Sesame oil: good and bad, how to properly take and use?

Sesame seeds contain a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. Since ancient times, they are used as a seasoning, a supplement to baking or an ingredient for making butter.

For cold pressing, fresh or fried sesame seeds are used. In the first case, the oil turns out to be lighter and with less pronounced flavor than in the second variant.

The fried seeds give the mass a dark color, and its smell differs slightly bitter notes. Oil, like sesame, is used as a culinary additive or in recipes of traditional medicine.

Article content:
  • Useful properties
  • Nutritional value and calorie content
  • Is there any harm and contraindications?
  • Methods of application
  • In folk medicine
  • In cosmetology
  • For weight loss

Useful properties

Healing properties of sesame oil were discovered even during the times of the pharaohs. Even then it was used in medicine, cosmetology and even perfumery. Some recipes have survived to this day, and are widely used by nutritionists, doctors, cosmetologists and representatives of alternative medicine.

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Sesame oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, nails, hair, internal systems of the body and its condition in general. You can use the oil for medicinal purposes, as well as as a preventive agent.

Benefits of sesame oil for the human body:

  • thanks to lignans, oil is involved in the prevention of cancer( in the presence of tumors, the rehabilitation process is facilitated);
  • regulation of lipid metabolism in the body( the property is used to get rid of excess weight);
  • normalizes the functioning of internal systems of the body;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes( external and internal);
  • strengthening of the immune system( in adults, in children);
  • normalization of acidity of gastric juice;
  • decrease in the level of harmful cholesterol;
  • stabilization of digestion and metabolism;
  • strengthening of bone tissue;
  • normalization of lung and respiratory system performance in general;
  • improving brain performance;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • stabilization of the circulatory system;
  • acceleration of the process of bile withdrawal:
  • helps to cope with severe pain during menstruation;
  • helps to eliminate the risk of overeating( oil satiates the body and prevents the rapid emergence of hunger);
  • normalization of the hormonal background;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

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Nutritional value and caloric content

In sesame oil contains not only calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and iron, but also some amino acids that are vital for the body, but can not be produced by them.

These substances include stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic and other acids. This oil is considered an effective natural antioxidant.

The composition of sesame oil includes Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, saturated fatty acids, useful macronutrients and vitamins of different groups. A distinctive feature is the presence of lignans.

Due to these components, after heat treatment, the seeds do not lose useful properties and retain their composition almost unchanged.

Sesame oil refers to a fairly high-calorie ingredient. In 100 g contains almost 899 kcal. In this quantity, it is not used. To facilitate the process of counting calories, one can be guided by the fact that in a teaspoon of the substance there will be about 5 g( or 45 Kcal), and in a tablespoon - 16 g( or 152 Kcal).

Energy value of sesame oil( per 100 g):

  • carbohydrates - 0.1 g;
  • fats - 99.9 g;
  • proteins - 0 g

Nutritional value of sesame oil:

  • saturated fatty acids - 14.2 g;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids - 42.5 g

Are there any harm and contraindications?

Sesame oil, like any other ingredient, should be eaten in accordance with the recommendations. Excessive introduction of it into the diet or external application can harm the body.

For example, sesame oil has an easy laxative effect, and diarrhea can be a negative consequence. Too frequent use of masks and ointments on its basis leads to irritation on the skin or allergic reaction.

Sesame oil can not be taken by any means, if the following factors exist:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins( read in this article how to treat varicose veins on the legs);
  • increased blood clotting;
  • is an individual sesame intolerance. Sesame oil can not be taken with aspirin at the same time. In the diet, it is not recommended to administer it if foods with a high content of oxalic acid are used. This factor is due primarily to elevated levels of calcium in oil.

    The compatibility of these substances may lead to a violation of the genitourinary system. In addition, sesame oil should never be heated or boiled on fire. After such a procedure, it not only consumes useful properties, but also becomes dangerous for the body.

    Ways of using

    Daily consumption of sesame oil should not exceed one tablespoon. Otherwise, the expected effect will not occur, and the negative result will be a by-product.

    Sesame oil should be used in courses. For daily use it is not suitable because of the high concentration of components.

    Before using any technique, it is important to perform a sensitivity test. The oil droplet is rubbed into the wrist area. If redness does not arise, then you can proceed to the procedure.

    In folk medicine

    • from gastric ulcers or gastritis ( three times a day, the oil is ingested by 1/3 tablespoons, it must be done strictly before meals);
    • with a headache ( a small amount of oil must be rubbed into the temples with massage movements no more than three times a day);
    • for diseases of the oral cavity ( oil should be held for several minutes in the mouth, the procedure is carried out three times a day until the symptoms of the existing disease disappear completely);
    • for colds ( a small amount of slightly warmed up on a water bath of oil should be rubbed into the chest area or taken no more than three times a day for 1/3 tablespoon to speed up the separation of sputum).

    In cosmetology

    • use as a face cream ( sesame oil should be treated around the eyes, face or problem areas, the substance has a healing and rejuvenating effect, it is recommended to use it once a day in the morning or before going to bed);
    • addition to ready-made creams ( sesame oil in small amounts can be added to the finished cream, selected according to the type of skin, thanks to the additional ingredient, the effect of the cream will intensify);
    • for hair ( pure oil is rubbed into the hair and then washed off with normal shampoo, the procedure can be performed several times a week, so that the hair will become more shiny, healthy, stop falling out and splitting);
    • for nails ( sesame oil is daily lubricated cuticles and nails, the effect of the application will be strengthening the nail plate and improving the appearance of the skin on the fingers);
    • for massage ( making massage with sesame oil, you can achieve not only the healing of the skin, but also get rid of such problems as stretch marks, cellulite or small scars).

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    For slimming

    • sesame oil on an empty stomach ( a tablespoon of oil should be washed with a glass of water, a sense of satiety will arise, and the beneficial components of the substance will promote excretion from the bodyexcess fluid);
    • massage of problem areas ( the oil can be mixed with other components, mix the problem areas daily).

    Sesame oil in any recipe is used in accordance with certain rules. You can not add it to hot dishes( soups or second courses).Otherwise, the taste of food can be spoiled, and oil will not benefit the body.

    You can not lose weight using only sesame oil. In this case, you must observe a certain diet and exercise.

    If you had to survive stress or feel excessive irritability, then a small amount of substance should be rubbed into the zone of the temples. The body will get a surge of energy and will return to the usual tone.

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