The benefits and harm of dried prunes for the human body

Prune is a drained sushi.

Usually, in the production of dried fruit, plum varieties such as "Hungarian" or "Renklod" are used.

Prunes are a delicious and healthy fruit. It is used in cooking, it gives the dishes an exquisite taste.

The chemical composition
  • The chemical composition
  • Useful properties
  • In the therapeutic diet and dietology
  • Folk recipes
  • How to choose
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • Pregnancy caution

Dried fruits found their admirers in dietetics, as it helps to lose weight.

Prunes have a number of medicinal properties.

It is eaten for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

The fruits of dried plums improve mood, normalize metabolism.

They help to cleanse the human body, promote the removal of salts, cholesterol and excess fluid.

Chemical Composition

Prunes are rich in useful substances and mineral elements.

It includes the following components:

  • vitamin A - the element stops the aging of the body, it is necessary for the health of the skin, nails and hair, strengthens the immune system;
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  • vitamins B - these substances improve the digestive system, they participate in the processing of fats, amino acids and carbohydrates, promote the synthesis of energy.
    These substances are needed for good functioning of the nervous system and blood, they suppress the development of anemia and infectious diseases;
  • vitamins of the group PP - these elements reduce cholesterol in the blood.
    Protects against diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, prevents the appearance of thromboses.
    Vitamins PP restore the nervous system, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
    They play an important role in the formation of hemoglobin and erythrocytes;
  • And what do you know about such medicinal herb as wormwood, bitter, medicinal properties and contraindications which are described in a useful article? We recommend to read useful material.

    Cleaning of blood vessels at home with folk remedies is described on this page.

  • vitamin C - is needed to improve the skin.
    He struggles with wrinkles and restores the skin elasticity.
    The substance normalizes cholesterol in the blood, maintains the hemoglobin and iron levels at the required level.
    Vitamin C helps in the fight against colds;
  • mineral elements : magnesium( helps fight anemia), iron( necessary for the development of bone tissue), potassium( improves heart function), calcium( strengthens teeth and bones);
  • cellulose - is necessary for the normalization of the digestive system;
  • pectin - helps to rid the body of toxins and toxins,
  • carotenoids and photonutrients - elements strengthen the immune system and help in the fight against various diseases.

Prunes are rich in organic acids( lemon and oxalic).Useful properties are justified by valuable chemical composition, richness of vitamins and microelements.

In 100 grams of prunes contains 231 kilocalories. Usually, these are ten medium fruits of dried fruit.

Useful Properties

  1. Prunes normalizes the digestive system.
    It eliminates constipation, acts as a mild laxative.
    Helps with diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  2. Helps to restore the correct metabolism, which contributes to the fight against excess weight.
    Nutritionists everywhere recommend the use of prunes when losing weight, but in a moderate amount.
  3. Dried fruits have antibacterial properties, it helps in the treatment of colds.
    The fruits of prunes significantly reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in the human mouth.
  4. The composition of prunes allows to normalize the pressure, the use of fruits strengthens the walls of the vessels.
    This reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
    Prune perfectly fights heart disease in the early stages of development.
  5. It is used in the prevention of malignant neoplasms, as prunes promote the destruction of free radicals( they contribute to the development of cancer).
  6. Prunes stop the development of infections, resists the development of Escherichia coli and Salmonella.
  7. Helps with avitaminosis, fights with a decline in strength and a depressed state, increases efficiency.
  8. Prunes have choleretic and diuretic properties.
  9. A dried fruit can be consumed in kidney and liver diseases( how to get rid of parasites by folk remedies), it helps people suffering from rheumatism and atherosclerosis.
  10. Carotene, which is part of prunes, improves eyesight.
  11. A dried fruit is recommended for women during menopause.
    At this time they are especially prone to osteoporosis, and prunes strengthen the strength of bones.

And what do you know about the medicinal properties and contraindications of psyllium seeds? About their medicinal qualities is written in the current article.

How to make yourself manicure on short nails read here.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / toloknyanka.html it is written about the properties and contraindications of bearberry.

In medical nutrition and dietology

Prunes are useful to people who want to adjust their weight.

This is due to the following properties:

  • fruits have a low glycemic index.
    This prevents the rapid emergence of hunger.
    Prunes become a good snack;
  • any diet: with gastric ulcer, fatty liver, diabetes mellitus or other - it is stress for the body, and dried fruit is a good antidepressant.
    The use of prunes with weight loss will improve mood, will not feel like a victim;
  • dried fruits reduce "bad" cholesterol in the blood - the first step on the way to losing weight;
  • Prunes normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of the intestines.
    This is the main condition for successful weight loss;
  • in the fruit of prunes is a large amount of sucrose and fructose, so the abuse of dried plum will lead to the opposite effect and contribute to the collection of extra pounds.

Folk recipes

  1. To clean the intestines , take 8-10 prunes fruits.
    In the evening, soak them with a little warm water, leave until the morning at room temperature.
    Drink water on an empty stomach and eat dried fruits( you can break them into several receptions).
    Regularly use this recipe and you will forget about problems with the intestines.
  2. To get rid of calluses , the following recipe is used:
    • , boil several fruits in milk, remove the bones from them.
    • Apply hot prune to calluses, hold it until you feel painful sensations.
      Apply the recipe until completely convalescent.

  3. With hypertension , therapeutic tea will help:
    • take 4 fruits, pour hot water and hold for 5 minutes.
    • Cut prunes in small pieces, add to dry tea.
    • Brew a drink, let it brew for fifteen minutes.
    • This tea helps reduce pressure.

  4. To reduce the weight of , this recipe helps:
    • mix 4 parts of dried fruit,
    • add one part of raisins, dried apricots( useful properties and contraindications) and rose hips( can be replaced with syrup),
    • add half of senna grass.
    • Mix the resulting ingredients, grind them through a meat grinder.
      Take this vitamin complex instead of sweets.
      Dosage - two teaspoons a day.
      Store the mixture in a glass jar, in the refrigerator.

  5. To treat constipation , take half a glass of lemon juice.
    Mix it with infusion of prunes( at the rate of 5 berries per glass of boiling water).
    Drink a drink in the morning, on an empty stomach.

How to choose

Before buying a product, you should carefully inspect the product. This prune should be only black.

If the fruits are unnaturally shiny, this indicates that they have been treated with glycerin or fats of unknown origin.

This procedure improves the appearance of prunes, but worsens its useful properties. If dried fruit has a brown tint, then it was scalded before selling it.

Such fruits will have a bitter taste.

Dried fruits with bones retain more useful substances than without them.

If you are in doubt as to the quality of the product, you can check whether the prunes were susceptible to chemical treatment.

For this, soak a few fruits in water, leave for half an hour.

The processed product will not change the appearance, and natural prunes will white in places.

Before consumption, dried fruits should be kept for 10 - 15 minutes in water, can be scalded with boiling water.

Contraindications and side effects of

A dried fruit can harm the body.
The list of limitations is quite small:

  • diabetes - prunes are rich in sucrose and fructose, with diabetes it leads to complications;
  • obesity - excessive consumption of prunes with excess weight will lead to a set of unnecessary kilograms( but a small amount of dried fruit is recommended for all people who are dieting);
  • lactation period - Prunes weakens the intestines.
    These substances can be transmitted with mother's milk to a child, which can lead to an intestinal disorder in the infant;
  • individual intolerance to dried fruit,
  • gout ,
  • hypotension ,
  • , prunes can not be caused by prunes themselves, but chemical products of processing dried fruit.
    Many manufacturers paint the finished product.
    Glycerin treatment is used for this purpose.
    To give shine and improve the presentation.
    Before buying prunes, carefully read the ingredients on the packaging.

Pregnancy Care

Doctors recommend eating dried fruits to women in the state. This is due to the rich vitamin composition of prunes.

It helps to maintain the health of a future mother. If the pregnant woman suffers from constipation, then the dried fruit gently eliminates this problem, the act of defecation will become regular and painless.

Prunes improve metabolism, it does not affect the liver, in contrast to pharmacological agents. Prunes are a very useful product. It is recommended to take it to people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps fight against diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Prunes strengthen immunity, improve the general condition of the body, fruits are recommended to include even in the diet of pregnant women.

Excessive reception of dried fruit can cause harm to health. Before regular use of prunes, it is necessary to read the contraindications.

Watch the video of the program "Live healthy!", Dedicated to useful properties and contraindications to prunes.

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