Vicalin tablets

Vicalin is a combination drug recommended by doctors for the treatment of hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcer.

The drug is characterized by antacid, astringent, gastroprotective, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, reparative and laxative properties.

On this page you will find all information about Vicalin: the full instructions for use for this medication, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Vikalin. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The combined preparation, renders astringent, antacid, laxative and antispasmodic effect.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

It is released on prescription.

Price list

How much is Vikalin? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of120 rubles.

Form of issue and composition

Medicinal form - tablets, light brown in color, with inclusions, a round planocylindrical shape with a facet and a risk (10 tablets in contour mesh or cell-free packages, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 packs in a cardboard bundle).

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The composition of the active components in 1 tablet of Vicalin:

  • Kellin - 5 mg;
  • Root of calamus - 25 mg;
  • The bark of the buckthorn is 25 mg;
  • Rutin (rutozide) - 5 mg;
  • Sodium bicarbonate - 200 mg;
  • Bismuth subnitrate 350 mg;
  • Magnesium carbonate - 400 mg.

Excipients: stearic acid, potato starch, talc.

Pharmacological effect

Vikalin is a combined preparation that includes bismuth subnitrate, rhizomes of calamus, magnesium carbonate, sodium hydrogen carbonate, rutin, buckthorn bark and kellin.

  1. Bismuth subnitratehas bactericidal, reparative and anti-inflammatory effects due to the formation on the gastric mucosa of a special protective film.
  2. Magnesium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonatereduce the activity of pepsin, as well as reduce the acidity of gastric juice.
  3. Rutin, which is contained in Vikalin, reduces the permeability of capillaries.
  4. The active substances of the rhizome of ayr together with the kellinhave an antispasmodic effect, and buckthorn, in turn, a laxative.

Indications for use

In the instructions of Vikalin it is said that its use is recommended for the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer / duodenal ulcer;
  • hyperacid gastritis (with high acidity of gastric juice);
  • gastro-esophageal reflux disease (inflammation of the esophagus mucosa);
  • dyspepsia (a violation of the normal activity of the stomach) is not ulcerative origin.


Vicalinum can not be appointed or nominated at a hypersensitivity to one or several its or his ingredients, an inflammation of an intestinal mucosa (enteritis or colitis), poor blood clotting and diagnosed gastritis with a decreased secretory activity (i.e. e. at a hypoacid type of a pathology). Chronic renal failure is also a contraindication, since a decrease in the excretory function of the kidneys leads to cumulation of bismuth in the body (in particular, in the structures of the brain).

Application in pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women and lactating mothers should not take the drug.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that it is recommended to take Vikalin 30-60 minutes after eating, pre-crushing the tablets. Adults should take 1-2 tablets three times a day, drinking 100 ml of water.

Duration of treatment - from one to three months, the course of therapy can be repeated one month after the end of the previous course of treatment.

Side effects

In rare cases, there is an increase in stoolness. This condition is easily eliminated by reducing the single dose of the drug.

Perhaps the development of an allergic reaction (skin itch, rashes), tongue pigmentation, swelling of the gums and eyelids, a decrease in hemoglobin in the peripheral blood, headaches. When taking Vicalin, the feces acquire a dark green or black color (this is not a reason for canceling the treatment).

With prolonged use of the drug, due to accumulation in the tissues of the nervous system of bismuth, the development of encephalopathy is possible.

special instructions

  1. During the period of therapy with the drug, the fecal masses acquire a black or dark green color.
  2. Long-term use of vikalin in high doses can serve the development of encephalopathy associated with the accumulation of bismuth in the central nervous system.
  3. When driving and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities requiring increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions, care must be taken.

Drug Interactions

Simultaneous reception of Vikalin and coumarin derivatives leads to a decrease in absorption of the latter. During the treatment with Vicalin should refrain from taking drugs containing bismuth, to avoid intoxication of the body with bismuth. The drug has the ability to reduce the resorptive effect of tetracyclines because of the formation of complexes that are characterized by poor absorption.


We picked up some feedback from people about the preparation of Vikalin:

  1. Nina. I take vikalin after the operation to cover the ulcer of the duodenum on the recommendation of the hospital doctor who did the operation. In combination with omeprazole the result is excellent !!!
  2. Anna. I often have a stomach ache, sometimes due to the use of some products, and sometimes just so, there are also spasms. I'm very good at Vikalin tablets. They cost very inexpensively and are sold absolutely in all pharmacies.
  3. Sasha. I know about Vikalin for ages. Even at the time of my youth he was received by my father, he was appointed by a doctor to treat gastritis. Dad used it for a long time, but said that for him this is a good medicine and he helps him.


Synonyms do not produce the drug. To analogues of Vikalin belong such medicines, as:

  • Venter;
  • Gastrokap;
  • De-Nol;
  • Berberine;
  • Doppelterts Melissa;
  • Gastrofarm.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store in a protected from moisture place at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life - 5 years.

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