In vitro fertilization - IVF free of charge: method, pregnancy, quota

The opportunity to become pregnant is happiness for a woman! But when the desired pregnancy does not come, the man and woman in marriage begin to feel confusion, there is a loss of meaning in life, disagreements begin in the family.

Of course, you can take an orphan child under your care, adopt, but you still want to have your children. For the adoption of orphans, one must have a great heart and courage, not every person has such a determination.

There are options and methods of artificial fertilization of an egg in a woman. Yes, that's the trouble, high prices and the cost of artificial insemination require a lot of money. Do they do it for free? Fortunately, there are special quotas for MHI( territorial compulsory medical insurance programs) to get pregnant free of charge.

Today we will talk about the method " In Vitro fertilization "( abbreviated - ECO ).

I bring to your attention a full list of medical organizations providing medical care to patients - infertility treatment by IVF method( in the list of 180 medical organizations, institutions, clinics, perinatal centers located throughout the territory of the Russian Federation).

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In-vitro fertilization: how do ECO

In Vitro Fertilization( IVF) is one of the methods of artificial fertilization of an ovum in a woman. Pregnancy, resulting from IVF, is absolutely natural, does not require further special observation. There are three main methods of artificial insemination:

  1. AI( artificial insemination);
  2. IVF( in vitro fertilization);
  3. ICSI( intracytoplasmic sperm injection).

However, the second method - in vitro fertilization can be done free of charge within the limits of the MHI quota.180 medical perinatal centers and clinics all over Russia provide this opportunity.

By itself, the IVF procedure is long and time-consuming. It is practiced when all methods of treating infertility have already been exhausted. Initially, the couple pass a full medical examination and examination, pass urine, blood tests, for sexual infections, hormones, women do ultrasound of the small pelvis, check the patency of the fallopian tubes, men make a spermogram.

Then proceed to the itself, which consists of several steps:

Initially, a woman is given ovarian hyperstimulation, injecting certain hormonal injections into the body to make several fully mature and ready-to-fertilize eggs mature.

Further these eggs are withdrawn: under general anesthesia punctures in the lower abdomen are made from the ovary or local needle is injected through the vagina under local anesthesia.

Before fertilization, the selected portion of male seed is prepared: the spermatozoa are separated from the seminal fluid, transferred to an incubator and placed in a nutrient medium.

Next, the most active and full spermatozoa in a glass bowl are mixed with eggs taken from a woman. In a day it will be possible to see if fertilization has occurred. If it has happened, the most viable zygotes are selected to grow embryos out of them. In another 24 hours you can determine whether the development of embryos. They are given another 2-3 days to grow, and transplanted with a thin catheter through the vagina into the uterus.

Usually, two or three embryos( sometimes more) are transferred, so that at least one of them will take root. The remaining quality fetuses are frozen and stored at -196 ° C. Later, if the couple wants to have children, they will not need to re-fertilize, it will be enough to use ready-made embryos.

If the transplantation was successful, the embryos took root and were implanted into the uterus, then a normal pregnancy develops. If after 10-14 days menstruation starts, it means that the attempt was unsuccessful. The probability of pregnancy by the method of IVF - when two embryos are injected is 20%, three - 30%.

In those rare cases when 3 or more embryos are implanted in the IVF procedure, according to the medical indications or the desire of the woman, they can reduce. Extra fetuses are removed, without creating a threat to the remaining. Depending on the chosen method of reduction, the procedure is carried out for a period of 5 to 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Procedure for referring to the IVD procedure

Here you can read the Sample extract from the patient's outpatient card for referral to the IVF procedure( done in a female consultation).In the extract indicate the details of his wife, her husband - there are a lot of parameters, download the document to your computer and read if it is interesting( I will not describe in detail here).

Directly itself, the order of referral to the IVF procedure in the form of a presentation, you can also download and see.

The procedure of IVF in 2017-2018 is carried out within the framework of rendering specialized medical assistance at the expense of mandatory medical insurance.

The regulatory framework for referring citizens of the Russian Federation residing on the territory of the Volgograd Region for the procedure of extracorporeal fertilization in 2017, 2018, 2019 is as follows:

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2016 No. 1403 "On the Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Service to Citizensaid for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019 ".
  2. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 30.08.2012 No. 107n "On the use of assisted reproductive technologies, contraindications and limitations to their use."
  3. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 30.10.2012 № 556н "On approval of the standard of medical care for infertility with the use of assisted reproductive technologies."
  4. Informational and methodological letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2016 No. 15-4 /10/ 2-1895 "On sending citizens of the Russian Federation for ECO procedure"( together with the Information and Methodological Letter "On sending citizens of the Russian Federation for ECO procedure"approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia on 22.03.2016).
  5. Order of the Healthcare Committee of the Volgograd Region No. 55 of January 16, 2017 "On Amendments to the Order of the Healthcare Committee of the Volgograd Region No. 1417 of 27.04.2016" On the Referral of Citizens of the Russian Federation Living in the Territory of the Volgograd Region for the Procedure of In Vitro Fertility ".

How to pass IVF, where to start, how to get pregnant?

The patient begins his "path" with the medical organization at the place of observation:

  1. The patient turns to his doctor in a polyclinic( a woman's clinic) at his place of residence.
  2. The treating physician collects an anamnesis, examines the patient, directs the patient for examination, sometimes even can be sent to a hospital for in-depth examination. The survey is conducted by both women and men.
  3. When the final diagnosis is established, the attending physician prepares a detailed extract from the medical documentation, which reflects the diagnosis of the disease, the patient's health status, the results of analyzes and studies, recommendations on the need for an IVF procedure at the expense of MHI funds. In addition to the extract, the package of documents must contain a statement stating the name of the medical organization where the IVF procedure is supposed to be performed, consent to the processing of personal data, a copy of the passport, a copy of the MHI policy, a copy of the SNILS.
  4. The package of documents, the attending physician, signed by the chief physician, is sent for consideration at the meeting of the Commission of the Health Committee of the Volgograd Region on the selection of patients for the IVF procedure( hereinafter referred to as the Commission), in accordance with order No. 55 of 16.01.2017.
  5. With a positive decisionThe commission prepares a referral for the IVF procedure within the framework of the basic CHI program( hereinafter referred to as referral) and is sent to the medical institution where the IVF procedure is planned.
  6. A copy of the referral is sent to the medical organization, which prepared a set of documents, for later informing the patient.
  7. Next documents are considered by the commission of the medical organization in which the IVF procedure is planned and the date of hospitalization is set, the date of consultation, or the refusal with the indication of the reason for the refusal is made.
  8. Response is reported to the patient in accordance with the established procedure, through a medical organization( polyclinic), where documents for the IVF procedure were drawn up due to the compulsory medical insurance funds or directly by the specialists of the medical organization where IVF will be conducted.

Waiting list for ECO procedure

Here, as an example, you can see the waiting list for ECO procedure for residents of the Volgograd region at the expense of OMS funds:

  1. in 2016;
  2. in 2017.

As you can see, the waiting list has a tabular form( table of four columns), which indicate:

  • No.,
  • individual patient code( to preserve anonymity and confidentiality of personal data),
  • name of the medical organization where the patient is directed,
  • informationabout the IVF procedure( completion of the procedure, refusal - status).

Results of ECO, results for the year

Results for 2014

Information on the application of assisted reproductive technologies in the Volgograd Region in 2014.

On the territory of the Volgograd Region in 2014, procedures for in vitro fertilization( hereinafter referred to as IVF) were carried out in two medical institutions: Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd State Medical University, Clinic No. 1 and Genome-Volga LLC in accordance with the methodical letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian FederationFederation of March 18, 2014 No. 1395 / 30-40 "On the direction of citizens of the Russian Federation for the IVF procedure in 2014" and the order of the Ministry of Health of the Volgograd region of May 28, 2014 No. 1318 "On the directionpatients in medical organizations for the procedure of in vitro fertilization at the expense of mandatory medical insurance. "

The IVF procedures in 2014 were carried out within the framework of specialized medical care( hereinafter referred to as SMP) for the tubal factor of infertility and high-tech medical care( hereinafter - VMP) with a mixed factor of infertility with financing from the territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance according to the protocol of the meeting of the territorial program development committeecompulsory medical insurance in the Volgograd region of February 24, 2014 No. 3 and the protocol of the meeting of the commission of the State institution "TerritorialHealth Insurance Fund of the Volgograd Region "from 17.04.2014 № 6.

In 2014, all IVF procedures were conducted in the amount of 752 women in the Volgograd region and 89 from other regions of the Russian Federation for a total of 87,524,719 rubles.

According to ultrasound data, 229 women after the IVF procedure had a pregnancy.

It should also be noted that after the IVF procedures in the maternity hospitals of the Volgograd region, 392 children were born, in 60 cases twins and in 5 cases triplets.

Results for 2015

Information on the use of assisted reproductive technologies in the Volgograd Region in 2015.

On the territory of the Volgograd Region in 2015, procedures for in vitro fertilization( hereinafter referred to as IVF) were conducted in 3 medical institutions: Volgograd State Medical University Volgograd State Medical University Clinic No. 1, OOO Genome-Volga, LLC ECO Center, in accordance withwith the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2014 No. 1273 "On the program of state guarantees of free medical assistance to citizens for 2015 and for the planning period 2016 and 2017," the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federationfrom 30.08.2012 № 107n "On the procedure for the use of assisted reproductive technologies, contraindications and restrictions to their use", Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 556n of 30.10.2012 "On approval of the standard of medical care for infertility with the use of assisted reproductive technologies", orderMinistry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 930n "On approval of the procedure for the organization of high-tech medical care with the use of specialized informationion informational and methodical letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 15-0 /10/ 2-1073 dated 27.02.2015 "On the direction of citizens of the Russian Federation for the IVF procedure in 2015" and the order of the Health Care Committee of the Volgograd Region of 12.03.2015 No. 709"On the direction of citizens of the Russian Federation residing on the territory of the Volgograd Region, for the in vitro fertilization procedure in 2015".

The IVF procedures in 2015 were carried out within the framework of specialized medical assistance with financing from the territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance( hereinafter OMC) and high-tech medical care at the expense of the federal budget.

In 2015, 1,233 patients were sent for IVF procedure, 1147 of which were due to MHI funds.

In 2015, the residents of the Volgograd region of all IVF procedures conducted in the amount of 708, of which 697 due to OMS.

According to ultrasound, 208 women after the IVF procedure had a pregnancy.

It should also be noted that after the IVF procedures in the maternity hospitals of the Volgograd region, 316 children were born, in 39 cases twins and 1 triplets.

Results for 2016

Information on the use of assisted reproductive technologies in the Volgograd Region in 2016.

On the territory of the Volgograd Region in 2016, procedures for in vitro fertilization( hereinafter referred to as IVF) were carried out in 3 medical organizations: the Volgograd State Medical University "Clinic No. 1", LLC "Genome-Volga", LLC "Center ECO" inin accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.12.2015 No. 1382 "On the Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Assistance to Citizens for 2016", Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 30.08.2012 No. 107n "On the procedure anduse of assisted reproductive technologies, contraindications and limitations to their use ", Order No. 556n of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of October 30, 2012" On the approval of the standard of medical care for infertility with the use of assisted reproductive technologies ", the information and methodical letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 29.03.2016 №15-4 /10/ 2-1895 "On the direction of citizens of the Russian Federation for ECO procedure" and the order of the Volgograd Health Committeeth field from 04/27/2016 number 1417 "On the direction of Russian citizens residing in the territory of the Volgograd region, for in vitro fertilization procedures."

The IVF procedures in 2016 were carried out as part of the provision of specialized medical care at the expense of compulsory health insurance( hereinafter - OMS).

In 2016, the residents of the Volgograd region at the expense of compulsory medical insurance 736 procedures ECO.After IVF procedures, during 2016, 367 children were born in the maternity hospitals of the Volgograd Region, 47 of them in twins.

So, as you can see, there are positive results of the IVF method! So contact the perinatal centers and IVF clinics, and getting pregnant will not be a problem for you anymore. Gain the joy of fatherhood and motherhood.

Within the framework of the territorial compulsory medical insurance( OMC) programs - pregnancy can be obtained free of charge throughout the territory of Russia.

ECO: a video about how to do and how long it lasts. ECO

The video channel "SweetGroupify" has a luxurious high-quality video that details how ECO is done: broken down by medical manipulations, the timing of the IVF procedure, and an explanation of the subtleties of the assisted reproductive technologies.

It is graphically presented how in IVF puncture and fertilization of eggs is carried out, the embryo is transferred to the uterine cavity.

This same fascinating story about how the IVF is done in the treatment of infertility, an excursion into the female reproductive system. On the shelves the device of female genital organs is decomposed, with the help of animation tools it is shown how the menstrual cycles look from within, the maturation of the follicle, ovulation, hatching of embryos, implantation of embryos into uterine tissue, placenta formation.

Good luck and good luck!