Choosing the best pills for human worms

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worm tablets"Wash your hands before eating!", "Do not drink raw water!", "Wash fruit and vegetables before serving!" - these personal hygiene rules are familiar to us from early childhood. And why are they so importan? he answer is simple - without respecting them, a person can get infected with worms, which can not be easily removed.

Worms occur quite often, and their varieties number more than 20 species.

In this article, we will tell you which worm pills are best for a person so that prevention or treatment is effective.

How to choose good tablets from worms?

All existing helminthsare divided into three large classes:

  • nematodes (roundworms);
  • trematodes (flat worms);
  • cestodes (tapeworms).

Therefore, in order to select the best tablets from worms for a person before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of helminth, i.e. its belonging to one or another of the classes listed above. Specific analyzes are carried out for this purpose.

In total, about 100 species of helminths are known to have a negative effect on the digestive tract. In the small intestine it is usually justified:

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  • wide ribbons;
  • hookworms;
  • ascarids;
  • dwarf tseleen;
  • pinworms;
  • whorls.

Parasites are also distributed to tissue and luminal. Tissue worms live in muscles, tissues and organs. The brain is affected by cysticercosis, lungs - paragonimosis, liver - echinococcosis, lymphatic vessels - filariasis. There are worms, which in the initial stage of migration are localized in tissues, for example, ascarids.

How do these drugs work?

These are chemotherapeutic drugs that realize their effect on biological structures of worms and biochemical processes in their tissues:

  1. Violate the work of cells of the intestinal canal helminth (albendazole).
  2. Strongly violate the absorption of glucose by helminth cells, causing their death (mebendazole).
  3. Combined action: paralyzes helminths and disrupts biochemical processes in their cells (levamisole).
  4. Block the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle cells and cause persistent paralysis of the helminth, after which it is excreted from the body with the feces. So act pyrantel, piperazine, prazikvantel.

Any preparations, especially from tape and flat worms, should be taken only as directed by the doctor. Anthelminthic agents are very toxic, with the application of which the dosage in depending on the weight of the patient, and also support therapy under stationary conditions.

Medications from nematodes or roundworms

Roundworms include pinworms, withers, ascarids, trichinella, toxocars. If the parasites are in the intestine, then a certain type of pills from the worms helps a person.

Here is a list of good drugs:

  1. Levamizol - Decaris (70-90 rubles).
  2. Piperazine 10-30 rub.
  3. Pirvinium embonate - Pirkon, Pirivinium, Vankvin.
  4. Karbendatsim - Medamin.
  5. Mebendazole - Vermox 90 rub. Worming 20 rubles., Vero-Mebendazole, Vermakar, Mebeks, Thermox.
  6. Albendazole - Nemosol (price 120-150 rubles), Wormil, Helmodol-BM - suspensions, chewable tablets.
  7. Pirantel pamoat - Helmintox (80-120 p.), Nemocid, Combantrin, Pirantel (30-50 r).

If nematodes live outside the intestine, other means are used:

  1. Ivermek (betec, iwomek).
  2. Ditrazine citrate.

Preparations from cestodes or tapeworms

Representatives of tapeworms - echinococcosis, zatrizoz, teniiodoz, teniosis, cysticercosis. The following tablets are used to treat these worms:

  1. Albendazole- Nemosol is effective both in nematodosis and in mixed helminthic invasions, echinococci, lambliasis, neurocysticercosis caused by Taenia solium in its larval form.
  2. Mepakrin- Akrihin invasion by bullish, dwarf chain, broad ribbon, with giardiasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, malaria.
  3. Niclosamide- Fenasal, is used from intestinal tapeworms.

Tablets from helminths of trematodes or trematodes, flatworms

Helminthes of this wide class include opisthorchiasis, fascioliasis, cercariosis, schistosomiasis, eurythremosis and many other diseases. In this case, the following worm tablets are used:

  1. Praziquantel- Biltricide (price 6 tab. about 400 rubles) Cesol, Cysticides.
  2. Chloksil and Bitionol- apply from extra-intestinal flukes.
  3. Perchlorethylene- from intestinal trematodes.
  4. Azinox- a drug of a wide spectrum of action, it is a tablet from many kinds of worms.

What tablets are better for worms for prophylaxis?

Tablets from worms photoProponents of preventive treatment with drugs do not suggest using medicines to the right and left. They note cases when the use of a medicine for worms can be justified despite the absence of laboratory tests.

For example, if at least one of the family members found parasites, taking medication for prevention (in a lower dosage) is required for everyone, without exception, who lives or came into contact with the patient. The reason is that the level of infection through household items, handshake, pet hair, clothing, bedding is very large.

In general, the main indications for the prophylaxis of worms with tablets are formulated:

  • have contact with pets;
  • regular contact with the soil (agricultural workers, children playing in the sandbox);
  • travel to exotic countries;
  • hobbies related to fishing, hunting, beach sports;
  • stay of children and adults in close closed collectives.

Some doctors say that even if no one in the family is sick, and no signs of worms are found, twice a year, Pirantel is not prevented from taking preventive measures (the dosage is confirmed by a specialist).


Wormil is a broad-spectrum anthelminthic drug that is prescribed for intestinal and skin invasions. The active substance of the drug is albendazole, which suppresses the polymerization of the protein tubolin, which causes a violation of the metabolism of parasites and their death.

The main indications for use are enterobiosis, non-carotidosis, ascariasis, trichinosis, skin migrating larvae, giardiasis and other parasites.


The drug is based on levamisole hydrochloride - a substance with an active effect against ascarids, pinworms, hookworm and other representatives of nematodes. A single dose of medication for an adult is 150 mg.

Take a pill after eating once, repeat the procedure if necessary after 1-2 weeks. As side effects, there may be a headache, nausea, digestive disorders, skin rashes. Decaris is not used in the treatment of helminthiasis in children under 3 years old.

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