The difference between olives and olives is good and bad

Olives and olives at least once tried each.

However, the difference between these concepts of the country's inhabitants is poor.

It's not surprising - this curiosity does not grow in the Russian lands.

Content of the article:
  • Contents of the article:
  • Gifts of the Mediterranean
  • How from olives are olives produced
  • What helps
    • Prevention of oncology
    • Fighting excess weight
  • Application in cosmetology
    • Hair treatment masks
  • Is there any harm to

Some are sure that they are fruits of different trees thathave no relationship to each other, others consider olives as immature olives.

But neither one nor the other point of view is true to the full.

In fact, it really is about the same tree.

In Europe, the word "olives" is not used at all - they use the notation "black olives" and "green olives".

The latter are indeed collected from trees at an early stage of maturation and have a characteristic color for young fruit.

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However, mature and even overripe olives still will not be blue-black, like those we used to call olives. This color is achieved as a result of special chemical treatment.

Gifts of the Mediterranean

There is a famous legend about the appearance in Greece of an olive tree. According to her, the sea god Poseidon and the goddess of wisdom Athena argued, in whose honor the Greek capital will be named.

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Residents declared that they would choose the one whose gift for the city would be recognized as the most necessary. Poseidon cut a source of fresh water in the rock, and Athena grew an olive tree.

The goddess liked the gift of the inhabitants, and the city acquired the familiar name of Athena.

The goddess's gesture was by no means overrated."European Olive" and to this day is considered one of the most useful and valuable plants, and in some countries even sacred.

Thanks to the cultivation of the culture, the Mediterranean diet, which consistently includes olives, has been recognized as important for the body.

Often the use of the product is typical for the peoples of the Caucasus, who are famous for their strong health and physical shape.

The fruit of the tree is used:

For making olive oil, spicy sauces;

  • as an independent dish.
    Olives are considered a suitable snack for expensive wines, in addition, they are stuffed with vegetable or meat fillings, which will become the crown dish of your table;
  • as additives for salads and hot dishes:
    • Greek salad,
    • hodgepodge,
    • filling for pizza;
  • in the medical and cosmetic fields.

How to make olives from olives

Ripe fruit of the tree goes to make oil and is rarely used for food. They also have a dark color, but uneven, and close to brown.

The remaining fruits will either remain green, or turn into olives. Both types will be processed, only the method is different.

The fact that fresh olives eat is harmful, yes, and the taste is not pleasant - too bitter.

To the unpleasant aftertaste has disappeared, the fruit for a long time was kept in a special solution based on soda. Later, this process was learned to accelerate with the help of special technologies.

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After soaking the green olives are already ready for use - it remains only to place them in the brine and add the spices.

But in order to become black, their counterparts have to be further oxidized. It lasts 8-10 days, after which the fruits change color and become softer, and the taste acquires an "oily" shade.

It is more pronounced in green olives: they are sourish-sharp.

At home, in southern European countries, olives are sometimes sold without brine - they are tough and wrinkled, but taste bitter.

In our country, both of these products are sold only in canned form. To distinguish processed olives from overripe olives, look at the composition of the product on the bank.

If the list of supplements is iron gluconate( E 579) - before you are fruits whose color was obtained by oxidation.

What helps

An ancient doctor called this plant a cure for all diseases - and this was not an exaggeration.

Eating 6-10 olives a day, you will insure yourself against the list of diseases, as it gives us the required norm of amino acids and minerals.

Olives are easily absorbed by the body and favorably affect all processes occurring in it.

They include dozens of useful substances:

  • calcium,
  • vitamins of several groups,
  • proteins and fats, phosphorus,
  • iron.

The use of olives favorably affects the following areas:

Cardiovascular system

Vegetable fats contained in olives do not contain harmful cholesterol and remove the already existing.

Thus, they protect vessels from atherosclerosis, improve heart function, prevent early aging.

Prevention of oncology

Fruits produce an antioxidant effect that prevents the formation of tumors.

Studies have shown that frequent consumption of olives reduces the risk of breast cancer, skin( about the properties of black elderberry in oncology is written here), the prostate and the digestive tract.

Musculoskeletal system

Joint pain is alleviated by the abundance of calcium and manganese in the plant.

Strengthening the immunity of

The acids that make up the olives restore the cells and support the body in tone.

Reproductive function of

Olives are separately recommended to women in the state or to those who plan it( reviews about plantain seeds from infertility).

Fighting excess weight

If you stick to a diet, be sure to include in it one more element:

  • fruits regulate water-salt metabolism in the body, and help you on the way to a slender figure.

Healing of cuts, wounds and edema

By the way, not only fruit, but also leaves of the olive tree are used to create useful solutions.

It is curious that in countries where olive trees are grown, it is customary to eat at least 5 olives together with bones.

This part of the plant is also extremely useful.

The assumption was not scientifically proven, however, and in following the covenants of the southerners, there is nothing wrong either - the bones are digested by the stomach.

But the benefits of this part of the fetus for the treatment of pinching of nerves have even been confirmed by doctors and successfully practiced.

Application in cosmetology

For a long time, the fruits have been used to create cosmetic products, from creams to soaps. Now the olive extract is a part of skin care products.

But to improve the condition of the skin and hair, you can just eat olives in the food - according to some cosmeticians, it has no less strong effect.

You can independently make a face mask based on 1-2 teaspoons of oil and rub into the skin every time after taking a bath.

Masks for the treatment of hair

The most accessible of them is the use of oil in pure form.

Apply it to the hair and spread it over the entire length.

After the procedure, cover the hair with a warm towel.

There are no restrictions on the exposure time:

  • is ideally better left on the mask for the whole night, it is only more useful.

But, if time is limited, enough for a couple of hours.

Also for hair restoration it is recommended to mix the oil with mayonnaise, honey, egg yolks, other useful oils( burdock, linseed).

Is there any harm to

? As with other products, eating olives is not without the reverse side. Do not abuse this delicacy for diarrhea:

  • it has a mild laxative effect,
  • to people with an inverse problem, an intestinal obstruction, it's worth to be cautious with bones.

By themselves, they are harmless, but can be the last straw in the formation of bezoar.

Such a disease is fraught with serious consequences, up to intestinal obstruction.

In addition, it is not necessary to eat bones of a pointed form or with sharp edges. They will injure the mucous.

When asked what is more useful: olives or olives, it is difficult to answer. The properties of both forms of the product are the same. But nevertheless it is necessary to consider, that olives are received by chemical processing, let even safe, so, are less natural.

However, the harm from using these products is insignificant and incommensurable with the benefits.

People who prefer a healthy lifestyle, as well as lovers to add a new note to their favorite dishes, should pay close attention to the symbol of Greece.

In the video, you'll see how olives differ from olives and how to choose the right ones.

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