From this article you will learn about such valuable research method as bicycle ergometry or bicycle ergometric test. This test is widely used in cardiology and has great prognostic significance in heart disease.
Contents of the article:
- Contents of the article:
- Contents of the article:
- Contents of the article:
- The
- study is shown Contraindications to the
- test Preparation for the
- study How the procedure is performed
- Possible complications of
Bicycle ergometry( ASEM) or veloergometric test is a specialized test for the endurance of a person to physical exertion and the detection of hidden forms of coronary insufficiencyand ischemic heart disease( conditions in which the heart muscle experiences oxygen starvation).
This test is carried out with the help of a special exercise device - veloergometer - which patients and the doctors themselves call "bicycle".The veloergometer is really like an exercise bike, in which the load is very clearly regulated. In addition to the "bike" itself, the test system requires a constant recording of the electrocardiogram, pressure and pulse measurements.
Bicycle ergonomics test process
Endurance testing is also analogous to a steppe of a certain height, to which the patient alternately steps with each foot, and treadmill is analogous to a treadmill with a constantly increasing slope.
The essence of the method of veloergometry is as follows: with physical exertion, the heart rate increases, and the heart requires more oxygen and nutrients. In the presence of hidden problems with the vessels of the myocardium - coronary arteries, the presence of congenital and acquired heart defects, as well as cicatricial changes of the heart after heart attacks - the heart does not cope with the load, there is an ischemia or oxygen starvation of the heart muscle. This phenomenon is reflected in the electrocardiogram, which in the non-stop mode is recorded during the veloergometry. The technique takes into account both the nature of the load and the time of appearance of the first symptoms of oxygen starvation. To evaluate the results, entire tables and diagrams are created.
A treadmill test is an analog of bicycle ergometry( the same as in fact a survey, but on a treadmill)
Bicycle ergometry is performed in the offices of functional diagnostics of polyclinics and hospitals. The procedure itself, as a rule, is carried out by a nurse, and the results are assessed by a functional diagnosis doctor together with a cardiologist, who assigns such stress tests.
To whom the
study is shown The question of the indications for the "bike" is solved by the cardiologist, however we will try to give the most typical indications for the test:
- Diagnosis of ischemic heart disease or coronary heart disease. The most common manifestation of oxygen starvation of the myocardium is a disease called angina pectoris or "angina pectoris", which are manifested by squeezing pain in the heart area against stress or physical stress. Angina is of different types and degrees of severity - functional classes. It is bicycle ergometry or similar stress tests that are the gold standard for making a diagnosis of a functional class of angina pectoris.
- Evaluation of the degree of heart rhythm disturbances is based on the fact that, in addition to signs of oxygen starvation of the heart, various arrhythmias may appear against the background of physical activity - atrial fibrillation, ciliary art, various blockades and other rhythm disturbances. The test is also used in individuals with pacemakers and artificial pacemakers to assess the effectiveness of their work.
- Assessment of the severity of heart failure. Most often we are talking about heart valve defects - both congenital and acquired. It is important to assess whether any deformation - stenosis or insufficiency of the valve affects the work and nutrition of the heart. Including such a valuation after the prosthetics - the replacement of valves with artificial ones makes sense.
- Testing of patients after myocardial infarction, including after operations to restore blood flow in the coronary arteries - stenting. Primary testing can be performed as early as 6-7 days after a heart attack. It is very important to assess whether such a serious illness affected the work of the heart and what "reserve of opportunities" the patient has left.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment. Load tests can make it clear to the doctor whether the patient's condition has improved on taking medications, what the patient's quality of life is and how much he can improve it.
- In addition to assessing the latent forms of ischemia, bicycle ergometry is widely used to assess the degrees of hypertension, since hypertensive disease implies increased pressure against the background of physical exertion.
Angina pectoris is one of the indications for bicycle ergometry
Contraindications to the
test There is a certain list of diseases and conditions in which the bicycle ergometric test is inappropriate and even dangerous:
- Acute myocardial infarction and other coronary blood flow disturbances. The test can not be carried out until the blood flow in the arteries is restored, and the patient's condition does not stabilize.
- Newly diagnosed angina, including diagnosed angina of unstable type. The behavior of unstable angina during the exercise test is unpredictable, so this test is dangerous.
- Severe cardiac arrhythmias with marked changes in blood flow.
- Complex heart defects with obvious blood flow disorders, for example, severe stenosis of the aortic valve.
- Acute congestive heart failure.
- Inflammatory diseases of the heart and its membranes - acute myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, pericardial effusion, or accumulation of fluid in the heart bag. Aneurysms of the heart and large vessels.
- Mental illness and inadequate behavior of the patient, including alcohol and drug intoxication.
- Pregnancy of the third trimester and complicated its course - gestosis, threatening premature birth and so on.
- Other diseases in the stage of decompensation - for example, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, renal failure, bronchial asthma, lowering of hemoglobin level.
- Acute respiratory diseases, especially in combination with temperature - influenza, SARS, sore throat and others.
- Diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system, due to which the patient is unable to perform a qualitative test - pedal.
- Increased blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg.and a pulse higher than 100 beats per minute, but in this case the approach to the patient is individual.
Myocardial infarction - a contraindication to veloergometry
Preparation for
study The accuracy of the sample is very dependent on the patient's preliminary preparation. Such a simple test, as it seems at first glance, nevertheless requires certain preparatory measures:
- On the eve of the study, it is important to cancel some medications that can significantly affect the value of the sample. It is necessary to stop taking drugs from pressure, cardiac glycosides, nitroglycerin and other nitrates. The doctor will recommend the period for the cancellation of drugs, since they are different for each of the groups.
- Do not eat, smoke, drink alcohol three hours before the test.
- Physical activity should be discontinued one day before the study.
- The bicycle ergometer should be carried out in comfortable sportswear and shoes, which freely flow through the air and do not constrain movements.
- If the study is not carried out in a hospital, the patient should be accompanied by relatives to help him get home after the study.
How to perform the procedure
I just want to calm the patients: the test is specially designed to study the minimum loads at which the heart fails. Therefore, no one will force the patient to overcome excessive loads. When there are signs of myocardial distress, increased blood pressure, or poor health of the patient, testing is immediately stopped.
The method of veloergometry is as follows:
- The patient is invited to the office, the pressure, pulse, respiration rate is measured.
- The patient sits down on the "bicycle", he is attached with sensors, through which the blood pressure, pulse and the electrocardiogram will be constantly measured.
- At the command of the health worker, the patient begins to pedal. Every three minutes the resistance of the pedals grows, it may seem as if you are riding a bike uphill. The average rotation speed is one revolution per second.
- There are various options for conducting a sample - with a constant load and intermittent operation. The average test time is about 10 minutes. The choice of the doctor chooses the test, and the time can be significantly reduced due to the patient's poor health or an inadequate cardiogram.
- The patient should immediately tell the doctor about discomfort, shortness of breath, pain in the heart, dizziness.
The nature of the patient's state of health changes, changes in the ECG and the time of their appearance from the beginning of the test in the complex are assessed by a cardiologist. The results of the test are used to make the final diagnosis of angina with the indication of a functional class, which allows you to assign adequate treatment. Also, the test is widely used to select and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of various cardiovascular diseases.
Possible complications of
With proper preparation, correct execution of procedure, bicycle ergometry - no serious complications and adverse reactions are observed. Occasionally, the following effects can be observed:
- Acute coronary syndrome is a severe shortage of cardiac muscle nutrition.
- Heart rate disturbances.
- Hypertensive crisis.
- A sharp drop in blood pressure.
- Bronchospasm, acute respiratory failure.
- Fainting.
The patient should know that he has the right to refuse to perform the bicycle ergometric test. However, it is important to understand that the test results can be very useful in determining the prognosis of the disease and the appointment of a suitable treatment.
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