Pertussis in children: symptoms and treatment than cure

Pertussis ( pronounced with an accent on the letter "y" - in the last syllable) as an acute infectious disease occurs mainly in children, but also in adults. The main symptom is and signs of pertussis are a convulsive cough in the form of an attack. Pertussis is very contagious in the initial period of the disease, then it is able to recur. This disease is very difficult to tolerate in infants and newborns.

Let's talk about the treatment of whooping cough in children and adults and answer the question about the prevention of the disease and about how to treat whooping cough at home by folk and medical means.


Treatment of whooping cough with folk remedies

It goes without saying that treatment for whooping cough, especially in children, should be supervised by a pediatrician and with his appointment, including folk remedies and methodstreatment.

Althaea officinalis .The main action is emollient, expectorant and anti-inflammatory.2 tablespoons of chopped althea root pour 500 ml of cold water( cold infusion) and soak for 1 day. Obtained infusion strain, add a little sugar. Take a tablespoon every two hours.

Boil the onion in milk and drink a hot broth over half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Eucalyptus blue .The main action is anti-inflammatory, especially in inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract( bronchitis).A tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves pour half a liter of boiling water, cooked with hot infusion, drink 100 ml before meals three to four times a day for chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Broth from rye or wheat bran ( cook with honey) helps with an exhausting, strong cough.

Picker common. The main action is expectorant. In folk medicine, hot infusions from this plant are used as an expectorant for bronchitis.3 teaspoons of the plant, pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Infuse drink throughout the day.

Five dice garlic medium size boil in a glass of non-pasteurized milk and let the children drink several times a day. Garlic before boiling should be well crushed. When pertussis in infants, garlic can be tied to the neck or, when the child falls asleep, under the spout. Attacks immediately become less frequent, the disease acquires a light current.

Treatment of whooping cough with medicines: antibiotics and drugs

The choice of a specific medicine is the doctor's business, but parents should know the following: even if from your point of view the prescribed medicine does not help at all, this does not mean that it is not advisable.

Treatment should be comprehensive. Antibiotics and fresh air treatment of whooping cough is not limited. From the arsenal of drugs that help with cough, there is not one that can significantly alleviate the course of this disease.

The mechanism of action of most expectorants is based on the dilution of sputum. Cough less often the child will not, but the likelihood of complications in whooping cough will decrease several times, because it is the thick mucus, which breaks the patency of the bronchi, and is the main cause of the development of pneumonia.

To reduce irritation of the mucous respiratory tract, specific pertussis gamma globulin is used. Great importance for preventing complications and the speediest restoration of disturbed functions is the creation for the patient of an optimal regimen and the fight against hypoxia.

Antibiotics in whooping cough - streptomycin, sintomycin, levomycetin - have a greater effect than in earlier periods of their use( use only as prescribed by a doctor!).

Antibiotics of the tetracycline group are prescribed at the rate of 25-30 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day with the division of the daily dose into two divided doses. In severe disease, a combination of two antibiotics is recommended.

Gamma-globulin is prescribed at the onset of the disease, mainly to young children, in a dose of 3-6 ml daily for 3 consecutive days and 2-3 doses every other day, for a total of 15-20 ml.

Ambroxol is also recommended from medicines, it is a preparation that liquefies phlegm and promotes its escape.

Aerotherapy is shown: a sick child should be on fresh air in the summer 24 hours a day, in winter - not less than 4-6 hours with interruptions( at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees).

In cases of oxygen starvation, intensive oxygen therapy is needed: humidified oxygen with the help of Bobrov's apparatus.

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Source: Allega G.N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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