Lozenges from a sore throat for children

Lollipops from a sore throat

Persecution in the throat often occurs with inflammatory ENT diseases. Among the many drugs for the treatment of throat, it should be noted the therapeutic effectiveness and ease of use of such local auxiliaries, such as lollipops from the sore throat.

Indications for the use of these drugs include ARI and SARS, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, glossitis. It is recommended to use candies from perspiration in the throat and cough for colds and bronchitis.

Here are some names of candies from persecution: Decathilene (Mepha Schweiz AG, Switzerland), Lizobakt (Bosnalijek, Bosnia), Lizak (Farmak, Ukraine), Pharingosept (Ranbaxy Laboratories, India), lollipops from the sore throat and cough Dr. Mom (Johnson & Johnson).

Special lollipops from the sore throat are not available for children. Decatilen and Lizak are allowed to be used only after four years; Lizobakt and Faringosept after three years; and Candies Mom are intended for adults (from the age of 18).

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All presented candies from perspiration in the throat have antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that are provided by active substances that are part of these funds.

Farmakodinamika lollipops Decatalin is based on bactericidal and antifungal effects of antiseptic chloride dequalinium, which penetrates the membranes of cells of pathogenic microorganisms and breaks their metabolism. And the pain and unpleasant sensations in the throat when swallowing reduces the amide anesthetic of local action of zinhokan.

Lysobact contains enzyme antiseptic lysozyme hydrochloride (which destroys the walls of bacterial cells and breaks the synthesis of their amino acids), as well as pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), which protects the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, increasing the activity of their immune cells.

Lizak lollies consist of lysozyme hydrochloride and dequalinium chloride, so that they act similarly to the first two agents. Pharmacological action of Tharyngept provides active against strepto-, staphylo- and pneumococcus benzoquinone derivative ambazone.

And lollipops from perspiration in the throat and cough of Dr. Mom belong to the means of plant origin and have in their composition extracts of licorice root naked (as an antitussive component for better expectoration of sputum), rhizome rhizome (which has a wide range of therapeutic effects on inflamed mucous membranes), the fruits of the embryo of the medicinal fruit (which has antioxidant properties), and the mild, local, painless levomenthol.


In instructions to the funds of Decatalene, Lizobakt and Lizak, there is a lack of their systemic effect on the body due to the fact that they do not enter the blood.

Manufacturers of sugar candy Pharingosept and Dr. Mom information on their pharmacokinetics is not provided.

Contraindications for use

Listed candies from perspiration in the throat have such contraindications to the application:

Decatalin - hypersensitivity to components and age of up to four years;

Lizobakt - hypersensitivity to components, lactase deficiency or malabsorption, age to three years;

Tharyngept - individual intolerance of the drug, age up to three years;

Dr. Mom is an age younger than 18 years.

The use of candy from persecution during pregnancy is not strictly prohibited, however, in the instructions, manufacturers note that the drugs (in particular, Dektilen and Dr Mom) were not have been investigated with regard to safety for pregnant women, so they are not recommended for use. And Lizobakt, Lizak and Pharingosept use for pregnant women is not contraindicated, but only in extreme cases.

Side effects

Candies from perspiration in the throat Decatalil, Lizobakt and Dr. Mom may have side effects in the form of a skin allergic reaction.

Side effects of Lizak can be expressed by dryness in the oral cavity, nausea, rashes on the skin.

The manifestations of any side effects of the application of the larvae of Tharyngept, according to the official instruction, are not fixed.

The way of application and the dose of candy from the solution

All candies from perspiration in the throat and cough should be used 20-30 minutes after eating and not less than two hours before the next meal, slowly dissolving them in the mouth until they completely dissolve.

Recommended dosage for Decathilin: for adults and children over 12 years of age - one candy at intervals of not less than two hours (increasing the intervals up to 4 hours as the reduction in the throat is reduced). The maximum permissible vine is 10-12 candies per day. Children of 4-12 years are recommended to give one candy at intervals of three hours (increasing the intervals to six hours as the condition of the throat improves). The maximum duration of application of Decatilene is five days.

Lizobakt lollipops should be used: adults and children after 12 years - 2 pcs. up to 4 times during the day; children 7-12 years - one candy 4 times a day; children 3-7 - one candy three times a day. Do not use Lysobact for longer than 7-8 days.

Dosage Lizak: for adults and children over 12 years - one candy every three hours; children 4-12 years - one candy every four hours, but not more than five candies during the day.

Tharyngept can be administered to adults and children after 7 years, one candy up to five times a day, children 3-7 years - one candy three times a day.

Overdose of drugs Decatilen, Lizak, Pharingosept and Dr. Mom, according to the manufacturers, is unlikely. Exceeding the recommended dose of candies Lizobakt can cause paresthesia (numbness) of the limbs, and in such situations you should drink more liquid to increase the excretion of urine.

Interactions with other drugs

Candies Lizobakt with simultaneous use of antibacterial and diuretic drugs strengthens their effect.

Lizak can not be used together with other topical preparations, and lollipops from perspiration in the throat and cough Dr. Mom should not be used with antitussive secretolithics.

The storage conditions for these medicines do not require a special temperature regime, but they should be kept away from children.

The shelf life of these lollipops from perspiration in the throat is five years.


What candies from a sore throat are the most effective

What candies from a sore throat are the most effective

Sore throat can cause viral, bacterial and fungal infections. As part of complex therapy, it is rational to use lollipops that relieve inflammation, soften the mucous membrane and effectively eliminate pain.

What lollipops to choose from a sore throat?

The drug for absorption "Gramicidin C" has an antimicrobial effect, does not cause addiction and resistance of microorganisms when systematically used, enhances the separation of saliva, which helps to cleanse the mouth and pharynx from microorganisms. In addition to the symptomatic effect, lollipops have a curative effect, since they contain an antibiotic, and not just an antiseptic.

"Gramcidin Neo" in composition is practically the same as the first drug. But it contains a local anesthetic, which has a pronounced anesthetic effect. Already after the first candy dissolves, the pain in the throat disappears, it becomes really much easier to swallow.

"Stopangin" is a combined preparation with antibiotic and anesthetic. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Lollipops are not recommended for persons planning to conceive.

"Septotelet Neo" - lollipops with antiseptic effect. The most rational use of the drug for viral lesions of the nasopharynx. The drug has no antibacterial effect and is contraindicated in children up to four years.

"Geksoral" - the drug is available in the form of a spray, solution and tablets. Lollipops are not only powerful antibacterial, but also antifungal. With prolonged angina, pharyngitis and laryngitis, it is rational to use "Geksoral" as part of complex therapy.

"Strepsils" - lollipops with natural menthol and eucalyptus. The antiseptic effect of the drug is supplemented with an emollient and distracting effect. Rationally used as a symptomatic treatment for sore throat.

"Teraflu Lar" - lollipops with antiseptic and analgesic effect. With pain in the throat, it is rational to apply the drug to the doctor's prescription.

Safety of the use of lollipops against pain in the throat

As a rule, when using candies, only a small part of the drug is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream. Therefore, the use of candy to facilitate and eliminate symptoms is quite effective and safe. But if the sore throat is accompanied by fever, chills, taking only candy can be ineffective. With any symptoms, it is worthwhile to see a doctor and get recommendations on complex treatment methods. In addition, persons suffering from allergic reactions should use anesthetic lollipops only on recommendation doctor, since the composition contains anesthetics, which can provoke a laryngeal edema and a severe allergic reaction.


Advise resorptive candies from the throat (I have laryngitis, a region with unqualified doctors)



There are many different "candy tablets" for treating throat. They all contain approximately the same set of active ingredients - usually 2 antiseptics, effective against the main pathogens causing pain in the throat, some have additional components that improve their effects. To this group of drugs is Strepsils (Great Britain) - the first representative of this series, registered in Ukraine. Strepsils also includes honey, lemon and essential oils (peppermint, anise, orange), which have additional anti-inflammatory, analgesic and "cooling" effects. In the presence of diabetes it is necessary to take into account that only strepsils with lemon and herbs does not contain sugar.
In the subsequent, many drugs-analogues of Indian production - Adzysept, Vokasept, Gorpils (with honey, lemon or menthol and eucalyptus), Deinstril, Neo-Angin, Traicils were registered. Preparations are issued with various flavor additives - with orange, lemon, raspberry, honey taste. All of them are usually used for 2-4 days, if after that the pain in the throat does not go away, you need to go to reception more powerful antimicrobial agents for oral administration (selected with a doctor's recommendation).
Recently we have registered a new version of Strepsils - Strepsils plus, which additionally there is a strong local anesthetic lidocaine (for allergies to lidocaine the drug does not apply!). This drug is recommended for severe pain in the mouth and throat.
"Novelty" in a number of antimicrobial topical actions - tablets for resorption. Trachisan, which has a pronounced antimicrobial activity due to the presence in its composition of not only antiseptics, but also antibiotic tirotricin, fatal for microbes, some viruses and fungi.
"Distracting" effect for sore throats are lollipops containing menthol - Minton, Rondo and Tunes. They practically do not affect microorganisms and viruses that cause pain, but have an analgesic and refreshing effect. Anti-inflammatory effect is Lollipops with sage. With pains in the throat (angina, pharyngitis, coughing associated with them), you can take Dr. Mohm's lozenges containing licorice, essential oils and menthol, which reduce inflammation and pain.
Do not have a fruit taste, but have a good effect with sore throat tablets for resorption, containing a powerful antiseptic chlorhexidine. This drug acts not only on microbes, but also on fungi and some viruses, it enters the tablets for resorption of Fervex from the pain in the throat (contains only chlorhexidine), Sebidine (in addition, contains more ascorbic), Antiangin (has a strong analgesic effect due to the presence of the drug with local anesthetic activity and menthol). A similar formulation, but a more convenient dosage form (aerosol), has a preparation called Collustan. All these drugs are used in both ENT diseases, and in dental practice, with infectious lesions of the oral cavity.
Not bad proved to be the tablets for the resolution of the Sepethlet, also containing an antiseptic of a wide range of benzalkonium in combination with vegetable components - essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, plant antiseptic from thyme (thymol) and menthol. A narrower spectrum of effects has Pectussin, containing only menthol and eucalyptus oil.
The natural antiseptic lysozyme, which has an antimicrobial effect against pathogens of the oral cavity, is contained in the preparations Hexaliz and Lisobakt. Each of them has its own characteristics: Hexalise has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, as well as a stronger antimicrobial effect due to biklotimol - vegetable antimicrobial drug from thyme, and Lisobak improves metabolic processes due to the presence of vitamin B6, the need for which for colds increases.

Mom Serezha and Julia.

Strepsils. There are also tablets for resorption of Tharyngept.


doctor mom, and you can ask the pharmacist, a doctor doctor, and this one should know


Yes, strepsils are good, and they are also sugar-free, there is also a Falimint - a muck rare but effective.

Serg Sundukov

The best candies are strepsils. But with laryngitis vryatli they are effective. Go to the pharmacy and ask for an aerosol from the laryngitis. Eat more honey.


well, besides the candies, you still need to drink antibiotics or spatter. About strepsils and pharyngept, you already said, but I would also advise rinsing the throat with chamomile (sold in a drugstore already in bags) and to buy usual candies, such as sucking candies, even chupa-chups will approach.


Irrigation of the throat Tantum verde (eat in the pharmacy) and drink warm milk with soda (a glass half a teaspoon)

* *

Lollipops will not help. As well as strepsils (well, at worst, pharyngocept, but you will be treated for a long time) There is such a drug (tablets for resorption) - falimint. It's just for such cases. Helps to do well and quickly without putting the voice finally (We know, because we work on stage and laryngitis is our professional problem)


Milk drink do not advise! !
Alkaline inhalation! soda with water!
A candy is just the sea in pharmacies (on your budget)
Many of them have already advised you!
there are also "Laripront" - also good for pharyngolaringitis of any etiology.


The best ones are the TRAVERSOLE!!!! ALWAYS dissolve only them. Pain removes like a hand!

Amelia Pond

Hexoral sprays buy or stopangin (it is burning, but effective). I got rid of laryngitis for 2 days using stopangin. Lollipops are long and often inefficient. In any case for me.

Yulia Vakula

I only use Tonzilotren. This is a safe and reliable homeopathy. Removes all symptoms of sore throat. For children, too, is suitable. They always help me.

Lozenges from a pain in a throat

lollipops from a sore throat

Recently, lollipops are quite popular from the pain in the throat. As soon as mild pain or perspiration occurs, treatment should be started immediately. The easiest way to get rid of these symptoms are good lollipops from sore throats.

Types of sugar candy from a sore throat

Today, a tasty medicine produces quite a lot of pharmaceutical companies, endowing it with not only different tastes, but also properties. If earlier it was just a pill from the throat with menthol, today they can be without mint, but include in the composition no less effective drugs and substances, for example:

  • sage;
  • antibiotic;
  • honey;
  • lemon and much more.

Therefore, this simple medicine can remove pain, relieve swelling in the throat and accelerate recovery.

Lozenges from a throat with a sage

The sage plant has useful properties, so it is often included in the lozenge tablets. So, lollipops, which include sage and honey have good medicinal effects:

  • removes hoarseness;
  • removes inflammation;
  • freshens breath.

Another advantage of tablets is that they are allowed to take children from 12 years of age. This is the preparation produced by a German companyDoctor Tais. The company makes lozenges from the throat on the basis of a natural extract of sage, so they have all the medicinal properties. In addition, the tablets contain sugar, maltose syrup, flavors and citric acid, so they are pleasant to taste and do not cause disgust.

Lollipops with antibiotic

Lozenges from a throat with an antibiotic is an effective auxiliary tool at treatment of chronic diseases, such as:

  • purulent sore throat;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

One of the most popular good lollipops with antibiotics are consideredKoldakt Lorpils. This drug, like its analogs, has an anesthetic and antibacterial effect, thereby speeding up the treatment process. In addition, candies can soften the larynx mucosa, thereby the disease does not go so hard. Especially local impact on the source of infection significantly affects the improvement of the state.

Lollipops with essential oils

If you just start the symptoms that signal the diseases in the larynx, you can use lollipops from the throat rash on the basis of the essential oils of medicinal herbs. Most often, such drugs are made on the basis of prescriptions from traditional medicine, so they are the most safe and effective in the first stage of the disease.

Among others it is possible to note lollipopsCarmolis, which are made on the basis of essential oils of the ten herbs of the Alpine highlands. They have a spicy-menthol flavor, so they perfectly soften the throat and refresh the breath. Tablets excellently eliminate pain, allowing for a time to forget about the disease.

In addition, Carmolis produces candies for children. Not every child, even with sore throat, agrees to take bitter medications, tolerate inhalation or breathe harsh the smell of ointment, which his parents would cut his throat, but no child would refuse to suck the delicious candies. Children's medications contain honey and vitamin C, but they do not include menthol, which is not loved by all children. Tablets have a mild taste and a sweet aftertaste, so

pills lollipops from the throatit will not be difficult for parents to persuade their child to undergo treatment.

Precautionary measures

Many of the candies have contraindications, so before taking this "harmless" medicine it is worth to read the instructions. For example, famous candiesStrepfencan not be accepted:

  • pregnant;
  • children under 12 years;
  • patients with acute ulcer;
  • patients with bronchial asthma.

But no less popular pastillesStrepsilsare prohibited for children under five years of age.


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