a "twist" in the nose. In this case, the adult person already knows that such symptoms are signs of an impending cold.
What to do? We go to the pharmacy and buy an antiviral drug. The most popular antiviral drugs are Arbidol (more expensive) and Anaferon (cheaper). If you take Anaferon strictly according to the instructions (1 tablet every half hour for 2 hours), the symptoms of the common cold will be lost almost entirely on the same day. But you can not stop taking the medicine, the virus is still alive and may well be reborn. An antiviral agent should be taken within a week, and in the cold season, such drugs can be drunk for a very long time, from one month to three. The advantage of Anaferon and similar drugs is not only that they suppress the development of the virus, but also stimulate the body's own defenses.
The development of the virus during the runny nose well suppresses the phytoncides contained in onions and garlic. In this case, it is not necessary to eat onions with tons, it is enough just to cut the bulb in half and how to breathe over it. Burning in the nose and throat, this is a perfectly normal reaction. Of course, do not forget to screw up your eyes during this procedure. Children with a cold can make "beads" of cloves of garlic. You can arrange a chopped onion around the room. And then your onion inhalation will last much longer. The same can be done as a prophylaxis of the common cold and other colds. The only "But! use of onions is not always possible, because its specific odor is unpleasant to many.
Aerosols from the common cold: benefit and harm
Drugs in the form of aerosols most often have a vasoconstrictive effect. After aerosol application, the vessels narrow, the edema subsides and the nose is cleared from accumulated mucus. For a few hours a person can breathe normally. Very tempting to use the drug again.. .
Do not advise to get carried away by aerosols from the common cold, as this has a lot of negative consequences. If you use such aerosols for a long time, you can lose your sense of smell, the sense of taste can change. The mucous membrane of the nose can begin to dry constantly, and these are new problems, a new treatment... So aerosol is an emergency remedy for the common cold and you can apply it only when you feel unbearable. But no more than once or twice a week.
Folk remedies for a cold
Instead of aerosol, you can buy drops from the cold on the basis of natural oils. With a runny nose, drops containing fir or eucalyptus oil are helpful. These oils have a bactericidal effect, reduced mucus secretion, breathing is facilitated. As one of the treatment options for the common cold, you can do inhalation with fir oil. The easiest way is a bowl of boiling water, to which 3-5 drops of oil are added. We cover ourselves with a towel and breathe steam.
During the runny nose, you also need to warm up your nose, this is good for swelling. To do this, you can take a small bag (if you do not have a bag, you can use a clean children's bowman), calcine large salt in a dry frying pan. We put the bag of salt on the bridge of the nose and warm it. If you do not want to mess with the bag, you can warm your nose with a boiled egg.
It is equally important during the cold to stay warm and do not overcool. Surely many people know that when you have a cold it is useful to get your feet stuck. In addition, you can take warm baths with sea salt, sleep in socks, which are filled with dry mustard. Among other folk remedies for the common cold - prog; Breast reduction with potatoes. It is done this way: we cook one big potato in a uniform, cut it along, put several layers of the newspaper on the chest, then hot potatoes, and wrap it on top with something warm. As the potato gradually cools, we take out the sheets of the newspaper. The reheating will be long, not less than 20 minutes.

Eva Paradise

take a wand of garlic, which connects the feathers, and there where the spine is ignited, thawed and stewed with a smoldering stick, the results are instant, very well prosobaet, and the next day snot as unprecedented, the current per day is 2-3 times done it is necessary!

A good remedy for the common cold. The most effective remedy for colds

If you treat a cold, then it passes for 7 days. If the cold does not heal, it takes a week. It's heard by everyone. But this opinion is erroneous. Many people let the situation slide, but the runny nose needs to be treated. Sleepless nights, lack of appetite, headache, sneezing, dryness and sensitivity of the nasal mucosa are the most harmless manifestations of acute rhinitis. In the absence of treatment, complications are possible: otitis media, sinusitis, frontalitis and the transition of the common cold into a chronic form.

Most often, the appearance of the common cold is promoted by viruses, bacteria, hypothermia. Itching in the nasopharynx, nasal congestion, frequent sneezing, headache - if you have these symptoms you need to start treatment as soon as possible.

Many pharmacy products for the treatment of cold are released without a doctor's prescription. But consultation with a specialist is never superfluous. And taking antibiotics with a beginning rhinitis is not justified. They can not cure rhinitis, but they can harm the body.

With a beginning cold and runny nose, folk remedies are good. Hot foot baths with mustard powder and tea with raspberries are the best home remedies for the common cold. Beet juice, aloe is also effective if the rhinitis has just begun. The advantages of traditional medicine are that the risk of side effects is minimized, unlike medicines. But folk remedies do not always help.

The funds used to treat rhinitis, a lot in the pharmacy range, consider the main.

Drops with vasoconstrictive effect

The most popular and effective group of medicines. Dripped in the morning a good remedy for

Coryza, and all the day the nose is breathing. However, from the heaviness in the head, sneezing and itching, these medicines do not help. After a while, the cold begins again. Vasoconstrictive medications do not treat rhinitis. They relieve nasal congestion and mucosal edema. Use with a runny nose such drops are needed, this will help reduce the risk of otitis.

If you take more than 7 days, the drugs cause the opposite phenomenon (tachyphylaxis), and the nasal mucosa swells again. Often people have to drip vasoconstrictive drops for many years, without them the nose does not breathe. It's addictive, and getting rid of it is very difficult.

Drugs of this group can cause hypertension, increased intraocular pressure and tachycardia. It is impossible to simultaneously use vasoconstrictors and drops with therapeutic effect. The minimum interval between their instillation is 40 minutes. Otherwise, the drug will not work, the vasoconstrictor drops will not let it suck.

If the rhinitis lasts more than 7 days, you need to see a doctor.

Groups of vasoconstrictive drops

1. Preparations containing naphazoline. Medications "Naftizin "Sanorin" - representatives of this group. The action time is about 4 hours. Of all the groups, the shortest. Strongly dry the mucous membrane of the nose. Now they are rarely used.

2. Preparations of xylometazoline. Means "Galazolin "Rinonorm "Ximelin "Tizin "Rinostop" - representatives of this group. There are approximately 6 hours, a more gentle effect on the mucosa. Many representatives of this group contain sea water and other substances for moistening the mucosa.

3. The active ingredient is oxymetazoline. Preparations "Nazivin "Otritin "Nazol" - the main representatives of this group. The duration of action can be up to 12 hours. The least irritating to the nasal mucosa, therefore, any of them is the best remedy for the common cold among the vasoconstrictors.

Drops with sea water

All drops and sprays for moisturizing the nasal mucosa contain a solution of sea salt. "Aquamaris "Akvalor "Salin "Morenazal "Physiomer "Marimer" - these are preparations that moisturize and soften the mucous membranes. A similar remedy for the cold, reviews of which are always positive, relieves swelling. Preparations based on sea water treat inflammation and dilute purulent separable.

A good remedy for the common cold does not remove the stuffiness of the nose instantly. It cures the runny nose and reduces the risk of complications. Medicines in this group have no side effects. They are allowed for small children and pregnant women.

If there is no possibility to purchase drops with sea water, you can use simple saline solution. This is a common salt solution, it is also effective for the treatment of rhinitis.

Antiviral drugs

A good remedy for the common cold is a drop with an antiviral effect, but they are effective only at the first stages of the disease. Apply antiviral drugs strictly according to the instructions, otherwise they will not help. Timely reception and exact dosages will cure a cold in 3 days.

Antiviral drops "Grippferon "Nasoferon" contain interferon. Interferon is produced in the body. He is responsible for immunity and attacks the virus. Interferon is available in droplets and in dry powder. This is an effective remedy for the common cold. Ampules with dry interferon can be used from birth. They just get divorced by water. The drug has no side effects, only individual intolerance is possible.

There are other antiviral drops in the nose - Derinat. This is an excellent remedy for cold and colds. They stimulate the production of interferon. Spray "IRS-19" contains bacterial lysates. He fights with a cold and bronchitis. When using drops with immunomodulating effect in the epidemic period, the probability of "catching" a runny nose decreases.


Plant extracts in drops are good for the common cold. They well moisturize and soften the nasal mucosa, treat inflammation. The drug "Pinosol" is the leader of this group, the most effective remedy for the common cold. It is available in the form of drops, ointments and cream. Essential oils are included in the medicine "Pinosol so it can cause allergies. Contraindicated in children under 3 years. All drops that contain essential oils can not be used in this age category, they can cause bronchospasm.

There are pencils-inhalers "Doctor MOM "Gold Star". They contain essential oils that can be inhaled. The nose begins to work reflexively. You can use this remedy for a cold in pregnancy.

Combined preparations

They contain several components. Drops may include an antibiotic. They are designed to treat rhinitis of bacterial nature. The drug "Polidex" contains an antibiotic, which quickly treats the infection. There is also an anti-allergic component - dexamethasone. It removes the swelling of the mucosa. Choosing the best remedy for the common cold, it is worth considering and this medicine.

Some drops, in addition to the vasoconstrictor component, contain an antiallergic substance. They help with allergic rhinitis. Preparations "Vibrocil "Sanorin-analgesin" well relieve the swelling of the nose for allergies. "Vibrocil" in the drops can be used for children from 1 year. In addition, you can use this remedy for a cold in pregnancy.

Many drops contain a vasoconstrictor and seawater. They prevent dryness and relieve swelling. The drug "Snoop" in adult and pediatric form of release well softens mucous and eliminates nasal congestion.

Antibacterial drugs

Such drugs as "Bioparox "Isofra contain powerful antibiotics. They are appointed by a doctor. With sinusitis, frontal sinuses and lingering rhinitis, this is the most effective remedy for the common cold. With the beginning of the disease, the use of these drugs is unjustified. Plus these funds are that they are not absorbed into the blood. Therefore, side effects inherent in antibiotics, they are not peculiar.


Homeopathic remedies are good because they do not have side effects. They act at a runny nose at any stage. The main rule of homeopathy reads: "You can not deviate from the instruction". If you miss the time of instillation and do not follow the multiplicity - homeopathy will not help. Preparations "Edas-131 "Delufen "Euforbium-compositum" will remove the edema of the nasal mucosa, have an anti-inflammatory effect, raise immunity. Safe and effective drops are suitable for adults and children. In complex therapy significantly improve recovery. Treated homeopathy for a long time. It has a cumulative effect and on the first day still does not heal.

Nebulizer - a modern solution for the treatment of a cold

Use a nebulizer with a cold is very convenient. This is an ultrasound device, through which inhalations are carried out.

Treatment of the common cold with a nebulizer can not be compared with the use of pills and tablets that pass a long path through the body until they reach the diseased organ. Similar medications, in contrast to inhalers, often leave an unfavorable trace in the form of a variety of side effects.

Folk remedies

Rhinitis is the most common disease. Many people suffer from it. Runny nose may appear several times a year. That's why there are a lot of folk recipes. Here are some examples of them:

1. Fir and eucalyptus oil. A few drops of essential oil drip into the vegetable oil (about 25 ml). Drip in the nose in the morning and at night. Such a mixture instantly facilitates breathing, has a bactericidal effect, softens the mucous membrane and relieves swelling.

2. Beetroot juice relieves inflammation and swelling. Drip it several times a day or make tampons (for 10 minutes). A weak solution of beet juice can be dripped to babies from the common cold.

3. Honey drops. Dilute honey with water in equal proportions. A little warm up and drip up to 6 times a day. Do not use if you are allergic to this product. Honey is a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.

4. Aloe vera increases immunity and relieves inflammation. You can drip in its purest form. You can dilute with vegetable oil.

5. The Kalanchoe juice is an irritant. When it is instilled, intensive separation of mucus begins, swelling rapidly and inflammation is removed.

Washing your nose at home

In the hospital, in the ENT departments, there is a special device for washing the nose. It creates pressure and rinses the nose with medicine, washing out pus and mucus. A similar procedure can be done at home. Rinsing the nose brings relief to the patient and helps cure the runny nose. The medicinal solution is taken up in a container and inhaled with a nose, spit out the solution with the mouth. The procedure is carried out in the morning and at night.

How to prepare a solution

  • In one glass with a little salt water pour a teaspoon of tincture of eucalyptus or marigold. The solution has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action.
  • 2 filter bags of chamomile or sage brew a glass of boiling water. When the solution becomes slightly warm, wash the nose. The solution has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • 3 drops of iodine per glass of warm water. The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of iodine cure the common cold. It is not recommended for purulent sinusitis.
  • You can wash your nose with a simple saline solution. This procedure dilutes the mucus and removes the swelling from the nasal mucosa.
After rinsing, all medicines will be absorbed better. The effect of vasoconstricting, combined and homeopathic drops increases several times.

From the cold helps infusions of herbs, which are drunk inside. You can mix fruits of raspberries, herb of oregano, a leaf of a birch and mother-and-stepmother. Brew the mixture and drink several times a day. Very good for the cold helps the flowers of linden, chamomile. Herbs help cure cold and colds. Rosehips and mountain ash will increase immunity and accelerate recovery.

Treatment of any disease should begin with a consultation with a specialist. Not all patients can use drops. Many people have vasoconstrictive drugs. With genyantritis, therapy without antibiotics is most often ineffective. People with curvature of the nasal septum can not help the drop. All these nuances are taken into account by the doctor.

A prolonged runny nose can give many serious complications. Inadequate therapy can make the ailment chronic. Rhinitis is a disease that should be treated. We have presented you many options for its therapy. Choose the most effective remedy for the common cold is only for you, and it is better to do this after consulting a doctor.

How to choose an effective remedy for a cold

How much has been said that a runny nose passes through the week regardless of whether it is treated or not. But this is not so. Untreated rhinitis is dangerous for serious complications. So people go to pharmacies in search of the best remedy-medicine. And here on the shelves of what only there is: no wonder and get lost. To choose what effective remedy for the common cold you need, first of all, to know what caused it.


Inflammation of the nasal cavity can occur for several reasons:

  1. action of allergens;
  2. hypothermia and, as a consequence, decreased immunity and increased susceptibility to viruses and bacteria;
  3. long stay in dusty premises;
  4. trauma to the nose.

All these conditions can be accompanied by a runny nose.Timely ventilation of the premises is the first assistant in the fight against the common cold, caused by being in rooms with too dry air and a lot of dust.

However, the runny nose may be a symptom of more serious diseases. Therefore, treatment should always begin with a visit to the doctor. Only an experienced otolaryngologist can correctly diagnose. Then the doctor prescribes medicines and dosage.

Effective vasoconstrictive drugs

Such drugs are chosen if you need to quickly get rid of the manifestations of rhinitis. This group includes symptomatic cures for the common cold.They help to remove the edema of the nasal mucosa, thereby reducing the stuffiness of the nose and facilitate breathing.Produce these drugs most often in the form of nasal sprays and drops. Doctors give preference to oil-based drops. They act more gently.

Vasodilating drops and sprays hinder the absorption of drugs. Do not prescribe medicines together with vasoconstrictors. If there is a need to take both of these means, you need to take breaks between them for at least 40 minutes.

All vasoconstrictive drugs differ in terms of duration. They are divided into three groups.

Medications of short duration

These are inexpensive preparations based on naphazoline. Well-known medicines:

  • Sanorin(in its composition there is essential oil of eucalyptus, boric acid and vaseline oil);
  • Naphthysineand Tizin drops in the nose (similar in their actions).

All of these remedies do remove symptoms. But their action is limited to 4 hours. You can use the funds not more than 4 times a day. Otherwise, the ciliated epithelium may suffer. These drugs can be called an emergency aid for a cold that should not be carried away. Otherwise, after a week, their application can cause the opposite effect: the edema of the mucosa increases.

Medications of average duration

The group includes preparations based on xylometazoline. The most effective representatives of this group are:

  • Rinonorm;
  • Rhinostop;
  • Ximelin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Snoop (here you can find the instruction and price for Snup nasal spray);
  • Tysine;
  • Halazolin.

Upon contact with the mucosa, they work for about 6 hours. Their influence on the body is more sparing. Some of the above preparations contain sea water, essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants.

Long-acting drugs

The active substance of drugs of this group is oxymetazoline. These are known for the advertising of drugs:

  • Nazon Advance;
  • Nazivin;
  • Otrivin (read that it is better Otrivin or Nazivin for children).

They can stop the runny nose for up to 12 hours. In this case, the drugs do not dry the mucous membrane and gently refer to the vessels. Any remedy from this group can be called the best. The question is only in price.These drugs cost several times more than drugs of short duration.

All vasoconstrictive drugs do not treat the common cold, but only relieve edema and eliminate discharge from the nose. But their reception can lead to side effects: sometimes there is an increase in arterial and intraocular pressure, tachycardia.

The maximum period of taking vasoconstrictors is 7 days. If during this time the clinical picture has not changed, then the drops can not do. It is necessary to go to the doctor.

Vasotherapy for children

The most safe vasoconstrictors are phenylephrine-based drugs. These are children's medications that last 2-4 hours:

  • Nazol Baby;
  • Nazole Kids;
  • Vibrocil (here you can find instructions for the use of a drop in the nose Vibrocil).

Moisturizing solutions

This group of drugs includes funds based on sea water. They are absolutely harmless and suitable for children.

At instillation the runny nose does not disappear instantly. Sea salt slightly dries the mucous, relieves inflammation and promotes faster recovery.

These are such drugs as:

  • Physiomer;
  • Saline;
  • Aqua Maris nasal spray;
  • Aqualor;
  • Marimer.

Effective budget replacement of these funds is a common saline solution. This liquid is also a solution of salt, only not marine. In saline solution there are no micro- and macro elements, as in sea water, but their effect is much similar.

Antiviral drugs

At the first stages of the runny nose of the virus nature, drops on the basis of interferon - a substance produced by the body and taking part in the formation of immunity and the fight against viruses:

  • Arbidol;
  • Anaferon;
  • Grippferon;
  • Nasoferon.

In pharmacies, you can also find dry interferon. It is sold in ampoules. The powder is simply diluted with boiled water before use and used as usual drops. Interferon has no side effects and is suitable for children.

It is important to follow the dosage exactly and stick to the prescription prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, the effect of using the funds will be reduced to zero. And if you follow the instructions for use, these drugs relieve the cold for 3 days.

If it is not possible to purchase the listed products, you can use oxolin ointment. It is also a good preventive tool in the period of flu epidemics.


Essential oils in these products are very effective in treating colds. The most famous remedy for this group is oil drops or nose cream Pinosol. Here you will find the instructions for using the Pinosol spray. Phytomedication is not as safe as it is commonly believed. Medicines based on them are not suitable for children under 3 years. And in adults they can cause allergies.


The drugs are complex. They remove the swelling of the mucosa, normalize the state of the vessels, reduce the discharge from the nose. Medicines have no contraindications, but they must be taken strictly according to the scheme. The most popular homeopathic remedies are:

  • Edas-131;
  • Delufen;
  • Euphorbium compositum.

Antibacterial drugs

These drugs contain antibiotics in their composition. They can be taken only under the supervision of a doctor. The fact is that the common cold usually causes viruses. Antibiotics are powerless against them. But if the cold has a bacterial nature, then these medicines will help get rid of it. The group includes:

  • Bioparox (read if Bioparox can be given to children);
  • Polidex (here you can see the instructions for the use of a drop in the nose Polidex);
  • Isophra.

Tablets from the common cold

Drops, sprays and ointments from the common cold act locally: they relieve the symptoms. Tablets, with proper application, can eliminate the cause of the common cold. Consider the most popular and good tableted medicines.

  • Sinupret. Dragee contains extracts of medicinal plants and act in a complex manner. Sinupret is also prescribed for sinusitis.
  • Corysal. Homeopathic remedy, which reduces inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.
  • Cinnabsin. It differs strongly pronounced anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating action. Belongs to homeopathic medicines.
  • Koldakt, Koldakt Plus. The drug gives a quick effect on the first symptoms of ARI. It has a number of contraindications and is not used to treat children.
  • Rinoprint. Complex preparation for the treatment of rhinitis. Not suitable for children under 12 years and pregnant women.


If the runny nose is the result of an allergic reaction to plant pollen, wool or dust, you can not do without antihistamines.

To such medicines carry:

  • Zirtek- eliminates the influence of antigens and reduces the swelling of the mucosa;
  • Cetrin- Available in different forms;
  • Avamis- nasal spray from an allergic rhinitis;
  • ClaritinComplex action medicine.

Combined preparations

A complex formula for these tools can include:

  • antibiotics;
  • antihistamines;
  • vasoconstrictor components.

The most famous representative of this group is Vibrocil. It is available as an ointment, spray and drops. You can take it only as directed by your doctor.

Folk remedies

The means tested by time do not lose their effectiveness even in the age of high technologies. The most effective medicines include:

  • beet juice- it is buried in the nose with honey and without it;
  • onion juice- good with honey and aloe juice, Kalanchoe as drops and irrigation;
  • inhalation with medicinal herbs(the leaves and roots of horseradish are most effective, sage, mint, chamomile will suit).
  • dry mustard, padded in socks will help quickly defeat the common cold.

The video tells about an effective remedy for a cold in the home:


The testimonies indicate that there is not one single most effective remedy for the common cold. If the common cold is the result of a cold, its treatment does not take much time. Especially if you start it as early as possible.

  • Angelina, 27 years old:"It's just that I do not have to shut the window for the night, like a cold in here, like here. Earlier I in such cases accepted Koldakt and already by the evening all signs passed or took place. But one day he stopped working. I had to look for a new tool. A friend advised Nazivin (she used it for a long time in such cases). I did not notice any side effects. And the cold has really gone. "
  • Marina, 52 years old:"I'm one of those people who are used to the old fashioned treatment. These new drugs do not help me at all. But with Naphtizin - everything is fine. Dropleted - and at least you can breathe easily. My husband prefers Nazol, and I have no use for him. "
  • Alisa, 29 years old:"Drops and sprays only temporarily ease the condition. They can not be used for long. I wash the nose with laundry soap right at the beginning, I also get help with inhalations with potatoes. And she recently discovered for herself the trifle Secrets of Grandmother Agafia. This balm is based on herbs - an excellent tool. But if the nose is pawned and there is nothing to breathe, then without vasoconstrictor can not do. I prefer Sanorin or Otrivin. It helps me".

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly updating the range of medicines for the treatment of the common cold. Some of them are new versions of well-known drugs, others have completely new formulas. Most of them can be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription. But this does not mean that they can be taken uncontrollably. Before you begin treatment of the common cold, talk to your doctor.

Means against cold

A lot of people consider the common cold a banal problem and do not want to deal with its treatment. All the same all allocation from a nose will pass or take place in a week. However, most doctors with this statement are unlikely to agree, because the runny nose can result in dangerous complications or go into a chronic form. To prevent this from happening, you will need an effective remedy for the common cold. Let's consider what preparations are best able to cope with this task.

Before starting treatment, you should find out the cause of copious discharge from the nose.

Runny nose with colds

The main culprits of rhinitis are viruses, coccal flora and other microorganisms. At the initial stage of the human disease, only nasal congestion, dryness and burning of the mucous membrane disturb. The best medicine in this case will be an antiviral that slows the development of infection in the body.

You can use drugs released in the form of drops, for example, Grippferon or Nasoferon. Effective means for strengthening immunity for colds is considered leukocyte interferon, it is sold in powder, sealed in an ampoule. Before use, dilute the medicine in water and bury it in the nose every 2 hours.

You can also use other antiviral drugs to treat the common cold:

  • Arbidol;
  • Tamiflu;
  • Ranitidine.

An excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of a common cold during the epidemic is IRS 19, which contains bacterial lysates. The medicine prevents infection with the infection and reduces the risk of complications, increases the immune defense. Issued IRS in the form of a nasal spray.

Vasodilating drops

When there is nothing to breathe, the first thing that people get from the medicine cabinet are vasoconstrictive drops. After all, no other means "breaks through" the nose with such speed and ease. Millions of people use vasoconstrictive drops, but many of them use improperly.

As experts advise, the use of these drops should not last more than 3-5 days. Otherwise, this will lead to the appearance of chronic vasomotor rhinitis. Vessels in this case lose their tone, constantly expanded, there is a so-called "habitual" runny nose, which occurs only after the next instillation of the medicine.

By the way, the funds of this group relieve only symptoms (nasal congestion in ARVI and allergies), but affect the cause of the disease. From itching in the nose, sneezing and indisposition, the drugs of this group will not save you

Vasodilating agents against cold:

  • Ximelin;
  • Rhinostop;
  • Naphthysine;
  • Nasol;
  • Nazivin;
  • Otrivin.

It is worth paying attention to such an effective remedy for the common cold as Tysin Xylo Bio, which contains xylometazoline and hyaluronic acid. Thanks to the last component, the drug acts on the mucous membranes more gently, prevents dryness and irritation.

Remember: with prolonged use of vasoconstrictors, perception of odors may be impaired or loss of taste may occur. However, these medications are necessary if the ear is embedded or sinusitis has joined.

Preparations with anti-inflammatory effect

When liquid clearings gradually become dense and green, anti-inflammatory drugs may be needed. The drug Pinosol, which contains a mixture of essential oils and an antioxidant (vitamin E), as well as thymol, has proved to be very effective.

Pinosol is not addictive and, unlike other drugs, has a beneficial effect on the nasal mucosa with a bacterial rhinitis. However, with viral infection and allergic rhinitis, the remedy will be useless. Also Pinosol, being a herbal preparation, is itself capable of causing allergies.

Another natural remedy for rhinitis is Sinupret. It contains extracts and raw materials obtained from medicinal plants: sorrel, verbena, elder, gentian and primrose. When anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunomodulating and diluting effect is required, pay attention to this remedy. Sinupret is used for a runny nose that has arisen as a result of sinusitis, as well as with difficultly separated sputum. Despite the herbal composition, the drug rarely causes allergic reactions

If the cause of the common cold is an allergy

Abundant watery discharge from both nasal passages, sneezing attacks, itching and burning in the nose, sometimes joins the itch of the palate and throat, nasal congestion - these are the characteristic symptoms of an allergic rhinitis. With allergies, you will need absolutely different medications to cope with the disease.

If the allergic rhinitis proceeds in a mild form, local antihistamines prepared in the form of nasal sprays (Allergodil, Histimet, Tizin Alerji) will help. To them pills with antiallergic effect will come to their aid.

If the patient is of medium severity and severe, intranasal (local) administration of glucocorticoids in the form of aerosols will be required. Medicines of this group:

  • Tafen Nazal;
  • Nasobek;
  • Fliksonase;
  • Nazonex.

Use these drugs for allergic rhinitis is necessary only with the permission of the doctor. Hormonal medications are contraindicated in the bacterial and viral nature of the common cold, so you can not do without a detailed examination and identifying the cause of the ailment.

With allergic rhinitis, viral infection, acute, chronic and vasomotor rhinitis will help remedy from the common cold Vibrocil for children. It contains antiallergic and vasoconstrictor components. Drops Vibrocil can be used for difficulty in nasal breathing in babies almost from birth.

Moisturizers for the nose

Perhaps, choosing the best of them will be difficult, because all medicines are prepared on the basis of sea water and are available in the form of aerosols. They moisturize the mucous membrane, promote better ciliary epithelium, remove allergens, dirt, dust and chemicals from the nasal cavity. Here is a list of known tools:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Saline;
  • Physiomer;
  • Akvalor.

Especially these drugs are necessary for allergic and chronic atrophic rhinitis. Addictive and side effects they do not cause and can be used during pregnancy.

Home treatment

Home remedies for cold management: beet and carrot juice, honey, baked in half with water, Kalanchoe, aloe juice, garlic and onions. Many home remedies and prescriptions from the common cold help clear the nasal passages from accumulated mucus and have an antiviral and antiseptic effect.

But doctors warn: with home remedies should be neat. For example, onions and garlic contain too aggressive substances that can cause a burn of the mucous membrane, especially in children. Yes, and with allergic rhinitis, these recipes rarely help.

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