Inflammation of the knee: causes, symptoms and treatment of knee joints in the home

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Knee arthritis ( inflammation of the knee ligaments) is very common among people of all ages and categories in the Russian Federation. Probably all people, at least once, faced with unpleasant consequences of inflammatory phenomena in the tendon apparatus of the knee.

These are clicks when you change the position of the heads of bones in the joint bag, tenderness when flexing or unbending the leg. This is often temporary - after falling to his knees, but quickly passes. But, if the cause of knee inflammation is associated with some kind of chronic sluggish tendon disease, deformation of the femoral and anklebones, the ligament of the meniscus, the question of how to treat such a condition, at which sometimes it is impossible to walk!

So, today you will learn the causes, symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the knee joints. The information given here serves as a supplement to the professional treatment for the appointed patient by a physician-therapist, surgeon and so on. Do not self-medicate!

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Knee inflammation: reasons why

is inflamed To the main causes causinginflammation of the knee, include:

  1. injury;
  2. mechanical overload( long standing on the knees - at the miners);
  3. infection;
  4. autoimmune processes with the formation of antibodies to the body's own tissues( in particular - to the cartilage of the joint);
  5. insect bites and in the future - allergic reaction( Quincke's edema, urticaria);
  6. subcooling.

Depending on these reasons, changes occur in the knee joint, which may manifest as specific or general inflammatory symptoms:

Rheumatoid arthritis is a two-sided process;occurs at any age, including in children;with time leads to destruction of the knee cartilage.

Osteoarthritis - the most common disease, is diagnosed mainly in middle-aged and elderly people;affects the joint surfaces with thinning and degeneration of the cartilage, as a result of which the mobility of the joint is disrupted, and then inflammation of the knee joint with all its clinical symptoms is added.

Post-traumatic arthritis is the result of a suffered injury, both acute( shock, falling on the joint, auto accident), and chronic( injury-overload), which lead to damage to the ligaments, meniscus, the appearance of cracks. Can develop for a long period after getting injured. According to changes in knee joint and symptoms, it is similar to osteoarthritis.

In addition to the above reasons, there are other factors that cause knee joint disease.

Autoimmune processes with affection of connective tissue that are accompanied by inflammation of the knee joints, usually by bilateral lesions:

  1. rheumatism;
  2. vasculitis( systemic lupus erythematosus);
  3. is rheumatoid arthritis.

Diseases caused by infectious agents and manifested by knee arthritis:

  1. syphilis;
  2. gonorrhea;
  3. Reiter's disease;
  4. tuberculosis;
  5. coccidiomycosis.

Knee joint inflammation: symptoms of

Despite the variety of causes that cause inflammation of the knee joint, the symptoms of arthritis are similar, as with any inflammatory process:

  1. pain;
  2. redness of the skin around the joint and it is hot to the touch;
  3. edema;
  4. changes in blood tests: in general clinical - leukocytosis, increased ESR, eosinophilia in allergic reactions;in blood tests for rheumatic tests - positive C - reactive protein, rheumatoid factor, mold test.

Depending on the severity of the disease, symptoms of intoxication may be associated: fever( including locally over the affected joint), headaches, general weakness, weakness, decreased appetite, poor sleep. Over time, the joint deforms, which leads to the limitation of movement, with certain diseases - to stiffness in the morning.

Knee joint inflammation is acute, subacute and chronically.

In the acute stage, the clinical picture is bright, with severe symptoms associated with inflammation: a violent onset, accompanied by severe pain in the knee joint, redness of the joint, pronounced edema, hot joint to the touch, there are signs of general intoxication.

In the chronic process, the symptoms of inflammation are erased, little expressed, no intoxication, the pains are variable, not as intense as in acute flow, the joints swell slightly, but with prolonged process they deform, there is limited movement, cracking when bending, Nodules in the joint area depending on the disease.

In the subacute stage, the symptoms of inflammation of the knee joint are not as pronounced as in the acute phase: there is a rise in temperature to low figures, pain in joints of lower intensity than in acute course and have a spontaneous character, hyperemia, edema and local temperature increase above the joint moderate. Deformity of joints can be observed.

Despite the fact that in most cases, if it is not a systemic, infectious or rheumatic disease, inflammation of the knee joint is completed safely, with untimely treatment and diagnosis there can be dangerous complications:

purulent inflammation of the surrounding tissue - bursitis;

  1. sepsis;
  2. is an inflammation of the bone tissue;
  3. subluxations and bone displacement
  4. restriction of movements in the joint up to contracture; ;
  5. phlegmon and panartrite.

Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor on time, so that after careful diagnosis an accurate diagnosis is established and treatment is started in a timely manner.

An important role in correct diagnosis is played by carefully collected history of the disease, which makes it possible to determine the cause of the disease and to prescribe adequate treatment.

Detailed clarification of complaints also helps to determine the diagnosis and purpose of treatment.

  1. Laboratory diagnostics, which includes besides routine methods, determination of uric acid, antibodies to hemolytic streptococcus, specific tests for the elimination of venereal diseases, tuberculosis.
  2. X-ray examination of affected joints.
  3. If necessary - ultrasound, MRI, CT of the joint.
  4. In complex cases - carrying out arthroscopy, biopsy and joint puncture with the study of synovial fluid.

Knee inflammation: treatment

How to be treated in a hospital

Tactics for treating knee joint inflammation are determined by the cause of the disease, the manifestation of which was arthritis.

First of all, drugs that eliminate the cause or cause of the disease are prescribed: antibiotics, antifungal, antiviral, antiallergic drugs - in each case individually.

Physiotherapeutic and topical treatments are widely used. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs from the NSAID group( Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Indomethacin, Meloxicam, Celebrex, Arkoxia, Viox ) are used, and corticosteroids( prednisolone, etc.) and immunosuppressants( Methotrexate, Cyclophosphan, Azathioprine ) are often used.

In severe cases, intra-articular glucocorticoids are administered( Kenalog, Diprospan, Celeston, Floreston, Hydrocortisone ), chondroprotectors( Object-T, Chondrolon, Alflutop ) and hyaluronic acid.

Injections with glucocorticoids are used to eliminate the pain symptom and signs of inflammation. This symptomatic treatment, and not etiological: glucocorticoids do not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only alleviate the condition.

Chondroprotectors are preparations for etiologic treatment in the already broken structure of cartilage, they restore the progression of the disease, participating in the metabolic processes of the cartilage.

Introduction of intra-articular hyaluronic acid is one of the most effective and innovative methods of treatment today: these injections are called "liquid prosthesis".The effectiveness of hyaluronic acid is explained by the fact that sodium hyaluronate is an integral part of the synovial fluid that provides mobility of a healthy joint. The introduction of hyaluronic acid restores the normal composition of the synovial fluid, eliminates the clinical manifestations of joint disease.

Local treatment with tinctures, ointments( Indomethacin ointment, Diclofenac, Dopgit - cream), gels( Diprylifil, Ketonal - gel, Diclofenac - gel), compresses with medicines( Dimexide).

  1. During treatment, an important condition for successful treatment is to reduce the burden on the affected joint;
  2. weight control and weight loss( proper nutrition and adequate physical activity);
  3. regular exercises on the joints - a special complex LFK.

During treatment often you have to comply with bed rest to reduce the load on the joint.

In the case of a far-reaching process and destruction of the articular tissue, surgical methods of treatment should be resorted to:

  1. arthroplasty,
  2. joint fusion surgery( if endoprosthetics can not be performed).

Surgical methods are also used in those cases when all methods of conservative treatment have been exhausted.

It is necessary to understand: when joint pains occur and other indications of an ailment appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to prevent further development of the disease and dangerous complications.

Than to treat the knees at home with folk remedies

This treatment as an addition. Do not start the inflammatory process in the joint bag. The following home remedies will help you cope with the disease more quickly.

  1. Mix 50 ml of sunflower oil and with bleached oil .Rub the joints at night with arthritis.
  2. Take a half-liter bottle of dark glass. Put a piece of camphor ( the size of a quarter of a piece of sugar-refined sugar).Fill the bottle with a third of with turpentine , one third with with vegetable oil and the remaining third with with vodka .Shake before use. Wipe dry before going to bed, then tie the crushed part of the body with a woolen cloth.
  3. To rub the clean fir oil into the preheated compresses from the hot salt. After rubbing compress repeat.
  4. Wipe the garlic with and squeeze the juice. Take 10 drops of garlic juice 4 times a day, drinking warm milk .Simultaneously, to reduce pain to a painful place at night
  5. tie a gauze dressing moistened in garlic juice. Pre-grease the skin with any fat.
  6. Take 5 heads of garlic , peel them, finely chop, pour 0.5 l vodka , insist in a dark warm place for 10 days. Take a tincture of 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. If the tincture seems very strong, then before taking it, dilute it with 3 tablespoons of boiled water. The course should be carried out daily until the tincture is over.
  7. Take 3 heads of garlic , peel them, wipe them into a gruel, squeeze out the juice from 10 lemons .There also put 1 teaspoon of horseradish .Lemon juice, garlic paste and horseradish mix and insist for 3 weeks in a warm, dark place. Take 1 teaspoon of elixir, diluted in 1 glass of water, 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Continue the course until the elixir is finished.
  8. Take 1 handful of needles ( approximately 30-40 g of twigs of young pine).Pour them 2 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of the crushed peeled onion , finely chopped garlic clove and 1 teaspoon of chopped liquorice root or its powder. Boil the mixture on low heat for 20 minutes. Then add 2 tablespoons of mashed fruit of dog rose and boil for another half a minute. Strain under a blanket or in a thermos 10-12 hours, then strain. Cool and keep cooked balm in the fridge. For 1 day you can drink 1-2 liters of balsam.
  9. Eat daily for 20 berries cherry .
  10. Use green tea .
  11. Stir 2 tablespoons of salt in warm water, moisten a towel in this water and wipe the affected joints. Be sure to drink at the same time on an empty stomach for 1 glass of water from the boiled potatoes .

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Pain in the knees: causes and treatment, meniscuses, arthrosis of the knee joint, arthritis

Video channel of Dr. Evdokimenko.

Pain in the knees: their causes and treatment. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint - gonarthrosis. Meniscal lesions, meniscus fracture, meniscopathy. Arthritis - inflammation of the knee joints.

  1. Pain in the knees, triggered by the intake of tablets from pressure.
  2. Circulatory disorders in the knees. Inflammation of the knee tendons.
  3. Rare causes of pain in the knees: pain that gives to the knee from the hip joint.

Examinations, diagnostics, treatment of knee joints.

Gymnastics for knees, part 1 - exercises for knee joints

Video channel of Dr. Evdokimenko.

Therapeutic exercises for knee joints, knee exercises for arthrosis and meniscus damage, part 1.

Exercises from this video are useful:

  1. for arthrosis of the knee joints - gonarthrosis;
  2. for meniscal damage, incomplete meniscus fracture, meniscopathy;
  3. for knee restoration after knee joint surgery;
  4. knee pain - treatment;
  5. for restoring the knee joint after knee injuries and stretch tendons.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that this set of exercises is 80% identical with the complex of exercises for the treatment of hip joints - because the video presents a basic, initial set of exercises. And it's kind of common for both the hips and knees.

Exercise rules:

  1. As I mentioned above, this video shows the initial set of exercises. And in the future, the load should be gradually increased. This especially applies to the first 2 exercises. With time, about a month later, when performing these exercises, you will need to do 12-15 lifts each leg - and not 5-6, as in the video.
  2. The main rule - doing gymnastics, do not rush. If you want to be cured, you will somehow have to train yourself to do the exercises slowly and smoothly, without jerking. The jerking force can only "break" the muscles and damage the joints, and will not do you any good.

And remember that even with the correct performance of gymnastics, the improvement does not come at once. In the first two weeks of training, pain in the joints may even increase slightly, but after 3 to 4 weeks you will feel the first signs of better health.

Contraindications to therapeutic gymnastics .Therapeutic gymnastics for knee joints is a rather serious method of treatment, which has its contraindications.

For all their usefulness, these exercises can not be performed:

  1. in critical days for women;
  2. with significantly increased arterial and intracranial pressure;
  3. at elevated body temperature( above 37.5 degrees);at a flu, ORVI and an angina - it is necessary to wait for convalescence and to wait for 3-4 more days;
  4. in the first month after surgery on the organs of the abdominal cavity and chest;
  5. for inguinal hernias and abdominal hernias;
  6. for acute diseases of internal organs, for example, with appendicitis, exacerbation of cholelithiasis or exacerbation of cholecystitis, etc.;
  7. for severe heart damage and severe blood diseases.

Warning! If a particular exercise causes severe pain, then it is contraindicated to you or you are doing it wrong. In this case, it is best not to do it, or at least postpone it before consulting your doctor.

Successful training for you, friends! And health!

Gymnastics for knees, part 2 - exercises for arthrosis of knee joints and meniscus injuries

Video channel of Dr. Evdokimenko.

Dear friends! In this video - an expanded set of exercises for the treatment of knee joints. Therapeutic gymnastics from our video is useful for diseases of the knees:

  1. with arthrosis of the knee joints, gonarthrosis;
  2. with meniscus damage, incomplete meniscus fracture, meniscopathy;
  3. for knee restoration after knee joint surgery;
  4. for restoring the knee joint after knee injuries and stretchings of the tendons.

These exercises, developed by Dr. Evdokimenko and Lana Paley for the treatment of knee pain, will help you effectively strengthen and restore the aching knees.

IMPORTANT!Before you begin to do the exercises here, first learn the exercises from the basic set of curative gymnastics for the knees, part 1( see above).

And only after 2-3 weeks of basic classes, proceed to mastering the extended set of exercises from this video.

In the future, it is best to do it, alternating both complexes. Say, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday you are doing a basic set of exercises. And on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday( or on Sunday) - an expanded complex. And one day a week, Saturday or Sunday - a day off.

ATTENTION!The advanced complex of exercises in places is much more difficult than the base one! And so, full exercise, weakened patients and especially the elderly, these exercises should be mastered gradually and with caution.

If you do not get any exercise, and especially if it provokes a noticeable pain, or causes pain, skip it. Do not do these exercises through pain!

It is important to know that, like any other therapeutic gymnastics, gymnastics for the treatment of knee joints has CONTRAINDICATIONS( see the previous video).

"Office" gymnastics for the knees and pelvis, for the knee and hip joints, part 3.

Video channel of Dr. Evdokimenko.

«Office» gymnastics for knees and pelvis, for knee and hip joints, part 3.

Exercises from this video make legs slimmer, strengthen the knees and pelvic muscles. And they also help in the treatment of knee and hip joints.

Office gymnastics for the feet and joints developed by Dr. Evdokimenko and Lana Paley especially for those who do not have time to do exercises at home - for example, before or after work. This gymnastics can be done almost anywhere - at work, in the office, on vacation or at the cottage. All you need is a chair and quite a bit of free space.

Benefits: Exercises are useful for strengthening the muscles of the legs and pelvic muscles;to strengthen the knee, hip and ankle joints.

Can be used as an additional treatment method:

  1. for arthrosis of the hip joints, and for hip infarction - aseptic necrosis of the femoral head;
  2. for arthrosis of the knee joints - gonarthrosis;
  3. with meniscus damage - incomplete meniscus rupture, meniscopathy;
  4. for knee restoration after knee joint surgery;
  5. for knee joint reconstruction after knee injuries and tendon stretch;
  6. for arthrosis of the ankle.

The only thing to consider is that an office gym for footwork can not completely replace special therapeutic exercises for knee or hip joints, but it can serve as an excellent addition to them.

Rules for doing the exercises:

  1. The main rule - doing gymnastics, do not rush. Train yourself to perform exercises slowly and smoothly, without jerking.
  2. The jerking force can only "break" the muscles and damage the joints, and will not do you any good.

Contraindications see above.

We wish you health! Dr. Evdokimenko and Lana Paley, author of "Better than Yoga."

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee: Gonarthrosis - symptoms, treatment and diet

Video channel of Dr. Evdokimenko.

How to cure a sick knee? This video tells how to treat arthrosis of the knee joints. On scientific this disease is called "gonarthrosis".Most orthopedic surgeons recommend using knees affected by gonarthrosis, suggest replacing the patient's knee joints with artificial joints( endoprosthetics).

But this is an extreme measure, since in many cases the condition of the diseased knees can be significantly improved without surgery, by therapeutic methods.

And the initial stages of gonarthrosis can be cured with fullness!- provided that the patient will do therapeutic gymnastics and take chondroprotectors.

I wish you good health!

Sources of publication

  1. Video of Dr. Evdokimenko and descriptions to them.
  2. Editorial by the author of the therapist Elena Kornilova with /themes/health/ vospalenie-kolena-sustava-kolena-prichiny-simptomy-i-lechenie-kak-zabyt-o-vospalenii-kolena-i-chto-delat-chtoby-ego-izbezhat /
  3. Fragment from the book - Travnik: golden recipes of folk medicine / Comp. A. Markov.- M.: Eksmo;The Forum, 2007. - 928 p.