Wheat bran: benefit and harm, how to take it right?

Bran - obtained during the processing of grain crops( in the production of cereals or flour) outer shell. This product, which has a high nutritional value, was previously used as feed for poultry, farm animals. Contents of the article:

  • Than useful?
  • Are there any harm and contraindications?
  • How to use: the best recipes
  • Reviews about bran

Than useful?

In the composition of wheat bran - fats, proteins, carbohydrates, in a large number of minerals( chromium, copper, iron, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc) and vitamins( B1, E, B2, PP).

Bran is rich in fiber( 43%) and coarse fibers. They contain unsaturated fatty acids( Omega 3 and Omega 6), protein, mono- and disaccharides, starch, ash.

According to nutritionists, wheat bran with insignificant calories( 290 kcal per 100 g of product ) saturate the body with all necessary nutrients.

Wheat bran has gained popularity due to the ability to solve numerous problems associated with the digestive tract( regulate intestinal functions, remove toxins from the walls of the digestive system, help to get rid of dysbiosis, reduce body weight.).

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Wheat bran helps lower blood cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthen the vascular wall, improve the functioning of the heart muscle, prevent the development of arrhythmia, remove atherosclerotic plaques from the vessels, improve the condition of the hair and nails.

They contribute to the health of women( normalize the level of estrogen, prevent the onset of breast cancer, endometriosis).The use of wheat bran allows men to maintain a healthy prostate gland, male strength.

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Is there any harm and contraindication?

The use of wheat bran can be reduced to zero if used incorrectly. Wheat bran contains coarse fibers, which are contraindicated when:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis.

Bran is able to excrete useful substances in addition to toxins, so prolonged use can cause hypovitaminosis or a deficiency of certain trace elements.

It is strictly forbidden to use bran for weight loss with existing diseases of the digestive system. If symptoms of an ailment appear, call a physician.

Wheat bran delays the absorption process of medicinal substances, therefore, people who take medications need a doctor's consultation before applying the bran.

To not harm, do not eat the product in dry form and more than 30 g. It is not recommended to combine the reception of bran with a low-calorie diet. In this case, from the food the organism can absorb only a small part of the nutrients.

How to eat: the best recipes

Wheat bran is recommended to be added to salads, minced meat, dough, combining with other products( yogurt).When combined with water, their volume increases, a sense of satiety quickly appears.

Wheat bran are represented by several types:

  • flakes;
  • pellets;
  • ground.

Granulated will bring more benefit: in their composition there are no additives, they were less processed. To prepare breakfast enough to pour them with hot water and wait 20 minutes.

Whole-hardening broth: wheat bran( 200 g) brewed with boiling water( 1L), boil an hour. To the cooled broth add the juice of lemon and honey.

For constipation: wheat bran( 2 tablespoons) is brewed with hot milk( 1 stack), cooked for 15 minutes, consumed daily ½ cup.twice.

With laryngitis ( read about the treatment of laryngitis in children and adults), pharyngitis, tonsillitis ( for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis read in this article), bronchitis, pneumonia accelerate the healing process helps: wheat bran( 400 g) is boiled(2 liters), boil for 10 minutes. After the addition of honey drink instead of tea during the day.

To normalize the body weight: wheat bran( 1 tbsp.) Is boiled in boiling water( 100 ml), after 15 minutes.drain the resulting liquid, and the remaining pulp-like mass is added to the prepared dishes. You can use it separately with a lot of water.

To remove excess weight, a week later, you need to gradually increase the dose of bran and bring it to 30 g for every appointment( daily 4 times).

Reviews of Bran


I want to share my experience with the use of bran. When I decided to lose weight, I began to buy everything, including bran. On the packaging was information that I did not read, and began to use bran for snacks. Surprised that they do not dull the appetite, and about a week later learned that they do not act without water!

After I corrected this mistake, I managed to feel their benefit: the abdominal swelling stopped, the weight gradually began to go away, the acne on my face disappeared.


Decided to lose excess kilograms by the summer and bought bran. Most of all I like their ability to suppress appetite, however, when using them, it is important to follow the rules.

For the first 3 days I ate almost the package and only then read that you can eat no more than 7 spoons a day. They did not want to eat with water at all, began to prepare a cocktail of milk with raspberries and add them to salads and soups. I managed to lose 1.5 kg in 2 weeks - a little, but without harm to the body.

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I watched the dad who ate bran regularly for a long time and it never occurred to me that they could be useful for me. Eat in the morning 1 spoon with a glass of water. When I was on a diet, I added it to pastries. Now I'm preparing bread for Dyukan and I do not even look at the one that is sold in stores.


Bran is very convenient for consumption. Just do not expect from them an instant result, be patient! After my application, I lost the zhor that I experienced between breakfast and lunch. Well, the peristalsis normalized. Wheat bran act on the vessels and intestines, like a brush. Be sure to try, recommend!