Horseradish with honey from cough

Recipes for cough and horseradish

Horseradish coughEveryone knows that horseradish is used as a condiment to improve the taste of various foods. However, very few people know that this plant is an excellent healer, helping to get rid of reflex respiratory tract spasms quickly and effectively. Horseradish cough in folk medicine has been used for more than one century. The plant is an excellent antiseptic. It includes such components as:
  • Vitamin C (contains much more amount than in citrus fruits).
  • Enzymes.
  • Sulfur.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Chlorine.
  • Magnesium.
  • Sodium.
  • Potassium.
  • Phytoncides (prevent the development of colds, viral infections, inflammatory processes).
  • Amino acids.
  • Lysozyme (antibacterial agent).

Due to its composition, horseradish is a healing remedy that effectively helps both to combat cough, and treat the main catarrhal or viral disease, which is a provocateur of an unpleasant phenomenon.

Recipes for cough and horseradish

With symptomatic treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms, the healing root is used in various versions - for rinses, inhalations, ingestion and external use. Such recipes from cough are very popular:

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  • Root of horseradish coughPour a glass of boiling water 1 tablespoon grated root horseradish. Insist for 30 minutes, drain. Gargle with this remedy several times a day for a week. The medicine perfectly destroys microbes, fights with a cough caused by angina and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.
  • Cleaned horseradish root of medium size (150 grams) should be finely grated. Squeeze two lemons into the slurry, mix. The drug should be taken with reflex spasms of the respiratory tract caused by bronchitis. Use horseradish with a lemon from a cough every morning before eating 1 tablespoon. The composition is stored in the refrigerator, so before using it, you need to warm it up a little.
  • When coughing caused by a cold, horseradish can be used instead of mustard, making them poultices on the feet. To do this, pieces of finely chopped root are put on warm socks for several hours.
  • Grate 150-200 horseradish on a grater. It is good to warm it up in a water bath. Remove the container from the fire, bend over it, cover with a towel and breathe the healing steam for 10 minutes. It is recommended to hold inhalations several times a day. A week after regular treatment with the help of such procedures you can get rid of both wet and dry cough. The same composition perfectly helps to defeat the common cold and sinusitis.
  • Horseradish juice, radish and carrots are combined in equal parts. Drink a day you need 1 cup of this cough remedy in small portions. It is recommended to prepare the necessary amount of the medicine just before use, as ascorbic acid, contained in the root, is very quickly destroyed. Those patients who do not have allergies to beekeeping products can be added a little honey. Such a medicine for coughing well helps to cope with sharp spastic exhalations caused by colds, acute respiratory infections, influenza, bronchitis, asthma.
  • Horseradish with honey from coughTo make a magnificent expectorant, you need to grate 200 grams of horseradish, squeeze the juice from it and add 2 tablespoons of honey. The composition of the cough is well mixed and infused in a dark place for 3 hours. The drug should be taken 2 times a day. It is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.
  • With chest cough, the horseradish compress helps. Kashitsu from the grated root should be distributed on gauze in the form of a flat cake and wrapped. Put a patch on the chest, lock with a scarf or towel. The warming effect can be felt after a few minutes. Keep the compress is recommended until the heat is felt.

Contraindications to cough treatment horseradish

The internal use of formulations made on the basis of this curative product, unfortunately, is not available for everyone. They are not recommended for people who have the following pathologies from coughing:

  • Diseases of the liver, pancreas, kidney.
  • Increased acidity of the stomach.
  • Inflammation of the intestine.
  • Bleeding or addiction to them.
  • Hypertension.
Treating coughing with horseradishWith external application, it should be remembered that the root of horseradish can cause allergic reactions to the skin, so when the occurrence of redness or burning should immediately remove the mixture from the body, and the time of the next procedure for coughing cut.

In order for the symptomatic treatment of folk remedies based on horseradish to bring real benefits it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage indicated in the prescriptions, and, of course, apply them from the cough only after the recommendation doctor. Those who grow horseradish independently need to consider that the root completely loses its healing properties, if it is cultivated for more than two years. Therefore, for the third year the plant should be transplanted to another place.

Is it useful to use horseradish for colds? How does it act on the throat and the airways, beneficial?



Fresh juice of horseradish roots is a strong antimicrobial agent. With bronchitis and pulmonary diseases, this recipe is used: grate the horseradish on a grater and mix it with honey in the ratio:. Take 1 tbsp. spoon before eating.
Grated horseradish is applied to the soles of the feet when coughing, ARD.
Useful and tincture of horseradish leaves, it is used for colds and liver diseases. The tincture is simple. Horseradish leaves are cut, rinsed, finely cut, tightly packed jars, filled up with vodka, covered with a lid and put for 7 days in the refrigerator (on the lower shelf).
Then everything is filtered, bottled in dark bottles and stored in a dark place at room temperature. Use tincture should be 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
A good mixture of propolis tincture on alcohol with horseradish juice and vegetable oil helps (from 3). In the nostrils you need to dig in 3-5 drops.
For the prevention of respiratory diseases.
Rub horseradish, fold it into a jar and close the lid tightly. After 15 minutes, open it and inhale with your mouth as deeply as possible. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds and exhale through your nose.


I know that it is useful for colds horseradish with honey.

Yulia Shvetsova

smotrya kakoj XPEH :))

Anna Sadovnikova

the main thing is not on an empty stomach, and then not only will my throat be treated

Fuck with honey... what kind of crap? And for what?


Cool Ice

and hell knows he fuck needs this crap))

Alexey Zamyatin

A very useful remedy, like medicine, for the elderly.
Clears the vessels. Maybe not very tasty, but good for health

wanderer Ergushov

well as a remedy for a cough, even the most chronic and neglected.
from the cough "smoker" very well helps.
In the morning on an empty stomach a spoonful of horseradish grated with honey is very useful to take.

Galina Miller

horseradish and honey to try neprihodilos but mustard with condensed milk is unusual


And you instead of it with sauce for sushi))))

Juicy Fruit

Horseradish sauce with honey
300 g of horseradish root,
2 cups of water,
3 tbsp. spoons of honey.
Peeled and washed horseradish chop, put in a saucepan, pour boiling water, cover the pan with a lid and cool.
Water drained, horseradish mixed with honey.
Serve with meat and fish dishes.
Very tasty, by the way.
Here are a few recipes that you might need:
* A tablespoon of ground roots pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist an hour. Filter. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Used to rinse the mouth with tonsillitis, stomatitis, they are washed with purulent wounds, lichen, seborrhea.
* 10 g of crushed root infuse two hours in 300 ml of boiling water, strain, take a tablespoon three times a day as choleretic and diuretic.
* A kilo of horseradish puddle to insist for two hours in 4 liters of boiling water, drain, take half the glass with the addition of honey three times a day with infectious hepatitis.
* 50 grams of grated horseradish pour 250 grams of vinegar, tightly sealed and placed in a cool dark place for two weeks. Then filter and add a half liter of cold water. This liquid is wiped face morning and evening against sunburn, freckles, pigment spots.
And, finally, how to cook soups out of horseradish. Cook the usual vegetable soup, and finally, before turning off, add half a glass of grated root or ready-made sauce. You can also throw a few pieces of green shoots.

Manya Soldatova

This is from the diseases of horseradish juice is mixed with honey and drink from a cough!

Does anyone know the prescription for colds, from horseradish honey and lemon, ??


Tatyana Koshkarova

need necessarily. horseradish grind in advance (it is more convenient for me to do this in a blender, for example), a little sugar in it and it all costs about 4 hours. Then there are the rest of the ingredients. Proportions for example are: half a cup of grated horseradish-1/4 cup warmed honey, 1 lemon (also blender with zest) and 3-4 cloves of garlic. All this should be in a warm place at least 7-8 hours. It is important to make this mixture in a ceramic container with a lid. I use a clay pot for baking. Good luck. By the way. it is most effective to take the drug in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 hour. l. (this is for the prevention of influenza). And when I'm sick, eat spoons with tablespoons and more, it will not be worse!

Marina Olekhnovich

Drink tea with honey and lemon for the night, and from coughing, grate the black radish with her honey, before eating for half an hour take the formed juice on a teaspoon for the reception.

Lizaveta K

My throat was ill, I caught a cold. I met a friend, she advised me to gargle with a tooth elixir. I went to the pharmacy and immediately bought it. I rinsed three times that day. In the morning everything passed. She said she has been using this recipe for a long time and not when she does not have flu and angina.

Andrei Bolkonsky

Horseradish... separately!!!


A proven recipe that takes 2-3 doses even an old cough: Hot strong tea, and in He squeeze juice 1/2 lemon, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon of this cognac (not Moscow). Drink small sips, and into the crib, sleep. Very tasty, and fragrant. Children reduce the amount of cognac and honey (allergen).

Nata Nau

forgive me, but everything you have been told is nonsense. Listen here, on two glasses of warm water, squeeze out a lemon, no honey (it gives mucus as well as all the sweet and flour and milk it excluded from the diet) is a warm, warming sour drink through the tube so as not to harm the enamel of the teeth at least six to seven times a day, but this minimum. In doing so, to do a massage of the throat is to perform swallowing movements achieving an intense flow of blood to the sore throat but not the main thing laziness rested again swallows dry on trying to sore a spot while the pain does not pass and it will pass))) eat raw fruits salads. Nuts are not worth while the neck will not pass. learned the angel? successes))

Recipes with honey from a cough

Honey from a coughSome of the oldest and most reliable folk remedies for coughing are various bee products. They are used to treat an unpleasant phenomenon for thousands of years and perfectly help a person not to fight only with reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, but also with accompanying symptoms and even ailments, their calling. Honey from cough can be used as a pure form, and act as an ingredient in various recipes. The simplest version is the resorption of several spoons of this product at the first signs of the disease and the appearance of an unpleasant symptom. You can use honey when you cough dry and wet, weak and intense, chronic and only beginning. The main thing is to apply it correctly and expediently. That is, for successful recovery it is necessary:
  • To treat with this beekeeping product a symptom caused by colds, respiratory diseases, viral infections, as well as respiratory tract ailments.
  • Use the component in doses determined by the recipes, do not overdo or report. Proper storage of medicinal compounds.

What kind of honey cough cures?

What honey is better for coughingMedicinal prescriptions aimed at treating reflex respiratory tract spasms involve the use of a beekeeping product with the following characteristics:
  • Fresh.
  • Not diluted with sugar.

You can use honey for coughing, liquid and hard. If the product is candied, it is recommended that it be heated in a water bath.

Honey cough treatment: various recipes

In addition to using the product in its pure form, there are many options for combining it with various ingredients. Cough recipes with honey mean the use of other components that have different healing properties. Very often for these purposes, the following products come into play:

  • Treatment of cough honeyMilk.
  • Radish.
  • Turnip.
  • Bow.
  • Butter.
  • Sea buckthorn.
  • Kalina.
  • Cowberry.
  • Mustard.
  • Lemon.
  • Glycerin and others.

All products used in medicinal recipes have healing properties, and in combination with honey, the effect of the components is enhanced, which gives a much greater effect than independent use, and helps to successfully fight with reflex spasms of respiratory ways. There are recipes in which you want to grind, there are those where the resulting composition is used inside or in the form of compresses.


The amount of honey, art. l.

Number of other ingredients

How to prepare and apply a remedy

Honey cake for cough


Flour, dried mustard, vegetable oil for 1 tbsp. l.

Mustard with honey from cough is used in the form of compresses. For their preparation, the following recipe is used: mix the ingredients, slightly heat them in a microwave oven. Transfer the therapeutic mixture into a cellophane bag, give a flattened shape. Put it on your chest. Such a compress perfectly helps to regenerate dry spastic exhalations into productive spasms, contributes to sputum discharge.

Radish with honey from cough


Black radish - 1 pc.

Treatment of cough radish with honey is as follows: it is necessary to cut the upper part of the vegetable and make a knife small cavity in the pulp. Put the product of beekeeping there, cover with a cut "lid". Leave the radish for 12 hours. After this time, begin to take the resulting therapeutic juice for 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

The medicine, made with this prescription, contributes to the coughing process and helps to get rid of the symptom caused by bronchitis and colds.

Glycerin, honey, lemon-cough


Lemon - 1 pc., Glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.

Boil the lemon for 10 minutes. Cool the fruit and cut it in half. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon, mix it with the rest of the ingredients, put the ingredients for 4 hours in the refrigerator or cellar. With strong reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, it is necessary to take a lemon, glycerine, honey from a cough up to 8 times a day in a teaspoonful. If the symptom is not too intense, then the frequency can be reduced to 3-4 times.

The composition prepared according to this recipe should be stored in a dark place. However, not in the cold.

Milk, honey, soda, oil from cough


Soda h. l., butter - a small piece, milk - 1 glass.

Honey with soda from cough is prepared as follows: it is necessary to warm the milk, but do not bring it to a boil. Add soda, butter and bees nectar. Mix the medicinal composition. Drink it twice a day before eating.

The preparation prepared according to this recipe perfectly strengthens immunity, effectively relieves dry spastic exhalations, degenerating them into moist, dilutes sputum, promotes its elimination from organism.

Onion with honey from cough


Onions - 200 gr., Sugar - 80 gr., Water - 2 liters.

Bulbs clean, cut, pour water, put on a slow fire. Cook for 1 hour. Add the rest of the ingredients. After that, boil for another 2 hours. Cool the broth and drain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Keep the medication in the refrigerator. Before use, slightly warm up.

The composition made with this recipe well relieves the unpleasant symptom that accompanies catarrhal diseases, and also struggles with the underlying ailment.

Lemon, honey, ginger from cough


Grated ginger - 2 hours. l., lemon - 1 slice, red pepper - pinch, tea - to taste.

Take black or green tea, add the remaining ingredients to it, boil it with boiling water. The recipe can be slightly changed and instead of the lemon add an orange.

This drink helps a lot when getting rid of an unpleasant symptom caused by colds. You need to drink it several times a day.

Cahors, aloe with honey from cough


Leaves of aloe - 350 gr., Wine kagor - 750 gr, alcohol - 100 gr.

Cut off the bottom leaves from aloe, cut them into small pieces, fold them into a glass container. Mix with the rest of the ingredients, close the lid, let it brew for 24 hours. Use honey and aloe from cough should be 2 tablespoons before meals 3 times a day. Keep the drug mixture in a refrigerator or cellar.

A drink prepared with this recipe helps to get rid of the sharp spastic exhalations triggered by diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract.

Lingonberry, viburnum with honey from cough


Juicy cowberry - 5 tbsp. l.


berries viburnum - 5 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients in equal amounts. The composition with cowberry can be taken immediately, the viburnum must be insisted for a week. Take the medicine up to 4 times a day. Healing compositions made with these recipes help to thin the sputum and remove it from the body.

Horseradish with honey from cough


Horseradish juice - 4 tbsp. l.

A remedy for coughing with honey and horseradish is well established. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix the components in the ratio:. Take a medicine prepared with this recipe is recommended for reflex spasms of the respiratory tract caused by colds. Do this should be 1 table spoon in the morning and evening.

From cough honey, cocoa butter


Milk - 1 glass, cocoa butter - a small piece.

Put the rest of the ingredients in the hot milk. Drink and wrap yourself in a blanket.

This recipe for cough with honey is recommended for use in non-productive spastic exhalations, accompanied by high fever.

Cabbage with honey from cough


Cabbage leaf - 1 piece

Lubricate with bee nectar blanched cabbage leaf, attach it to the chest. Top with polyethylene and fix the overlay with ribbons or a scarf. Wear your clothes warmly, go to bed.

Compress, made with this recipe, relieves an unpleasant symptom in just a few days.

Vodka with honey from cough


Vodka - 50 g., Lemon - 1 slice, dry ginger - pinch

Mix all the ingredients. The composition is heated in a water bath, but do not bring it to the boil. Drink the medicine at a glance before going to bed, it's good to take cover.

The composition prepared according to this recipe must be taken at the initial stages of colds and only in the absence of increased body temperature.

Beer with honey from cough


Beer of any kind l.

It is good to warm beer on low fire, but do not let it boil. Put the beekeeping product in it, thoroughly stop the liquid. The remedy prepared for this prescription helps to reduce the intensity of reflex spasms of the respiratory tract caused by colds, sore throats, and flu.

Sea-buckthorn with honey from cough


Sea-buckthorn oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Connect the two components in the proportion:. Take medicine at night. The composition perfectly helps with reflex spastic exhalations caused by diseases of the nasopharynx.

Effective recipes with honey from a cough

Who can not cure honey?

Among the variety of recipes made on the basis of a medicinal product of beekeeping, any person suffering reflex spasm of the respiratory tract can find a suitable option for himself. However, despite the fact that honey - cough remedy is almost universal, it is not suitable for treating the following categories of patients:

  • Have diabetes.
  • Suffering from violations of the liver and pancreas.
  • Allergies.

All the rest can safely use honey against coughing. However, do not forget that the compounds prepared according to the recipes with this ingredient are only an auxiliary means of treating an unpleasant symptom. They help only if the fight is in parallel with the underlying ailment causing an unpleasant phenomenon.

Folk expectorants for coughing adults at home

Expectorants or mucolytic agents with a dry cough are necessary for liquefaction and excretion of sputum from the patient's airways.

The accumulation of thick mucus in the trachea and bronchi not only hinders the breathing of the patient - it is a favorable environment for active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms that can trigger the emergence of new foci of infection and inflammation of others bodies.

Therefore, it is important to use thinner phlegm and expectorant drugs when treating upper respiratory tract diseases.

There are a variety of recipes, how to prepare expectorants folk remedies at home - they are more accessible and safe, but no less effective than medicamentous.

Types of expectorants

Folk remedies for coughing adults can be of such forms:

  • Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs for oral administration;
  • Rinses for the throat;
  • Inhalations of the nasopharynx;
  • Warming compresses and applications.

The most common type is tea from cough on the basis of medicinal plants, their leaves, inflorescences and fruits. Such a hot drink is tasty and useful, convenient and easy to prepare and use - you can prepare infusion immediately for the whole day and take it even at work. In addition, herbal tea from coughing has such an effect:

  1. Promotes liquefaction and expectoration of sputum.
  2. Will remove inflammation and puffiness irritated mucous;
  3. Increases immunity.
  4. Accelerates the healing process.
expectorantsIn order to make therapeutic tea from cough, expectorant herbs are used. This is thyme, leaves and berries of raspberry, linden, mint, St. John's wort, currant. Recipes for cooking are very simple and are great for home use.

But tea from cough, despite the natural ingredients, you can not drink constantly - treatment is also conducted in courses.

Expectorant herbs, like any medicine, have their contraindications and can provoke allergic reactions. Many do not consider them to be full-fledged medical products, which can be compared to the effects on the body with medications.

This erroneous opinion, expectorant herbs should also be taken according to the recommendations of the doctor, without violating the dosage and duration of treatment.

When showing expectorant herbs

It is not wise to drink herbal teas without a doctor. Expectorant herbs and decoctions, teas or tinctures from them are recommended in such cases:

  • With a dry cough for liquefaction of sputum;
  • In the recovery period after an acute form of ARVI, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis or bronchitis;
  • As a preventive tool in short courses during the flu epidemic or during the cold season;
  • With seasonal beriberi and immunity fall;
  • To avid smokers to excrete congestion of mucus in the bronchi and lungs.

Each family has its own recipes, they can all be used at home.

Folk remedies for cough

At home, using medicinal and vegetable plants, you can prepare a variety of products effective for dry cough. In most cases, they are suitable for adults and children alike.

It is important to remember: if in the bronchi and lungs a lot of mucus has accumulated, at the beginning of the treatment it will intensively liquefy and go out, so the cough may intensify. This means that the treatment is proceeding correctly, it is not necessary to interrupt the course. But the waste mucus must be spat out, you can not swallow it.

Sputum from the respiratory tract contains a huge number of bacteria. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor personal hygiene and sanitary conditions in the house. Traces of mucus on dishes, towels, bed sheets or clothes can become a source of repeated infection and spread of infection to household members.

It is necessary to disinfect all surfaces and to carry out wet cleaning more often.

Syrup of honey and horseradish root

honey as an expectorantHoney is a natural antiseptic with a unique ability to enhance the action of other medicines.

That's why it should be added to milk and herbal teas with a dry cough and adults and children.

At the same honey is pleasant to taste and helps mask the bitter or caustic products used to make effective medicines - for example, the root of horseradish.

  1. Clear one medium horseradish root.
  2. Grate the horseradish on grater or grind it in a blender.
  3. Mix in a glass jar grated horseradish and honey in equal proportions.
  4. Close and let it brew for a few hours. The horse-radish will let out juice and honey becomes liquid.
  5. The resulting syrup take one tablespoon three times a day, strictly before meals.

Horseradish can cause increased sweating. In this case, you need to change the clothes soaked in sweat and wipe with a sponge. Compliance with bed rest is recommended.

Honey is a strong allergen, so patients hypersensitivity to bee products this recipe is not suitable.

Black radish syrup and honey

This remedy is very effective for dry cough in children - its taste is less corrosive, besides, it is interesting for them to take a syrup with a spoon directly from a radish cut in the form of a cup.

  • Root water is well washed in running water, cut the upper part;
  • First, with a knife, and then with a spoon make a radish in the radish, removing the pulp by about one third;
  • Pour honey into the cavity;
  • Drain with a cut lid and put in a warm place for infusion. To a vessel of radish was more stable, you can also cut off its lower part. Or put the radish in a cup.

The syrup is scooped up with a spoon directly from the radish. Take 1-2 spoons 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of licorice with honey

In principle, folk recipes from dry cough in adults are quite diverse, for example, the root of licorice is a part of many syrups from industrial cough. In addition to the expectorant, licorice also has an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane, so it partially relieves the pain in the throat and bronchi with a strong, debilitating cough. At home from its root, it is possible to prepare such a remedy that helps liquefy and spill mucus:

  1. The licorice root is washed, dried and crushed. You can buy already dry and shredded root in the pharmacy.
  2. 20 gr. licorice in an enamel bowl, pour over, glasses of boiling water and put for half an hour on a water bath.
  3. Hot broth strain, add a tablespoon of honey.
  4. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
licorice with honeyLicorice - a very strong expectorant, with intense sputum discharge, there may be a fit of vomiting. This means that the dosage and frequency of receptions should be reduced.

There is also a more gentle way to get rid of cough and congestion of mucus in the bronchi: the frosted viburnum needs to be rubbed through a sieve. Blender or meat grinder is not suitable, because the seeds do not need to be ground. When using a sieve through the grill, only the flesh will pass, and the seeds will linger. The resulting mass is mixed with honey.

You can take Kalina with honey separately, a teaspoon several times a day. Or add in herbal tea, like jam. Kalina is useful as a febrifuge at high temperature and as an immunomodulating agent for beriberi and after the disease.

Folk remedies for coughing during pregnancy

Means with an expectorant effect during pregnancy to pick up is not so easy. Pregnant women often suffer from toxicosis, and infusion or decoction can provoke a vomiting attack. In addition, numerous herbs are contraindicated, since they can stimulate labor or cause bleeding.

Therefore, if you were not fortunate enough to catch a dry cough during the gestation, you need to use the most sparing, harmless means. First of all it's tea or milk with honey. In the tea you can add a slice of fresh lemon - at the same time it will help to overcome the toxicosis.

You can pre-cook this mixture, which is then eaten with a spoon or added to hot drinks: through the meat grinder along with the peel skip 1-2 lemons, combine with 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Fold the mixture in a jar, store in a refrigerator. Also in the tea you can add currant leaves or raspberries. Care must be taken with mint.

For the preparation of herbal decoctions and infusions suitable for such plants:

  1. Licorice is the root.
  2. Lime - inflorescence.
  3. Thyme - stems, leaves and flowers.
  4. Oregano - stems, leaves and flowers.
  5. Chamomile officinalis - inflorescence.

Grasses can be brewed individually or can be prepared by collecting a few herbs in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of raw material are poured with a liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos for several hours. After that, the liquid is filtered. Take it by a third of a glass 2-3 times a day.

Other folk remedies for coughing

In people with a strong cough widely used a variety of inhalations, compresses and applications. The most common are inhalations using essential oils of citrus or coniferous trees. In parallel, you can buy inexpensive and effective cough syrup in the pharmacy, so that the treatment was complex.

For compresses are suitable honey, cottage cheese, boiled potatoes, mustard, vinegar, alcohol. But all these procedures can be done only if the patient does not have temperature. And the doctor will explain this in detail in the video in this article.

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