Wasps at the dacha, in the house, on the roof: how to get rid of folk remedies at home

Wasps - striped, flying and buzzing insects are not only intrusive, but also dangerous for people with a tendency to allergic reactions of immediate type - anaphylactic shock and Quinck's swelling. Wasps freely populated in the country, in the house in the suburban area, under the roof, on the balcony of the high-rise building, attic. You must have seen how the hornet's nest is arranged. It is made of white and gray paper.

Wasps are incredibly tenacious, compared to bees, they can bite their victim by repeatedly extracting stinging, using their weapons again. In the middle and late summer, wasps are particularly aggressive - at the time of harvesting fruit crops, honey beet, maturing watermelons, melons and other.

I had a case. I induced sugar syrup in proportion with water 1: 1 and poured it into a polyethylene bag. The stubborn wasp flew into a bag of syrup, began to sink, flounder in it. I tied the bag, squeezed out the remains of air."Wasted" wasp, after a while gnawed cellophane and wet in sweet syrup flew to freedom! Just like Harry Houdini - that's the trick!

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Today we will talk about how to get rid of the wasps at home and in the house using and household chemical products at home.


Why do the wasps appear in the country: the causes of

There are many varieties of wasps. In addition to the striped yellow-black stalks, there are blue, black. Dimensions are different - from 2.5 to 10 centimeters. Insects live family and singly. Their food: nectar of flowers, bee honey, fruit juices. The larvae of the wasps feed on even small insects.

Interestingly, in Nature, wasps are not harmful insects. They destroy the larvae of enemies of vegetable and fruit crops: for example, leaf rollers, a beetle grinder, weevil, leaf beetle, gilt, bear, caterpillar. And also participate in the process of pollination of flowers.

For successful process of getting rid of wasps in the suburban area, you need to find out the reason why they equipped the nests here. The reasons can be as follows:

  1. settlement near the food source - flowerbed, fruit garden;
  2. natural migration;
  3. the location of nearby insects, suitable for food for young offspring;
  4. arrangement in old nests or places where their relatives also used to live.

Where the wasps build the

jacks As a rule, these flying insects build nests in secluded places, they can not always be detected. More often they choose corners, attics, windows, walls, slate, rarely used outbuildings. In the house it can be inaccessible places for air conditioning or for drainpipes. Insects can make moves in insulation materials, under the wooden floor, behind the lining, even in cement.

The family of os equips a nest from improvised materials and from those that its members develop themselves. Single individuals build small nests - about 5-8 centimeters in diameter.

Tracking the habitat of insects is easy. We need to put the bait - a juicy fruit, a piece of fish, meat. Wasps will be found and will start to eat, will make the same route: from food to home. In this way, you can precisely determine the location of the socket equipment. To combat insects, it is sufficient to detect not the nest itself( as it is not always possible to get to it), but the entrance to the dwelling.

Wasps in the suburban area and in the house: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemistry

The fight against wasps should begin when they formed nests in the corners located near the place of residence of the person and his frequent stay:

  1. directly in the house;
  2. in the attic of the house;
  3. on the balcony;
  4. under the roof;
  5. in utility rooms and near them.

Stings in females have females, in males it is absent. Winter is experienced by a fertilized individual, which goes into hibernation. Other insects perish.

One must understand that a wasp will not attack simply, only in case of self-defense and protection of your home. But no one can determine at what point the wasp will decide that a person is threatening her nest. Often on the protection of the nest fly the whole wasp swarm.

You can fight them with chemical insecticides and folk remedies. Along with this, there are special services that help to cope with the scourge of professional means( the cost of their services varies from 1,5 thousand rubles for apartments and from 2,5 thousand rubles for dachas).

Measures to get rid of wasps include:

  1. destroying nests;
  2. catching insects in traps;
  3. extermination with baits with poison.

Chemical protection

With the help of an insecticide, you can get rid of wasps, both in the suburban area and in the apartment. The following drugs can help with this task:

  1. "Aktara",
  2. "Diazion",
  3. "Carbofos",
  4. "Mosquitol",
  5. "Executioner",
  6. "Tetriks".

Buy them in specialized stores. The working solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions.

Insecticides that will help fight insects in the suburban area:

  1. Aktara,
  2. Aktellik,
  3. Aktofit,
  4. BI-58,
  5. Bitoksibacillin,
  6. Decis,
  7. IntaVir,
  8. "Sparkle Double Effect",
  9. "Calypso",
  10. "Carbofos",
  11. "Kinmiks",
  12. "Commander",
  13. "Confidor",
  14. Muravin,
  15. Nemabak,
  16. Nurell D,
  17. Omayt,
  18. Fitoverm,
  19. Fitoverm,
  20. Angio.

For a positive effect, 200 ml of the solution is poured into a large plastic bag( it needs to be matched to the size of the nest) and sharply put it on the nest. It is important to tighten the package well and tie it up with a rope, scotch tape, etc., to completely block the flight of insects.

In this condition, the socket must be placed for two to three days. After that, remove the package, before knocking on it with a stick. Removal of polyethylene is made only in the event that there will be no buzzing.

If the socket is not available, the drug should be injected into the housing entrance hole - insecticides are sold in aerosols( Raid, Dichlophos Neo, Raptor, Combat ).Then the output should be closed with a cloth soaked in an insecticide. The hole does not open for several days.

Another way to use insecticides is to make poisoned baits - a tool( eg Get, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone ) is added to sweet food or a drink that is specially attracted by wasps. The best for these purposes is jam or sweetened beer, and also the poison is dripped onto watermelon( melon) crusts. The container with the bait is put up in a prominent place where insects can accurately detect it, and they pour "delicacy" in a few days, until all the wasps in the house are destroyed.

The location of the bait with poison should not be accessible to children and pets.

For those who are going to conduct their own struggle against insects, it is not superfluous to know that if any individual during the event to kill the nest sting you, you can not kill it - this will provoke the aggression of the whole swarm. The best way out in this situation is to retire, take the necessary measures with a bite( see below in the section "First aid with a bite") and return after the time when the wasps calm down, to repeat the operation.

Popular means of getting rid of wasps

The simplest and quickest way to destroy a hornet's nest is the 's impact on it with fire - the dwelling is flushed with combustible material such as gasoline and ignited. This method is effective, but it is not always possible to apply it and not everywhere. For example, it is absolutely not suitable for for those who are looking for options, how to get rid of the wasps in the wooden house .If the socket is equipped on a wooden structure or under a roof made of wood, it is strictly forbidden to apply it, as it can provoke a fire.

Some sprinkles into the nests and entrances to the dwellings of with gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel from the spray gun. However, it is also best to keep away from wooden structures.

Another way is to putting the socket in the water .This method requires additional adaptations. For example, if the socket is located on the ceiling, you can place it in a pot or a bucket of water, tightly pressing their edges to the ceiling, and then substitute a stepladder or some furniture for them. In the water an aspen dwelling should be at least 24 hours.

It is recommended to work on getting rid of wasps at night, when all of them are in the nest and are inactive.

Specialty stores sell traps , designed by to catch the wasps .They can also be made with their own hands - on the Internet you can find a lot of videos telling about the technology. Make a trap from a plastic bottle in this way:

  1. remove the lid;
  2. cut off the top( by 1/3);
  3. in the lower part pour in a solution that must entice bees( fermented either fresh jam, beer with the addition of an insecticide);
  4. the upper cut piece is inserted into the lower neck downwards so that it fits snugly - according to the funnel principle;
  5. hang on the wall, the window, under the roof.

Once a few days the fluid should be renewed.

You can also buy in the store or make yourself an adhesive trap .On the cardboard sheet apply glue, for example RaTrap, Alt, and on top - a spoon of jam or rotting fruit. Wasps, trying to eat, stick to the cardboard and get stuck.

By whatever methods - chemical or national - you do not decide to use, be sure to take care of personal security measures: work in tight clothes, covering your hands and feet, wearing gloves and a mask of a beekeeper( as an option - a hood with mosquito net on your face).

Wasps at the dacha: prevention

To avoid mass settlement of wasps in the house and then not to think about how to get rid of them, it is necessary to resort to the following measures:

  1. to destroy the already empty nests in autumn and spring until they are populated, since with very high probabilityIn the new year they will again be busy. The trace from the attachment of the nest is to be treated by one of the means: potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, insecticide;
  2. in time to get rid of rotten fruit, do not allow their storage;
  3. to remove cracks in the attic or in other rooms;
  4. during the construction of a new house or during maintenance, carry out preventive treatment with insecticides and seal all cracks and voids;
  5. does not store unnecessary things in large quantities;
  6. periodically wash furniture.

Bites of wasps: first aid

Bites of wasps can lead to local( swelling, redness, itching, urticaria) and general reactions( dizziness, confusion).In addition, there are people who have an insecticidal allergy.

If you carry out measures to destroy wasps and have suffered from a bite, then you should proceed as follows:

  1. If only the local reaction of is observed, and it is not aggravated within 24 hours, then does not need to do .The reaction should go through two or three days.
  2. With , edema builds up within 24 hours, or if an undesirable bodily reaction is observed after an insect bite, should use an antihistamine ( Suprastin , Diazolin , Loratadin ), to the bite apply ice , above it apply a tourniquet , which will prevent the absorption of poison into the blood, and run to the hospital, or call an ambulance.
  3. For allergy sufferers, intramuscular injection of an adrenaline or hydrocortisone( no more than 1 ml) is necessary: ​​0.5 ml - in the shoulder, 0.5 ml - around the site of the bite as quickly as possible. A wasp from a bite must be immediately taken to the hospital.

If the patient experiences such reactions as bronchospasm, convulsions, increased heart rate, pain in the heart, back, joints, immediately call for an ambulance or take the patient to the hospital.

In any case, before starting the wasps, the first aid kit with an antiallergic drug should be at hand.

If the home of the wasps do not pose a threat, it is better to leave them alone.

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Source: website page https: //agronomu.com/bok/ 3204-kak-izbavitsya-ot-os-na-dachnom-uchastke.html

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