Coughing pricks

Appointment of injections for adults with bronchitis

Injections in bronchitis adults are appointed very rarely and in especially severe cases or when there is no possibility to take the medicine through the mouth.To date, almost all drugs exist in tablet form. Therefore, the expediency of this method of treatment can be determined only by a doctor.

The problem of chest pain with bronchitis

Preparations for the treatment of acute bronchitis

The disease occurs suddenly. Within a few hours or 1-2 days, the patient develops a dry or wet cough with phlegm, the mucous membranes of the bronchi become inflamed. With inflammation of small bronchi, the patient may have shortness of breath.


The disease is caused by viruses and bacteria, dusty and gassy atmosphere of enterprises, severe hypothermia or, conversely, overheating in hot dry air. Viral and bacterial bronchitis, as a rule, is preceded by ARI.

Acute bronchitis without complications is treated mostly out-patient. People who have cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, elderly people with chronic ailments are subject to hospitalization. Weakened people during treatment are prescribed a bed rest.

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Treatment of acute bronchitis includes the use of drugs that lower the heat (if available), on the sternum to the patient put mustard plasters, from medicines, drugs that dilute sputum, and anti-inflammatory drugs (amidopyrine, pyramine, indomethacin, prodectin, acetylsalicylic acid). In the presence of purulent sputum in the drug complex, antibiotics are mandatory. Expectorants play a huge role in the treatment of bronchitis. Bronchicum, lazolvan, ambroxol, bromhexine contribute to the excretion of sputum. There are preparations from dry and wet cough.

Preparations for the treatment of chronic bronchitis

If inflammation of the bronchi with accompanying symptoms is observed annually, lasts for a total of three months or more, then the doctors diagnose the patient with chronic bronchitis. This is an infectious and noninfectious bronchial lesion, which is expressed by coughing, secretion of thick mucus (sputum), and shortness of breath. Chronic bronchitis is a disease of adults, which is rare in childhood.

Mechanism of bronchial obstruction

Chronic bronchitis is divided into primary and secondary. The primary form of bronchitis is not associated with a previous lung injury. The secondary form is manifested as a complication of an already existing lung injury (including pneumonia), larynx, trachea or bronchi.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults is complex, it involves the use of a large number of medicines and procedures. This disease disrupts the activity of the epithelium layer of the bronchi, a decrease in its plasticity and an increase in the viscosity of the moist secret. As a result, the overall secretion of mucus is increased, the drainage capacity of the bronchi decreases.

The cause of the disease can be bacterial and viral infection of the mucous membrane, irritation dust, mechanical particles and reactive substances in the air, tobacco smoke.

When observing patients, doctors often note uneven, focal lesions of the bronchi and lungs. Treatment improves the condition of patients, but the disease is gradually worsening and is steadily progressing from year to year. The periods of remission, initially long, are becoming shorter. If the patient is not under constant medical supervision and does not take medication, then in a few years he may develop severe respiratory failure.

The disease therapy includes a large set of measures. This is the reception of medicines, physiotherapy procedures, sanitation of the lungs, treatment of the patient for a healthy lifestyle and therapeutic physical training.

Preparations for the treatment of chronic bronchitis

Oletketrin with bronchitis
  1. antibacterial drugs;
  2. anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. bronchodilators;
  4. expectorants;
  5. fortifying preparations, vitamins and food additives.

Antibacterial and antiviral drugs are prescribed in the period of exacerbation, with purulent phenomena in the bronchi, with an increase in temperature. If a test for bacterial sensitivity to an antibiotic (antibioticogram) was not made before the start of treatment, the patient is prescribed penicillin intramuscularly. This antibiotic acts very effectively against the hemophilic influenza bacillus and pneumococci. If the antibiotic image was taken, then one of the following drugs is prescribed: azithromycin, sumazid, zitrolide, sumamed, hemomycin, azithrox, ampicillin, oxacillin, levomycetin, oletetrin, tetracycline, other antibiotics (1.5-2 g per day). Also appoint rondomycin (-1.6 g per day). Antibiotics can be combined with sulfonamides of prolonged action.

Drugs the patient takes in the form of tablets or injections, the purpose of which is preferable, since injections give the best result. Injections in bronchitis to adult patients are done both in the hospital and in the treatment room. The duration of antibiotic treatment depends on the severity of the patient's condition and the degree of neglect of the disease. On average, recovery occurs in 8-12 days.

The doctor's consultation

Obstructive chronic bronchitis occurs if ordinary bronchitis is not treated (or poorly treated) for more than one year. This complication is characterized by shortness of breath and changes in bronchial tissue. In this case, the use of antibiotics has less effect, as in the bronchi change mechanical properties of tissues, their structure, as a result of which the amount of mucus increases and bronchospasm. Obstructive chronic bronchitis can be further complicated by pulmonary emphysema, hypertension and chronic pulmonary heart.

Running chronic bronchitis is a life-threatening disease. In order to increase the body's resistance, the doctor can prescribe drugs methyluracil, potassium orotate and pentoxyl.

Anti-inflammatory effect is given by such drugs as sodium salicitate and presocil. Stimulant and fortifying effect gives ascorbic acid, galaxorbine and askorutin.

In therapy, the aloe extract (as a resolving agent), the vitreous body, the FIBS preparation (extract containing coumarins and cinnamic acid) proved to be excellent. Injections of bronchitis based on these drugs are done subcutaneously, the course in all cases includes 30 to 35 injections.

A good therapeutic effect on the patient's condition is provided by adaptogens: ginseng, magnolia vine, pantocrine.

As a bronchodilator in the presence of asthma, which is not amenable to treatment with bronchospasmolytic drugs, drugs are used:

  1. atropine;
  2. belladonna;
  3. atrovent;
  4. ephedrine;
  5. beta-adrenostimulators;
  6. eufillin.

Euphyllin also stimulates the respiratory center.


With neglected obstructive bronchitis, corticosteroids may be prescribed, especially if there is an asthmatic syndrome. Hydrocortisone is administered intravenously, starting at 125 mg per day. After the patient's condition improves, the dose of the drug is reduced by 25 mg every two or three days, adding aerosol irrigation to the pharynx.

Ambroxol for bronchitis

Expectorants play a huge role in the treatment of diseases associated with the accumulation of thick sputum. The best sputum discharge is obtained by the action of 3% potassium iodide, tincture of the althaea root, thermopsis terpinhydrate, mucaltin. Broncholitin, bronchicum, bromhexine, lazolvan, ambroksol - new modern drugs with mucolytic and expectorant action.

A good therapeutic effect is provided by inhalations with proteolytic enzymes (substances that break down proteins to amino acids and promote the dilution of sputum). This terpelitin, trypsin, chymostripsin, chymopsin, which are dissolved in a small amount (about 5 ml) of saline or in a solution of novocaine (0.25%), followed by inhalation.

With severe purulent bronchitis and severe dyspnea, the patient undergoes bronchoscopy, during which the bronchial tree is flushed, antibiotics and expectorants are administered.

People who have undergone bronchitis should avoid hypothermia and stay in a polluted atmosphere of the premises. A good prevention of the disease will be exercise therapy and special massage of the chest.


Be healthy!

Names of the most popular antibiotics for cough

Antibiotics for coughingCough and antibiotics for many people are closely interrelated. According to sociological polls and statistics, more than sixty percent of the population of our country after a few days of severe coughing begin to take antibiotics. At the same time, almost half of them do not consider it necessary to first visit a doctor. This terrible mistake can turn into serious health problems, because this symptom does not always require the taking of medications of this type. In order to understand in what cases strong medicines are needed, and in which there are not, you should know what diseases can be cured with their help.

Antibiotics for cough for which diseases are indicated for admission

The name of the strongest antibioticsIt should be noted immediately that the names of such drugs, as well as instructions for their use, do not contain any information about the fact that they help to heal from this symptom. Therefore, choosing a suitable medicine, it should be remembered that such a disease as coughing does not exist. This is just a symptom that can accompany various ailments. So, there are no names of antibiotics that help to cope with such a sign.

The cough medicine antibiotic helps cope with the disease only if it is bacterial. With viral infections, as well as colds, it is not advisable to take it.

Here is a list of diseases for which the doctor prescribes antibiotic drugs:

  • Pneumonia. When pneumonia is ill, the patient is prescribed a cure for antibiotics of a wide range of action that successfully cough successfully. Similar means within five - seven days put in order lung tissues. With severe lung damage, injections or pills from cough antibiotics, can fight the main symptom and last longer. In this case the doctor considers it expedient to change them or prolong the course for another five to seven days.
  • Tracheitis. At the initial stages, this disease is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as tablets and sprays, softening the mucous throat. However, if the disease does not recede within three to four days, the patient is prescribed antibiotics against cough and sore throat.
  • Tonsillitis. With angina and cough, antibiotics are prescribed only if it is non-viral.
  • Tuberculosis. This disease does not completely cure, but with proper treatment the condition of the body is maintained with the help of tablets and injections of antibiotics from cough.

Separately, we should say about the disease, like bronchitis. The bronchial asthma does not always require the use of such strong drugs. In some cases, the doctor decides on the need to prescribe only anti-inflammatory drugs. Antibiotics from bronchitis and cough apply for deep obstruction. Another example that confirms the need for their use is a strong chest cough with bronchitis, which also requires the intake of antibiotics.

Antibiotics for coughing the name

There are many medicines of this type. In the table below you can find the names of the most popular and common drugs of the antibiotic type.


Indications for use



Bronchitis, tonsillitis, inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract.

Pregnancy and lactation period, acute cardiac and renal insufficiency, gastritis and peptic ulcer, children under one year old.


Bronchitis and pneumonia.

Diseases of kidney and liver, children under 3 years of age, gastrointestinal diseases.


Respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Pregnancy and lactation, diseases of the digestive tract, liver and kidneys, children under 12 years.


Bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia

Peptic ulcer and gastritis, impaired kidney and liver function, children under 3 years old.

Zi-factor (antibiotic for cough 3 tablets)

Tracheitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis.

Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, children under 18 years of age, serious diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys.

We draw your attention to the fact that the information in the table is for information only. To prescribe antibiotics from a cough, the list of which is listed above, should only the doctor.

When antibiotics for cough and cold do not help?

Colds themselves do not require the use of strong drugs. They are treated with medicines, the action of which is directed to a certain symptom, for example, temperature or a cold. In more serious diseases, such as ARVI and influenza, as well as other viruses, the use of strong medicines means is also inexpedient, since they do not affect bacteria and microorganisms that are the causative agent infection. Drugs of this type are prescribed only if the flu or other virus causes complications.

Question about injections of ceftriaxone


Anna Ermakova

Injections of ceftriaxone are very painful, even adults after it drag their feet behind them, what can we say about the baby. We must endure, with treatment should not be delayed. The variant of intravenous administration of the same ceftriaxone for the child is no less problematic, I think. Warm places of injections, iodine grid draw, compress to dissolve the drug more quickly, pain will pass quickly, no cones and change the buttock for injection every day.
Health to your baby!

Women's Beauty

Name: Ceftriaxonum

Pharmachologic effect:
Cephalosporin antibiotic of the third generation. Has bactericidal action due to inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis. Ceftriaxone acetylates membrane-bound transpeptidases, thus violating the cross-linking of peptidoglycans necessary to ensure the strength and rigidity of the cell wall. Has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action, which includes various aerobic and anaerobic Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms.

Indications for use:
Ceftriaxone is prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to it, including: - with infections of the ENT organs, upper and lower respiratory tract (acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess, pleural empyema); - with infections of the skin and soft tissues (including streptoderma); - with infections of the urino-genital organs (pyelitis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, epididymitis, gynecological infections, uncomplicated gonorrhea); - with infections of the abdominal organs (biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract, peritonitis); - with sepsis and bacterial septicemia; - with infections of bones (osteomyelitis), joints; - with bacterial meningitis and endocarditis; - with mild shankra, syphilis, Lyme disease (spirochetosis); - with typhoid fever; - with salmonellosis and salmonella; - for infections in patients with weakened immunity; - for the prevention of postoperative purulent-septic complications.

Mode of application:
Ceftriaxone is used intramuscularly and intravenously. Use only freshly prepared solutions.
For intramuscular injection, the drug is dissolved in sterile water for injection in the following ratios g dissolved in 2 ml of water, 1 g - in, ml of water. Intramuscular injections are introduced into the upper outer quadrant of the gluteus maximus deeply enough. It is recommended to enter no more than 1 g in one buttock. To eliminate pain at the injection site, a 1% solution of lidocaine can be used.
For intravenous administration, prep

Irina Kobzar

sorry for the ass you will ruin the child! inhaled bronchitis and pneumonia are not treated!


We did our son a year and 4 months. The doctor said it was a very painful injection, but the baby had sore throat, so I did not even think that I was sorry for the ass. The consequences of neglected diseases are much worse.

The child suffers from coughing when it is possible to give Eufillin. In the form of tablets or injections. I do not know what to do with a cough


Viy Gogol

Immediate call - if suffocated !!!


To the doctor! Perhaps he has bronchial asthma, and you are engaged in Internet treatment. Antibiotics who appointed? And did eufilin advise?. In some cases, it can be given to children, but the correct dosage is needed! At this age, the parts of the pill are calculated!

Anna Popova

Do not you think it's better to consult a doctor?

Katerina Konshina

What does advise mean? the doctor wrote out or not? eupheline dilates the bronchi! if antibiotics do not help, then it's not an infection but an allergy or asthma and you need to give an anti-allergic

darya boletus

It is possible, we gave at 8 months, but it may be whooping cough and he will not help, ambulance, to the hospital, We were pricked by hormones, we were vaccinated, the vaccine begins to act only after a year (after a set of vaccinations at 3, 6 and 12 months)


Descend or go to the allergist, only to the good. Hand over the tests for allergens. I do not want to frighten you. My son had asthma. I'm just giving him an euphillin. when it begins to choke, together with antihistamine. And only then Berodual and so on.

Timofeeva Evgenia

Eufillin is a serious medicine, consult a doctor and decide on hospitalization.


to the doctor just choking!!! What are you waiting for? Call a doctor or an ambulance at home!


At the child, most likely already asthmatic attacks, to the doctor, urgently.

Murmuchik the fourteenth

we at a bronchitis drank on 1/4 2 times a day. We were then,. But all the same it is necessary to find out the cause of a cough, whether it is just a cold, and prada allergy.

Katya Fomicheva

address to the allergist, check up whether there is no asthma do not give anything!!! there are allergic centers take there direction. And buy a home nebulizer, feel the approach of an attack breathe

Tatyana Azarova

Inhalation is better than an inhalator, it attacks asthma and coughing relieves

Friend of human

To an allergist and pulmonologist! Then to the immunologist. This is from personal experience!


I had asthmatic bronchitis in my childhood, gasped, blue, hardly arrived, did not help anything, even sat on Salutan already as a drug addict. my mother was advised during the attacks to put me in the bathroom and put a bucket of cold water, it saved my life more than once, the attack stopped instantly, and breathing opened. Of course, the method is very peculiar, but when the child is gasping for breath, what can you do?


To relieve cough for the night it is necessary: ​​give the child before going to sleep sedative (suprastin, fenkarol with a dose corresponding to age and weight); Humidify the air in the room the child will be sleeping in; and before you lie down a teaspoon of any (vegetable or creamy) oil.
And you need to clarify the diagnosis and conduct appropriate treatment.

old chap

the ambulance immediately. at us it was choked at once have caused. in the hospital they inhaled. and injections. found something to joke about


Once again call and insist on hospitalization, because the child suffocates. Before the stenosis, God forbid you will reach. In acute attacks, while the ambulance rides, you can pan on the stove and a little mineral water to evaporate - and breathe. Or open the hot water in the bathroom so that the steam comes and also breathes.

Lyudmila Elagina

It seems to be allergic, since the whistle is present ..

Tatiana Lebedkina

We had it so, from the hospital left a week ago, urgently call an ambulance. there did inhalations, injections and after 7 days normally. Do not self-medicate, I went through this !!!


You need urgently to a good specialist, if in Moscow, then the Institute of Immunology Kashirskoye highway seems22 or 24 (3 floors). My son, only one year ago, was able to put the correct diagnosis and pick up the treatment (we adhere to us, for years), before that, 3 years of being sick, then he was panting-there was no temperature, but lay without opening his eyes, and local doctors and pneumonia were treated with droppers in the hospital, and were examined for allergens-they were found on all... Then, right up to the operation, it came to suspect the foreign body in the lungs, prescribed such a medicine that later in the MSC they told me that he would have lived half a year on it... We found this institute and flew, although we ourselves live in Khabarovsk (7 hours difference from MSK). I am very grateful to the doctors of the Institute (and there was no allergy to it, by the way)!
Well helps Uzinguation with berodualom (diluted with fiz. solution), but here all Pts individually, and this is a strong medicine, like euphilin, be careful with them.

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