Nail fungus on legs: treatment at home

Let's consider the advice of the therapist Maria Ivanovna Denisova on treatment at home with the nail fungus on the legs of , as well as how to treat and cure the fungal infection of the nail quickly and efficiently and effectively.

Fungal nail lesions of the toes are an infectious disease caused by pathogenic microflora - epidermophytes. Infected at any age, men and women. The main symptoms of the manifestation of infection: severe itching, changing the nail plate and its yellowing, the appearance on the nails of scaly spots.

It is not uncommon when when visiting public places - baths, a beach, dressing rooms - an urban or rural resident becomes infected with a contact household way through this fungal infection, and quite often it affects the toenails. After all, they directly contact the floor in showers, baths, locker rooms, with the surface of the beach. Therefore, in order to prevent infection with fungus, you must use your own personal rubber slippers.


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Nail fungus: treatment

Is it possible to quickly cure at home fungus on the nails of the feet?

Fungal infection in the nail plate is not treated quickly. Although, several types of fungus are distinguished, but their symptoms are similar. In the beginning of illness the nail turns yellow, becomes brittle, an unpleasant smell becomes noticeable. In the absence of treatment, the nail plate is deformed, cracks and crumbles.

If the treatment of nails on the legs is started in a timely manner, the disease is not started, then it is possible to cure the nails and get rid of the fungus. For this there are many effective ways, means, including folk.

Nail fungus on the legs: what to treat at home: medicines

To cure the fungus on the nails of my legs, I list the medicines for informational purposes. Remember that you should be prescribed a doctor!

  • Batrafen is a special medical varnish for the treatment of fungus. Assign the drug according to the scheme of courses for thirty days. The first month of using a varnish is applied to the nails 1 time in 2 days. The second month , 1 time in 3 days.
  • Laccer loceril .The course of treatment lasts from 6 months to 1 year.
  • Lamella of the .Apply to infected areas until the nail is completely moistened during the week.
  • Limisil - cream, gel or spray. Assign in cases of extensive lesion of the nail plate. You can apply the medicine no more than 2 times a day. Before the application, the nail is well washed and dried.
  • Mycosan is a serum. After applying the drug, fungi bacteria can not reproduce and begin to die. The period of use of the drug depends on the location of the nail.

It also happens that the use of the above-described topical preparations does not have an effect, then the oral medications( tablets, capsules) are connected.

If after the application of external drugs no effect has arisen, and the fungus is at the same stage of development, then doctors should prescribe oral medications.

I quote the most effective medical devices:

  • Diflucan( fluconazole) .Apply 1 capsule once a week. This is a good preparation that reduces the old fungus.
  • Orungal .The first week of the medication take one, two capsules daily. After take a break in 3 weeks. The course of treatment is repeated until complete recovery. This effective medicine can cure a fungus.

Foot nail fungus: treatment with folk remedies at home

With the form of the disease started, go to the doctor, let him examine, prescribe adequate treatment. If a fungal infection is not triggered, try home folk remedies.

TOP-13 of the best recipes from the fungus:

  • Baths soda and saline .Put warm water in the basin, dissolve half the one-and-a-half cup of salt and soda. After the procedure, dry your feet, treat the affected areas of the nails with hydrogen peroxide .
  • Tea fungus .Effective means against the fungus on the nail plate. Take pieces of the fungus and apply to the affected area, then apply a plastic bag and wrap. Make a compress with a tea mushroom. The compress is removed after a few hours, although it can be left overnight.
  • Tar birch .Available tool based on birch resin. The resin is dissolved in vodka , before application to the nail, the tincture is shaken. Better, after applying the remedy, to roll your finger with a cloth, so as not to stain clothes or bed.
  • Iodine .Wash your nails well and dry. Anoint the nails with iodine and wait for the iodine to completely absorb. Then pour hot water - so that you can tolerate - and lower your legs. You can conduct several similar procedures in order for the disease to recede. However, after applying iodine in your fingers, you will feel pain.
  • Acetic Acid .Its action is similar to garlic. In a glass bowl with a capacity of 200 milliliters pour acetic acid, then dip a chicken egg into it. Put the capacity in a dark cool place - out of the reach of children! Expect when the egg dissolves completely. After this, pour the resulting mixture into a clean container and apply the product in the form of an ointment.
  • Lemon .Cut the lemon in thin slices, apply to a sore spot. On top of putting gauze, wrapping with cellophane and fixing the compress with a bandage. The duration of the compress is 30 minutes. Do this for twelve days in a row. This will help quickly and effectively get rid of the fungus on the nails.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide 3% is effective at an early stage of the disease. It is added to the bath with warm water in a small amount. The duration of the foot bath is 15 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure - wipe your legs without washing them with plain water.
  • Powder with sour cream .A popular remedy for hunters. According to them, a mixture of smokeless powder with sour cream in the form of ointment for nails helps very effectively in the treatment of fungus. Smearing is carried out 2 times a week. Keep your feet clean and dry.
  • Alcohol and Propolis .A good remedy. Slice finely propolis - 1 tablespoon with a slide and fill it with 50 ml with the strongest ethyl alcohol. The medicine tune in a few days in a dark place. Then, with planed proppilated propolis, you can lubricate the nail plates affected by the fungus.
  • Alcohol for ammonia .Take the cotton wool and moisten it with ammonia. Put on the affected nail fungus, cover with a cellophane sachet wrap and wrap the wrap with a tight bandage. Keep it that way for 15 to 30 minutes. Remove the compress and spread the toes with cream.
  • Ethyl alcohol and garlic in the mixture. Perhaps the most effective treatment for the fungus is garlic. Take a clove of garlic, finely chop( cut), mix it in a tablespoon with strong ethyl alcohol 1 to 1. Apply as a compress this remedy to the sick nail once a day for several minutes.
  • Horseradish home usual .Tear off the horseradish sheet, pass it through the meat grinder. Got a squeezed milk in the form of a compress daily apply to the sore spot until the new healthy nail completely grows.
  • Cleaner .The sick nail is greased with celandine juice every six hours. You can apply infusion celandine: 200 ml of boiling water for 5 tablespoons of leaves celandine. Insist 2 hours, wrapped. Then soar your feet 1 time per day to 15 minutes, adding to the basin the infusion obtained.

How to quickly cure a nail fungus at home

Experts believe that the treatment of fungus on the nails is faster and more effective in medical institutions. After all, this disease is infectious, contact, infectious and uneasy, which can lead to negative consequences. At the first symptoms - address to the doctor-dermatologist, and already under its recommendations it is possible to try additional agents to cure a fungus of fingernails or nails in house conditions. In fact - folk remedies are effective, useful, but the doctor must approve their application.

In order to prevent infection with fungal infection, or to alleviate the disease and its better treatment, several rules should be observed:

  1. After visiting the public baths, swimming pools - carefully wash feet .
  2. Wear cotton socks .Cotton absorbs moisture well. After all, when wearing shoes, the feet can sweat, creating a favorable environment for infection and reproduction of fungal bacteria. Socks should be a protection for the skin.
  3. Keep your feet in the dry state .With wet socks - change them or let dryness for the skin.
  4. Wear your underwear , do not take someone else's clothes, towel and your personal belongings do not give to anyone. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  5. Nail care , for women, if possible, do not use lacquers.

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