Fruits for colds

What fruit vegetables help against colds


Alexander Vyazemsky

To me - the root of ginger! And women do not. Sweating-excellent!


Any in a raw state.

Zinaida Yarishkina

Everything, but actually kiwi goes well ...

Vera Melnikova

Against the cold help drugs, but to support the body, vitamin "C" - lemons, kiwi, pomegranate, apples, etc.

• VikyL'ka •

Garlic, onion, lemon. For colds, also make teas from fruits (eg raspberries, viburnum).

Anastasia Egorova

Of course the fruit is very good, but one can not cure a cold. It follows that something from medications poprinimat, personally I drink during the cold kagocel, it helps the immune system to overcome the virus. And it's good to eat fruits containing vitamin C: lemon, kiwi, oranges, etc.

Nastya Litunovskaya

grenades, bananas

Which fruits are most useful during colds accompanied by fever?


Gulyaeva Maria

At this time, you need to give the croquet to citrus fruits (provided that it does not have any allergies) - oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, pomelo. In general, all fruits are useful - apples (babies can be baked to do), grapes, bananas, pears. The temperature well reduces cranberry juice. If there is no allergy to honey - then honey - it will perfectly support immunity during the cold!

instagram viewer

Do not be ill! Health to the baby and happy childhood!




lemons, oranges, currants


Cranberry juice!


Citrus fruits, apples, bananas


Citrus! Just kiwi and berries of currants and raspberries


Citrus is good.
Let's have tea with a lemon.
Oranges, tangerines.
Cook the cranberry mors.

Nadezhda Romantsova


What kind of fruit and juice do you buy that will advise a cold?



Now many seasonal

Masha Machine

Vitamin H. If you believe Giovanni Boccaccio, the very thing !!!

Julia Julina

No purchased juice. Only freshly squeezed.
It would be better to have no fruit until the correction is followed, but if she has an appetite, then pineapples, grapefruits, oranges, lemon juice from lemons in water to add along with honey, the berries would be very OK. Only citrus fruits do not need to eat in the same meal with others. They do not fit together.

that itself Katyusha

any and at least that

Vladimir Shtepa

honey undiluted, better mountain Altai

alexey zevako

orange and grapefruit - there is a lot of vitamin with

A * N * F * I * S * A

juices are nonsense - there is nothing better than water with a lemon! Unless of course there is an allergy to citrus, a slaughter dose of vitamin C. slice the lemon into a glass of water. A cold is a reduced immunity, a girl needs a malinka to eat - as long as it is sold, black and red currants. Still good tea with ginger.


Fruits and juices for colds that really help
fruits contain the substances we need:
beta-carotene - a natural immunostimulant, which improves the protective properties of the body. Contained in apricots, mangoes, grapefruit, mandarins, peaches, musk melon;
vitamin C - today scientists are ready to admit that they have placed too much on ascorbic acid hope, from the flu and other infections, vitamin C can not be cured, but it can still ease the flow disease. Contained in musk melon, lemons, mandarins, oranges, kiwi, papaya, strawberries, cherries;
flavonoids - a number of compounds that have antimicrobial properties and increase the activity of the immune system. Contain in the flesh of citrus and cherries;
Glutathione - an antioxidant, enhances immunity. Contained in the pulp of watermelon.
Of the popular berries, fruits and juices for colds after citrus are raspberry and cranberries - they are good antipyretic agents and serve as sources of vitamins A, B, C and organic acids. All of the above substances are found in fruit juices and berry fruit drinks. Fruit juice with a cold should be diluted with water, so that it does not cause a strong irritation of the mucosa. It is advisable to drink juices for a cold freshly, for half an hour after preparation, otherwise there will be no benefit from their admission. Sweats and anti-inflammatory properties have tea with raspberry fruits and linden flowers, decoction of hips, fortifying and softening - compote of dried fruits.
Fruits and juices for colds are an important part of medical therapy - they are easily digested, leaving the body's strength to fight the disease, contain a large number of beneficial substances, and help to alleviate the symptoms disease. Finally, if you have an easy case of a cold, you can easily replace tablets and pharmacy syrups with natural medicines: fruits and juices. And tasty, and useful!


Cranberry (the fruit is healthy and tasty from it, the temperature knocks down and increases the defenses of the body for colds), in second place - lemons, kiwi and oranges.

Ivanova Anna

Fruit is good in fruit drinks, cranberry, for example. And generally it is not necessary to rely only on vitamins, it is necessary something from a virus, it is possible viferon, an aqualorum to wash out a nose, miramistin also to sprinkle, and to drink Morse in parallel with treatment

What fruits and vegetables are useful for colds?


Olga N

Onions, garlic, lemons

polar bear

Garlic, black radish.

Here so thinking)

garlic, tea with raspberries or lime;))) milk is warm with butter and honey!
over a steaming potato in a uniform you can breathe :)))


8uoiij ijooo;

raspberries do not eat you will die, tangerines eat longer you live, honey also do not eat


that lemons are useful, it is well known... Recently I heard that kiwi is very helpful for angina... in them a record amount of vitamin "C" and something else... Here such infa ...


any? it is necessary warmly! meat (not fatty). antibiotics? immunomodulators (interferon)

no, it's not Marina

All useful


Lemon with warm tea

Proper nutrition for colds and flu

Proper nutrition for colds and flu is extremely important, but many people in the period of illness focus their attention only on drugs and medical procedures. But the ancient wisdom, according to which the food itself is a medicine, is also relevant today.


Needs of the body during a cold and flu

Regardless of the nature of the disease - viral or not - the body is under tremendous strain during illness, and its resources for fighting the disease become very limited. Immunity needs tangible support, the liver also requires additional protection, and the heart has to work harder and harder than usual. In addition, patients usually receive fresh air in a limited amount.Therefore, the forces for recovery of health patients derive primarily from food.

Abundant drink for coldsThe diet of a person who has become ill with flu or cold should become diverse and rich in various valuable minerals and vitamins, but in no case should you overeat during this period: you need to eat in small amounts, in small portions 5-7 times in day. These portions should contain easily digestible, but useful substances.

Also, the body needs enough fluid to make up for the loss of moisture and carry the substances needed to fight the disease, so the drink should be abundant and warm, even hot. It is advisable not to eat immediately before going to bed, because a weakened organism doubly hard to digest food in a dream. Doctors recommend eating at the same time the entire period of recovery.

Forbidden food for colds and flu

If a healthy person is very useful to adhere to the principles of proper and adequate nutrition, the patient is even more important.

Refusal of harmful food during illnessSharp, smoked, fried foods are completely unacceptable in the period of the transference of a cold or flu. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sweet, especially fizzy drinks and packaged juices, because they are a big load for the liver, which already has to work hard. Fatty foods are allowed only 1-2 times a day in very small quantities. In general, the intake of cholesterol in the body during this period is very poorly assessed by doctors. Chips, fast food, alcohol even in minimal doses are strictly prohibited. Also, you can not use coffee, strong black or green tea, cocoa, highly carbonated mineral water.

To herbal products and infusions it is better to treat with caution: the disease is not the time for experiments on your own body, so do not try new medicinal plants. In the event that they suddenly find an allergic reaction, the consequences can become very difficult. In addition, it is not known how drugs and herbs can be combined with each other, and the conflict between their substances can slow down the body's recovery several times.

Recommended diet for colds and flu

Diet for flu or cold is simple. You need to remember to eat fresh fruits and boiled vegetables in every meal. Fiber helps to cleanse the body, relieves it of toxins and toxins. The food is balanced, so you should not give up meat. You just need to give preference to suitable types of meat - lean beef, veal. Poultry meat and fish will also be appropriate, cook them for a couple or boil. Dairy products and cereals, cooked in milk - a traditional choice for patients with colds and flu.

The use of garlic for colds and fluOf particular value are products that can stimulate immunity and fight viruses:
  • garlic;
  • bow;
  • lemon;
  • black currant;
  • honey.

Overeat them not necessary, especially on an empty stomach, but eating every day is very useful. The only contraindication is the patient's allergy.

Extremely useful doctors consider the use of decoction of rose hips. Rosehip perfectly treat mucous membranes, which especially suffer from colds and flu from drying out and swelling. The broth can be cooked from fresh fruits, from dried fruits, and you can buy ready-made dogrose syrup in a pharmacy and dilute it with boiling water. The use of 1-2 glasses will bring the patient a great deal of relief. The total volume of liquid should be approximately 2 liters per day.

Proper nutrition for flu and cold is especially important if they suffer from small children. Their body tolerates any disease heavier than the body of adults. Many parents try to cheer up their babies, allowing them during the period of illness to eat delicacies that do not bring good. However, this should not be done. It is advisable to postpone such pleasant surprises and please the baby after his well-being becomes much better.


A reasonable and thoughtful menu during a cold and flu makes it possible to significantly accelerate the course of the disease, facilitate the healing process and avoid many complications.

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