It hurts the stomach, what to do and how to get rid of stomach aches at home

Painful sensations in the stomach, probably from time to time annoy any of us. One pain in the stomach occurs once and everything quickly comes back to normal, it costs only to eat, the other - constantly tormented by the fact that his stomach hurts. He needs a doctor, taking the necessary medications.

What to do, what kind of doctor should I go to, if at home this nagging sickness has appeared? All is simple, it is necessary to address to the doctor-therapist or the gastroenterologist, whenever possible. Today we will talk about why stomach pain develops.

At first glance, it seems that everything is easy. The causes of uncomfortable feelings in the upper half of the middle of the abdomen can be in irrational and incorrect nutrition, eating disorders, bad habits, excessive enthusiasm for spicy dishes or seasonings. Although the culprit of the disorder may be the side effect of certain drugs.

All this negatively affects the quality of life of any of us. I wonder how to quickly remove the pain in the stomach? When is it possible to safely treat at home, and in what cases is it advisable to see a doctor?

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Painful, what is their nature in diseases?

Before determining what measures should be taken to get rid of the appearance of such a symptom as pain, you need to understand the type of violation in humans:

No. The essence of the pathology Comments
1 Poisoning Additionally, vomiting, nausea,general weakness, uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen, and prolapses. In especially severe cases, a heart rhythm failure occurs, an increase in temperature. It is necessary to drink a lot of water for relief of the symptoms, drugs in order to eliminate, when the stomach hurts and to defeat the toxicity. Treat yourself at home can not. Sometimes it is necessary to call an ambulance, it will help to remove symptoms if the stomach hurts.
2 Overeating Eating large amounts of food after prolonged starvation. Overeating acute, salty or smoked.
3 Nutritional disorders Untimely food and treatment, sedentary lifestyle. When there are pains, you need to urgently drink an analgesic pill. But normalize meals is necessary.
4 Diseases of the digestive tract Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and stomach ulcers.
5 Novo-education Tumors are benign or malignant. Pain can be permanent, but not very intense. This occurs at the initial stages of the disease. In addition, a feeling of saturation after taking a small amount of food. There is a belch, vomiting, and also, when a person quickly and intensively grows thin. It is necessary urgently to address to the expert and to pass or take place inspection.
6 Peptic ulcer Erosion or gastric ulcer. Painful sensations arise 3-8 hours after the person ate.
7 Hernias of the esophagus It is very unpleasant phenomena and pains behind the sternum.

For any of the above problems at home, it is impossible to establish a true diagnosis without contacting a doctor. It is especially important to do this if the symptoms are repeated often enough. A specialist will get rid of the disease.

What is the treatment with medication?

There is a large number of drugs that can calm down trouble when the stomach hurts. But not all of them have great efficiency.

Especially it is necessary to consider, that each preparation will operate under certain circumstances.

No. Product name Reviews
1 Activated charcoal This preparation is mandatory for every first aid kit. It is necessary to reduce toxicity in poisoning, relieve the feeling of heaviness after overeating, as well as painful sensations during pregnancy. Taking the medication you need to calculate 12 kg 1 tablet. Repeat the treatment with tablets can be no more than 3 times a day. The main effect of these drugs is the cleansing of the body.
2 Almagel It is intended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially if there is such a problem as increased acidity. Effectively relieve pain, normalize the work of the intestines, and eliminate inflammation. The drug very quickly eliminates pain, just a few minutes after taking the drug. Take it is desirable for teenagers and adults. Use during pregnancy or breast-feeding is possible only after consulting a doctor.
3 Omez It must be used in people with high acidity, with a stomach ulcer or gastritis. It is necessary to take the drug before eating.
4 Mezim Forte This medicine is known to everyone who at least sometimes watches TV.It is consumed before meals to reduce gravity in the stomach or heartburn. In a much smaller dose, this drug can be given even to children. Each drug can replace the analog.

Drugs that can eliminate stomach pain are divided into several types:

  • Pain medications .They can remove pain, but it is advisable to administer them intramuscularly. For example, Spasmalgon, Analgin, Baralgin .
  • Eliminate intoxication will help Activated charcoal or Smecta .
  • Antacid preparations are needed to reduce acidity. They envelop the walls of the stomach and help reduce acidity. They are also very effective for heartburn. This is Almagel .
  • Antiseptic preparations and antidiarrheal .

During the period of exacerbations, it is necessary to comply with the diet, completely refuse from roast and smoked. You need to drink a lot of water and a variety of fresh fruit juices.

There should not be a lot of time between meals, it is necessary to avoid feeling hungry. Treatment should take place until complete recovery.

Treatment of gastric pain at home

Use at home in the case of a stomachache of folk remedies, has proved to be a long time. They can be consumed as with medicines, and as a separate therapy.

Home remedies

For example, it is very good to make special teas with increased acidity:

No. Folk remedy Comments and reviews
1 St. John's wort perforated Tincture prepared from St. John's Wort. Do it all the time, regularly and systematically. It is especially important to take this medicine to quickly eliminate painful sensations. Take 100 grams of St. John's wort, but already dried. Pour 0.5 liter of alcohol. Leave it for a few days in a dark cold room. After you strain the resulting tincture. Combine a teaspoon with boiled water. You need to use it with other medicines and traditional medicine.
2 Chamomile( usual) Chamomile tea. To prevent the onset of pain in the stomach. You can buy chamomile not only in the pharmacy, but also in the market or in the supermarket. There are no restrictions for the use of tea.
3 Plantain Broth from plantain. Prepare the leaves of plantain should be in advance. They need to be thoroughly washed and dried. You can brew the leaves of plantain along with green tea. Eliminate the pain can be if you use honey to this broth. Drinking is necessary before every meal of half a cup of food.

7 useful recommendations

What relieves stomach pain? We urgently need to consult a doctor, if the stomach hurts, and these symptoms are very often repeated, then the situation worsens over time. Thanks to a specialist you can achieve remarkable results of treatment.

  1. Pain in the stomach can be removed with the help of folk remedies at home. For example, tea from chamomile must be made half an hour before meals. Use it preferably before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  2. Well helps restore the digestive tract with berries such as currant, blueberry and gooseberry .Each ingredient must be taken in equal proportions and poured with boiling water. Cook for a few minutes. It is desirable every day before eating.
  3. In case, if you have , the pain is very strong , then painkillers should be used. But this must be done periodically to avoid getting used to the tablets.
  4. If pain is constant in the stomach of , then you need to take honey and connect with potato juice. Use it in the morning on an empty stomach, drink about 1 glass of liquid. Such a tool helps to eliminate at home not only pain, but also belching.
  5. It is periodically desirable to purify the body of toxins and toxins. A good helper in this case will be cleansing enema or dry saunas with infrared heat .
  6. It is advisable to fast for only a few days and consume only one herbal tea. When the body clears, go out on a regular diet gradually.
  7. Severe stomach pain can occur in women during pregnancy .This is due to the fact that the child is growing and there is a shift with internal organs. But, to be engaged in a selftreatment, in that case is not recommended .

Pain in the stomach: first aid

First of all, when there were pains in the stomach, it is necessary to find out the cause of the appearance. This can be overeating, bloating, menstruation. What to do?

You can eliminate the pain in this way:

  1. You need to take a horizontal position. Things that squeeze the stomach, you need to remove.
  2. To reduce spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to consume non-carbonated water in abundant quantities.
  3. Observe fasting for several days, after adhering to a diet. Make sure that a person goes to the toilet every day.
  4. If too intense pain in the stomach, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Long stay at home in this state is not recommended.

But with frequent occurrence of pain it is desirable to undergo examination and determine the cause of the occurrence. This should be done to avoid the appearance of oncology. Particular attention should be paid to your health to pregnant women.

An integrated approach to treating problems in the stomach is to observe proper nutrition, medication treatment and recovery at home.

Thanks for reading! Health, happiness, luck and success!

Source: edition https: // bol-v-zheludke / chto-delat-i-kak-izbavitsya-esli-bolit-zheludok-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html

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