Alcoholism: fighting at home using folk remedies and methods

Before starting to fight alcoholism at home with folk methods and means, it is necessary to consider the following:

  1. how much alcoholic illness is triggered in a particular person;
  2. degree of awareness of alcoholism in the patient.

And, if the first is not burdened, not started, and the second - the desire for recovery still exists, then it is possible to try at home to treat alcoholism (rather in the first stage, rather than the second, and even more so the third) accessible folk methods and means struggle against alcoholism.

Fight-with-alcoholism-in-home-conditionsThis can help!


Combating alcoholism at home by popular methods and means

This includes: nutritional therapy, beekeeping products, vitamin complexes (group B), adaptogens in drops on alcohol or syrup (preferably in syrup). We suggest you read this article about treatment at home and download a presentation about the fight against alcoholism with folk remedies and methods for viewing.

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Adaptogens are preparations prepared on the basis of some plants, increasing the overall tone of the whole organism, raising efficiency, muscular strength, vision (night), mood, increasing resistance to various psychoemotional influences and adverse natural factors. To plants - adaptogenes include:

AdaptogensTypes of plants-adaptogens
  • Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng (soft in effect).
  • Lionsea safflower.
  • The radio is pink (golden root).
  • The Aralia is Manchurian.
Adaptogens are more carefulTake care when using adaptogens!

When using adaptogens, the approach should be very circumspect and cautious. Take some kind of tincture, starting with 10 drops with a tablespoon of water, then gradually bring the dose to 40 drops. This is a single dose before breakfast in the morning. The second dose is repeated in the daytime. The course of treatment is one month. Tincture or syrup can be purchased at the pharmacy. Carefully read the instructions, if there is an anamnesis of hypertension or other chronic diseases - consult a physician-therapist.

In general, the most important thing is - do not use any special medications against alcoholism without the appointment of doctors of narcologists and therapists.

Study the literature, consult a therapist and a narcologist about the presence of chronic diseases, which for sure everyone has.

Remember:no doctor can rid the patient of alcoholism from alcohol dependence, if there is no consent of the patient.Be reasonable when trying to treat a patient with alcoholism without his knowledge and consent.

The most important thing. Without prescription of doctors special preparations against alcoholism to apply it is impossible!

The fight against alcoholism at home and folk remedies and methods includes many noteworthy recipes that cover various aspects, ranging from alleviating complications, raising vitality, general strengthening, ending with even affecting the very fact of a pathological addiction to alcohol - that is, coding


Fight alcohol abuse with home remediesThyme, or thyme-creeping

Thyme, or thyme creeping, is used in the form of infusion of leaves and flowers in boiling water, at the rate of two tablespoons for two hundred ml of water (pour boiling water, wrapped for 2 hours). Take twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Infusion of thyme causes intolerance of alcohol when taking it inside against the backdrop of two one-time-a-day administration of thyme in the amount of 50 ml.

After taking the infusion - an hour later, offer the patient to take a sip of vodka and, after half an hour, there is nausea and vomiting, vegetative discomfort reactions to alcohol. So repeat up to 10 days. If you take a decoction and without the subsequent intake of alcohol (vodka), as is usually done for general health purposes, then the course of taking thyme is increased to twenty days.

Rosemary in the fight against alcoholism folk remediesRosemary

But, with thymus intolerance, diseases: atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, pregnancy, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, we must abandon this valuable remedy. And not only from him, but also other means. Because it is impossible to encode with such diseases.


5 tbsp. Spoons of crushed rosemary are pressed in a half-liter of boiling water for 15 minutes over low heat. In the day, take in the 50 ml volume of the whole decoction. The effect is the same as when using thyme.

Folk remedy for alcoholismRed peppercorns

Red capsicum

Valuable means for rapid lifting of the tone. Often do not use, because this is a reserve tool and can weaken its effect.

It makes it possible for a while to increase the power of the etheric energy body by a factor of 2. It is used in cases of asthenia, that is, decay, melancholy. And especially when you want to drink.

A piece of pepper is kept in the mouth and chewed, but not burning the mucous membrane of the mouth and esophagus. According to your health. After eating or before her.

As a method of fighting alcoholism at homeArable land

Arable land

Two st. Spoons of dry herbs pour 200 ml. boiling water and insist two hours tightly wrapped while doing this, and this daily dose is divided into three doses and taken inside. Course - one month. It removes cravings for alcoholic beverages.

St. John's Wort

Two st. Spoons of grass and flowers are simmered on low heat for 5-10 minutes in 200 ml. boiling water. Then two hours insist tightly wrapped. Take two st. spoon twice a day before eating two weeks. Helps reduce craving for alcohol.

St. John's wort as a people's method of fighting alcoholismSt. John's wort perforated

Clefthoof Root

The plant is poisonous! Here is just an example of the description of the coding procedure. Do not do it yourself. It is carried out in the absence of contraindications to coding and after consultation with the narcologist. The patient is aware of the procedure.

The preparation itself is prepared: 1 tbsp. A teaspoon of crushed hoof roots is pressed on a low heat in 200 ml. boiling water for 15 minutes. Filter. Cool. A glass of vodka is added from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of decoction (depending on the weight of the patient - from 50 to 100 kg.) The patient adjusts and drinks the mixture and waits for the beginning of a nauseating reaction. Experiencing it, a strong association of alcohol with nausea and vomiting is created in the brain.

Clefthrene is the root for the people's struggle against alcoholism at homeClefthoof Root

There are many options to combat alcoholism folk remedies, which we will continue to consider.

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