Why is basophils lowered in blood, what does it say?

basophils are loweredBasophils are blood cells, the formation of which is carried out in the bone marrow, then they go into the blood, circulating in it for several hours, and then sent to the tissues, where they stay for 8-12 days.

This is the smallest leukocyte group, which is mainly involved in allergic reactions of the immediate type.

When the basophils in the blood are lowered in an adult, it indicates the presence of a disease - a basification. Such a condition can be diagnosed when the content of basophils in the peripheral blood is less than 0.01 * 109 / L. To make concrete conclusions at once is problematic even for specialists, but often it is a question of depletion of the leukocyte reserve in the body.

If basophils are lowered in adults, the causes can be quite different, the most common ones we'll consider in this article

The role of basophils in the body

The formation of basophils occurs in the bone marrow, from where they enter the bloodstream and circulate in it for several hours. Further, basophilic leukocytes migrate into cellular tissues, remaining there for 8 to 12 days, where they perform their basic functions.

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The main function of basophils is to detect and suppress allergens in time, not to let them spread throughout the body and call the remaining granulocytes to the site of inflammation.

Basophils take a direct part in allergic reactions. In addition, they can be found in thin capillaries, where they are responsible for the blood flow. Despite the fact that phagocytosis is one of the functions of basophils, their role in strengthening immunity or protecting the body is extremely small. These white cells take an important part in the process of blood clotting and contribute to increased vascular permeability. They are also responsible for reducing certain muscle groups.


When blood is collected for a general blood test, the definition of basophils is known to be included in the calculation of a certain leukocyte formula.

Thus, the norm of basophils is indicated in the following indices:

  • Newborns - 0.75%
  • Children aged 1 month - 0.5%
  • One-year-old child - , %
  • Children aged 2 years - 0.7%
  • Adults - 0.5 to 1%

The increase in the number of basophil cells (when basophils are elevated in the blood - more than 0.2 * 109 / L) is called basophilia. The decrease in the number of basophil cells in the peripheral blood (when it is lowered and the analysis shows less than 0.01 * 109 / L) is called basepenia.

Causes of decreased basophils

Why are basophils reduced in adults, what does it say? The main causes, when basophils are diagnosed in the blood below the norm, can be the following pathological conditions:

  • infectious diseases;
  • stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • Cushing's disease;
  • hyperthyroidism.
The regular state, at which the level of basophils is observed below 0.01 * 109 / l, is called basepenia. It can occur due to the following diseases and conditions:
  • with regular stressful conditions;
  • at an allergy with bright displays;
  • infectious diseases;
  • when the thyroid gland is active;
  • with diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • with pneumonia;
  • at reception of some hormonal preparations.

It is worth noting that during the period of ovulation and pregnancy, these indicators can also be observed. Therefore it is very important to do the diagnosis in a complex. It is worth saying that stressful situations can significantly reduce the content of basophils in peripheral blood.

What to do if basophils are lowered

As in any other case, first of all, we should look for the root cause of this phenomenon. If such a disease is detected, the main therapy should be aimed at fighting precisely with it, and after that the level of basophils will come to the necessary standard.

If there were no reasons to increase their level, then it is possible that this was due to the general weakening of immunity, and therefore all forces should be directed to its strengthening.

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