What are the medicines for dry cough in children?

Treatment of dry cough in children and adults - drugs, folk remedies

Dry cough is an unconditioned reflex, which performs the function of cleansing the respiratory tract from various irritants - sputum, mucus, pus, foreign bodies, thereby helping to clear the bronchial tree and trachea.

Usually, dry cough appears at the beginning of any infectious, viral illness, colds. Depending on the causative agent and immune response, its intensity can be different, from minor to debilitating, paroxysmal, intensifying during sleep.

How to treat dry cough in children and adults, what medications and folk remedies can be used to relieve it and quickly transfer to moist? This is our article.

Causes of dry cough in children and adults

Before starting the treatment of dry cough, it is necessary to establish the cause that caused its appearance. If it's a common cold or flu, then with bed rest, copious drinking regimen, symptomatic therapy through a few days a dry cough becomes productive with a light sputum - this is a good sign, indicating that a person recovers.

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A dry cough is an excuse for addressing a therapist, as a whole range of diseases can hide behind him. Moreover, if a dry cough does not pass 10 or more days - this is a serious reason to contact a therapist or pediatrician.

The doctor, on the basis of examination, anamnesis of the patient, can send for the following tests and diagnostics:

  • General blood analysis
  • Fluorography for suspected pneumonia or if not done in the last 2 years
  • According to the indications - X-ray in 2 projections (suspicion of cancer, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis)
  • Sputum culture for changes in fluorography or radiography and for decreed groups.
  • When purulent sputum and the presence of capacity in the laboratory - sputum culture to identify the pathogen and sensitivity to antibiotics (in clinics is not done).
  • When suspected of bronchial asthma - spirography with samples (on berotek, cold).
  • If necessary - referral to an allergist for scarification tests for allergy and examination of the ENT with smears from the throat and pharynx for eosinophilia.
  • When X-ray diagnosis of tumors - bronchoscopy, MRI or CT on indications.
  • With foreign bodies - examination of ENT, bronchoscopy
  • If suspected pertussis - blood tests for immunoglobulins or PCR mucus from the throat.

The main causes of dry cough in children and adults:

  • ARVI, flu, cold (how is the flu differs from ARVI)
  • Bronchial asthma, COPD, irritation of the respiratory tract from chemicals - bronchospasm, allergic cough
  • Coryza, sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoids, chronic allergic rhinitis
  • Children's infectious diseases - diphtheria, false groats (barking cough in a child) and such that are also in adults - whooping cough, measles.
  • Pleurisy, pneumonia, acute or chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis (treatment in children).
  • Oncological diseases of the respiratory system organs - lung cancer, bronchial cancer, throat cancer, larynx, etc.
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Congestive heart failure, aortic aneurysm
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Cough smoker
  • Tuberculosis
  • Foreign body in the respiratory system - often happens and causes a dry cough in children.

How to treat dry cough in children and adults correctly

If dry cough is not caused by catarrhal and viral diseases, then tuberculosis, oncology, cardiac or allergic etiology of coughing should be excluded. After careful diagnosis, on the basis of the established diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. And we will consider the treatment options for non-productive cough with the most common variants of its appearance - for cold, viral, infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Drugs for dry cough

  • Drugs of central action that suppress cough: Butamirate (sinecode), Glavent (for children from 4 years).
  • Combined medicines: Codterpine, Codelac (from age 2) additionally improve sputum discharge, dilute Sputussin sputum (children older than a month), Glycodine (from 12 months), with antipyretic action - Grippostad (from 6 years).
  • Peripheral action of cough remedy: Levoprot (from 2 years), Libexin (from 3 years).

A plentiful warm drink with a dry cough is the key to a quick recovery

A plentiful warm drink is a banal phrase, everyone knows about it, but sometimes it does not attach much importance to this important component of treatment. And after all, on the basis of how much liquid a patient drinks, the speed of the transition of dry cough to wet with sputum under different catarrhal and viral diseases directly depends. You can drink the following vitamins:

  • Cranberry juice, currant jelly, raspberry
  • Broths of medicinal herbs, in the absence of allergies to them - are decoctions of plantain, mother and stepmother, licorice, sage, dog rose
  • Hot tea with lemon, honey, raspberries
  • It is useful to drink warm goat milk, while melt in it a piece of butter or add almond oil, honey (but only to those who do not suffer from pancreatitis). It is very good to drink such a drink at night.
  • Black radish juice with honey
  • Warm mineral alkaline water without gases
  • Infusions of licorice root

Inhalation with dry cough

Inhalations are also a very effective way to relieve dry cough. For the implementation of inhalations, you can use special devices - nebulizers, inhalers, and also they can be carried out In the old way - breathing over the steam, covered with a towel, you can also use a teapot spout, and inhale the vapor through paper cone. Solutions for inhalation can be very diverse:

  • Dry non-productive cough

    Medicinal products Lazolvan, Ambrobene, ACTS inject, Fluimutsil, Sinupret, Rotokan, Tolsigon N, marigold extract.

  • Decoctions of various herbs - sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, raspberry leaves, peppermint, coltsfoot, leaves of eucalyptus, juniper, pine buds, ready-made collections by Eucarom No. 1 or Ingaphitol collection for inhalations (chamomile and sage).
  • More information about the methods of inhalation, medications, various solutions for inhalation in bronchitis, laryngitis, cold, flu, please read our article.

Rubbing, massage, compresses for the treatment of non-productive cough in children

Rubbing, massage, compresses - any heating procedures can be performed only if there is no high body temperature in the patient. Especially cautious should be treated with such drugs in the treatment of dry cough in children.

If the child has a dry cough that is allergic or caused by whooping cough or a false croup - in these cases the use of various strongly smelling or allergenic means can worsen a condition, especially often causes an allergy of ointment - Doctor Mom, which structure includes - camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, muscat, turpentine oil, thymol. For ointments that have a warming effect, you can refer - Doctor Mom, Barsuchok, Pulmeks, Evkabal - many pediatricians Do not advise to use these ointments for children under 2 years, and in case the child is prone to allergies, do not use at all.

As for the massage, it can also be produced only at a low body temperature, in the absence of even suspicion of complications from Orvi or influenza. It is best for bronchitis, because the massage is designed to improve the sputum, but it can also be produced when the condition is relieved with an unproductive cough in children and adults. Drainage massage should be done very diligently, after a warm bath. After the massage the child should lie down about half an hour, while it should be covered with a warm blanket, and at night you can make a compress.

For a compress, you can make such a solution - 1 tbsp. a spoon of sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. spoonful of vodka, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey - this mixture should be heated in a water bath. In this solution, soak a linen rag, so large as to cover the neck and the interlap zone, put cotton wool on top of the cloth, then cellophane. To the back of the baby, you should fasten the compress with a scarf or scarf. It should be borne in mind that the child so have to sleep all night, the nodules should be made small and placed on the side. Every day, such a compress should not be done, it is better every other day.

The room in which the child sleeps with the compress should be cool air. Very carefully, you should use alcohol for compresses, you can not use it in large quantities, because skin in children under 7 years partially fulfills the function of respiration, and with an overdose can occur alcohol poisoning the kid. The same applies to the use of vinegar to remove temperature - this is an old folk method of reducing the temperature in a child often leads to poisoning, it is not worth it to use.

Medicinal Plants to Help

The use of medicinal plants - in pharmacies you can buy ready-made breast doses, which you can use inside, and do inhalations. Among medicinal plants, a significant expectorant and mucolytic property possess the following herbs: oregano, altea root, sage, mother-stepmother leaf, anise fruits, licorice root, pine buds.

Breast gathering number 1 Mother and stepmother, althea roots, oregano
Breast gathering number 2 Plantain, mother and stepmother, licorice root
Breast gathering № 3 Sage, althea roots, anise fruits, pine buds, licorice root
Breast gathering № 4 Chamomile, sprouts of ledum, calendula, licorice root, mint, violet grass
Phytopectol № 1 Mother and stepmother, althaea roots, oregano
Phytopectol number 2 Plantain, mother and stepmother, licorice root

Climatic conditions in the patient's room with a dry cough

Creating the optimum humidity and air temperature in the patient's room is also an essential condition for the early transition of dry cough to productive, because dry, dusty, too warm air aggravate the condition of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and the state of the lower respiratory ways. It is very important to observe the right climatic conditions in order to avoid complications from viral and infectious diseases so that pathogens do not descend to the lower respiratory tract.

  • Humidity should be not less than 50%, more precisely from 50 to 70%
  • Air temperature not more than 20С

With dry air, especially in the heating season, you can easily cope with the help of special air humidifiers, on the wound of household appliances they are now a great choice. It is more difficult to create a comfortable temperature, if the apartment has central heating and you can not regulate the heating of the room, in this case, you should always keep the windows open.

It is also very important that the air is clean, for this you should make a daily wet cleaning, the room should be missing carpets and carpeting. It is also best to use air purifiers.

Antitussive - it is dangerous to use without prescription

Combined antitussives with a dry cough should only be used as prescribed by the doctor, such as Sinecode, Stoptusin, Libexin, Broncholiths, since these drugs can lead to stagnation of sputum, mucus in the airways, some of them have a central effect on cough centers.

They are shown with such diseases, when dry cough is painful, it strongly prevents sleep, for example, with whooping cough. It is best to use for the treatment of dry cough Herbion with plantain, Bronchicum, Linkas.


Choosing cough medicine for children

List of cough supplements for childrenChildren get sick very often. This is due to the fact that their immune system is imperfect. Cough can be a manifestation of many diseases: bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, whooping cough, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. The cause is often caused by viruses, less often by bacteria.

The cough can be dry. It is also called unproductive. Attacks of this cough can be excruciating. When sputum appears, talk about a productive, moist cough. The cough medicine for children is chosen taking these features into account.

Treatment of dry cough

An unproductive cough, if it causes discomfort and does not bring relief, must be suppressed. In this case, antitussive drugs are used.

Preparations of the central action

The drugs of this group work at the level of the brain, acting directly on the cough center. Doses of drugs depend on the age of the child. Exceeding the dose increases the risk of developing unwanted reactions.

  • Broncholitin
Broncholitin syrup

The syrup contains glaucine, ephedrine, basil oil. The drug, in addition to suppressing cough, promotes the expansion of the bronchi and reduces the edema of their mucous membranes. It is prescribed for children over three years old. During treatment, there may be drowsiness, weakness. Possible increased blood pressure, palpitations. The head can be dizzy.

  • Sinecod and Codelac Neo

The active substance is butamyrate. There are two forms of release: drops for ingestion and syrup. In addition to antitussive action, the drug causes bronchial dilatation. Drops are contraindicated up to two months, and syrup can be given to children who are already 3 years old.

On the background of treatment, digestive system disorders can sometimes appear in the form of frequent loose stools and nausea. Possible drowsiness and dizziness.

  • Stopoutsin
Stoppussin fito

This is a combination of butamirate and guaifenesin. The second component stimulates the formation and excretion of phlegm. Drops for oral administration can be used to treat babies starting from six months. The medicine is dissolved in any drink, which is very convenient. Syrup can be taken from three years. When calculating the dose, the weight of the child is taken into account.

Side effects are the same as those of the "Sinekod" preparation. But there may still appear shortness of breath, palpitations, it is possible the formation of stones in the urinary system.

  • Kodelak fito
Kodelak fito

It is an elixir that contains codeine, licorice root, thermopsis, herbal extract of thyme. Can be used for children from two years old. You can buy such a drug in a pharmacy only by a special prescription, like any other and codeine-containing remedy.

Side effects are few: disruption of the digestive system, drowsiness and headache.

Preparations of peripheral action

Such drugs block the flow of cough impulses from the larynx, bronchi and trachea into the brain. Often have a local anesthetic effect.

  • Libexin
Libexin tablets

The form of release is only one - tablets, which can not be chewed, so as not to cause anesthesia of the oral mucosa. The dose of such cough medicine should be calculated on the basis of age and body weight.

In addition to digestive and allergic disorders, drowsiness, fatigue, dry mouth and decreased sensitivity of the oral mucosa may occur during treatment.

  • Falimint
Dosage for resorption from coughing

The drug is a dragee for resorption. It has a local anesthetic effect, due to which an unproductive cough is suppressed. It is taken every 2-3 hours, but not more than 10 pills a day. Allowed for use in children older than 5 years. In rare cases, there is an allergy.

Treatment of productive cough

Cough medicines for children in this case are prescribed to facilitate sputum discharge if it is viscous and difficult to separate. Such agents stimulate the secretion of mucus and dilute sputum. Some drugs also have an anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effect.

  • Acetylcysteine ​​(ACTS, Fluimutsil)
Acetylcysteine ​​(ACTS, Fluimutsil)

The forms of output are varied. ATSTS and Fluimutsil are available in the form of effervescent tablets, granules for the preparation of solution and solution for injection. Effervescent tablets are allowed to children from the age of two, granules from six years. Injectable form of the drug is suitable for inhalations. The drug is diluted with saline solution to obtain a 5% solution of acetylcysteine ​​and used through a nebulizer. The procedure can be repeated 3 to 4 times a day.

Children with bronchial asthma may experience shortness of breath and bronchospasm during treatment. When you take the medicine inside, you may have diarrheal disorders. Rarely there is noise in the ears, headache and stomatitis.

  • Carbocysteine ​​(Fljuditek, Libeksin Muko, Fluviert)
Carbocysteine ​​(Fljuditek, Libeksin Muko, Fluviert)

For children, a form such as a syrup is suitable. It acts similarly to acetylcysteine. Contraindicated drug for children under two years. There are few side effects: dyspepsia, malaise, headache and weakness.

  • Ambroxol (Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Ambrosan, Flavamed)
Ambroxol (Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Ambrosan, Flavamed)

For treatment, you can use tablets or syrup. It is allowed to use for children of any age. Tablets can be given if the child is already six years old. The drug is well tolerated, but diarrheal disorders are possible.

Lazolvan still released as a solution for oral administration and inhalation. Drops can be added to any drink from 1 to 2 ml, depending on the age. For inhalation solution diluted: with saline solution and use a nebulizer.

  • Bromhexine

In the pharmacy you can find tablets, pills and syrup. The first two forms are designed for children 6 years and older. Syrup can be given from two years. Treatment can be accompanied by a digestive disorder, headaches, dizziness. In rare cases, gastrointestinal bleeding is possible. Individual intolerance is not ruled out.

Combined preparations

Such means include several components, due to which it is not only an expectorant effect. Depending on the composition, the drug can promote the expansion of the bronchi or reduce the activity of the inflammatory process.

  • Ascoril exponent
Ascoril ekspektorant (syrup)

Contains bromhexine, guaifenesin and euphyllin. The latter component has a bronchodilator effect. A similar composition of the drug "Dzhoset". It is not recommended for use in children under two years of age.

Side effect is rare. On a background of reception the palpitation, convulsions, a tremor, a sleepiness can be marked. The head can be ill and dizzy. Disorders of the digestive system are possible.

  • Kodelak broncho with thyme
Kodelak broncho with thyme (elixir)

The basis of the drug is ambroxol, the action of which is enhanced by sodium glycyrrhizinate and thyme extract. Due to this combination, an anti-inflammatory effect is additionally provided. Syrup can be consumed by children over two years old.

Taking medication can cause dry mouth, disorders in the digestive and urinary system, rhinorrhea.

Preparations based on medicinal herbs

Such medications are usually issued in the form of a syrup or elixir, have a pleasant taste, are easily dosed, cause a minimum of side effects. There are age restrictions.

  • "Linkas" - from 6 months;
  • "Doctor MOM" - from the age of 3;
  • "Suprima-Broncho" - from the age of 3;
  • "Gedelix" - from 2 years;
  • "Bronchicum C" syrup - from the age of 6;
  • "Bronchicum TP" elixir - from 1 year;
  • "Herbion" syrup primrose - from 2 years;
  • "Pertussin" - from 3 years;
  • Syrup of licorice root - from any age.

Erespal and Eladon

Erespal and Eladon

A special place in the treatment of cough is taken by preparations based on fenspiride hydrochloride. Produced in the form of syrup and tablets. Can be prescribed for dry as well as productive cough. Main therapeutic effects: bronchial dilatation, reduction of inflammation activity, reduction of the edema of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree. The drug is used in children from two years old.

The dose depends on the weight of the child's body. Of side effects, changes in the performance of the digestive organs are more frequent. Tachycardia and hypotension develops less often. Sometimes there is drowsiness, dizziness, fast fatigue. Allergic reactions are also possible.

Given such a variety of drugs, a cough medicine for children should be prescribed by a doctor. Only an expert can determine what will be most effective in each case. Any medicine can cause an allergic reaction. And the simultaneous use of antitussive and expectorant drugs is simply unacceptable.


Treat dry cough correctly

With the onset of winter cold, uninvited guests come to our cities - epidemics of acute respiratory diseases. During the epidemic outbreaks of disease all suffer: adults and children, the elderly and pregnant women. The target for pathogens is the respiratory system. Acute respiratory diseases are often complicated by attacks of dry cough.

width = Patients have many questions:
  • how effective is the treatment of dry cough with folk remedies?
  • what medications can you cure a dry cough, and what means should I give up?
  • How to choose safe treatment for dry cough during pregnancy?
  • What are the ways of treating dry cough in children?

Before you start treating any disease, including cough, you need to find out the reasons for its appearance. They can be very diverse. Ideally, treatment methods should influence the immediate cause of the disease. Then the effective effect on the cough will be guaranteed.

Cause of cough - acute tracheobronchitis

The cause that causes acute dry cough in a person is most often a respiratory viral infection. With the weakening of the defenses of the organism, viruses are joined by pathogenic bacteria as pathogens. With such a course of illness, doctors talk about acute bronchitis or tracheobronchitis.

Symptoms characterizing acute viral bronchitis:

  • dry or unproductive cough;
  • moderate general weakness;
  • shortness of breath (in some cases);
  • increased body temperature;
  • absence of infiltrative changes in the lungs on the roentgenogram.

To treat cough with acute bronchitis apply a variety of medications: antiviral, antimicrobial, expectorant, as well as symptomatic antitussives. Most often, the treatment of dry cough in adults is carried out at home (outpatient) conditions.

Folk methods

A plentiful warm drink with a dry coughPatients with bouts of dry cough will be helped by an abundant warm drink - tea with lime color, honey or raspberries (in the absence of allergic reactions), alkaline warmed-up mineral water. A mild expectorant effect has warm milk with soda, taken inwards.

Some folk recipes for cough healing contain the recommendation of adding badger oil to warm milk. Probably, the real fat of a wild badger has curative properties. Doubts cause the authenticity of the drug called "badger fat offered in pharmacies. If you estimate the volume of supplies, badgers need to be bred on fur farms, like pigs, in order to get a sufficient amount of the drug. But, then the healing qualities of this fat will not come from anywhere if the animals are kept in captivity.

Gorchiki or pepper plaster will reduce pain in the trachea, soften the effects of barking cough. They can be applied in the interblade area. Applicable oil and semi-alcohol compresses on the chest, improving blood circulation in the diseased organ. A good effect with a low-yield cough is applying iodine mesh to the skin of the retina or subscapular zones of the chest. Place the iodine netting alternating to avoid burning the skin.

Medical banks for the treatment of respiratory diseases are used, probably only in Russia. Despite the seeming old-fashionedness, the method has not lost its merits. With this method, you can cure cough, stimulating protective forces and improving blood circulation. Most likely, this method has some other mechanisms of treatment, unknown to official science.

Expectorant drugs

Sometimes with a dry, low-yielding cough, a small amount of viscous, sticky phlegm periodically leaves. In such cases, mucolytics, which dilute bronchial mucus, are used. Inhalation of mucolytics solution is carried out with a special device - a nebulizer. Expectorants and mucolytics in syrups or tablets are also prescribed for ingestion. It is important not to exceed the recommended daily doses of the medicine, so as not to increase the superficial dry cough and burning in the trachea.

In violation of patency of the bronchi with shortness of breath and a painful dry cough patient is shown bronchodilators - drugs that relieve spasms of the muscular layer of the bronchial wall. Safe and effective bronchodilators for reducing cough and dyspnea are used in the form of inhalation through a nebulizer. These drugs (berodual, ipratropium bromide, salbutamol) are approved for use in children with asthma-like cough. Inhalation with bronchodilators adults and children is easy to perform at home with a nebulizer.

Treatment with antibiotics - to be or not to be?

Doctors around the world for many years have not come to a common opinion on the treatment of acute bronchitis with antibiotics. For each sick person and child, the decision is made by his attending physician individually. Acute non-obstructive bronchitis (bronchitis without dyspnea) has a favorable prognosis both for life and for the patient's ability to work.

Stop dry cough - can or can not?

There are in the arsenal of doctors antitussive drugs that block dry cough. These are the products that contain small amounts of vegetable alkaloid codeine. There are also synthetic analogues that suppress the cough reflex. Examples include such drugs as libexin, stoptussin and some others. Applying antitussives, you need to be sure of the absence of a serious lung disease, where cough is only a symptom. Other causes of low-productivity cough in children and adults can be as follows:

  • whooping cough - childhood infectious disease;
  • ingress of a foreign body into the bronchi;
  • tubercular bronchoadenitis - inflammation of the lymph node and perforation of the bronchus due to tuberculosis infection;
  • cancer of the bronchus;
  • dry pleurisy of various origin;
  • cough form of bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure - cardiac asthma.

Blocking the cough reflex in this situation will not cure the patient, but will complicate the diagnosis and worsen the prognosis. Before taking antitussive drugs, you need to consult a doctor, go through the examination to determine the diagnosis.

Drugs against dry cough in pregnant women

width = Treatment of cough in pregnant women has its own characteristics because of the safety requirements of the drug for the fetus. In medicine, the following rule applies: the drug is not used to treat pregnant women without first checking for laboratory animals of its possible effect on the fetus. And yet, about 5% of congenital malformations of infants are due to the intake of various drugs by their mothers during pregnancy.

In acute bronchitis in pregnant women, accompanied by fever and dry cough, you have to apply antibiotic treatment. In such cases, prescribe drugs that are safe for the future of the child, but effective against the alleged pathogens of the disease. These are funds from the class of new macrolides - josamycin, rovamycin, spiramycin, and also drugs from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, lincomycin or fuzidine may be prescribed.

As expectorants, softening the dry cough, pregnant women can use medicinal herbs (except marigold and sprouts of Ledum) and alkaline warm drink. If cough is accompanied by shortness of breath, then treatment with inhalants is necessary. You can apply a solution of ipratropium bromide (atrovent) and / or salbutamol. for inhalation with a nebulizer.


List of medicines for dry and wet cough for children. A cough medicine for children from year to year. Expectorants for children

It's strange, but when a cough occurs in an adult person, he ignores this phenomenon, saying that he feels well. But it costs the child to choke, then restless mothers begin to stuff him with syrups, pills and other various medicines.

But why not admit the idea that the child is completely healthy, and cough only indicates the ingress of foreign particles into the respiratory tract?! Let's study its nature in children in more detail, consider the list of drugs and identify an effective cough medicine for children from year to year.

Does the cough always signal a sickness?

Cough is due to ingress of foreign particles (mucus, dust, pollen, food) that irritate the larynx, trachea, bronchi, pleura. In fact, this phenomenon is a physiological reflex even in times of illness, when the patient coughs up phlegm.

In what cases does the cough in children have a physiological cause, when there are no symptoms of the disease, and the baby is absolutely healthy?

  • Morning. After a night's sleep, the child may have a slight cough. This is due to the fact that during the night in the bronchi accumulates slime.
  • Thoracic. For babies, coughing is a characteristic phenomenon, since the baby can choke while crying or feeding.
  • Artificial. Infants, fighting for the attention of mom and dad, can induce a single cough, noticing once the anxiety on their faces.
  • "Dental". During the eruption of milk teeth, children develop increased salivation, which can contribute to cough reflex.
  • Protective cough occurs when small objects or food crumbs get into the respiratory tract. In this case, you need to remove the foreign body, most often require medical help.

In these cases, it is not necessary to give expectorants to children. The cough medicine should be selected competently, so as not to worsen the child's well-being. Harmless cough is different from catarrhal short-term, episodic. It does not affect the health of the child.

Character of cough during illnesses

If the cough becomes a consequence of the disease, then the baby does not sleep well, eats, plays, starts to be capricious, cry. In this case, the disease leaves its imprint on the cough reflex:

good cough for a child
  • with catarrhal diseases, acute respiratory infections, acute cough increases in a few hours or days, turning from dry to wet;
  • laryngitis causes coughing barking, dry, agonizing, hoarse, accompanied by wheezing, shortness of breath;
  • when tracheitis appears loud, "thoracic a deep and painful "booze
  • Pharyngitis is characterized by a dry cough that occurs due to perspiration in the throat;
  • bronchitis "bun" is similar to trachea, but it is without pain and is accompanied by the release of sputum;
  • pneumonia can cause a wet, deep, chest cough with pain in the ribs, if the disease is caused bacteria, or dry, paroxysmal, loud, painless, if the cause of the disease were chlamydia;
  • with influenza coughing strong, dry, painful, intensifying at high temperature;
  • measles in the first two days causes a dry, weak painless cough, whereas after skin rashes it becomes rough and husky.

In this case, even an expensive medicine for children from a dry cough will not help, because the treatment should be comprehensive.

Allergic cough

After catarrhal diseases, children may have an asthmatic or recurrent cough. It lasts more than two weeks and is continually repeated after illness. This may be the cause of obstructive bronchitis, then along with the cough, there is also a temperature, and sore throat, and rhinitis.

cough medicine

If the cough is not accompanied by signs of a cold, but is caused by allergens, cold air, physical exertion, the child may have asthma. Such a cough occurs as a reaction to allergies (wool, fluff, plant pollen, dust, food). It may appear during uneven breathing, for example, the child ran into, took a deep breath or took a sip of cold air. An allergic cough usually appears before dawn, as a reaction to shortness of breath and shortness of breath.

Observe the child: most often, along with an allergy, sneezing, lacrimation, skin rashes, redness, itching appear. In no case do not apply for advice on the forum, do not read reviews about cough medicines and do not experiment on the child, as in all the illness proceeds in different ways.

Be sure to ask for medical pediatric care. And if the child's well-being stabilizes after receiving bronchodilators, then we can talk about the appearance of bronchial asthma.

How can parents determine which cough a child has?

If the baby has a described symptom, then do not panic, call a doctor right away or look for medications. Pay attention to the following points:

  • How does the child behave during a cough? If the kid does not pay attention to it, continues to play, then, most likely, it is a protective reaction of the body. But if the child is capricious or, conversely, becomes quiet, tries to lie down, then you need to measure the temperature.cough medicine for children from year
  • Is there a fever and other cold symptoms in the baby? If the temperature is 37, then watch the child for a day. Sometimes the cause of this temperature can be overheating (bought in hot water or too warmly dressed in the street), then it will disappear after a couple of hours.
  • Is the cough reflected on the overall well-being of the baby? Maybe the baby does not eat well, sleeps, plays, or does his behavior become unnatural?
  • Did the child swallow the small details during the game?

If the children have no signs of disease, then the cough has a protective physiological nature, so there is no need to look for a good cough medicine for the child. But with a protracted phenomenon, consult a doctor, perhaps there are other reasons for the appearance of this symptom.

If the cough is a consequence of the disease

Your actions:

  • to measure the temperature;
  • to examine the throat, tonsils, ears, eyes, nose;
  • clarify the child, where it hurts;
  • see if there are rashes on the skin;
  • Listen to what cough: dry, barking, intermittent, paroxysmal, wet, hoarse, with phlegm;
  • Call a doctor.

Watch for the child's well-being, the nature of the course of the disease and the type of cough. For example, with catarrhal diseases, "booze" from dry can turn into a wet one due to an intensified rhinitis, whereas with a flu coughing proceeds without acute rhinitis.

reviews of cough medicines

However, cough without fever, runny nose, sore throat can be a consequence of the occurrence of ascaris in the child, allergies, digestive tract diseases and even with cardiovascular ailments. Therefore, if the described phenomenon lasts more than two weeks, it is better to consult a doctor and express your fears, rather than give a medicine for a strong cough uncontrollably.

A prolonged nocturnal "booze" may indicate such diseases as rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. In this case, children have nasal discharge of white and green, strong nasal congestion. Be sure to seek advice from the otolaryngologist!

Basic and auxiliary medications that eliminate cough

If you contact a pharmacist for advice on what to buy a cough medicine for children from one year or older, then in return you can get dozens of names: Codeine, "Demorfan "Sedotussin "Sinekod "Libeksin "Gelitsidin "Stoptussin "Broncholitin "Lorain "Herbion "Mukaltin "Ambrobene "ATSTS "Lazolvan Bromgeksin Sinupret "and other

Medicines of this category are divided into 3 types:

  • drugs that prevent cough reflex due to exposure to nerve cells in the brain;
  • medicines that affect the bronchi and their mucous membranes;
  • drugs that reduce sputum production.

Some of them can be harmful to the children's body, since they have narcotic substances, others are inactive, since the organism does not perceive them. Therefore, the pediatrician after the examination writes out his treatment.

  • Babies up to a year appoint syrups, inhalations, ointments, essential oils, less often sprays.
  • Older children may be prescribed tablets.

The most effective inhalation, as the child deeply inhales the vapors of the drug. But the duration of the procedure and the proportions of the medication with saline solution should be specified by the pediatrician. In any case, when there is a dry cough, the doctor's task is to prescribe a drug that transforms it into a moist one, and then helps to get the phlegm out of the body.

What medicines give children from a dry cough

1. Tablets "Libexin" is better to use when there are cold symptoms. Affect the nerve receptors, inhibiting the cough reflex, but do not depress the respiratory center. Tablets can be given to preschool children.

2. The plant-based preparation "Linkas" in the form of syrup has an expectorant, antitussive, bronchodilator, spasmolytic effect. This is a cough medicine for children from the year who do not have diabetes.

medicine for children from a dry cough

3. Pills "Bithiodine" peripherally affect the cough receptors, do not have any drug components and any side effects. Therefore, they can be assigned to children.

4. Tablets "Stoptussin" refer to antitussive drugs and have a mucolytic effect due to butamirate and guaifenesin. They have a number of contraindications and are assigned to adolescents from 12 years of age.

5. The "Broncholitin" syrup perfectly copes with the cough, reducing the sputum and enlarging the bronchi. Suitable for children from three years old. Despite a wide range of uses, this drug has a number of contraindications and side effects.

What kind of medicine for a wet cough is given to children?

1. Syrup "Gerbion" from a moist cough has an expectorant effect. It has a peculiar taste and smell, so not all children drink it.

2. Tablets "Termopsis" increase the excretion of phlegm and make it more viscous. This drug is contraindicated in infants, who can not cough up the sputum.

3. Syrup-like "Lazolvan" - a cure for a damp cough to a child, stimulates sputum production, but does not suppress cough. This medication can be produced for inhalation, which allows for the treatment of infants.

4. The drug "Ambroxol" in the form of tablets is aimed at increasing mucus secretions. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.

5. Tablets "ACTS" can be prescribed to young children in the treatment of a damp cough. Thanks to acetylcysteine, sputum dilutes and exits the body. Despite the merits of the drug, there are a lot of side effects, so treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.

cough for a child

What are expectorant

- The medicine for cough "Sinekod" in the form of syrup is used against dry cough and during the disease with whooping cough. Has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bronchodilating effect. It is applied no more than 7 days in a syrup for preschool children over three years old, for babies it is sold in drugstores in the form of drops.

- Gedelix syrup perfectly displays sputum. A medicine of plant origin is produced in Germany. In its composition it does not have dyes, sugar, flavors, alcohol, so it can be used since infants.

- The drug "Dr. Theiss" in the form of syrup is made in Germany. Effective in controlling wet cough. It facilitates breathing during night sleep and displays phlegm. Do not give children up to a year.

- Medicinal herb "Doctor Mom" ​​in the form of tablets, troches, syrup. Allows you to transform a dry cough into wet and withdraw phlegm from the body. It is prescribed for children from three years old.

- Tablets and syrup "Bromhexin" increase sputum production, making it viscous. Great for children over three years old.

Effective cough medicine for children from year

As you can see, there is a lot of medicines from dry and wet cough. In each category there are subgroups of medicines that have a wide range of effects due to combined functions. Such medicines include "Stoptussin "Broncholitin "Doctor Mom" ​​and others.

cough medicine

Try to treat small children from cough with rubbing, mustard plasters, ointments, inhalations, vegetable decoctions and syrups. For infants, pediatricians can prescribe drugs such as Doctor Theiss, Lazolvan, Linkas, Gedelix, etc., but everything will depend on the individual tolerability of medicines and nature the course of the disease.

In any case, parents need to remember two things:

1. Before buying a drug, specify in the pharmacy about contraindications and side effects. If there are concerns, you must immediately return to the pediatrician and specify the method of treatment.

2. If the doctor has prescribed a new cough medicine for you from year to year, follow the reaction of the baby's body.


Tablets from dry cough to adults: a list of inexpensive and effective drugs

Cough is a protective reaction to various irritating factors. A similar symptom may occur if dust, smoke or chemicals get into the pharynx. Cough is often developed for allergies. But most often the cause of development of an unpleasant symptom is any infectious disease. Dry cough irritates the throat, does not allow to sleep at night. Initially, it is necessary to make phlegm less viscous. There are effective tablets from dry cough to adults, with which you can quickly get rid of the problem.

Why there is a dry cough?

In most cases, dry cough is observed with ARI or influenza. Such a symptom may indicate irritation of the mucous membrane with an extraneous object. Severe attacks of dry cough may indicate the development of bronchial asthma or pneumonia. A characteristic symptom is a whistle when inhaled. This condition requires urgent care. You will need treatment in a hospital. Effective tablets from dry cough will be part of complex therapy.

pills for dry coughing adultsIn rare cases, dry cough can occur when treating high blood pressure. Such drugs as "Maleate "Liznopril "Enalapril" can lead to irritation of the mucosa. For the treatment of cough in this case, no special medication is needed. It is only necessary to cancel the drug from high blood pressure or to reduce its dosage.

An allergic reaction to spring flowering or animal hair can cause bronchospasm. In this case, dry cough manifests itself sharply and does not stop until the patient takes an antihistamine. Frequent manifestation of an allergic cough is a serious problem. If you do not deal with its elimination, bronchial asthma can develop.

What medicine should I choose for a dry cough?

In pharmacies, you can find a lot of drugs with which you can overcome the dry cough. Treatment, tablets and medicines should be prescribed only by a doctor. To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you must first identify the cause. The specialist conducts a series of tests that allow you to put the correct diagnosis. After all, the treatment of an allergic cough with mild expectorants will not yield any results.

dry cough cough pillIf a patient has a dry, painful cough that does not allow him to sleep properly and perform daily duties, the combination drugs are usually prescribed. These are medicines that promote liquefaction of phlegm, and also relieve throat irritation. It is worth remembering that mucolytic tablets from dry cough to adults and children are never taken with antitussive drugs. Below is a list of tablets that are most often prescribed to adults.


A popular mucolytic agent with an expectorant effect. Assign the drug in the development of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum. Bromhexine tablets help to thin the secretion in the bronchi, so that the dry cough grows into a productive cough. The drug may be part of a comprehensive therapy of chronic pneumonia and bronchial asthma. Contraindications tablets almost do not have. In rare cases, there is an increased sensitivity to individual components of the drug.

tablets from a dry cough omnitusTablets "Bromhexine" can not be taken simultaneously with codeine-containing drugs. Such treatment will not give any result. Only under the supervision of a specialist should the drug be used by patients who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Adults take one tablet three times a day. As soon as the dry cough grows into a productive cough, you should stop taking Bromhexine.


Popular tablets from dry cough to adults, the main active substance in which is ambroxol hydrochloride. As auxiliary components are lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch and microcrystalline cellulose. The drug "Khaliksol" has an excellent mucolytic and expectorant effect. It is prescribed for the treatment of acute conditions of chronic respiratory diseases. If liquefaction of mucus is necessary for infectious diseases of ENT organs, the tablets "Haliksol" are also used.

dry cough medication tabletsDo not prescribe the drug to children until they reach the age of five. During pregnancy, tablets can be taken only from the second trimester under the supervision of a doctor. People with renal insufficiency do not prescribe the medicinal product "Khaliksol".


Popular mucolytic tablets from dry cough to adults. Like the previous remedy, the drug "Lazolvan" is made on the basis of ambroxol. Additionally used are lactose monohydrate, corn starch, silicon dioxide colloid, and also magnesium stearate. Tablets "Lazolvan" are excellent for treating dry cough with ARI and flu, as well as for liquefying sputum in pneumonia and bronchial asthma. Do not prescribe the drug in the first half of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. In juveniles, tablets "Lazolvan" are contraindicated.

It's worth remembering that Lazolvan tablets are a mucolytic drug. Therefore, it should not be taken together with antitussive drugs. This will only lead to difficulty in excretion of sputum from the bronchi.

tablets from dry cough libexinWhen dry cough occurs adults take one tablet of the drug "Lazolvan" three times a day. As soon as the cough becomes productive, the medication is stopped.


Very good pills for coughing dry. Medication belongs to the group of mucolytic agents. The medicine, like the previous ones, is based on ambroxol hydrochloride. As auxiliary elements, calcium hydrophosphate dihydrate, carboxymethyl starch sodium, magnesium stearate, as well as silicon dioxide colloidal. If there is a dry cough, tablets from the cough "Ambroghexal" can give a positive effect in the first days of admission. The drug is prescribed for bronchial asthma, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis.

"Ambrohexal" in tablets is not prescribed for babies under 6 years, as well as for women in the first half of pregnancy. During the period of breastfeeding the drug is also contraindicated. Only under the supervision of a doctor should people take pills with peptic ulcer. In rare cases, there may be increased sensitivity to the main components of the drug.


A popular antitussive drug, made in the form of tablets. The main component is butamyrate citrate. In addition, hypromellose, silicon dioxide, colloidal anhydrous, lactose monohydrate, and also magnesium stearate are used. Tablets from dry cough "Omnitus" are prescribed for stopping severe attacks caused by infectious diseases such as influenza, whooping cough, ARD. The agent can also be prescribed to suppress reflex cough after surgery.

when dry cough what tabletsOne of the least expensive are these tablets from a dry cough. The price of the drug in pharmacies does not exceed 200 rubles. But you should not buy a drug without the recommendations of a specialist. Often there is sensitivity to certain elements of the drug. Contraindicated tablets "Omnitus" also during lactation. In the second half of pregnancy, a drug should be used only if the potential benefit to the mother exceeds the potential harm to the baby.


If there is a dry cough in an adult, the tablets "Libexin" will be able to help. The main substance of the medicine is. As auxiliary components, talc, glycerin, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, and corn starch are used. Tablets from dry cough "Libexin" can be taken with various inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract. Often prescribe the drug before the bronchoscopic examination.

Tablets "Libexin" are contraindicated in patients with diseases in which there is an increased secretion of bronchial secretions. Children and pregnant women are not contraindicated. Treatment must necessarily take place under the supervision of a physician. In rare cases, increased sensitivity to the main components of the drug.


Not everyone knows if a dry cough develops, which pills take. Many seek to achieve several effects simultaneously. For such purposes, combined medicament preparations were created. A bright representative is the pill "Stoptussin which have an expectorant and antitussive effect. The main active ingredient is butamyrate dihydrocitrate. In addition, silicon dioxide colloidal, microcrystalline cellulose, glyceryl tribehenate, and magnesium stearate are used. Tablets "Stoptussin" appointed for the treatment of dry irritant cough, which develops due to infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

effective tablets against dry coughDo not prescribe the drug "Stoptussin" for patients under 12 years, as well as women in the first trimester of pregnancy. During breastfeeding, tablets can only be used after consultation with the pediatrician.


Good and inexpensive tablets from dry cough to adults. The composition of the drug includes paracetamol, chlorphenamine, as well as phenylephrine. The drug has a combined effect. It should be taken when the first symptoms of a common cold appear in adults. Tablets "Lorain" effectively dilute sputum, help reduce body temperature, as well as general improvement in the patient's condition.

Medication is not prescribed for children under 6 years old, as well as pregnant lactating women. People with a tendency to allergic reactions and gastrointestinal problems should be taken with caution.

Can I do without medication?

With a dry cough, which pills will work best, only the doctor can tell. But what if I can not ask for help? There are folk methods that will temporarily remove unpleasant symptoms. Perfectly dilute sputum warm drinks. It is worth heating the milk and adding a teaspoon of honey. Such a drink is not only expectorant, but also removes the irritation of the pharynx. In addition, milk with honey is very tasty.

Good results are given by conventional inhalations with medicinal herbs. It is necessary to bring two liters of water to a boil and add a little chamomile. Breathing is necessary over a container with hot water, covered with a towel.


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