Russian flu vaccine

Vaccine against the flu: which one is better to choose and when to conduct?


The vaccine against influenza protects a person against the severe consequences of influenza and reduces the risk of the disease by almost 2 times. Thanks to the vaccine, the disease is transferred much easier, if a person even gets the flu, and the severity of the symptoms also decreases significantly. Not to mention deaths, which are almost 2 times less after mass vaccinations. Which flu vaccine works best and when should it be done?

Why do I need a flu vaccine?

Scientific experiments that have been conducted over the past few years have shown that, thanks to vaccines, the course of the flu is much easier or the disease does not appear at all. In addition, during the research it was proved that the vaccines are easily transferred by man, they well stimulate the human immune system, and also reduce the risk of epidemics.

Why do I need a flu vaccine?

Among the most effective vaccines that are recommended for protection against influenza:

  • Influwak
  • Grippol
  • Vaxigrip
  • Begrivac
  • Fluarix
  • Agrippal
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These drugs meet all the requirements of pharmacological international organizations that control the production of vaccines. The level of protection of these vaccines is very high - more than 70%. This is a very effective level of protection against influenza. It allows you to avoid complications in the flu, deaths and epidemics.

Why do I need a flu vaccine?

It has been proved by science that vaccination in teams in only 20% of employees significantly reduces the risk of epidemics and the number of diseases. This applies to both influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Vaccines that fight the flu are called the medical term of the trivaccine. This name is given to vaccines because of the fact that they contain antingas against the three most popular and dangerous influenza viruses: A, B, C.

Who should be vaccinated?

First of all, vaccination is made for those people who are at risk of getting influenza (but only on condition that they agree, and this consent must be in writing).

Who should be vaccinated?
  1. People in old age - over 60 years of age
  2. People with chronic diseases, hospital patients
  3. Children and adults, e with bronchopulmonary diseases, especially with bronchial asthma
  4. Children and adults with heart and vascular disease
  5. Children and adults with diseases of the respiratory system
  6. Children and adults who a year ago were treated in the hospital for renal and hepatic disorders
  7. Children and adults who underwent chemotherapy, including one year ago
  8. Nurses, doctors - employees of medical and school institutions
  9. People who work in numerous groups (and children attending kindergartens, schools)
  10. Residents of dormitories, communal apartments, nursing homes, as well as those who are in prison.
  11. Pregnant women in the second or third trimester (on the recommendation of a doctor)

How is the flu vaccination performed?

The vaccine is usually injected into the shoulder, into the deltoid muscle region (this is the upper third of the shoulder muscle). After the vaccine, you can not wet the site of the injection for a day, as an inflammatory reaction of the skin may occur. In addition, if you are told that you can not take alcohol after the vaccine, keep in mind that this information is incorrect.

How is the flu vaccination performed?

The vaccine can also be administered through the nose by instillation (children are told that these are "droplets"). In this case, the body's response to viruses and bacteria is weaker than when injected, which explains the unpopularity of this method of vaccination in our time.

If the vaccine is given to children who have not received it before, and who have not already had the flu, the vaccine should be taken not 1, but 2 times. Between the introduction of the vaccine should take 30-35 days. But the dose of the vaccine should be less than for the adult - exactly half.

When should I get the flu vaccine?

Usually vaccination against influenza is done during October-November, about a month before the height of the flu. During the time when people begin to massively get sick with the flu, the vaccinated form stable immunity to the viruses that cause the flu.

When should I get the flu vaccine?

The average term for the formation of a stable immunity against influenza in humans is from 10 days to 2 weeks from the moment the vaccine enters the human body. Earlier in October, doctors believe, the vaccine does not make sense, because the effect of the drug is gradually decreasing, and the body may again be weakened by the beginning of the height of the incidence of influenza.

What are the types of flu vaccines?

There are two types of vaccines: live (with living viruses that are already weakened and adapted to the human body) and inactivated (which live viruses do not contain).

What is the most effective vaccine against influenza?

Doctors recommend choosing in most cases inactivated vaccines (example - Influvac). In these vaccines there are no live viruses, and therefore they are more easily tolerated than those with live viruses in the composition. Non-living vaccines contain either particles of already destroyed viruses, or surface antigens of the influenza virus.

What is the most effective vaccine against influenza?

The safety of these vaccines is combined with very good immune support of the body. After the introduction of these vaccines, a person will not get sick with the flu unless some new unrecognized virus appears.

If a person hesitates, which vaccine to choose - domestic or imported, qualified doctors usually recommend import. They have more degrees of purification and purification degree these are step-wise, multi-stage. In addition, at any stage of the vaccine production, laboratory specialists carefully monitor all processes. Therefore, adverse reactions to these vaccines are minimal - the allergy does not occur even in children who are not yet one year old, as well as in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

A flu vaccine can save you from many troubles and save you a lot of working hours. So do not give it up if you care about your health.

Contraindications for the introduction of a vaccine against influenza

Since chicken protein (most often) or preservatives can be used in the production of influenza vaccine, it is not possible to administer it to people who are allergic to these substances.

  • You can not inject a flu vaccine before the age of six months
Contraindications for the introduction of influenza vaccine
  • The vaccine is contraindicated in chronic diseases in the acute stage - then it is necessary to wait another month after the person has recovered and will receive a vaccination permit from the doctor.
  • The vaccine can not be taken to those who previously received the vaccination, but it was very difficult to tolerate it.
  • You can not do the vaccine to those people who have had cold or flu less than two weeks ago.

What are the complications after vaccination against influenza?

They are divided into two groups - systemic complications and local.

Systemic complications after vaccination is an allergic reaction of the whole organism, for example, headaches, holding the breath, failures in the heart rhythm, fever, blood pressure jumps, muscle and joint pain, meningitis, and so on.

What are the complications after vaccination against influenza?

Local complications after a vaccine - is the response of some one system of the body, but not the whole organism. It can be a sore throat or headache, or redness of the skin at the site of the vaccine, or a runny nose.

In case of complications after the vaccine, you need to tell the doctor about it, so that he advises what measures to take.

Do I have to pay for a flu vaccine?

To those people who are listed in the list of clients necessary for vaccination, the vaccine is introduced free of charge - at the expense of the state program to fight the flu. If the vaccine is not enough or the person is not sure of its quality, he can get it in those places that he trusts (basically, state polyclinics or centers with them). The patient has the right to pay for the vaccine and services for its introduction on the spot.

Do I have to pay for a flu vaccine?

But if the flu vaccine was purchased in one place and introduced in another, keep in mind that the doctor has the right to refuse to introduce it. The basis - the doctor can not guarantee the result from the introduction of a drug of unknown origin, as well as with unknown conditions of storage and transportation. Also, the doctor can not predict the allergic reactions of the body to this drug.

You do not need to pay for vaccination if the firm where the person works is paying for it. It often happens when the company's management worries about the health of the entire collective and orders a massive vaccination. In this case, a commercial contract is concluded with the polyclinic where the vaccination is carried out, and the employee of the company is obliged to fulfill his conditions. He can not come to the vaccination. Is that only he has contraindications to the introduction of the vaccine.

"Grippol" (vaccine): reviews. Which vaccine against influenza is better

With the onset of cold weather, we begin to observe whole flu-like epidemics. Every year a new strain of this disease dominates, so it is not so easy to protect yourself from it. Treatment of influenza is always fraught with large financial costs, as it is necessary to buy potent expensive medicines, which, unfortunately, in many cases, do not help.

influenza vaccine reviews

Influenza is a complex viral infection that can mutate and cause severe complications, which affects the reduction of immunity and can provoke the development of all kinds of inflammatory processes. In practice, over the past decade there have been many deaths, regardless of the patient's age. Therefore, the problem of preventing influenza is very disturbing both ordinary people and doctors. What measures need to be taken to protect yourself and your family from the next epidemic and survive the winter calmly, without worrying about every cough or cold?

What is the current prevention of influenza?

Over the past five years, doctors have focused on mandatory vaccination of different age groups of people. Vaccination against influenza is a purposeful introduction into the human body of a weakened virus in order to develop physiological protection of this from new microorganisms. The reaction is different. Many vaccines may not be suitable for people at the expense of their basis. So, many are faced with an allergic reaction to chicken protein, which is found in most types of influenza vaccines.

To be vaccinated against the flu or not?

Despite possible side reactions, every year, people who wish to be vaccinated become more. They do not want to risk their health and the health of their loved ones and are of the opinion that the side effect as a consequence of the injection is much safer than the disease itself.

influenza vaccine

Vaccination against the flu today is done at will. If it concerns children, the decision to vaccinate always depends primarily on the parents. Informed dad and mom themselves are determined today, it is advisable for the child to inject or not. Since the quality of the vaccine today often leaves much to be desired, many fear the vaccination of babies. But, following the advice of doctors, still most of the parents agree to vaccinations for their children.

flu vaccine instruction

First of all, protect your body from a viral infection - flu, advise older people whose age has crossed the limit of sixty years, children under three years old, pregnant women in the first trimester, people with immune deficiency, persons whose professional activities involve communicating with infected patients - pharmacy workers, doctors and medical personnel of hospitals, and servicemen.

Which flu vaccine is better? There is no unambiguous answer to this question, since each drug is designed for preventive control of a specific strain. Producers try to predict future epidemics, but not always succeed. Therefore, influenza can be ill and vaccinated people if they catch the infection in an "updated" form.

Since various viral types of a life-threatening disease prevail today, one must unequivocally graft from them. If preventive maintenance of a flu will not be carried out, the mankind will give chance of this mutating illness to develop with greater force and the effect of a plague of twenty-first century can turn out.

Dates of vaccinations

Vaccinations are beginning to be done both for adults and children in the period from October to December, that is, immediately after the onset of cold weather. After all, frequent colds are associated with a temperature drop, when warm days are coming to an end, and cloudy, wet or frosty weather changes them.

Influenza is an infection that does not bypass either those who become hardened and play sports, or those who do not think about their health at all. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and to be 100% insured against the fact that tomorrow you will not rise sharply temperature or drip from the nose, you can not. And to minimize the risk of developing the disease and vaccinated population.

How safe are vaccines against influenza with the help of modern drugs?

As noted above, there is no answer to the question, which vaccine against influenza is better and safer. The quality of vaccination of people depends on the state of their health at the time of the implementation of a certain serum, from the doctor's knowledge of the patient's illnesses, possible allergic reactions.

In medical practice, there have been cases when a certain lot of the influenza vaccine produced produced side effects and was immediately withdrawn from circulation.

So, it is still imperfect to produce vaccines, to say unequivocally at once, it is safe to vaccinate or not, it is impossible. But due to common sense, many people do this and observe positive tendencies of increasing their body's resistance to all possible strains of influenza. After all, high mortality is observed not from the virus itself, but from the complications it causes.

At what age is vaccination against influenza carried out?

The vaccination can be performed already at the age of six months. The procedure is carried out annually several times. It all depends on what kind of vaccine is introduced to an adult or a child.

Which flu vaccines are being used now?

Currently, doctors for grafting people use in their practice fluids of a different range of effects. They can be given by drops through the nose or injected injectively, by injecting into the forearm or thigh.

flu plus children reviews

Among the commonly used are the so-called live vaccines and their inactivated forms. The first species contains weakened and non-contagious viruses. The second one does not contain live viruses.

Inactivated vaccines, in turn, are divided into whole cell, containing cells of the virus influenza, split-diluted virus cells, and subunit vaccines containing surface proteins.

Today the practice of using subunit solutions for the inoculation of adults and children is observed in medicine. One of those is known to many "Grippol" - a vaccine, reviews about which are mostly positive. Also in this group are the vaccines "Influvac" and "Agrippal" tested on adults and children.

What is a vaccine against influenza Grippol?

This is by far one of the most effective injectable formulations against the influenza virus. He is able to form against him a specific immunity in the body of an adult and a child, reduce the risk of colds and increase resistance to other respiratory-viral infections.

inoculation against influenza

A lot of questions are caused by the parents of young children "Grippol" - a vaccine, the responses about which are not as unambiguous as many would like. It is natural that the reaction of each individual organism to the vaccine is individual. But if you observe the overall effect, then the conclusion suggests itself: it is the most common vaccine, which many are inoculated, and the stable result of its influence on immunity, strengthening it against influenza is proved.

There are cases when "Grippol" is negatively characterized. The vaccine (reviews of some patients claim that this is so) is simply not effective. This is quite an explicable situation. The vaccinated person could have another type of flu. The vaccine "Grippol" (instruction indicates this) is aimed at developing immunity against strains of influenza A (H1N1 and H3N2) and B, which were observed in the epidemiological inflow at the beginning of the 2000s, and to date have reduced their activity. But this does not mean that they are not modified into more complex forms.

"Grippol" is prescribed for children and adults in certain doses specified in the instructions, which are clearly followed by doctors.

The list of contraindications to vaccination with this drug includes cases of fever, acute infectious diseases, chronic ailments in the acute stage, allergic reactions to early vaccinations of this vaccine.

The vaccine "Grippol" for children is first made in the thigh at the age of six months.

Today this is not the only effective injection for influenza of Russian production, which is used by doctors.

Vaccine for children "Grippol plus"

For vaccination against influenza in small children, parents choose this drug to a greater extent.

what kind of flu vaccine is betterDoctors also advise the drug "Grippol plus" for children. Reviews about this vaccine are positive. It does not contain preservatives in its composition, it causes less allergic reactions. This is an improved version of the vaccine sample "Grippol".

Where is the vaccination carried out?

Injections of the vaccine are made in specialized offices of polyclinics. The vaccination of children is carried out on a specific schedule. But the state of health at the time of injection is an important factor determining the further actions of the medical staff.

Reviews on the effectiveness of vaccination against influenza

General impressions, which causes "Grippol" (vaccine), reviews about the drug in most cases are positive. The same applies to the already mentioned composition "Grippol plus".

These and other injection fluids are provided by the country's polyclinics in full, because these are domestic medical products that are constantly being improved.

prevention of influenza

The vaccine "Grippol" (the instruction to the drug says exactly this) is a safe method of preventing influenza.

Doctor's advice

Today, the drug "Grippol" and the vaccine "Grippol plus" are prescribed for children. Comments of physicians tend to be used for small patients after all, the second type of means for injecting against the flu. The lack of preservatives in its content causes fewer side reactions. And this is the main task at the time of bringing to the vaccination all age groups of people.

Refuse to vaccinate the doctor strongly advise. In cases of ambiguous response of the body to the vaccine, it is no longer used, but another species is selected.

Many people say that vaccination is dangerous, after vaccinations people get sick even more often. But personal experience is the best proof of all sorts of rumors, which are then refuted, then supported by supporters.

The modern generation must understand the moment that vaccination (not only from the flu) is an opportunity to develop a common resistance to all complex diseases that lead to death. If humanity does not fight them, in particular, refuses to help doctors do their work, will soon face epidemics.

While we weigh the pros and cons, the ailments do not slumber, and tomorrow can be our big headache. Therefore, take care of your health when opportunities are provided for this.

Vaccination against influenza with drugs "Grippol" and "Grippol plus" is free for all comers. No positive or negative feedback on the Internet should decide whether to be healthy or not.

"Sovigripp" (vaccine): reviews of doctors and patients. Description, instruction, contraindications

Well, today we will try to figure out which "Sovigripp" (vaccine) reviews earn from doctors and patients. This drug is extremely important for modern man. After all, it is he who helps fight against viral infections, the epidemics of which are so common. However, before you inject, you really need to know what doctors and patients think about this. Maybe it's better to use old vaccines in general? Or do you pay attention to the new one? Let's deal with this issue.

co-virus vaccine reviews


Let's start with the fact that "Sovigripp" (vaccine) reviews are received from the time of its description. That is, once patients know what it is, they write their opinions about the drug. This is not entirely correct. But the fact remains.

The thing is that "Sovigripp" is a kind of new Russian flu vaccine. A certain concentrated solution in ampoules, which contains killed and weakened influenza bacteria of various types. Honestly, there is nothing special about this. Only now "Sovigripp" (vaccine) reviews of consumers are not the best character for the fact that it is domestic. The modern population is skeptical of Russian vaccines. Especially to the new. Just this is our current drug.


Of course, you can not do without special indications. And this vaccine against the flu "Sovigripp reviews about which will be presented to our attention with you later, has a number of both recommendations and contraindications. They need to pay close attention. After all, injections of the virus and vaccinations are not jokes.

"Sovigripp" is a vaccine that is recommended for administration to the entire adult population, who wants to increase their immunity and protect themselves against influenza of various types. Allowed use by people aged 18 years. As the manufacturers assure, even during pregnancy and lactation (the most vulnerable categories of citizens, by the way) can be vaccinated with the drug. Extremely recommended "Sovigripp" (vaccine), reviews about which are left ambiguous, those with whom reduced immunity, and there is a risk of serious complications after disease. Sometimes this tool is also used for routine vaccination against influenza in schools. But it extends exclusively to the senior link of schoolchildren (grades 8-11).

co-flu vaccine


Contraindications should not be forgotten. It is not enough to want to protect yourself from viral diseases and flu. It is also necessary to have an idea of ​​when it is impossible to carry out injections. Otherwise, you can simply damage your own health. "Sovigripp" (vaccine), instructions, reviews and the effectiveness of the application are presented to our attention, it is not just some kind of injection. A really serious injection. And for this reason, one should not overlook contraindications.

Vaccine against the flu "Sovigripp reviews which are of interest to many patients are not recommended for to people with hyper-sensitivity, and also to those who generally have an intolerance to any vaccines. Such cases are rare, but they have a place to be. Also, with virus diseases, elevated temperature and any malaise, a prohibition is imposed on Sovigripp. Young children and schoolchildren of junior level of training, too, can not inject this injection. If you are prone to allergic reactions (including protein), you can also forget about the domestic method of protection from ARVI and influenza.

vaccine against influenza co-virus reviews

This does not end there. Strong postvaccine reactions of the body and chronic diseases in the patient are also the reason for refusing to vaccinate with the drug. Thus, we can conclude that the contraindications for the drug is more than enough. It is not necessary to be frightened - such restrictions are superimposed on the majority of vaccines. After all, a person should get a weakened or killed virus when the body is in perfect condition. Otherwise, there is a risk of not developing immunity, but a disease.

Opinion of doctors

An important point is also what doctors think about the domestic vaccine. It is not for nothing that before any vaccination it is advisable to consult a specialist. Vaccine "Sovigripp" reviews doctors earn, oddly enough, very good.

Many argue that this tool of Russian production helps to fight the flu and its viruses faster than others. In addition, doctors argue that the risk of complications in this case is reduced to almost zero. Ostensibly almost all patients calmly and without consequences transfer the injection.

co-influenza vaccine patient reviews

Plus, sometimes this drug is prescribed for children. So, there is every reason to trust the vaccine. A pediatrician will never prescribe a drug that can harm a child. Yes, doctors also emphasize that for maximum effect it is necessary to inject "Sovigrippom" annually. But this is a compulsory measure, and it applies to all vaccinations against influenza. So there's nothing to be afraid of.

Patients say

But the opinion of patients does not always coincide with the words of doctors. So the population is arranged, that there is no special trust for Russian medicine in the last time. And so "Sovigripp" (vaccine) reviews patients earns are not the best.

For example, the main reason for this is the manufacturer. He is Russian. And this fact already makes people doubt the effectiveness and safety of vaccination. It's not a secret for anyone that in Russia, despite the country's development, testing of medical products is not very effective. And so the risk of complications after injections remains high. But all this is carefully hidden. After all, the main task for physicians is to promote national medicine.

In addition, patients do repeatedly emphasize that after the vaccine they have a dramatic deterioration in their general health for several days. All this is written off to the side effect of the drug. Only now there are these cases very often. And this does not please the population. Sometimes after vaccination, you can feel really ill. This is exactly what the people who already tested "Sovigripp" say.

vaccine co-virus reviews of doctors


Which of these can be inferred? "Sovigripp" (vaccine) reviews get questionable and ambiguous. Opinions of doctors and patients were divided. And here everyone has the right to decide who to believe more. In principle, if you do not suffer from viral diseases, and also are not afraid of new drugs, then our current version is quite suitable for injections.

"Sovigripp" (vaccine), instructions, testimonials, recommendations and contra-indications of which were presented to our attention, is a domestic product first of all. Do not be afraid of him. Yes, to experiment in the event that you suffer from side effects, it is not necessary. And children do not need to inject such injections, until this drug is considered a "new word" in medicine. Otherwise, there are no apparent reasons for fear.

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