The best ointments for the treatment of abrasions and wounds

Often in our lives, there are situations in which the use of healing remedies is extremely necessary. It can be scratches, cuts, burns, abrasions and a lot of other skin lesions. To avoid complications and the fastest recovery of the dermis, a reliable medicine is needed. In medical practice, to remove inflammation and healing use ointment from abrasions and wounds. There are a lot of means in this direction. In each family it is desirable to have such a drug. After all, untreated wound increases the risk of penetration into the blood of various pathogens, which can result in the most unpleasant consequences. In order to avoid complications in the form of suppuration, inflammation, attachment of a bacterial infection, it is necessary to treat wounds.

  • Solcoseryl
  • Baneocin
  • Actovegin
  • Levomexol
  • Eplan
  • Argosulfan
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Further in the article we will consider a list of drugs that have healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, blood-restoring effect. Also find out the names and features of ointments.


This remedy is often prescribed by specialists from various skin lesions. The ointment includes a component such as an extract from the blood of young calves, a scientifically known component called deproteinized hemoderivat. The substance has the ability to improve the production of collagen in the skin of a person, which is very important for the condition of our skin. Solcoseryl is available in two forms. Each of them is applied at various stages of healing of damages.

The agent in the form of a gel is recommended to be used directly after being injured. The gel provides easy cooling, has an analgesic property, stops bleeding and promotes the start of the healing process.

The drug in the form of ointment doctors appoint at a stage when a wound appears on the wound. Ointment is well disinfectant, prevents the entry of pathogens, continues to have a healing effect.

The agent is prescribed to patients who have the following types of damage:

  • burns I and II degrees;
  • damage in the form of cuts, scratches;
  • pressure ulcers, trophic ulcers, all degrees of frostbite.

The drug has no serious contraindications, it is prescribed for children, pregnant and lactating women. Solcoseryl is applied to the damaged area with a thin layer. Used ointment 2-3 times a day. The price ranges from 150 to 190 rubles.


Is a good healing agent. It is available in two forms, it can be a powder or ointment. The powder in its composition has starch, which contributes to the formation of a crust on the surface of the wound, which prevents infection. Baneocin ointment with antibiotic. It includes substances such as neomecin. Thanks to this, it is not possible to attach a bacterial infection during the treatment of wounds. The drug is used in the form of a powder during the first few days after receiving the injury. It is very convenient to apply the product. Powder is processed wound 3-4 times throughout the day.

When the damage dries up and its surface begins to harden, it is recommended to use baneocin in the form of an ointment. The agent treats the affected skin area 2-3 times a day, applying a thin layer on the clean wound.

Baneocin works well for the following injuries:

  • inflammatory diseases of the dermis;
  • Wounds that do not heal for a long time;
  • eczema;
  • stitches after surgery;
  • scratches, abrasions, minor burns.

The price of the medicine is from 250 to 270 rubles. Use the product during pregnancy and lactation should follow the doctor's instructions.


Healing ointment has similar properties with solcoseryl. The remedy is based on the same component obtained from the blood of young calves. Form release - gel and drug in the form of ointment. For the treatment of fresh lesions, it is recommended to use Actovegin in the form of a gel, applying a thin layer on the damaged skin area. In 2-3 days the patient should switch to ointment.

Important!Actovegin is not only an excellent healing agent, it is often used for the prevention of such a phenomenon as blood stasis and venous insufficiency.

Indications for the use of the ointment are as follows:

  • burns;
  • surface and deep cuts;
  • scratches, including from animals;
  • pressure sores;
  • frostbite.

Among the indications is the period of pregnancy and lactation. Ointment is cheap enough, its cost is from 100 to 130 rubles.


A good healing and bactericidal ointment from abrasions and wounds on the face and other parts of the body. A well-proven tool in the treatment of such problems:

  • purulent wounds;
  • inflammatory phenomena on the surface of the dermis;
  • ulcers;
  • pressure sores, eczema;
  • surface and deep cuts;
  • minor burns.

This ointment is excellent from abrasions and wounds for children. Also, the device processes postoperative sutures. Levomekol refers to antibiotics. The medicine copes well with purulent wounds, promotes a rapid process of cell regeneration and healing of the skin.

Important!Levomekol is a cheap but very effective remedy. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews of patients.

Used ointment 2-3 times a day. It is applied with a thin sphere to dry, clean damage. Also, a bandage is often applied to improve the effect. It is allowed to treat children, pregnant and lactating mothers.


Universal wound healing without scars. Has a powerful disinfecting property. The drug is a drug of wide application. Eplan promotes rapid healing of even deep cuts, perfectly anesthetizes, relieves redness and swelling. An ointment is used to treat the following injuries:

  • small and deep injuries of the dermis;
  • all kinds of burns;
  • frostbite of all degrees;
  • herpes;
  • eczema;
  • inflammatory processes of the skin;
  • abrasions, cuts, scratches.

Important!Ointment not only heals and disinfects well. Eplan effectively deal with some types of fungal infection and other pathogens.

The form of the drug is as follows:

  1. Cream.
  2. Solution.
  3. Napkins (gauze and sterile) with antiseptic effect.

Eplan in the form of napkins is perfect for first aid in case of skin damage. The medication in the form of an ointment is used to treat the wounds a few days after they are received. Ointment eliminates inflammation, promotes healing, actively fight against microbes and viruses. Apply the remedy to the damaged areas 2-3 times during the day. The cost ranges from 150-180 rubles.


Ointment, which has a healing and antibacterial effect with silver. Argosulfan protects damaged skin from infection, relieves pain and burning sensation. The drug is used to treat the following problems:

  • pressure sores;
  • ulcers;
  • various dermatitis;
  • all kinds of burns;
  • frostbite;
  • abrasions and other injuries.

Ointment is applied to the wounds 2-3 times a day. The pre-damaged area must be cleaned and dried.

Among the contraindications should be noted the presence of extensive burns, renal and hepatic insufficiency of patients, with caution used during pregnancy and lactation.

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