Tablets for coughing

Termopsis tablets - instructions for effective use

Thermopsis is a cure for a plant-based cough that comes in the form of tablets and has been in demand for many years. Nowadays, pharmacies offer a variety of cough remedies, but Thermopsis is also popular, as it effectively fights the disease.And, importantly, it does not contain chemical additives.

Healing properties

Cough pills Termopsis consist of two components - thermopsis and soda

Attentive consumer, buying medicines, always reads information on the package. This cough remedy consists of two components - thermopsis and soda. The tablets do not use dyes, additives and chemical ingredients, so the drug is a natural medicine.

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Thermosys lancet has long been used by humans as a means of coughing up with all kinds of colds. This herb in large quantities can be found on the Siberian lands, it "loves" solonetsous and sandy soils, located in the lowlands, as well as hills and sown fields.

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The drug in the human body acts in this way:
  • strengthens the secretion of mucus and bronchial muscle tone;
  • increases the work of ciliated epithelium;
  • enhances the breathing process, which affects the rate of excretion of sputum.

When a patient uses thermopsis from a cough, rapid absorption takes place in the stomach and intestines, after what it gets into the bloodstream, and then it appears in the bronchi and trachea and affects their mucous annoyingly. This process causes a reflex cough.

What is the cure for a cough cold without fever and what medicines are indicated in the article.

Application of the drug Thermopsis enhances the breathing and activity of the epithelium, enveloping the bronchi from the inside, which contributes to expectoration and rapid removal of sputum.

The second ingredient in tablets is soda, which helps to significantly reduce the viscosity of phlegm, so that it frees up the respiratory tract faster. And this contributes to a speedy recovery.

Indications for use

After reading the article it becomes clear what to give the child with a wet cough.

Tablets with thermopsis are effective for dry and moist cough

Application of the drug Thermopsis is carried out with a moist cough, when there are observed difficulties with the withdrawal of viscous sputum, as well as with a dry cough, when it is necessary to turn it into a productive. This situation can occur with symptoms of acute bronchitis, pneumonia and other colds.

How to apply correctly

The drug is available in the form of tablets containing, mg sodium bicarbonate and 260 mg of thermopsis grass. The doctor appoints pills to adult patients for 4 to 6 days, one tablet three times during the day.Babies who have not yet reached the age of two, tablets are best replaced with infusion of herbs of thermopsisor other folk remedies for dry cough for children.The infusion of thermopsis is given to the children 3 times throughout the day by 1/2 teaspoon. After three years of age, increase the dosage to an incomplete teaspoon, and to 11-13 - to one tablespoon.

Also, pharmacists also offer a tablet dry extract of thermopsis in combination with milk sugar. Patients older than 18 years take it one tablet 2 to 3 times a day.

Doctors recommend consuming a lot of warm drink to improve liquefaction and excretion of sputum.

If the patient takes adsorbents or astringents and enveloping drugs, this can reduce the absorption in the stomach and intestines of the alkaloids that make up Thermopsis. Also, these cough tablets can not be taken with drugs that contain codeine and other cough medicines. This method will make it difficult to cough up phlegm.

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Side effects and contraindications

Capsules with cough with thermopsis have a number of serious contraindications

Patients suffering from ulcers or individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as pregnant women and infants, this medication can not be taken.

What are the symptoms of asthmatic cough in children and how quickly to identify it is indicated in the article.

Like any remedy, Thermopsis has side effects, including:

  • allergic reactions;
  • itching of the skin and rashes;
  • labored breathing.

If the above reactions occur, the medication should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

The undesirable consequences of taking this medication may be as follows:

  • the drug excites both the respiratory center and the vomiting, because they are near.If dosage is exceeded, nausea and vomiting may occur;
  • babies can not expectorate sputum, and this contributes to its accumulation in the lungs, this situation leads to the opposite effect;
  • The herb has a feature to stimulate uterine contractions.If pregnant women will cough with these pills, it can trigger a miscarriage.It is better to address to other, safe grandmother's recipes from a cough;
  • if the patient has impaired renal function, then he should not take more than two tablets a day, preferably in the morning and in the evening, so that the interval between doses is large;

If the patient drives a car or his work requires increased attention, then the preparation with thermopsis should not be taken.

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The average price of the drug from cough Thermopsis in pharmacies is 30 - 55 rubles.

Reviews about the drug

Mom of the five-year-old Taras, Natalia, says that when a son has a cough, she treats him with pills with thermopsis. On the positive side, according to Natalia, there is a plant origin of this drug and an excellent expectorant effect, which is why recovery is faster.

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Veronika from Novosibirskadmits: "I have long heard a lot about the effective cough remedy - tablets with grass thermopsis.But somehow I did not really believe in their effectiveness, because I was biased about using herbs to treat diseases. But a friend who treats cough with two of her children with this drug has convinced me. During the winter cold, I felt the positive effect of Thermopsis on myself. Now I recommend it to others. "

To summarize, it should be noted that tablets for coughing Thermopsis should be used strictly adhering to the instructions, taking into account all contraindications and indications. This drug is a wonderful expectorant only when it is applied correctly.

Instructions for tablets Cough thermopsol

Catarrhal and viral diseases require immediate treatment. Cough, as one of the symptoms, reduces the quality of life in childhood and adulthood, causes increased irritability, breaks the sleep phase. Pay attention to the medical product Termopsol: tablets from cough are allowed to use by all categories of patients, provide a stable therapeutic effect, soft action in the body. Before the beginning of the treatment course, it is important to consult a local therapist (pediatrician), to carefully study the instructions.

Composition and pharmacological action of the preparation

Expectorants are available to patients in a wide range, but it is recommended to use harmless herbal medicines that gently act on the focus of pathology. Such unique properties are possessed by the preparation Termopsol: effective tablets from a cough of a greenish-gray color of a flat form. This medicine is dispensed without a prescription, it can be used for therapeutic purposes by an adult patient and a child.

The active ingredient in its natural composition is the herb of lanceolate thermopsis, produced in powder form (, 067 mg). The presence of this substance provides an expectorant effect, suppression of intensity and frequency of urges. Thermopsis increases the activity of the bronchial glands, irritates the receptors of the gastric mucosa, reduces the viscosity of sputum. Such a strong action inhibits the reflex of cough, clears the upper respiratory tract, promotes an early recovery.

An additional component in its natural composition is sodium hydrogencarbonate (5 mg), which dilutes sputum and enhances the therapeutic effect of the active ingredient. The medical product Termopsol is available in the form of tablets, one package contains 10 pieces. Production - Russia. This inexpensive medication is dispensed without a prescription, is available in every pharmacy, so it is available to all patients on the recommendation of a doctor.

Instructions for use and dosage

In the detailed annotation it is said that these inexpensive but effective cough tablets are recommended for taking such diagnoses as bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract with viscous phlegm. More often their presence is appropriate in the complex therapy. Thermopsol is a reliable cough pill that has high efficacy and mild effects on organic resource, so their use can be combined with other medicines without fear side effects.

For adults

The drug is intended for oral use, i.e. you should regularly drink this cough medicine. Admissible single dose g of thermopsis, and the daily norm for patients is, g for three daily doses. Cases of overdose, while observing these portions are completely excluded, but in the absence of a positive effect after 5 days, it is desirable to replace the cough remedy. Any changes in the prescribed treatment should be made only by the local therapist strictly according to the indications.

For children

The recommended dose for young patients is 1 tablet three times a day. The oral use of this expectorant is not associated with eating, so each portion needs to be resorbed under the tongue until dissolved in the oral cavity. The duration of therapy is 3-5 days, the correction of prescribed treatment can be made only by the district pediatrician, based on the dynamics of the disease, the characteristics of the child's body.

Can I take during pregnancy and lactation?

When carrying a fetus, a number of medications are categorically contraindicated for use. Pregnant women are not recommended for the purposes of treatment and prophylaxis to use the medical product Termopsol, because the cough tablets have not been clinically tested. Effects on the fetus and the penetration of active components through the placental barrier are not officially defined, so it is better not to experiment with the health of an unborn baby.

Side effects

If you take tablets from a cough as recommended by your doctor, side effects are excluded. Since this medical preparation is of plant origin, there is no negative effect on the body in the vast majority of clinical pictures. The exception is a slight sensation of nausea, which disappears on the second day of regular reception of Thermopsol. If the patient is embarrassed by such changes in the state of health, you can pick up another mucolytic drug on the recommendation of a specialist.

It is also worth highlight allergic and local reactions, as a result of intolerance of the body's active components. To overestimate daily doses is also not recommended, since in case of an overdose there are signs of dyspepsia, vomiting. Such patients are lavaged with a further intake of sorbents, symptomatic therapy according to indications.


Tablets with thermopsis are not allowed for all patients, there are certain limitations. These include:

  • increased sensitivity to active ingredients of the plant formula;
  • children's age till 12 years;
  • gastric ulcer of chronic form.

For these categories of patients, this method of treatment is unacceptable, so it is necessary to consult your doctor for a more suitable mixture against dry or wet cough.

Reviews about the effectiveness of the drug

Maxim, 27 years old: Termopsol tablets were given to the child more than once when he was ill with bronchitis. The doctor prescribed one pill three times a day. The result was, but in addition to such therapy we did a gargle of the sore with soda. After such a home treatment, the son breathed easier, slept peacefully all night. So the medicine came up to us, took with the wife and myself a note.

Marina, 24: This cheap remedy cured a cold cough for her daughter. Five days later the doctor said that the result, as such, is not observed, so I prescribed a dry medicine. I do not know why it happened, it seems as if everything was right - three times a day they dissolve the pill under the tongue, did not violate the prescribed regime. The result was unhappy, in vain they bought.

Masha, 28 years old: This drug helped me cope with a cough during pregnancy. The doctor said that there would be no harm for the child. I drank the pills for 7 days, and the problem was gone. The child was born absolutely healthy, I can even put the photo as evidence. I myself was convinced that during pregnancy this remedy does not harm, but cough treats in a matter of days. Without the recommendation of a doctor, I do not advise taking it, but I recommend that all future mothers with such a problem should pay attention to Termopsol.

Tablets for cough: instructions for use.

The slightest hypothermia of the body leads to the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi. There is a cough. It is a protective unconditioned reflex of the body. With the help of a cough, your body tries to get rid of sputum in the bronchi, which prevents proper breathing. Helping the immune and nervous system to remove phlegm will help the pill from coughing. Domestic inexpensive and effective drug.

What do they contain tablets for cough? The instruction will help to understand this. They contain: codeine, sodium bicarbonate, licorice root, lanceolate thermopsis grass.

Codeine is a derivative of morphine. It is an extract of the alkaloid of opium, therefore it acts as an analgesic. Has also antitussive effect, affecting the center of cough in the brain.

Sodium bicarbonate, also baking soda, is used as an antiseptic in the formulation.

Licorice root is an underground part of a perennial herbaceous plant. Extracts found in it irritate the endocrine glands. Irritation leads to expectoration of sputum, located in the bronchi. Softens irritated lung membranes and heals ulcers.

Thermopsis lanceolate. The herbaceous part of this plant contains essential oils and alkaloids. Gives an expectorant effect, acts on bronchial tissue.

That's why tablets from cough apply for cough treatment of various nature in adults and children over 2 years old.

Tablets for cough, instructions for use

Make sure that the drug is always in your medicine cabinet. It should be taken at the first symptoms of a cough, whatever its origin.

Tablets from a cough - how to drink? Take three times a day for one tablet. If the cough begins to progress at night, drink the pill before bed.

How to take pills for cough? The duration of the drug should not exceed ten days. Codeine can be addictive. If there is no positive effect, then stop taking the tablets from the cough.

Do you take pills for cough? The instruction contains all contraindications, as well as all allergic reactions that may be caused by the drug. Be careful if you:

  • are pregnant. The components have the property of penetrating the placenta and influencing the development of the fetus. Especially dangerous in the first three months. Laying the organs and systems of the child's organs can occur with significant disabilities;
  • you have hypertension of the uterus (threat of miscarriage). The components of the drug have an effect on the level of the hormone oxytocin;
  • breastfeeding. Codeine penetrates into breast milk and acts on the cough center. This can cause a decrease in the respiratory rate in the newborn.

Side effects

There is an individual allergy to the components of the cough tablets. It is expressed in the redness and itching of the skin, changes in breathing.

An adult is not recommended to take more than 3 tablets of cough per day. The instruction enclosed in each package will tell about this in more detail.

Symptoms of overdose: headache, drowsiness, decreased muscle tone and respiratory rate. Neutralize the symptoms can be activated charcoal, washing the stomach with potassium permanganate (manganese). When a patient is in serious condition, hospitalization with atropine administration is required.

Pay attention to taking pills for cough with kidney failure, glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis. Since the kidneys do not work at full strength, the breakdown products of codeine are not completely eliminated. There is an intoxication of the body.

Tablets from cough can not be taken with sleeping pills, psychotropic, cardiac drugs. Also, it is not recommended to take pills if they are not prescribed by your doctor. But this applies to any drug.

Narrative anise drops from a cough

Anise drops - a cough medicine well known in the past, is an effective tool in the fight against dry and wet cough. Many from childhood remember the taste of ammonia-anise drops, which were prescribed by a pediatrician for colds and bronchitis. And they always helped, after a few days the cough became productive.

The drug lacks a sugary and sweet taste, which is so sinned by modern cough syrups. Also the product does not contain harmful chemical additives, like tablets. And there are ammonia-anise drops are mere trifles. That's why it is difficult to find a drug in a pharmacy: pharmacologists are unprofitable to trade a cheap medicine.

Structure of the preparation

In the yellow bubble there is anise oil, ammonia and ethyl alcohol. The amount is 25 or 40 ml in the vial. Appearance means - a colorless or pale yellow liquid with the smell of anise or ammonia.

Action of the medicine

Nashatirno anise drops have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the respiratory tract. The effectiveness of coughing is due to the constituent components, in the first place - anise oil.

The essential oil of this plant holds an aromatic substance called anethole, which stimulates the separation of sputum, its progression through the bronchi, and also has an antiseptic effect. With the help of ammonia, sputum from dense liquor turns into liquid and is easily eliminated from the respiratory tract. Being in the complex, these substances help to cope with the following diseases:

  • Pharyngitis;
  • Tracheitis;
  • laryngitis
  • Bronchitis (acute and chronic);
  • Bronchopneumonia;
  • Whooping cough.

Narrow-anis drops can be taken with any cough, and the drug can be combined with other drugs that have an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Additional Properties

Anise oil has a carminative effect, helps to cope with flatulence, and is also able to improve digestion.

Mode of application

Moist-anise drops are consumed 3 times a day. It should be noted that the drug can not be drunk in its pure form, otherwise it can cause irritation and burns of the gastric mucosa.

The instructions say that the drops should be diluted with clean water. Adults on admission will be enough to 50 ml of liquid, which dissolve 10-15 droplets. Children are prescribed as many drops per appointment as children. For example, if a child is 4 years old, he is given 4 drops 3 times a day.

Side effects

The medicine for treating a cough - ammonia-anise drops, as a rule, are well tolerated. Very rarely there is individual sensitivity, the instruction indicates the possibility of developing an allergic reaction, nausea or vomiting.


Since the agent can irritate the mucous membrane, it is not advisable to use drops with gastritis and peptic ulcer. The instruction advises not to apply the medicine to people whose profession requires increased attention, for example, to drivers of motor vehicles. With caution use the medicine for liver diseases, alcoholism, in the lactation period, with craniocerebral trauma.

Because the effect of the drug is aimed at diluting sputum, drops with anise oil can not be combined with cough suppressing tablets.

special instructions

Although amniotic anise drops are prescribed to children, starting from one year, it is necessary to take medicine at this age with caution, watching the reaction of the baby.

Drops are used exclusively in diluted form, during drinking, it is recommended to drink a lot of liquid.

Anise drops work perfectly in the complex therapy of cough, in combination with chest massage, inhalations, hot foot baths, plentiful warm drinking.

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