Is jaundice a hepatitis A, B or C?

Many people ask: jaundice, what is hepatitis? Botkin's disease, viral hepatitis and jaundice are all names of the same disease. Hepatitis can be A, B, C or D groups. And the appearance of jaundice is just one of the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, an easy form of hepatitis is called this way. In the period of infection, the organism becomes intoxicated, which causes the appearance of yellow color on the mucous membranes and skin integuments.

  • Symptoms of jaundice
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Jaundice and pregnancy
  • Jaundice in newborns
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Consequences of jaundice
Related articles:
  • Symptoms and treatment of toxic hepatitis
  • Symptoms and treatment of viral hepatitis
  • Hepatitis C and its incubation period
  • We treat hepatitis C at home quickly
  • Hepatitis C: symptoms and proper treatment with folk remedies

Symptoms of jaundice

Hepatitis is a viral disease that disrupts the normal functioning of the liver, contributes to its increase. Yellowness appears as a result of increased bilirubin - yellow blood cells. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but their excessive amount causes intoxication. This causes a destructive effect on the functioning of the liver. A month after infection, there may be signs:

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  • diarrhea;
  • nausea leading to vomiting;
  • painful sensations in the abdominal cavity;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • heaviness in the abdomen.

Symptoms begin to occur during the appearance of yellowness of the skin. A person begins to feel relief, but the disease does not pass at that moment.

Important to remember!At the first signs of the disease, you should undergo a thorough examination! After all, hepatitis has several groups. Depending on which letter the disease is, its severity is determined.

Hepatitis A

The disease of this group is characterized by acute liver damage. It is the mildest form of hepatitis. How can I get infected? It is transferred from person to person through infected feces if the hygiene rules are not respected. Most often due to unwashed hands. Progression of hepatitis A begins after the expiration of the incubation period, which can last from 7 to 50 days. At a time when jaundice appears, a person becomes easier for a while.

Important to remember!To avoid the disease of this group, you should follow the basic rules of hygiene and teach this child!

Hepatitis B

Relatively severe form of the disease. How is hepatitis B transmitted? Infection occurs in such ways:

  • transfusion of the affected blood, so before this procedure, the donor needs to pass the necessary tests to exclude hepatitis B;
  • reuse of disposable syringes;
  • sexual contact;
  • defeat of the child in the womb from an infected mother.

Symptoms are more serious. At the initial stage of the lesion, there are indispositions that are similar to the flu. The urine becomes darker, the feces become discolored. If hepatitis B goes into a chronic form, then this is the greatest danger. The patient constantly feels weakness, quickly overworked.

Important to remember!In order to protect yourself from hepatitis B, you need to monitor the sterility of needles when piercing the ears, dental instruments, and so on!

Hepatitis C

This group of the disease - the most severe both in the course and in treatment. It is transmitted in the same way as hepatitis B. It shows itself quite rapidly. There are such symptoms:

  • severe diarrhea;
  • frequent migraines;
  • pain in the right upper quadrant;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • fever.

The disease can cause complications on the liver, which will cause cirrhosis.

It is important to know!Vaccines against hepatitis C do not exist! Therefore, to protect yourself should follow preventive measures.

Jaundice and pregnancy

The appearance of jaundice in pregnant women is due to the fact that the liver can not always function normally during this period. Such a disease in medicine is called cholestasis. In women during pregnancy with liver disorders there are such symptoms:

  • allergic skin rash, accompanied by severe itching;
  • the appearance of heartburn;
  • appearance of yellowness on the skin;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • loss of appetite, resulting in a woman begins to lose weight.

The first signs of jaundice in pregnant women can not be ignored. Immediately should contact a specialist who will assess the condition of mother and future child. Based on the examination and laboratory studies, the doctor will choose the most effective and safe treatment. After all, many medications are contraindicated in pregnancy. With regard to the treatment of cholestasis without the use of medicines, the expectant mother will need to follow a strict diet. Meals to make frequent, but in smaller quantities.

Important to remember!Women during pregnancy should spend more time outdoors and lead an active lifestyle!

There are situations when a doctor recommends an emergency birth. Do not be afraid of this, because modern medicine will help to give birth to a healthy and strong baby. A finding in the womb of a mother with such a disease can adversely affect his health.

Jaundice in newborns

In most newborn children, a few days after birth, the skin is colored yellowish. Newly-baked parents should not worry about this. But to pay attention of the pediatrist to the given symptom nevertheless it is necessary.

Jaundice in a child is associated with an increased amount of bilirubin in the blood. Due to the appearance of these types of jaundice are distinguished in newborns:

  1. Physiological. Its appearance is associated with a large release of erythrocytes during childbirth. The condition of the child is satisfactory. Yellowness occurs with frequent breastfeeding.
  2. Jaundice of breast milk. It is not a destructive condition. This is just a reaction to the substances of breast milk. Therefore, after the diagnosis is established, breastfeeding should not be discontinued.
  3. Pathological icterus. It signals that drugs should be taken for normal liver function.
  4. Hemolytic disease. It is manifested by the decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Liver in this disease increases in size.
  5. Nuclear jaundice. The newborn has a retardation, lethargy, drowsiness. The consequence of this type of disease can be damage to the central nervous system.

In some cases, an urgent hospitalization of the child is necessary to constantly monitor his health and behavior. Disturbing symptoms may include:

  • sharp deterioration of the child's condition;
  • progressive increase in bilirubin;
  • urine became dark in color;
  • increased liver or spleen.

Important to remember!From the first days of life, the child should be under the constant supervision of the parents! A pediatrician should visit a newborn every day for a month.

Diagnosis of the disease

Since jaundice is a symptom of several types of diseases, it is only possible to discover what a person is affected by using a complex of analyzes and studies. The following measures are taken to establish the diagnosis:

  1. Survey and detailed examination of the patient. The image of his life, the possibility of alcohol dependence, contact with patients, the presence of certain ailments becomes apparent. The doctor examines the abdominal cavity, skin.
  2. General analysis of urine and feces. Will help to identify inflammatory processes in the body.
  3. Biochemical analysis. Its result shows the level of bilirubin in the blood and other indicators, the increase of which may indicate the infection with hepatitis.
  4. Radiography. Inspection of internal organs for possible abnormal development or increase.
  5. Markers of viral hepatitis. The disease can be detected 2 months after infection.
  6. Liver biopsy. It is used in those cases when it is difficult to diagnose by other methods of research.

Based on the results of the conducted studies, the medical specialist establishes the correct diagnosis and prescribes the correct treatment taking into account individual characteristics.

Consequences of jaundice

As it turns out, jaundice is a symptom of one of many diseases. Therefore, it is very important to identify the source of its appearance. If you do not treat the disease, then ignoring it can lead to such consequences:

  • destruction of liver tissue;
  • cirrhosis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • decreased immune system;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, timely response to this symptom is very important, and, accordingly, treatment of the disease caused by it. When jaundice should adhere to a strict diet, so as not to overload the liver.

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