Unrefined mustard oil: use and harm, medicinal properties for the organism

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Mustard oil is made by pressing the seeds of mustard.

The product is used in many areas of human activity: traditional medicine, cooking, cosmetology, sports medicine, canning, etc.

It's all about rich composition and unusual taste qualities of mustard.

  • Chemical composition
  • Benefits and harm
    • Possible consequences
  • Ways of use and recipes
    • Cosmetology
  • Home cooking

Chemical composition

Mustard oil is of great nutritional value, primarily due to two essential amino acids( omega-3 and omega-6) and fatty acids( mono- and polyunsaturated).

And also immunomodulators and antioxidants used for prevention and treatment of oncological diseases .

The composition includes:

  • a wide set of vitamins of group A, B3( PP), B4, B6, D, E( tocopherol), F, K,
  • phytosterols( possess bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties),
  • chlorophylls,
  • glycosides,
  • phytoncidesand essential oils.

Of minerals: magnesium, iron and calcium. Caloric content is 884 kcal / 100 g.

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100g Product Number mg
proteins ~ 0,0
water ~ 0,0
polyunsaturated fats ~ 11,60
monounsaturated fats ~ 60,0
polyunsaturated fats ~ 21,0
carbohydrates ~0,0

And you know how to take olive oil, the benefits and harm of which are described in the current article.

Read about the benefits and harm of mulberry, the photo of which is placed on this page.

Benefits and harm

The diverse and heterogeneous composition of mustard( benefit and harm to the body) affects many aspects of human health:

    • digestion - beneficially affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, stimulates the release of enzymes, in general, improving all digestion processes;
    • liver - the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids and B4 vitamins contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and the release of bile.
      Useful for hepatitis, dystrophy, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis and gallbladder disease;
    • immunity - phytoncides, essential oils and chlorophylls - are natural antibiotics, improving immunity and providing protective effect.
      Mustard oil helps fight parasites( how to get rid yourself read here) of the intestine:
        • ascarids,
        • helminths,
        • opisthorchiasis.

      Heals wounds, cuts and other injuries and damages to the skin, killing bacteria and pathogens;

    • muscles and joints - the composition includes the glycoside sinigrin, which has the ability to warm up and improve blood circulation in muscles and joints.
      When rubbing oil, the tension, pain and swelling decrease, which has found application in sports medicine.
      Treats such diseases as: arthritis, sciatica, gout, rheumatism, sprain and others;
    • cardiovascular system - unsaturated fats lower blood cholesterol levels and purify arteries from dangerous deposits, preventing the formation of thrombi.
      Vitamins of group A and E heal walls of vessels and strengthen them, increasing elasticity and elasticity.
      Vitamin B6 and chlorophyll contribute to the production of hemoglobin, which is useful in anemia.
      Regular consumption of mustard oil increases blood coagulability;
    • sexual system - the constituent vitamins of groups B and E improve the sexual functions of both women and men.
      Vitamin E is part of the sperm of men and is involved in the formation of the human gene pool, affecting the future offspring.
      Phytoncides help fight prostate adenoma, and unsaturated fats regulate the hormonal balance of the female reproductive system, reducing the risk of other diseases;
      It is used in the treatment of female infertility and "heavy menstrual";
    • pregnancy - the presence of a large number of nutrients helps the normal development of the fetus, minimizing possible complications.
      Chlorophyll and vitamin E improve the quality of breast milk and its nutritional properties, in addition, it makes it more delicious for the baby;
    • growth and development of children - a natural set of almost all the vitamins necessary for the construction of new tissues strengthens the children's body and helps healthy development.
      Oil is on the list of recommended foods by the Ministry of Health in the diet of pre-school children;
    • respiratory system - treats sore throat, bronchitis and other ailments associated with upper respiratory tract;

And what do you know about celandine, recipes, medicinal properties and contraindications which are published in a useful article? Read about the recommendations of traditional medicine on the use of medicinal plants.

One hundred more useful than olives or olives?find out the answer in this material.

On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ produkty-pitaniya / podsolnechnoe-maslo.html it is written, what is useful is unrefined sunflower oil.

  • improves vision,
  • prophylaxis of obesity , caused by metabolic disturbances;
  • suffering from a nervous system disorder( B vitamins);
  • oncology ( about the medicinal properties of elderberry black is written here) - natural antioxidants and anticarcinogens help fight cancer and prevent the formation of malignant tumors.

Possible effects of

The negative effect of this product on the body is minimal. Some varieties of mustard are known, containing a large amount of erucic acid in the seeds, which accumulates in the tissues, and has a destructive effect.

The level of erucic acid is controlled and products with its high content are not allowed( no more than 5%) to be sold.

When used locally, there is a risk of dermatitis in people with sensitive skin. A compatibility test is performed before use.

Oil contained in the oil glucosinolate, during oxidation forms harmful sulfur compounds.

This causes disruption of many organs.

It is not recommended for people with severe impairment of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland( the root of the tentacle white, the use for treatment) and the heart.

There is a possibility of individual intolerance of the product components.

Uses and recipes

Mustard oil can be consumed both as a food product and as a cosmetic product. Consider several recipes for the preparation and use of this healing "potion".


Face Mask

  1. Prepare a mixture of mustard and coconut oil 50 to 50 and apply on face.
  2. Massage face with this agent for 5 minutes and then rinse with clean water.
  3. Regularly, repeating the manipulations once a day, the skin will get a healthy appearance, the pores will be cleaned and the face will be rejuvenated.

Hair treatment

To strengthen the hair, a mixture of coconut, mustard and olive oil is applied, which is applied to the hair for 1-2 hours, and then washed off.

A large number of vitamins and nutrients strengthen the hair, make it firm and healthy.

The dandruff of and other diseases associated with the destruction of the tissues of the head cover disappears.

Destructive pathogens causing discomfort and itching. The oil is quickly absorbed and penetrates deep into the tissues, cleansing the area of ​​application.

Against wrinkles

  1. Mix 50 mg of mustard and one drop of sandalwood, mint and rose oils.
  2. Daily to wipe the skin of the face.
  3. Wrinkles will be smoothed, similar to the use of apricot kernel oil for the face.
  4. The skin will get a healthy look.

For oily face skin

  • Take one tablespoon of mustard oil and two drops of lavender oil and cloves,
  • mix and soak the tissue tissue,
  • wipe the skin daily.

The oily shine will disappear, black dots and spots will gradually dissolve, the skin will lighten.

With brittle nails

  1. Heat the oil until warm and add 5 drops of iodine.
  2. Soar hands or feet 1 time per week.

Useful for fungal nail diseases, as mustard destroys them.

This same recipe helps with excessive sweating of the feet caused by both fungal infections and natural body properties.

Too frequent procedure can burn the skin. Be careful.

Home cooking

Attitude to mustard oil as a food product throughout the world is ambiguous. In some countries, it is prohibited, and in others, on the contrary, it is popular.

It is assumed that when cooking, there is a risk of carcinogens in the decomposition of fats, but the same is said about sunflower oil.

In India, mustard oil has been consumed for millennia, and there it is considered useful. So far, there is no direct evidence of harm to the body, so you do not need to be afraid.

Oil will give an unusual taste to fried meat, fish and potatoes. It does not smoke and not bitter, on the contrary emphasizing and supplementing the original taste of the dish.

It prepares salads from vegetables, thereby prolonging the shelf life,

The oil has antiseptic properties, and at the same time makes the taste soft and gentle.

Pancakes and pancakes do not burn if they are fried with mustard oil.

Porridges and pasta dishes become more saturated and nutritious, thanks to essential oils and a complex of vitamins.

Experimenting, you can invent new delicious dishes yourself, which will also be useful for the whole family.

This product has a large set of substances that will benefit in the right quantities, and if used abusively, they will harm.

Vitamins and essential oils are very toxic, and with their excess the body experiences stress, being poisoned when trying to get rid of excess.

Moderation is necessary in everything. With side symptoms, it is recommended to consult a dietician or a doctor. Only they can give an objective assessment and recommend or prohibit the use of mustard oil.

We suggest you to look brief video review devoted to mustard oil.