Smooth back: how to make a beautiful posture?

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  • 1How to make a beautiful posture
    • 1.1The main causes of stoop
    • 1.2How to check if everything is in order with the spine?
    • 1.3Exercises for a beautiful posture
    • 1.4Recommendations that will not spoil your posture
  • 2Beautiful posture girl: tips
    • 2.1How does stoop appear?
    • 2.2How to check yourself?
    • 2.3How to make a beautiful posture?
    • 2.4Exercises for a beautiful back
  • 3Beautiful back. How to make the back beautiful: exercises for the back. Complex of exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back and correcting the posture
    • 3.1Complex of exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back
    • 3.2How to correct posture: a set of exercises for the back
    • 3.3Complex of exercises for the development of the muscles of the back
  • 4How to make a royal posture: simple rules and tips for a beautiful back
    • 4.1Causes of curvature of the spine
    • 4.2How to correct posture disorders
    • 4.310 simple tips for royal posture
    • 4.4Physical exercises for a beautiful posture
  • 5Man's posture - how to make her beautiful
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Correction of gait - correction of human posture
    • 5.2Begin to walk right
    • 5.3Do exercises for posture - Apollo stand or a modified army rack
    • 5.4Do exercises for posture - we walk sitting
    • 5.5Correct gait - massage of all active points
    • 5.6We change footwear on natural and natural
    • 5.7Doing the most universal exercise for beautiful and correct posture
  • 6Beautiful posture
    • 6.1Advantages of good posture
    • 6.2Align the back
    • 6.3Exercises for a beautiful posture

How to make a beautiful posture

What does "beautiful posture" mean? The main causes of stoop. Recommendations, how to become slimmer and develop a beautiful posture

The beautiful girl combines a lot of attractive features. It's impossible to say about a girl that she is attractive, if she stoops or hunches. Therefore, a beautiful posture should be given special attention from the very childhood.

What is included in the concept of "beautiful posture?" This proudly raised head, a long neck, straightened shoulders, a flat back with a natural deflection. All this should look natural and beautiful. By definition, V.I.

Dalia, a posture is a combination of harmony, majesty and beauty.

What distinguishes ballerinas and dancers from other girls? - A chiseled figure and a beautiful posture. How do you characterize royalty? - Royal become.

What was the main criterion of beauty in Russia? - Stately beauty and braid up to the waist. A beautiful posture makes a person more confident in themselves, more successful and sexier.

If you want to be followed and considered with your opinion, watch your posture.

The main causes of stoop

Unfortunately, not all modern girls can boast of a beautiful posture.

A modern way of life is inconceivable without hours of study at the desk and working with a computer.

The wrong position, in which we spend most of the day, leads to an excessive load on the upper spine and stoop.

Our children from childhood are forced to spend a lot of time for textbooks, to carry heavy bags and backpacks. We move little, we carry weights and do not do enough sports.

All this leads to problems with the spine, various kinds of scoliosis, kyphosis, other curvatures that become the main causes of ugly posture and even lead to health problems.

Many girls slouch, embarrassed by a tall or too prominent chest. As a result, the spine and the whole figure suffer. It is important to revise your attitude to yourself and turn your imaginary flaws into virtues.

It is very important and what we sleep on. Too high a pillow or a sagging mattress can cause distortion and deformation of the spine.

How to check if everything is in order with the spine?

It is necessary to stand close to the wall, straighten the shoulders, cuddle the heels, the calves, the shoulder blades and the occiput to the wall and try to straighten the spine.

If you are comfortable in this position, and between the wall and the spine the palm passes freely, then everything is in order.

Hold in this position, and then move away from the wall and try to keep the position of the back and shoulders.

If there are clear signs of problems with the spine, you need to consult an orthopedic doctor. You can be offered a course of medical gymnastics or advised to purchase a special corset for correcting the posture.

Exercises for a beautiful posture

A well-known exercise that produces a beautiful posture: put a thick book on your head and try to walk around the room, keeping balance.

First the book will fall, so at first you can use a pack of salt or any grains. Over time, your efforts will benefit, and you will learn to walk beautifully with your head held high and your shoulders straight.

Many Eastern women prefer to carry trays with food or basins with linen on their heads. They look as if they are not at all difficult. This is partly true, thanks to the habit, grafted from childhood, to keep the back straight.

Become slimmer and get a beautiful posture can be in adulthood. To do this, it's easiest to enroll in ballroom dances or start practicing yoga exercises.

All exercises aimed at stretching the spinal column and strengthening the muscular corset lead to the fact that gradually the back is leveled, the shoulders unfold and the posture becomes correct.

Basic yoga exercises to improve posture: a cat, a cobra, a dog, rolls in a baby's pose, a bridge and a semi-bridge, a boat, a stand on the shoulders, a sun, a pigeon's pose, a diamond and others.

Recommendations that will not spoil your posture

  • Do not carry weights in one hand. It is better to purchase a backpack or carry the products in two packs.
  • Do not work for more than half an hour without a break. Perform simple twists, turns of the trunk, stretching.
  • While working or doing, sit right at the table. Your working chair should be comfortable, and between the body and the table should pass the palm.
  • Go in for sports or dancing, yoga, pilates or swimming.
  • Walk more often and watch your reflection in the windows and mirrors. Control the position of your body. Develop the habit of being fit.
  • Periodically turn your back against the wall and remember the position of the body.
  • Sleep on a rigid orthopedic mattress, choosing a pillow for sleep, give preference to a flat or orthopedic trough.

To become beautiful and proud of your posture, always remember that the back should be kept exactly, the belly drawn, the shoulders unfolded, and the head lifted high, trying to pull the cervical vertebrae to the very top. Be more confident in yourself, know that you are the Queen!

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Beautiful posture girl: tips

It happens that you walk down the street and notice a girl who does not go, but literally flies, her mill is flexible and graceful, it causes pleasant admiration, and light movements simply fascinate.

Unfortunately, such girls or women are now possible to meet very rarely, they are almost like an endangered species.

The modern pace of life, lack of desire for girls to exercise, sedentary lifestyle - all this leads to not too hilarious consequences, which have a common name - curvature the spine.

Knowingly the sages of Ancient China called the human spine - the tree of life, because it is on his condition that the health of the whole human body depends.

A person who develops a curvature of the spine, can often experience headaches, dizziness, increased fatigue.

How does stoop appear?

Indeed, why not just walk constantly smoothly and beautifully, is it difficult? A beautiful posture for a girl or a woman should be as inalienable attribute, as, for example, well-groomed hair or perfect make-up. It turns out that everything is not so simple.

The reasons for the stoop in modern women - the simplest, in fact, we not only can not walk properly, but even sit properly!

Permanent work at the computer, driving a car, studying in a school or university - all this forces to the fact that a person spends most of his life sitting, without even knowing what burden we are exerting on the muscles of our poor back. And if we do it wrong, then this is a direct road to serious distortions and violations.

By the way, another common cause of all problems with the spine is the complexes of the tall ladies, involuntarily they try to decrease in size, constantly slightly bending their backs.

As a result, it becomes a habit, and then already in the disease. So having problems with the back is also a psychological aspect that needs to be addressed at a different level.

Please note that all models that walk around the world podiums have high growth, because such girls are much easier to visually look slim and graceful.

How to check yourself?

There is a method that allows you to easily and quickly determine the presence or absence of problems with the spine. Lean your back against a smooth and smooth surface, to the wall, for example, keep your chin straight forward, lower your arms at the seams.

If the palm freely passes between your waist and the wall, then the posture is all right, in the other case there are problems with the muscles of the back and abdomen.

In order to determine the presence of curvatures, it is necessary to visit a specialist who will be able to conduct all necessary tests to detect any defects.

How to make a beautiful posture?

The main thing to remember is that the main problem of incorrect posture is the weak muscles of the back and abdomen, so they must be constantly strengthened and monitored for their tone.

Of course, the best option is to enroll in a sport, let it be any kind that you like, You can even resort to medical gymnastics, which helped to correct even very large problems with back. And even if you do not have free time to visit gyms, you can always fight this problem yourself, the main thing is not to be lazy.

The very first and most important thing is to learn how to sit properly. To do this, it is necessary to sit down on the edge of the chair, and the back should be constantly in an exactly vertical state, if tired, then it is better to lean on the back of the chair than hunched.

Legs must necessarily be located on the floor, it is better that the knees are above the hips, for this use a special footrest.

Do not forget that every 5 minutes you need to change your position, and at least once a hour to fully get up and knead the body, walk a little.

The next moment is lifting weights.

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Our women have long been accustomed to carrying heavy packages from the market or supermarket, absolutely not thinking about the harm of their actions.

First, the whole mass must be evenly distributed on two hands, and secondly, a woman in general can not raise more than 20 kg of weight, and for men - more than 50 kg.

Naturally, you must constantly monitor yourself, straightening your back when you feel that your shoulders have gone forward.

Well, the last point, which should help in this matter - is doing exercises for a beautiful posture.

On their own they will not take you much time, but in a few weeks you will feel how much easier and freer your host has become.

Exercises for a beautiful back

  • Constant stretches will help your body become more flexible, and muscles - elastic and elastic. Take a "Turkish" pose, put your hands in the "lock pull them over your head, inhale and get a good stretch so that each vertebra strives for hands. On exhalation, put your hands down.
  • In the same position, we take our hands forward, our backs flex, our chest rest against our back, forming a kind of hump, we exhale, and on the inspiration we start the elbows behind our backs and bend well.
  • We lay on our backs, bend our legs in the knees and pull them to our arms, embrace them and begin to carefully ride on the back - back and forth, probing each spine. Exercise should be performed on a hard surface.
  • We sit on a chair, legs are bred, the back is straight, we make slopes to each leg, and the back should remain in the maximum straight position.
  • From the standing position, feet on the width of the shoulders, we make the torso torso from side to side, while the back should remain flat.

The number of repetitions and approaches can vary from your physical fitness, as well as your body condition. Usually do 2-3 approaches, only 10-15 repetitions of one exercise.

The main thing to remember is that a good posture is the basis of a beautiful and confident gait, the gracefulness of which can be attacked by any man on the spot.

Therefore, take care of your health, because strong and hardy joints and muscles can prolong your youth and beauty for many years, the main thing is just to want and fight for it in time.

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Beautiful back. How to make the back beautiful: exercises for the back. Complex of exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back and correcting the posture

Beauty and Health Fitness and Sports

We saw naked backs on the catwalks of the whole world. But only a woman with impeccable skin and posture can afford to appear in this form.

Stooping back, lowered shoulders age even the youngest woman. A fold on the back to so many women are in trouble! With such problems, clothing with an open back becomes inaccessible.

But if you regularly exercise exercises for the muscles of your back, you can pretty quickly look more elegant, your back muscles will get stronger and pull up all your wrinkles.

If you want to have a beautiful back, then you need to take care of it as well as you do to protect your face from the appearance of large accumulations of fat and other unpleasant problems.

At least twice a week, inspect your back. If you notice any shortcoming, immediately take it for correction. For the purity of the back, you need to follow as carefully as the cleanliness of the face.

Wash your back daily with a soap, soapy, and take a shower so that the skin on the back is smooth. Starting from the waist, massage the back with soft circular motions, gradually moving towards the neck.

Thanks to regular procedures, the structure of your skin will improve, in addition, exfoliate dead skin cells. Then wipe your back with a towel and apply body lotion, preferably with plant extracts. Do not forget also about the shoulders - it is often dominated by a dry type of skin.

If you take a bath, add a few drops of chamomile or lavender into the water. Chamomile removes irritation and inflammation, lavender will relieve other problems.

For a woman is very important good posture. Correctly holding your back, you increase your growth by an extra centimeter.

All the muscles of the abdomen are tightened, the thorax cages, which allows you to breathe better. Check your posture by standing on your heels against the wall.

If your head, shoulder blades and lower back touch the wall, and the neck bend is suspended - you have the right posture. If not, you are slouching.

Every woman wants to maintain harmony, a beautiful body posture for many years. Specially selected exercises will help you in this.

Complex of exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back

  • Feet together, hands along the trunk, preferably with dumbbells. Lean forward, lifting your arms up. Repeat the incline 6 to 8 times and return to the starting position.
  • Standing on your knees, brush against your shoulders. At the same time, straighten the left arm up, the right leg is pulled back (the stomach is pulled up). Go back to the starting position, and then do everything by changing your arm and leg. Repeat 10 - 15 times.
  • Standing on his knees, his hands are straight at the top, his back is straight, his stomach is pulled up. Very slowly lean forward, while sitting down on the heels, and try to touch the floor with your hands. Then, pushing away from the floor, slowly return to the starting position, greatly straining the muscles of the back.
  • Lying on the stomach, hands along the trunk, palms to the floor. Raise your shoulders and head above the floor, trying to connect the shoulder blades. Go back to the starting position and repeat the exercise 10 - 15 times.
  • Standing, hands in hand, slightly bent at the elbows, in the hands - dumbbells. "Pull" the elbows to the trunk, trying to connect the shoulder blades. Then relax. Repeat 20 - 30 times.
  • Standing, arms outstretched, bent at the elbows, shoulders straightened, brushes wound behind the back. Connect the brushes behind your back, trying to strain your back muscles as much as possible. Return to the starting position. Repeat 20 - 30 times.
  • Lying on his back, bending his knees, his feet put closer to the hips, hands spread out in the palms of his hands up. Putting your hands on the floor, strongly bend your chest, without lifting your head. The lower part of the body is firmly pressed to the floor. Repeat exercise 5 - 8 times.
  • Standing with your face to the chair, put your arms outstretched on the back of the chair, your legs are set. Relying on your hands and straightening your back, bend slowly and also return to the starting position. Repeat 6 to 8 times.

How to correct posture: a set of exercises for the back

  1. Standing, hands along the trunk, legs together. Raise your hands through the sides up, down. 8 to 12 times.
  2. Sitting on a chair, in outstretched hands, the ends of a stretched rubber bandage fastened to the wall or door. Stretching the bandage, bend your hands and touch the back of the head with brushes. Return to the starting position. Sit straight, do not tilt your head. 10 to 20 times.
  3. Standing, hands behind the head. Lean forward with a bent back, do not lower your head, look forward. Straighten your hands up. Return to the starting position. 8 to 12 times.
  4. Sitting in a chair, facing the back, leaning back against the edge of the table, hands up. Roll back as much as possible, go back to the starting position, then relax for a few seconds.
  5. Sitting on the floor, the back of the arm rest. Raise your straight legs forward, raise them, reconnect them and return to their original position. Repeat 6 - 16 times.
  6. Standing, hands on the sides, fingers clenched into a fist. Bend your arms in the elbows, keeping them at shoulder height. Return to the starting position. 10 to 20 times.
  7. Resist squatting. Go to the point of lying, bend and straighten your arms. Return to the starting position. 6 - 12 times.
  8. Lying on the back, hands along the trunk. Do not turn over, stand with your hands. Return to the starting position. 8 - 16 times.
  9. Standing, legs together, hands to shoulders. Jump on your toes, unbend and bend your hands. Do 20 to 40 jumps and then go for walking.

Many complaints of pain in the spine and dorsal muscles can be prevented: do not overwork yourself, do not lift weights. Choose a good mattress. If you have low back pain, do not sleep on your stomach. Your work chair should support the lower back. Do not slouch at the table.

Do not wear a very tight bra - it hinders correct circulation, after which the red streaks remain on the skin. Do regular exercises for the abdomen: strong abdominal muscles will help support the spine.

Complex of exercises for the development of the muscles of the back

  • Lie on your back, put both your hands under your head, and take your elbows as far as you can. The head remains fixed. Slowly sit down, straightening only the upper part of the trunk. Then freely lie on your back. Repeat 6 times.
  • Sit on the edge of the bed or on a chair. Get your left hand behind your back. Raising your right hand, take her behind your back and try to grab your left hand with your fingertips. Slowly draw together both palms. At this time, the head is turned back, the shoulder blades are lowered, the chest is forward, the stomach is retracted. Hold this position for one minute. Take a deep breath, hold your breath. During exhalation, slowly release tension from muscles and ligaments. Return to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise by changing hands.
  • Lie on your stomach, hands on your hips. Try to lift as high as possible the upper part of the trunk, leaving the lower one stationary and easily swaying up and down. Relax.
  • We struggle with stoop: raise your head up, stretching your neck, until your shoulders fall.
  • Straighten the shoulders: first lift each shoulder to the ear, then make circular motions with the shoulders back and forth.

Now your back is in order: the skin is smooth, velvety, without wrinkles and posture is regal. There is something to be proud of. On special occasions, a powder of bronze shade is applied to the shoulders, which creates a slight shiny accent.

Experiment with a silver or gold powder, then add a tiny bit of body lotion and rub evenly throughout the area. Always remember that if you decide to open your back, then everything that opens should be worthy of attention.

If, despite diligent care, on the skin of the back there are pimples and eruptions, you should pay attention to your nutrition and digestion, and maybe even to see a doctor.

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How to make a royal posture: simple rules and tips for a beautiful back

The outer beauty of a person is not only how he is dressed, shod, and how expensive it all is. The way a person holds his back affects his appearance very much. A man with a beautiful posture seems to us all to be successful, slender, athletic.

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Stooping, however, creates the impression of being closed, constrained, not resolute. In addition, an even spine, this is also a sign of health.

It's no secret that the twisted spine has a bad effect on internal organs: on the heart, on the organs of the digestive tract, causes headaches and pains in the collar zone.

Beautiful posture

Causes of curvature of the spine

There are several kinds of posture disorder. The most common -slouch.

The reasons for the stoop - an incorrect position of the person at the table with a long work with a computer or driving a car.

If the back muscles are weakened, then this accelerates the violation of posture.

Wrong position of neck. Usually this curvature accompanies stoop.

Not even shouldersoften are at people, spend a lot of time at the computer, when one hand is constantly extended to the mouse.

Correct and not correct position at the computer table

Hyperlordosisappears with weakened muscles of the press and waist.

Of course, posture is affected by heredity, wearing heels in girls and great physical activity.

How to correct posture disorders

To correct the curvature of the spine, doctors prescribe a therapeutic massage to patients, which relieves tension from the clamped places.

It is not superfluous to vilify the corset. He fixes his back in the right position. But when choosing a corset, consult a doctor first.

A wonderful effect for acquiring a good posture will be doing yoga.

Swimming is an ideal sport for strengthening your back. However, you need to take a few lessons from a specialist who will tell you what kind of swimming will be effective for a certain kind of curvature.

10 simple tips for royal posture

Rule number 1.Always watch your back: when you go, when you sit. Try to keep it level.

If you feel that you "lost" the correct position of the body, then go to the wall, press so that it touches the heel, buttocks, scapula and head.

Remember this position and keep it as long as possible.

Rule number 2.Imagine that from the coccyx to the nape of the neck passes a thread that stretches your back, making it even and beautiful. This kind of visualization will be very useful for self-monitoring.

Rule number 3.Unfold the shoulder blades and lower your shoulders. This technique will help stretch your back and take the right position.

Rule number 4.Watch for the fold in the lower back. Sometimes the curved position of the back during sitting is maintained even when walking.

This can lead to poor health and the appearance of clamps in the vertebrae of the lower spine.

Therefore, the loin should be under your constant control.

Rule number 5.Keep the ease of gait. Adhere to the rule that when walking your legs you need to put on one line. This will help reduce the strain on the joints and make the gait more beautiful.

Model gait

Rule number 6.Physical exercises. It is impossible to achieve a beautiful posture without performing physical exercises.

For each type of curvature of the spine, there is a set of exercises. In any case, the curvature is aggravated if the back muscles are weakened.

Therefore, the exercises should also be aimed at strengthening them.

Rule number 7.Use the roller for the back. Place a roller or rolled towel under your back at the navel. Lie down on him.

Big fingers on legs, and on hands little fingers connect together. You are in this position for 5-10 minutes.

This habit will help to cope with stoop, strengthen the muscles of the back.

Roller under the back.

Rule number 8."Chin up". Sometimes the reason for stooping may be psychological complexes, the fear of seeing people's eyes, self-doubt. In this case, you need to work on yourself and fight against shyness.

Rule number 9.Begin to step from the sock. Do not start a step, giving a load to the heel. Really easy and beautiful will be the gait, if you carry it (load) to the sock.

Rule number 10.Be confident in yourself. Self-confidence will add beauty to your bearing from the inside.

Beautiful posture.

Physical exercises for a beautiful posture

Start any workout with a warm-up. Preheat the body, stretch, prepare it for physical exertion and only then proceed to the exercises.

Warm up

Exercise number 1.Get up in the starting position: the legs are shoulder-width apart, the back is straight, hands along the trunk are quietly hanging.

Lower your head, press your chin to your chest and start to lower slowly. Bend to the maximum possible position, hands should hang parallel to the legs.

Stand in this position for a few seconds and start ascending as slowly as possible. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise number 2.Raise your hands above your head, connect your fingers together. Raise your left leg, bend at the knee and pull back.

Tilt the whole case to the right. In the left part of the back, a good muscle tension will be felt. Stand in this position and return to the original.

Do the same on the right foot. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise number 3.Lie down on the floor. Spread your arms out to the sides. Blades, shoulders, palms pressed to the floor. Carry one leg behind the other, touching the knee of the floor, and as if twisting into a tourniquet. Lie down for a few seconds and do the same with the other leg. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 4.Planck. Lean against the floor with the palms of your hands and the tips of your toes. Back with legs creates a straight line. Try to stand in that position for a minute and rest. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise Plank Output:
Exercises for the back

A source: http://www.xn6kcctg4abn1dp4j.xnp1ai/kak-sdelat-korolevskuyu-osanku-prostyie-pravila-i-sovetyi-dlya-krasivoj-spinyi

Man's posture - how to make her beautiful

In medical literature, it can often be found that spine diseases are the payment of a person for uprightness. But correctly, this is a payment for wrong uprightness. After all, a man never walked on all fours.

If, while walking, a person transfers the entire weight of the body to the heel, he detoxifies the muscular apparatus and overloads the bone system excessively. The consequence of the transfer of the center of gravity to the heel are:

  • longitudinal or transverse flatfoot;
  • spreading heel;
  • departure of the thumb of the foot to the side.

Changes in the shape of the foot especially quickly develop in those who are forced to work while standing with a certain physical load.

Unfortunately, most of the inhabitants of developed countries have already lost their normal foot, and powerful buttocks of the gluteal muscles can be seen today only among bodybuilders and heavyweight athletes. Flat feet and flat buttocks are characteristic features of the figure of modern man.

Business women, fashion models, advertising beauties often have curved spines, hip bones forward, lean calves and a flat foot of large sizes.

Among them there is practically no Venus with a long neck, high elastic breasts, straight posture, wide hips and a small foot.

A characteristic sign of not correct support on the heel when walking is - spattered heavily backdrops when you walk on a wet path or during a rain.

Spatter all, but some walk so that on a slightly wet path, where the rest are neatly passed, they manage to stay in spattered trousers or even a skirt.

Changes in the foot lead to an increase in natural curvature of the spine.

The letter "S" of the spine becomes almost florid.

This is facilitated by modern hard concrete and asphalt pavements that do not possess cushioning properties of natural soil.

Movement on hard surfaces with a predominant support on the heels is accompanied by vibration in the bone system, resulting in is a permanent injury to vertebral joints, thinning of intervertebral discs, pinching of nerve roots and blood vessels vessels.

The spine becomes more and more twisted, and the sclerosing tendons and ligaments fix it in this form, preventing straightening.

You need to learn how to move around hard surfaces as if you are walking barefoot on soft ground.

Proper gait provides for the movement of the body's weight to the front of the foot to the little finger. This area has a rigid functional connection with the muscles of the pelvis and buttocks.

Only when the support on the forefoot is included extensors of the back - the muscles that support and straighten the spine. Thanks to the work of the entire muscular system, the spine appears to be suspended, and the vertebrae do not press against each other.

In this case, they not only wear less, but do not pinch the nerve trunks that connect the internal organs with the central parts of the nervous system. Supporting the front of the foot and straightening the spine in the neck improves cerebral circulation.

Correction of gait - correction of human posture

Gait correction is possible at any age and more often than not it is enough to eliminate many of the symptoms that are poisoning a person with a sick spine. The earlier the complex of preventive measures is carried out, the more tangible the results are.

Begin to walk right

The following scheme is recommended. Stand upright with support on the front of the foot, so that the heels easily come off the ground - the so-called Suvorov stance. In this case, extensor muscles of the spine are included in the work.

You should maximally straighten up and take a few small steps. The knees are slightly bent to provide a springy gait. The leg is thrown forward from the hip.

On the heel do not need to rely on walking on an "elevated foot". After training, you will learn how to move even on your fingers. For training, you can use an ordinary ladder - climbing it, do not rest on the heel.

It is believed that such a gait was characteristic of aristocrats. Ballroom dances from childhood developed a straight posture, a soft prideful gait.

For example, if you stand in the third position (the right foot is fixed to the left at an angle of 90 °), then when moving, the support will fall not on the heel, but on the little finger of the right or left foot.

Briefly: we walk during the day as a dancer (heels go along one line, and the socks are slightly unfolded. Do not forget to transfer weight as it were to little fingers). Gradually it will become a habit and you will be surprised at the changes in your appearance and body.

beautiful human posture

Do exercises for posture - Apollo stand or a modified army rack

You can also use the exercise "walking on the spot." Standing in one place, the person alternately transfers the weight of the body to one leg or the other, as if walking. This simple technique requires constant attention.

The movement begins with the "Suvorov stand which allows you to straighten and transfer weight to the front of the foot.
Sometimes they use the position of the army team "freely".

In this case, the weight of the body is transferred to one leg, and the other is relaxed and bent at the knee, but unlike the army stand (support on the heel), the body weight is concentrated in the area of ​​the little finger of the foot.

This position is called the Apollo stand. Remember the sculptural standard: the weight of the standing Apollo's body is transferred to one leg with support for the little finger. The supporting leg is slightly bent at the knee.

The other leg only touches the ground with the thumb and is bent at the knee more strongly. The long neck, straight back, strong leg muscles and steep buttocks excite admiration.

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The usual posture of a "civilized" person differs significantly from the ancient Greek model. As a rule, it stands on two legs with knees arched, and rests on the heels. The hip bones project forward along with the large abdomen, the S-shaped spine is folded into an accordion.

This appearance is often complemented by a cigarette and a chewing gum. This position doesom a person to a whole "bouquet" of vertebrogenic diseases, which creep unnoticed.
Modern people spend most of their time sitting (at work, at the computer, TV, in transport, etc.), which leads to a violation of blood circulation in the pelvis and legs. The spine is curved, and the softer the sitting, the faster the various pathological conditions are formed. Men develop osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, impotence, women - a bouquet of women's diseases.

In both sexes, the abdomen grows.

Do exercises for posture - we walk sitting

These troubles can be prevented by mastering walking in the sitting position: sitting on the edge of a hard chair, alternately pushing from the floor, then one, then the other leg, roll a light weight of the body on the fingers feet.

Most of the body weight in this case falls on the pelvic muscles. Every time, leaning on the foot and pushing the little finger, you need to feel the work of the muscles extending the spine, and the muscles of the neck.

Exercise should be repeated until muscle fatigue occurs.

Correct gait - massage of all active points

The need for a correct gait is also dictated by the presence on the foot of a large number of biologically active points associated with all internal organs: with proper walking, their stimulation occurs.

We change footwear on natural and natural

A significant role in the formation of gait and physiological tone of the musculature of the spine has shoes. The most "healthy" is leather shoes.

High-heeled shoes can be worn in exceptional cases. A high heel came into fashion at the same time as ballroom dancing.

Reliance on the front of the foot during the dance shortens the step, contributing to a straight posture. The heel is not used as a support. Modern fashionista firmly "put on the heel."

However, when walking on high heels, the weight of the body is transferred to the heel, which leads to the development of flat feet, deformation of the foot and joints of the spine.

It is interesting that the mountaineers danced for centuries on moussocks, and the lancers in the dance floated like winches. Ethnic features of Caucasians have always been considered as an aspen waist and proud posture. In general, many national dances prevent vertebrogenic diseases.

Among them you can name a famous gipsy with frequent twitching of shoulders, traditional eastern belly dance. Both these dances are performed on the front of the foot and on the "high foot that is, on the fingers.

Representatives of all ages and any complexion are recommended American ballroom dance steppe. It does not require wide sweeping movements, but at the same time it gives a good physical and emotional load.

Toastep is considered a synthesis of dance techniques: it uses elements of national dances of many peoples of the world.

Doing the most universal exercise for beautiful and correct posture

In conclusion, the representatives of both sexes want to offer a universal exercise, which should be performed as often as possible.

  • to bend well at the "high stop".
  • putting his hands on his head, stretch, gradually rising on his toes, while rolling the weight of the body along the toes in the direction of the little finger and straining the muscles of the pelvis.
  • returning to the starting position, relax as much as possible. At each rise, one of three positions is successively executed:
  1. keep your head straight, elbow maximally dilute;
  2. head turned to the left, elbows maximally brought together;
  3. head to turn to the right and simultaneously to reduce elbows together.

Breathing is arbitrary and calm.
Repeatedly repeating this exercise throughout the day, you will not only get rid of spine disease, but also gain an aristocratic posture. After all, the word aristocratic - from the Greek aristos, which means the best.

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Beautiful posture

Correct posture is not only beautiful, but also useful for health. It provides a state of comfort in which it is easier to breathe and move.

A straight back makes a person taller, more confident and slimmer. Posture, even the world helps to see in another way, because stooping, you do not notice anything except dust in front of your shoes.

Keeping the natural position of the spine, you will save your health.

Advantages of good posture

Straight back allows you not only to look better, but also to protect your health, but that's not all. Holding your back straight, you improve:

  • breathing, since, spreading the thorax, allow the diaphragm to move more freely;
  • attention - with deep breathing, more oxygen enters the body, which enriches the cells with energy, and makes you more concentrated;
  • the condition of the spine, because a smooth back makes the minimal and uniform load on each vertebra that prevents pain in the back and chest, as well as displacement of the vertebral discs;
  • self-esteem, because it is proved that a proud posture makes a person more confident and brave;
  • impression of yourself - a person whobeautiful postureand an easy gait always stands out from the crowd and attracts a lot of admiring looks.

These five points should be more than enough to make you think about the state of your spine and stop stooping. Equal posture helps to become not only higher, but also slimmer, because in order to keep your back flat you need the efforts of all the muscles of the body, the press including.

Align the back

To make the posture beautiful in adulthood will take a lot of time, because in all previous years you did not think at all how your back looks from the outside. However, with due persistence, the results will be visible after a couple of weeks. So, what needs to be done:

  1. Start daily several times to do such an exercise: press against the wall with the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, legs and heels. Standing slightly in this position, try to move away from the wall, keeping the back straight and a little bit like. Also a good exercise will be walking with a book on your head - this will not only make you align your back, but will also strengthen the neck muscles, relieve the second chin;
  2. The army is taking more stringent measures to develop a beautiful posture, but you can also try one of them. For example, tie back to the shoulders of a small bar, on the edges of which put plastic cups with water. When walking, the liquid should not splash. Thus, you will learn to keep your shoulders even, which will make the gait even more attractive;
  3. At work, it is also very important to keep the spine straight, because there you spend most of your time. To do this, set a reminder in your phone or on a PC that will tell you every 15 minutes, stop slouching. As a result, you will get tired of it, and you will be able to control yourself;
  4. Also, at work and at home, watch how you sit. Whether it's a sofa, an armchair or a chair, it's important to keep the angle of the body in relation to the feet in 1350. Remember that you need to sit, not creating a right angle, and stupid - it's not so long ago, Canadian scientists found out. It is in this position of sitting that the spine experiences minimal stress, and all organs function normally. And by the way, if the object on which you sit has a back, then sit down to the very depth, so that the weight is evenly distributed throughout the body, moving backwards;
  5. Still important is how you stand. Note that your legs are parallel to each other, since by crossing them, you bend spine, your body weight loads only one foot and all this negatively affects the condition back;
  6. Go in for sports - this is not just a banal advice. Any physical activity strengthens the muscles and has a beneficial effect on the body. Specifically for the spine is very useful swimming, exercises with fitball, yoga, pilates;
  7. It is very important what you sleep on. If you like to luxuriate on a soft featherbed, then all your back pains are completely justified. For a healthy spine you need a hard bed, so get yourself an orthopedic mattress and save with it your health and well-being.

Direct back is a sign not only of self-esteem, but also of mental equilibrium. Pay attention to your posture, and life will immediately change for the better.

Exercises for a beautiful posture

For a beautiful posture it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the back. The following exercises will help you in this:

  • Lay down on the rug of your belly, fold your hands under your chin, put your toes on the floor. Raise your buttocks 20 times.
  • The starting position as in the previous exercise. Raise your hips and put them one way, then the other (they should touch the floor). At the end of 20 times, lower them to the floor.
  • Again, lie on your stomach, pull your hands forward. Raise your head and chest, starting your hands behind your back and connecting them. You have to stretch backwards. This will strengthen the upper back. It is necessary to make also 20 repetitions.
  • The starting position is lying on the stomach. At the same time, lift your head, arms and legs. Try to make maximum efforts, so ka exercise is not easy, but maximally works the muscles of the back. 20 repetitions will be enough.
  • Become a dog in the pose - the knees and palms rest on the floor. Completely bend and bend your back to feel each vertebra. Perform 20 times.
  • Sit on the rug, the legs are bent at the knees, the back is slightly back, hands rest on the floor. You need to lift the hips to the level of the chest, so that the body mimics the shape of the table. Repeat 20 times.

Each exercise is desirable to perform 2 or 3 approaches, but it depends only on your physical fitness. Also, after training, do not forget to stretch the muscles, because they must be not only strong, but also elastic.

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